I swear though, there is no reason that people at work should be treated badly. That's just not right.
Life is too short to get caught up in someone else's personal hell.
I've got a lot of options open to me, and that's great!
I'd imagine most of the people at work don't even know they have options.
I'm always amazed at how so many people go through life without thinking about it.
They just go about everyday as if they were going to live forever.
When I get treated badly again, I'll just simply smile.
In my mind I'll say,
- "I know where you are coming from, because I've been there".
- "I know what your dreams are. You have none".
- "I know how you think. You haven't evolved much past the canine species."
- "I know, if you have kids, they love their GameBoy more than they love you. That's because you aren't fun."
- "And I know where you'll be in 10 years...right there at your desk."
And if whoever I'm talking to looks at me, maybe they'll realize that I'm free.
No one can predict where I'll be in 10 years.
And I certainly won't be letting someone else do my thinking for me.
This is my life, and I'll plan it myself.
There's only 36,000 days left till New Life's Eve.