FINALLY, with the visibility being 1/2 mile outsid
The news mentions the air quality!
I wonder how many kids got diagnosed for having asthma today!
I've got ash on my hood. Everything outside smells like brush fire.
After 5 days of smoke inhalation (and not from cigs), its mentioned that the air out may be harmful to your health. I know 5 people with uncommon headaches, pains. They are sneezing, coughing, and have watery eyes. Funny how cause and effect can be so hard to link up at times. This happens every year around this time. Good ol 4th of July.
Here's a prediction for you all.
The 1900's - Flourinated water, chlorinated water, water conditioning and finally bottled water.
The 2000's - Air Conditioning, oxygen bars, bottled oxygen, cars with piped in air.
Don't laugh, its not funny. With the awareness being focused on the inside air, being poisoned by cigarette smoke, not much attention is given to the outside air. Most people still think oxygen is flamable, and that carbon monoxide is visible. LOL.
Personally, from what I've read and heard
I think oxygen is a wonderful aid to healing. Every cell in the body needs it.
Wouldn't it be terrible if something we're breathing now caused sterility in our species 50 years from now.
Hmmm. Sounds like good Sci-Fi.
I do hope someone is out there keeping our species longevity in check.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:34:58 PM, From: Jim, To: Stories