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06/12/2007 11:56:50
 jim  Turned down more Be Quick business
A guy called yesterday. He said he had 35 notaries that he wanted to merge with my group.
A girl called yesterday and wanted to know if she could work for me.
A girl called today and wanted to know if she could work for me.
I didn't know what to say.
I referred them to Go Notary, even though, I know they are a 3 person team with no computer system.
06/03/2007 10:01:00
 Jim  Be Quick biz goes to Go Notary (343-2514)
Darren Marlow is the owner.
2006 E Pyle Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89123.
They have three people working with him.
His wife and a friend work the business with him.
I told him I'd call him again, maybe next week, then maybe we could turn the internet over to him.
I didn't discuss charging him anything.
05/19/2007 10:20:46
 jim  Notary / Pickup / Delivery Form
Be Quick, Incorporated
4703 Gabriel Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89121
(702) 759-9333 / (702) 203-8256
Agent: ________________
Order # Type Date/Time Description Signature
05/18/2007 13:06:53
 jim  Our first courier order / Changes we need
From 3300 W Charleston to Graphic Center Dr off of Valley View.
We made $20 for 20 minutes of driving. We delivered payroll documents.
It shoud turn out as repeat business.
We realized half the way through the trip that we forgot our notary supplies.
What if they simply didn't mention they needed a notary.
I had to make out a form.
It includes:
   Order #,
   Item Description,
   Pickup Time/Signature,
   Delivery Time/Signature and Notes.
Its pretty obvious that I'm going to need a GPS system.
I ordered a Garmin I3 from Walmart on 5/19/2007
I used my business card as a reciept.
This seems like a great idea.
It would be wonderful if I had blanks on the back for writing:
   Item Description
My current business cards look SO good, but they don't let you print on the back of the card.
05/14/2007 19:57:21
 Jim  Ahhhhh, another notary
The calls are coming in. This guy said someone referred us.
He was on 215 and Jones and the round trip took 40 minutes (the way I took was twice as far as what google suggested).
I need a Garmin Roadmate or a cell phone that can do GPS mapping
But what a sweet sweet drive.
The guy said he does all of the commercials for Cox Cable.
He had a GREAT set up too!
He said he loved the idea of a mobile notary saying "Your service is very handy".
I love it!
05/13/2007 17:26:14
 Jim  Notary fraud
A guy called this morning. He needed a request for a birth certificate notarized.
I came to him, fo a 20 miles drive to Tule Springs.
When I got to his address, he showed me a handwritten letter, and a document.
I asked him for ID and he said, I don't have any ID, that's why I need my birth certificate.
He wanted someone to rubber stamp a lie.
He said he lost is license, and had no other forms of his ID. YEAH, RIGHT!!!
I hope this doesn't happen a lot.
On leaving, he said he'd just have to find a more experienced notary.
I wanted to say "For $25, good luck. I hope you find a nice criminal."
He may find someone too. Hmmm.
05/03/2007 11:48:27
 jim  Hypothetical question to other Notaries
After talking to a lawyer (again, the same, kind of slow one) about Be Quick, and my charges, she said I could only charge $15 max for a notary. I should note, she kept calling the Nevada Revised Statutes, the Nevada State Statutes, which is odd too me. I've only seen it referred to as the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS).
MY Hypothetical Question: I need a Living Will notarized at Desert Springs Hospital.

24/7 Notaries - (702) 215-1995 - NA

AAA Notary Service - (702) 655-2057
$30 during the day. $35 at night or on weekends.

AAA Affordable Mobile Notary - (702) 222-9928
$45 to $55 depending on location.

Achievable Dreams - (702) 592-5691
$25. Will pick up form for $10.
AM Mobile Notary - ( 702) 769-5716
A Mobile Notary - (702) 228-0018
$40 to come out + $15 for blank form.

Asap Courier and Delivery Services - (702) 315-0417 - NA
Bentley Mobile Notary - (702) 614-0528 - NA
Mail Zone - (702) 736-6822
$40 (includes 3 signatures).
Mobile Notary 2 U - 395-3296 - NA
NV Mobile Notary - (702) 439-1142
$10 + $5 + $2.50 per extra signature.

Sign Here Notary - (702) 677-9500
$50 to come out. She sounded very intelligent too.
I called her again. She was very willing to talk, but she's in the middle of a signing...whoops. I'll call her back at 2pm.

Jet Notary - (702) 641-4058

Achievable Dreams - (702) 592-5691
$25. Will pick up form for $10.
AM Mobile Notary - ( 702) 769-5716
A Mobile Notary - (702) 228-0018
$40 to come out. $15 for fill in the blank form.

Asap Courier and Delivery Services - (702) 315-0417 - NA
Bentley Mobile Notary - (702) 614-0528 - NA
Mail Zone - (702) 736-6822
$25 to come out, and $15 for the signatures.
Mobile Notary 2 U - 395-3296 - NA
NV Mobile Notary - (702) 439-1142
$10 + $5 + $2.50 per extra signature.

Sign Here Notary - (702) 677-9500
$50 to come out. She sounded very intelligent too.
I called her again. She was very willing to talk, but she's in the middle of a signing...whoops. I'll call her back at 2pm.

