I think I finally understand existance
When we die, we die in the present portion of time. Our parts are recycled for the future. Our past remains fixed in the past.
The past and the future are as real as the present. We are not set up to understand them. Our state is set to the present.
We won't be in this state ever again, and we have no tools to imagine any other state.
But one can imagine that 100 years in the future, we will be dead in present time. We are currenty, the real, living, ghosts of the future.
I don't feel like a ghost, and I don't feel like a spirit either. And I don't feel dead. But, I am, one hundred years from now.
I believe all existance has already been predetermined. Life is like a movie where you don't know what is going to happen next.
There is only one path that could have brought us to the present, and there is only path possible into the future.
With that said, nothing is random. Our pain and joy, the decisions that we make, and the paths we take, all of these will have had to happen.
Our existance in the present is just a short ride.
I think it is like a rollar coaster, where we go in the same circle over and over again. It may be that we get to pick different seats each time around.
Monday, September 7, 2009 6:05:09 AM, From: jim, To: Life