Robert's Log
Created: 8/5/2013 4:54:51 AM
<< 04/2005 < 10/2005 Calendar 05/2006 > 04/2007 >>Sign InView Other Logs
01/28/2006 23:14:42
 robert  hello
testing testing cant wait for that buetiful day to se u guys again it will be so awesome
11/15/2005 03:59:38
 robert  why do people say whites are racist
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey" and even "The Man" and you think it's OK.
But when I call you, "Nigger", "Kike", "Towelhead", "Sand-Nigger", "Camel Jockey", "Beaner" or "Chink" you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live

You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have BET.

If we had WET(white entertainment television) we'd be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.

If we had white history month, we'd be racists.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

You call each other "niggas", but when we call you that, you call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am white.
I am proud.
I am an American.

But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
11/07/2005 20:28:12
 becky  My Son
Hey Robert
Go to my log.
11/07/2005 06:10:45
 robert  hello
By the way Jim and Mom that was me on the last line if you could change that from guest to my name thx love you all
11/07/2005 06:04:04
 Robert  hello ... Thinking and Wondering
Hey guys how are you. How was the interview Jim?
Ok well mom this is for you...
I was sitting here in bed thinking about the past and, telling Joy some of our stories.
I hate to bring this up but it makes me feel sad and it's something I couldn't let go of until now.
I remember when we lived in the U-Mom family shelter.
Do you remember? I am having a problem.
I seem to be drawing a blank on that. I would love to know, was Renee and the kids with us?
I remember the time I was robbed.
They didnt find the money that was in my sock, but they took my jersey and watch. Dustin was with me.
Its sad thats the only time i remember about that time.
I was wondering if you could please share some stories with me about that time some good ones.
It really sux not remembering anything about that time.
Renee if you remember any please share, thx. I'd greatly appreciate it.
Well here goes the part that I feel really bad about and has been a burden for me for a while.
Remember when I got social security. I got $480 a month. Well this is my lesson to me i guess... I remember one time we got that check and we needed some things, but I went roller skating and you told me to only take $20. I remember taking more than that, something like around $100 to $200 that day. I was being selfish and dumb. I spent it on candy and bought everybody things. I cant beleive I did that. It really hurts and know I actually see how money can make you greedy.
I feel so bad about that because we were in a life time crisis.  I mean, to look at us, you didnt have a job, the 5 of us living in a studio apartment with 2 twin beds. We had a little tiny portable refrigerator to hold everything for us. I dont even think we had a stove. We had a very small TV. Thats what I remember about  that time and I was selfish in a time when we needed that the most. I couldn't imagine how you felt at that time of despair. You were trying to take care of us 4 living off of $480 a month taking care of us loving us and being their for us.
Sorry I'm crying right know thinking of how hard that was but yet we survived because of you. Mom I love you. Thank you.. I want to know how you felt, what it was like for you. I am sorry for bringing this up but I am expressing to you how much I love you.
Please, don't think it was your fault for losing us kids to CPS either. It wasn't. 
It was Renee and my fault for that, we are the ones that told the school what was going on, like you smoking and hiding it from us wow you smoke so what, you know that wasn't your fault, and you spending time with your freind. You weren't even gone for long maybe an hour visiting. Renee and I told the school it was longer I believe but please forgive us it wasn't you. But I do admit thinking about it I realized you had it hard and I thank you for helping us stay as one and saving us and being the best mom you can be.
I admit the shelter and the day CPS took us on Thanksgiving was the hardest.
I was up all night long crying thinking of you and missing you and how much I hated it back then. 
I beleive thats how my anger started to grow. I think it was by me holding all that frustration in about CPS and what they did to our family. It was not your fault mom I dont want you to ever think it was ok. You tried so hard. They just wanted to pick on someone that they knew they could win with. I can't imagine that. Now I am a father, and it would tear me up inside prob like it did you. But you were very strong and fought through it, for that I love you. I honestly don't now if I could be as strong and have as much will like you did for us. I Love you mom. thank you very much mom. I am glad I got that all off of my chest. I have been holding that in so long. I am just saying I love you and you are appreciated.       
11/05/2005 03:27:19
 Robert  hey people and family lol.
Hey peeps Renee I love your spelling lol reminds me of someone we both know (Mom) lol hahaha and jim things wont get any (worsser) lol lmbo. hahaha anyways today was a good day at work just cruised around town picked scissor lifts and skip loaders up what a fun nice day weather is great down here still hasnt gotten cold enough to wear a jacket but just a bit nipply lol. well love (U-ins) lol which is you all plus 3 thats what that is lol lmbo hahaha
11/01/2005 18:26:16
 Jim  Oh my oh sound like you’re getti
Maybe its getting near time to get conveniently sick. I assume you get sick days (I don'
Well, if you're not burned out, I am. We've been doing something special every day. It gets so tiresome.
And now we've got daylight savings time, so when I leave work it's dark and gloomy.
It'll be nice when you get your class A license..

