Squirt's Alter Ego Log
Hi, I'm Mikey, but I'm also Squirt's Alter Ego.
Squirt lives in Las Vegas, but he needs someone to speak for him. He only says one word (bark)
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07/17/2008 19:31:58
 SAE  .Ford does it again !
See, if you had a Honda instead, it wouldn't happen.... Howl!!!!

American automakers are typically bad at customer service. Double Howl!!!!

I ate some corn last night....

Any news on the job search?
07/17/2008 19:31:58
 jim   (Reply)..Ford does it again !
Honda's are mighty fine vehicles.
I wonder if all Ford Dealers hustle their customers. I was hoping/thinking it was a Vegas thing.

Not much has happened on the job search. I'm not giving an all out effort on it yet though.
07/17/2008 19:31:58
 SAE   (Reply)...Ford does it again !
It's not just Ford, or Las Vegas. It is the American automakers.
07/14/2008 05:17:49
 jim  ..So what does one do in Vegas ?
Nothing much has happened on the job front. Someone called me about a job in Minnesota.
I couldn't understand him, so I asked the guy to send me an email.
I got emails from Nandita, NanSuresh Babu Malli, and Dharani Rham all about the same opening. I also got emails from two different people from svsservices about Florida. Hopefully, the only openings I've submitted for is RJ, LordT, and Chev.
Finding a contract can be gloomy work if you try to make it happen. 
07/14/2008 05:17:49
 SAE   (Reply).So what does one do in Vegas ?
What is up with Jimmy R. Cutlar? Anything happening on the job hunt? Eating any corn? I did on Tuesday evening.

Howl and out... Things good at RJ...
06/21/2008 11:51:54
 SAE  Howl from SAE....
Howl..... That was a mean poster, who made the remark about LV drivers being DUI. Oops, that was me!!! Naughty Puppy!!

Are you out, at Fly's, picking up some pocket knifes for yourself, something for Rebecky and Sonny. And loads of stuff for me, like a juicy steak bone to chew on?
06/21/2008 11:51:54
 jim   (Reply).Howl from SAE....
We got caught with our Fly's down..har har.
Fly's Is the Bestest...but we've been-a-beachin about everything.
I just love the beach.
It's cheap, I'm broke. It agrees with me 100%.
Life is just too good.
Wow...I just noticed these blog entries don't work right with Firefox.
Whent the heck did that happen ? lol.
06/17/2008 05:24:35
 SAE  ...Tmf auto aborts an entire batch after 1 error
Check out the movie "The Big Bus". I was actually in it. I'll pay you three pennies if you can spot me by seeing my ugly mush (face). Really, I was in it. But, the reason I mention it.... There was a character in the movie, who was a disgraced Vet, who had put an IUD in a rabbit....
06/15/2008 01:57:58
 SAE  Where is Jimmy....
We want more enties from Jimmy...
04/16/2008 18:28:38
 jim  ..China Town
No, but they gave us a "gottago" serving of tea at closing.
04/16/2008 18:28:38
 sae   (Reply).China Town
Any Kung Pao Chicken????
04/16/2008 18:28:38
 sae   (Reply)...China Town
Well, Whoosa Bata...

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