I got this message from Tony Nation.
It's really cute.
Thanks Jim. It's nice to hear from you. How have you been doing lately?
I can't complain, besides the extra weight that I've put on things are going pretty good.
A week ago, or so, I receive an e-mail from a person who works here at Aristocrat whose name was Jim Culter and I thought he was you. I sent him a reply thinking it was you. I ask how he was doing and told him how I was doing and everything. It was an hour or so later after I had sent the e-mail I realized that it wasn't you. This Jim spells his last name Culter, not Cultar. Well, he responded back to me saying that he was doing fine himself and it was the nicest e-mail ever have gotten from person he never knew. So, it looks like I made a new friend.
Well, any way Jim. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and I wish for you a very Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:34:43 AM, From: jim, To: Stories