-- This is a comment
! This is a comment
! This is a bracketted comment !
STRING         - 1 bytes integer 0 to 255, EG STRING(2) x; is a 2 byte ascii string
INT            - 2 bytes, 0 to 65,535 or -32,768 to + 32,767. This can also be a string EG: INT twochars := "CH";
INT(32)        - 4 bytes
UNSIGNED(1~15) - n bits, 0 thru (2**n - 1)
UNSIGNED(16)   - 0 to 65,535, or -32,768 to +32,767. This is your standard address
FIXED          - 8 bytes, for FIXED(0) or FIXED(*) the range is -9 kazillion to +9 kazillion
REAL           - 4 bytes, precise to 9 digits
REAL(64)       - 8 bytes, precise to 17 digits

INT(16)   is the same as INT
INT(64)   is the same as FIXED(0)
REAL(32)  is the same as REAL

LITERAL double_word = (4 * 8);
INT    (double_word) num; ! num is a INT(32)
INT       x := 4                  ! x is decimal 4
INT       x := %177               ! x is Octal 177
INT       x := %B01010            ! x is Binary 01010
INT       x := %B0000000000000010 ! x is 2;
INT       x := %B1111111111111110 ! x is -2 (using twos compliment);
INT       x := %H1A               ! x is Hex 1A
FIXED(3)  x := 0.642F;            ! x is 642000, the  3 shifts the decimal right
FIXED(-3) x := 642945F;           ! x is 642000, the -3 shifts the decimal left
FIXED(*)  x := 123                ! x is stored, not scaled

BLOCK  x                       ; ! Declare Global Variables
     INT        flag    := TRUE;
     INT(32)    index   := 22  ;
END BLOCK                      ;
BLOCK PRIVATE                  ; ! Declare Local Variables
     INT        myflag  := TRUE;
     INT(32)    myindex := 22  ;
END BLOCK                      ;

PROC paragraph_x   ; FORWARD   ; ! Declares that paragraph_x will be out of compile sequence
PROC called_program; EXTERNAL  ; ! Declares that a paragraph can be found in a called program
PROC paragraph_x (param)       ;
     INT param;

PROC paragraphs_nested (param) ;
  ENTRY entry_point              ; ! Declares a programs entry point
  some code
  SUBPROC entry_subroutine(x)    ; ! Declares a subroutine with a PROC
     some code  

     some more code


PROC myproc;
BEGIN !Local data declarations
   SUBPROC some_sub (param); !Declare subprocedure 
      INT param; 
      ENTRY sub_entry;         ! Declare entry-point identifier
      INT var;                 ! Some code here 
   sub_entry:                  ! Apply entry-point
      var := var - param;      ! identifier to statement 
      some code         ;      ! Tal can get ugly very quickly
   END;                        ! End subprocedure 
   some code 
   !Local statements
   CALL sub_entry (1); !Call entry-point SUB_ENTRY 

PROC xx(v1,v2,v3);
...CALL xx(v1, !nothing!, v3) ! Comments help document ommited variables

DEFINETOG omit                !
some code
?IF omit
some code
?ENDIF omit

Sample compile statement: suppress octal code after each line, suppress all but header information, compile for syntax only
   and puts the errors in a file called xxx, and sets the omit toggle on
TAL/in myprogram/;nocode, suppress, syntax, errorfile xxx,settog omit,

  x  := 2     ! move 2 to a number
  x ':=' 'AB' ! move characters to a string
  x := @var   ! x is the address of var
  .x          ! convert x from a INT to the word address of another variable
  <<          ! Signed Left shift
  '<<'        ! Unsigned Left shift
  + - *       ! Signed operators for add, subtract and multiply
  '+' '-' '*' ! Unsigned operators for add, subtract and multiply
  = <= >=     ! comparisons
  '=' '<='    ! comparisons (unsigned)
  <>          ! Not equal

According to the manual, you can do math on a string variable. EG: STRING x; x ':=' 'A"; x := x * 2; Go figure?

Friday, July 24, 2009 8:36:18 AM, From: jim, To: Stories