Jet Notary - (702) 641-4058

05/02/2007 18:20:55
 jim  Talked to a
I wanted to find out where they get their notaries from?
So, I invented a good question..."Is my business legal?"
I know it is, but, I figured it would help break ground.
So I asked the lawyer: Is what I'm doing legal?
I own a corporation called Be Quick.
My corporation dispatches agents and handles credit card payments.
It has independant contractors that are notaries.
The question is, Nevada Revised Statutes say a notary can only charge $5 to do a notary, plus travel time.
I charge the maximum allowed by law, plus add service charge for processing through Be Quick.
She says: Well, I'd say not. You're corporation is a notary.
I said: No, my corporation dispatches notaries. It could just as easily dispatch plumbers or air conditioning repair men.
She said: Well, I'll check into it in 3 days.
She said: Is there any thing else I can help you with?
I said: Yes. I need to know how you handle your mobile notaries.
She said: For what?
I said: If someone is in the hospital, can't leave, and needs a document notarized, how do you handle it?
She said: What kind of document?
I said: I don't know. How about a will.
She said: Wills don't have to be notarized.
I said: Okay, then some document that does have to be notarized.
She said: Those would things like realestate documents, orders...things like that.
I said: Okay, then, a realestate document.
She said: They have to be notarized to go through the county recorder.
I said: Okay, how would you handle that?
She said: I don't do that.
I said: Well how do other lawyers do that?
She said: I don't know.
I said: Can you find out? Is there a lawyer there?
She said: I only work on the phone.
05/01/2007 13:36:55
 jim  Forms
Individual capacity:

State of Nevada
County of ______________
This instrument was acknowledged before me
on ______________________
by.............(name of person).......

(Notary stamp)
(Signature of notarial officer)

The following format and wording are sufficient for an acknowledgment containing a power of attorney:

State of Nevada
County of ___________
This instrument was acknowledged before me on .........(date)..............
by...............(name of person receiving power of attorney).............
as attorney in fact
for ...........(name of principal/person whose name is in the document).................

(Notary Stamp)
(Signature of notarial officer)

The following format and wording are sufficient for an acknowledgment in a representative capacity:

State of Nevada
County of ___________
This instrument was acknowledged before me
on ..........(date).........
by ..........(name(s) of person(s))..........
as ..........(type of authority, e.g. president, trustee, etc.)..........
of ..........(name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed)..........

(Notary stamp)
(Signature of notarial officer)

Subscribing witness/Signature Witness:
If a document signer cannot personally appear before a notary, a subscribing witness may bring the document to the notary and swear or affirm that the signature is that of the document signer. The subscribing witness had to be present when the document was signed, and you are notarizing the subscribing witness' signature -- not the document signer's. This form of notarization can be used in those rare instances when the notary was not present at the time of signing. Only documents requiring an acknowledgment can be notarized through a subscribing witness. Any document requiring an oath or affirmation (like an affidavit) cannot be notarized in this manner.
To guard against fraud, you must personally know the subscribing witness.
You give the subscribing witness an oath in which he or she swears or affirms that the signature is that of the document signer's and then you complete a subscribing witness jurat.
The subscribing witness then signs the jurat in your presence.
The following format and wording are sufficient for a jurat of a subscribing witness:

State of Nevada
County of ___________
..................(name of subscribing witness).........
personally appeared before me, whom I know to be the person who signed this jurat of a subscribing witness while under oath,
and swears that he or she was present and witnessed
.........(signer of the document)....... sign his or her name to the above document. ...................................... (Signature of subscribing witness)
Signed and sworn before me
on ......(date)....
by ............( name subscribing witness).......
(Notary Stamp)
(Signature of notarial officer)

Certify copies:
As a notarial officer, you may photocopy a document if it is presented to you.
The following language is then attached or stamped, if you have such a stamp, to each copy.

State of Nevada
County of ___________
I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a document in the possession of .......(name of person)........................
Dated __________
(Notary Stamp)
(Signature of notarial officer)

04/30/2007 22:36:56
 jim is late
They seem to have a lot of problems.
In light of that, I signed up for:
- Msn.Com Yellow Page Listings (
- Yahoo Yellow Page Listings
Hopefully, we'll get a few hits a month from those sites.
04/13/2007 17:40:44
 jim  We are learning each time we go out.
This was our second Notary and once again, the right wording wasn't on the document(s).
So, after clumsily sifting through mounds and mounds of internet garbage about the proper way of notarizing,
I realized that most notaries don't have a clue as to what they are doing.
They're just running the bases.
If they can't right it down, then they probably don't understand it.
So we should do great.
I read a lot about loose certificates.
Nowhere on the internet is there an example of one.
You can buy them from NNA, but why, if you could just print them up.
I also read about certificate stamps.
Nowhere on the internet can you buy one. I had to get some made up.
This is a very gray (or grey) business we're stumbled into.
Its hard to find good documentation on anything.
They say you shouldn't have to read a document.
It shouldn't have any blanks.
It should have the correct notarization verbage. If it doesn't state it, ask the customer...but how many people do we know that knows the meaning of the words like:
04/13/2007 11:22:41
 jim  Did our first actual notary
We started at 10:00 am and got home at 11:45am.
We made $60. Not bad!
It was a blast. The gate security at Georgia Pacific knew we were coming and let us right through.
PLUS: Best Rate Lending called for an $80 notary on Monday.
What's odd about that is another agent at Best Rate was going to call me on Monday for a refinance.
We were in the spaghetti bowl when he called, and I thought it was for the refinance...oops.
I could hardly hear because of all the road noise and told "Brian" I would call him back in 20 minutes.
I did, but by then, he'd already found someone else...
: (
Its all well and good though.
I've noticed that its probably going to be pretty common for documents not to have the notary certificate wording on them.
I'm going to order stamps from Office Max with Copy Certificate, Jurat and Acknowledment wording.
Plus, for the heck of it, I should bang out a document, take it to Post Office Express, and see how they handle documents without the notarial certificate.

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