2010s - Whats coming in:
Keyboardless PCs (exists)
Cell phone projectors (exists)
AI Voice recognation that can replace human translators (exists)
AI Text recognition able to scan any language and understand
AI digitizing of all records from recorded history
Live Global Imaging
Main frame/PC with greater than human intelligence
3D TV flat screen (waiting for communication technology to catch up)
3D TV cube screen (waiting for communication technology to catch up)
3D TV projection anywhere (waiting for 3D projection system)
Wearable internet, replacing cell phones (getting there)
Eyebuds/sound/audio projection (getting there)
Vehicles that drive themselves (getting there)
Portable solid state pedabyte storage (getting there)
Portable Mortgages
Greyer lines drawn between renters and owners
* (Exists) means its technology is here now, but needs improvement
2010s - Whats going out - Things:
Hard drives, keyboards, mouses, landlines, wire nets, Cell phones, albums, cd's, tape, dvd, blue-ray
Sewage, as we know it
Petroleum fuel
ID cards
Computer languages
2010s - Whats going out - Business Types:
Video Rental Stores
Delivery Professions
Software resellers
Mortgage Companies
Office buildings
2010s - Whats going out - Professions:
Programmers like me
Truck drivers, commercial drivers
2010s - Whats going mobile - Professions: