We’re smoking a 15lb ham.
Can't roll it, so we're having to put it into a pipe to light it. lol.
I wrote a program to create HTML Web pages from pictures
It works great here. I put a web page of News Years Eve pics out there. It took an hour to upload. Most of the pictures I saved on my site don't display at all. Some do, which makes it a curiosity to me. Click here to see what I mean.
It has to be my website's host (Earthlink). I've wasted a lot of time trying to get around Earthlink's case-sensitive unix based server. I've had to rewrite my site at least 30 times to get something to work. What a pain! I always have to do some type of voodoo to make things work after I upload. I need a new web host!
Another Christmas away from home
I only received cards from solicitors. I accomplished dream. I've become a nobody. It took some time and effort. I've finally fallen off the face of the earth.
If anybody does read this blog anymore (which I doubt)...be careful what you wish for, you may get it. The Christmas parties are gone (the ones where everybody is happy to see me). No one writes. I burned my bridges to find out who I was when I wasn't standing on someone elses shoulders. I feel like a nobody.
Back when I was breaking up with Ruth in 2000, my world was falling apart.
I didn't want anybody to see that happen to me. I broke off all my contacts and more or less crawlled into a hole, here inside this house. Rob was one of the few people I would talk to. He came over to check on me one time when I didn't answer my phone for a week. I guess he thought I killed myself or something. I should have been worried about him as it turned out. Who'd ever think that Rob would off himself during the holidays.
Another Christmas farther away from home
Christmas seems to morph itself every year. Skip just got up and said "ALRIGHT. PEOPLE!". He's been lusting over that ham we've been smoking. He wanted some and he just got some. yum.
I did a no-no last night. I got my dog disgustingly drunk.
Squirt and I were playing tug-of-war with a rope. He fell over, knocking down my Eggnog. It spilled everywhere. I mopped it up, put it into a bowl, and gave it to him. He'd get up on the couch and stare at a pillow. lol. I'm so bad.
Thursday, December 23, 2004 9:32:09 AM, From: jim, To: Stories