Squirt's Alter Ego Log
Hi, I'm Mikey, but I'm also Squirt's Alter Ego.
Squirt lives in Las Vegas, but he needs someone to speak for him. He only says one word (bark)
<< 08/2005 < 01/2006 Calendar 09/2006 > 08/2007 >>Sign InView Other Logs
08/31/2006 15:41:40
 Jim  We have Camden apartments right next to us!
Its right behind Carls Jr on Trop and Mtn Vista.
Some people came by to look at the condo.
They said they were renting a 1 bedroom at Camden, and they went up to $905.
They said the 2 bedrooms were $1,150.
So, I guess the Camden methods are country wide!
They said their water bill was $20 a month too, with a $15 late penalty,
and that they'd have to pay $150 for the lease renewal.
09/01/2006 05:10:22
 sae   (Reply).We have Camden apartments right next to us!
Any news on the Tampa front with John Winn?
09/01/2006 09:02:19
 Jim   (Reply)..We have Camden apartments right next to us!
I was probably feeding them words then...when they were complaining about Camden. I should just listen.
They just said uh huh, uh huh...to everything I said. hmmm.
09/01/2006 12:03:33
 sae   (Reply).We have Camden apartments right next to us!
Doesn't surprise me. Rents going up at lease renewal time is nothing new. And Camden is just following industry standard procedure. If real estate trends were not upping the price of real estate in the Lost Wages area (it was remaining stagnent or it was going down), I wouldn't necessarily surprised if rents remained flatter. Question is: What was it before it went up to $905? If it was $885, would that be all that bad? Gee, I don't remember paying for water when I was in (what is now a Camden) property on Torrey Pines in SW end of town back in 1997 (MGM days). I'd be willing to bet that the $150 is a misunderstanding. I was told, with no uncertainy, that I would not have to pay any fees to renew the lease on this 2 bdrm, or on moving to the 1 bdrm. It is apparently a one time thing. At least, if you don't move out and want to come back.
08/28/2006 17:24:38
 Jim  We have a DBA for BE QUICK
Be quick notary or whatever...and we'll have all of our notary stuff next week.
Now, all we need is:
- A DBA checking account
- A Yellow Page ad (I can get online)
- Our stamps (from a stamp vendor), and also a log book.
- A Logo
- Optionally, somebody that will give us a tutorship as contractors (I have someone in mind already).
- A low mileage car to scoot us around in (that is fun to drive)
This is all just too easy...life is just too easy.
08/28/2006 12:09:44
 sae  I’ve got a great name for your Notary business.
Call it "Squirty's Mobile Notary". Whoops, that doesn't do it for you? How about "Mike's Notary"? Still no.. Well, then go with a S-Corp as in "S" for Squirt. Great way to make business decisions, isn't it. 
08/28/2006 14:56:16
 sae   (Reply)..I’ve got a great name for your Notary business.
Sounds good. Kinda like Jeffwee's "Pubelicks Market". Right? I'd still think doing it right, as some sort of corporation is best. That is, if any of this is going to lead Rebecky to have assests, but if so, then you gotta do corp. Take a little extra time now and do it right. How about your old CPA?
08/29/2006 07:28:01
 Jim   (Reply).I’ve got a great name for your Notary business.
Thats hilarious....you know what I may do is just form a Sole Proprietorship in Becky's name.
Sole Proprietorships are so easy to do...except they don't protect your assets....and Becky has no assets.
Man, I gotta talk to a CPA though.
How about Be Quick Notary Pubic of Squirt!!!  or Be Quick Squirt
08/26/2006 15:39:19
 sae  Bumping into things in the dark.
Well, Luke Skywalker's dad (Aniken) went to the dark side and didn't bump into things.
08/28/2006 08:21:57
 sae   (Reply).Bumping into things in the dark.
Using the Dark Side of the Force, I suppose is like bumping into things. Like being bad, and doing bad. Like being a criminal and bumping into the law. What we didn't see in any of the 6 Star Wars movies, was that Vader was consistently commiting these crimes, getting caught, convicted and sentemce to one 20 year sentence after another. All in a days time. So, did Jimmy buy a car? Go to Heavensville?
08/08/2006 23:16:53
 Jim  Squirty says yelp yelp
Go Squirt Go
08/08/2006 19:02:19
 sae  Happy Birthday to Squirty....
Everybody is having birthdays....
08/04/2006 08:39:25
 sae  Happy Birthday to Sonny
And of course, Jim's going to give Sonny those swats, right? What would that be, 56+2 for 58? And tell Justin I also say he's rude... But, wait, he'll just get mad at me too, so never mind.
08/05/2006 13:11:33
 Jim   (Reply).Happy Birthday to Sonny
Hey Mikey! Sonny's sleeping.
I put your doggy pic in your log heading. You can delete it if you want.
Sonny said thanks. Dustin has control of his PC.
01/31/2006 20:03:04
 SAE  Welcome Aboard
We are glad you joined us SAE

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