Mikey Mikey
Hey Mikey…how's it going? I just found out my Aunt Tass (who I've hardly ever even talked to) lives on the beach, an hour away from Orlando.
My dad said she has a guest house we could have lived in!!! Wow.
Dad's brother (Art) did very well in life. The temptation would be to ask her if I could use her place for storage, but that would be completely rude.
We'll probably be leaving Savanna around 2ish, but all of my time estimates have been way off so far.
Its a 4.5 hour drive from here to Orlando.
I've desparately tried to patch the leak in my camper shell.
Maybe the best thing to do would be to get a nearby storage unit for 1 week.

Then we all could concentrate on getting furniture after work.

I'd expect I'm going to have to do most of the lugging moving in, which is just fine.
The lugging for me will be easy. I've figured out ways to carry anything with one hand. LOL
What'll be hard is getting this 180lb body up and down those stairs.
It would be nice to have that little break one gets while travelling between storage and the apartment.

Friday, September 23, 2005 9:59:18 AM, From: jim, To: Stories