Squirt's Alter Ego Log
Hi, I'm Mikey, but I'm also Squirt's Alter Ego.
Squirt lives in Las Vegas, but he needs someone to speak for him. He only says one word (bark)
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10/19/2006 09:03:03
 sae  .What is Butt Dust?
Butt Dust is the same thing as Dingleberries....
10/15/2006 12:56:06
 sae  .Its nice that he is receiving and not deceiving
This is just too weird!!!! Leave it to Dennifer and GrandMal...
10/16/2006 20:15:05
 Jim   (Reply)..Its nice that he is receiving and not deceiving
I looked everywhere on the internet and "he is receiving and not deceiving" doesn't mean squawt.
And that's all I wanted to know, was what does that expression mean.
Didn't mean no kind-a harm to no one. haha.
Its like the first time someone told me someone else was getting pickled.
When I asked them what that meant, they said, "getting drunk".
And that was basically a good enough definition.
Speaking about weird sayings...Jennifer asked us if Squirt was FIXED
I told her, if she meant did we destroy his ability to reproduce, no.
10/15/2006 09:04:03
 sae  .Here’s my problem with the Bible(s):
That's because you have not seen the "King Mike (Ginsburg)" bible. It's an old, vintage 1973 IBM Fortran IV manual.
10/14/2006 12:17:27
 sae  Lost Wages Weather
I'm howling at the rain... I am going to hope for minus 15 degree weather in Lost Wages for the coming week. Hot cocoa? How about Warm Brandys? Sounds better to me.
10/14/2006 14:03:24
 Jim   (Reply)...Lost Wages Weather
So, I need to sort these blog entries down by the server's date/time, instead of the requesters date/time....lol.
10/14/2006 14:20:19
 sae   (Reply)..Lost Wages Weather
Good ole Sly Stallone... Oops, I mean Rambo... Well, that is weird to hear that it's almost down to nothing. But like most things, it never lasts for ever. Or even a long time, sometimes. Give your resume a try at Inrigers and Rambo (TSI). Well, visit Finnegans another day soon, when you "know" Frank will be there. And let me know what he has to say, and how he's doing. HOWL!!! 
10/09/2006 18:58:29
 Jim  Yes, it does exist....a Braille Playboy Edition
10/05/2006 12:25:14
 Jim  .Last XMAS
It was sad, because we fell out of tradition.
No Christmas tree. No presents. No music. No cards. No pretty lights. No symbolism.
I realize Christmas is imposed on other religions, and is probably unconstitutional,
but I'd be tempted to join in at the Naked Man Festival in Okayama if I had a loin cloth,
and I've definitely worn green pants, and drank green beer on St Patricks Day.
When you decide a family tradition is just another day, something happens inside.
You realize all the memories of that tradition have been degraded to normal,
and you realize you have lost a part of yourself that you really liked.
We had a mighty fine dinner that night, but we'd suffered a casualty that day.
I think we should develop a new holiday...lets call it Squirty Day
During the day, we'll carry or chew on bright colored balls,
When we here anything that sounds like a knock, we'll run around in circles and say 'bark'.
10/05/2006 18:27:29
 sae   (Reply)Last XMAS
Jimmy... Last XMAS, you were with Ms Rebecky, so how could it be so bad? Right, I was there to ruin it. Bad me. Bad Dog! Bad Dog!
10/04/2006 10:01:29
 SAE  .Its your Birthday today!!!
Happy Birthday to Rebecky. Happy Birthday to Rebecky. But you aren't old enough to be 45... Someday maybe you'll as old as Jimmy... Now, time to get those Birthday swats from Jimmy... OK Jimmy.. Get out that wooden swat paddle..
09/30/2006 10:47:34
 SAE  .I bought a OBD II software set yesterday
Jimmy went to FLY'S Electronics... Lucky guy... So did you also get a new pocket knife? Hee Hee....
09/27/2006 14:14:47
 sae  Howl...
Jimmy.. Does this mean I can now set my autodailer to call Robert's Cell Phone three times an hour for all eternity? Glad you are finally ready to get that Notary business off the ground. HOWL..... But I still think it should be called "Squirty's Notary". It'll be much better driving all around town in that Mustard Car. Is it red like in the picture? Well, I pick up the keys for the new apartment tomorrow. Have to turn in the keys on the existing one on Saturday. They are charging me $425 to fix a spot where the paint was scraped off the wall in what was your bedroom, by the bathroom door. The new apartment is on the second floor over in the building across the way, where that "Sheila" (british term for "woman") saw you playing nudy... Mr. Short is coming over Saturday morning to help me move. Between tomorrow evening and Saturday morning when the big pieces are being moved, I am making what will probably be a dozen or so trips with smaller items. SAE
09/27/2006 11:45:25
 Jim  You know what would be really nice to know is...
I forget how much they offered those Camden Apts for.
But after they add on the application fee, and all the other stuff, what did it actually cost per month.
I know the apartments around here offer $300 move in,
but there are always those nasty little catches that get the monthly bill up for each month you stay there.
You'd think as being a 3rd time landlord, I'd already know some of those crappy little tricks.
The $300 move in apartments charged that much if you moved in by the 20th...but they'd bill you $1,000 by the 5th.
09/28/2006 10:47:18
 sae   (Reply).You know what would be really nice to know is...
Businesses (apartment companies in particular) are full of those tiny little scams.
09/04/2006 01:01:00
 sae  .Labor Day
Labor hard Jimmy....

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