10/31/2005 23:00:24
 robert  HOLLOWEEN
Well todayis holloween I get to work but joy is drest as a hooker i guess lol and amy is wearing a cute little head thing with tiger ears she looks so cute ill get a scanner soon adn put them on. I am home on break waiting for time to go by so i can get back to work lol. this is the first holloween i missed in my life lol. but in all its cool i get to ride around and look at all the hot gurls. oops lol i ment cool costumes and weird people the fun part about las vegas hahaha. anyways have a happy holloween lol love u guys chat at cha later be safe.

10/31/2005 09:07:18
 becky  Happy Halloween
Hi Robert
I read your blog it was sweet. We miss you very much.
I had a great time in Daytona Beach. Jim's aunt was
very nice to us. So you are looking for a car or a
truck? What are you doing for Halloween? I got
a e-mail from Renee. It was nice to hear from her.
I know what it's like taking the bus.  I had to do that
for a long time. I hated that too. I'm going to look on
line and see what we can do tonight for Halloween.

Love You
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10/31/2005 01:54:21
 robert  hey guys
Wow vegas is so boring i hate it here all I do is wake up go to work come home play a game visit my kid then go to sleep and do it all over again. My weekends consist of staying home and being bored out of my mind. I am currently looking for a car or truck I need about 700 to thousand dollars to get a decent one here. It really bites not having a car. Joy and I have been taking the bus everywhere and with that it really gets expensive its a 1.25 for adults and 60 cents for amy just one way. and we r9ide the bus atleast 4 or 5 times a week acros town because of appointments with doctors or wic. A really really big pain. So if anybody could find me a good running car for that price range let me know and email me at  I would be glad and very very gratefull. love you mom and jim how is the new place way up in the sky lol.
10/18/2005 05:21:08
 robert  hello kiddos
Yea Jim I like that big truck idea I tell you I have been wanting so bad since you guys left vegas to leave vegas too. I cant stand it here. I need to stay here since I have a free chance of getting that A Liscence, so I guess i am stuck here. So how is work going for you Jim is it still really strict and people lame and boring lol, Mom how is your home life are u having a blast, What about Florida is it still the same as it was when  you left it. well guys love ya lots chat at cha later 
10/16/2005 08:09:27
 Jim  Great going Robert!
I'm am proud of you, Robert. I'm so glad you passed that Class "B" test.
You're on your way to creating the kind of life you want.
You're doing so goooood dude!
You're customizing your life to being what you want it to be.  And that's probably easier than customizing Windows.
It won't be long before you become that big rig driver you picture in your mind, transporting nuclear waste to Yucca 
Somewhere along the way, I'd realized that all the people that I had admired were just normal people like myself.
Something pushed them into the path they took. It could have been a job, a parent, someone they admired, or something they read.
So I studied electronics, air conditioning, dealing, and even went to college just to prove I could customize this life to anything I wanted it to be.
I proved it, too.
So, when you look at a big rig driver, an FBI agent, or even your should know that you could be that person,
if something had pushed you enough to take that path.
Somewhere in my mind, there's a dream of a home in someplace beautiful, with me driving a truck that I own for a living.
I see you in that dream Robert. It could be real.
I'm going to blow off this place in maybe a year and try something different.
Maybe when you get you Class "A", and make some connections, I'll take a driving course, get a license, buy a rig, and we'll go into business.
In a dream, Florida, Colorado, or even Missouri could be great places to call home. What do you think?

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