Hi there Renee
It's mom. I read your blog.
I want you to know that I don't
think of the past. I think of good
not bad. How was Thankgiving?

We talked to Robert on the phone
last weekend. He told us that he came
over for Thanksgiving. I bet Amy is really
growing. I herd she is takeing a few step's
at a time. Did she do that when she was there
at Thanksgiving? We miss all of you very much.
I need to know when is the best time to call you
on the weekend's? Have you set a court date to
get your name changed? Jim will put your picture
on your blog when he get's a chance. He has been
working on his website alot.

Love You


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:21:51 PM, From: becky, To: Renee