Robert's Log
Created: 8/5/2013 4:54:51 AM
<< 10/2003 < 02/2004 Calendar 11/2004 > 10/2005 >>Sign InView Other Logs
10/07/2004 17:11:09
 jim  I just replied to you Robert
Testing my reply...I just replied to you Robert, and I wrote a book. I think Earthlink is going bonkers, or something else is out of wack. So, this is mainly a test to see if I CAN enter blogs ok.
10/07/2004 16:13:27
 Robert  hey jim and mom well how are things at the house?
My daughter Amy is doing great. Joy is moody as hell but i guess that is normal for females with P.M.S (PUTTING UP WITH MEN'S SHIT) LOL anyways today is my only day off and we plan on going to the lake tonight. its free at night to get in thats why we go hehehe. boy oh boy Amy has one hell of an appetite that girl is eating every half hour and if she is sleeping she is dreaming of eating she moves her mouth in that sense she is pretty strong for being 2 motnhs old she was supposed to be born yesterday but chose to come out the 15 of Aug. well any ways jsut droppin in to say hi. dustin is grounded for 2 weeks for his bad grades in school he has no tv or games so life to him is hell now lol. grandma is grumpy when she gets home. paul took us to arizona charlies yesterday for dinner it cost 47 bucks for six people. well just droppin a line sayin hi and love ya all byebye
02/10/2004 19:54:38
 Robert  hello jim \
hello jim u an dmom like to play games huh lol. ur website is the coolest i learn a lot from it and tons of stuff to do wow i am never bored!!!. it takes many screws to buils a crib but only one nut to fill it

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