The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
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08/29/2006 07:12:03
 Jim  For Lexophiles (word lovers)
- A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.
- A will is a dead giveaway.
- Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
- A backward poet writes inverse.
- In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
- A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.
- If you don't pay your exorcist, you can get repossessed.
- With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.
- Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft and I'll show you A-flat miner.
- When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds.
- The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered.
- You are stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.
- Local Area Network in Australia: The LAN down under.
- He broke into song because he couldn't find the key.
- A calendar's days are numbered.
- A lot of money is tainted: 'Taint yours, and 'taint mine
- A boiled egg is hard to beat.
- He had a photographic memory which was never developed.
- A plateau is a high form of flattery.
- The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison: a small medium atlarge.
- Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
- When you've seen one shopping center, you've seen a mall.
- If you jump off a Paris bridge, you are in Seine.
- When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.
- Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.
- Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses.
- Acupuncture: a jab well done.
- Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de feet.
Note: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced
08/28/2006 17:24:38
 Jim  We have a DBA for BE QUICK
Be quick notary or whatever...and we'll have all of our notary stuff next week.
Now, all we need is:
- A DBA checking account
- A Yellow Page ad (I can get online)
- Our stamps (from a stamp vendor), and also a log book.
- A Logo
- Optionally, somebody that will give us a tutorship as contractors (I have someone in mind already).
- A low mileage car to scoot us around in (that is fun to drive)
This is all just too is just too easy.
08/28/2006 12:09:44
 Jim  .I’ve got a great name for your Notary business.
Thats know what I may do is just form a Sole Proprietorship in Becky's name.
Sole Proprietorships are so easy to do...except they don't protect your assets....and Becky has no assets.
Man, I gotta talk to a CPA though.
How about Be Quick Notary Pubic of Squirt!!!  or Be Quick Squirt
08/28/2006 07:07:04
 Jim  To County Records we go!
We should be getting sworn in, to be Notaries today.
BQuik Notary still sounds good to me.
I need to find out (or just remember) how to file a DBA again. I've got notes somewhere around here.
- I need a DBA
- I think I need another EIN
- I don't think I can use Cutlar Enterprises...that would be too easy
- I think I need another business license.
The question here is, what type...sole proprietorship, partnership, S-Corp, C-Corp
- I need a Nevada State Taxation ID.
I noticed today that you don't really need to prove you have a business license to get a Yellow Page ad.
It sure would be tempting not to do the DBA stuff.
It looks like, to do a DBA, you need a business license/name. To get a business license/name, you need a Nevada Tax ID. To get a Nevada Tax ID, you need a business name...and therein, lies the loop. All this is so you can get a DBA checking account, so you can cash checks to my-company-name.  Somewhere in there, you need a EIN. sounds like a lot of running around.
08/26/2006 15:39:19
 Jim  Deep Thoughts-Dark
Does everybody have a choice of whether on go to the dark side, or the bright side?
I wondered who in their right mind would go into the dark side.
Wouldn't they be bumping into to things all over the place there?
I mean, how much fun could that be?
08/28/2006 08:21:38
 Jim   (Reply).Bumping into things in the dark.
See now, thats what I don't get...with exception of his shiny black plastic exoskeleton looking outfit, nothing about him was dark. Besides, Darth used the force.
08/25/2006 16:14:47
 Jim  Apartment 2 Br Prices
 Name  Number  Monthly  Description
Budget Suites  702-454-4625  $1,414  2 br
Sportsman  702-458-7071  $1,423  2 br
Boulder Manor  702-454-8960  $1,048  (Studios Only)
Turtle Creek  877-762-5035  $1,070  
Courtyard  702-456-2900    
Fountains at Flamingo  702-435-6555  $795-815  
Corral Gardens  866-372-3476  $729 Dep $425, Admin $125+$35person
08/25/2006 02:46:27
 Jim  Robert is 23 Year Old
He's an old man now!!
08/24/2006 14:56:38
 Jim  Notary Public Application
A Surety Bond is required. I called:
Southwest Surety & Insurance (702) 360-6662.
They charge:
- $50 for a $10,000 bond that covers 4 years.
- $70 for Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance that covers 4 years.
They will mail us the forms that we'll send back to them. They'll send us back the bonds.
We take the bonds, along with our Notary Public application to the County Clerks office.
Clark County Recorder; (702) 455-4336; 500 S Grand Central Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV
They wll swear us in.
We then mail all documents, plus $35 to: 
Secretary State Dean Heller; 101 North Carson St #3; Carson City, NV 89701
We should be notaries in a week or so!!!
The next thing to do will be to form a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)
08/23/2006 21:10:54
 Jim  Condo Rental Mechanics
We will be renting for $950 month-to-month with a $400 security deposit.
The tenants sign an agreement before the end of the month to rent the condo.
Before the 1st
The tenant fills out a Rental Application and gives us a $200 check.
That check will either apply to the first months rent, or be forfeited if the tenants changes his mind.
On the 1st
- We do a walk-thru, write everything down thats wrong. They sign it.
   We don't have to fix anything. This will protect all parties.
  Any damage not mentioned on the walk-thru comes out of security deposit when the contract terminates.
- We collect $1,300 ($900 for the first months rent + $400 for the security deposit).
- We surrender the keys.
By the 5th
- You call Nevada Power and have them turn off service on the 5th or sooner if the tenants agree.
By the 15th
- You call your insurance, and tell them you need landlords insurance (?)
- You arrange to have the association, water, garbage, sewage, insurance and tax bills come to this address.
- I help set up autopay for all the bills
- I transfer the shared bills from this house (electric, water, gas,  garbage, sewage, insurance, telephone, internet, cable) to autopay from the joint account.
- We will match each others deposits of ($500 a month) into the joint account. I like to pay these kinds of things in bulk, so, I'll probably be popping in $6,000 per year.
In the event that they don't pay us $900 by the 5th of each month:
- On the 6th, we send them a 5 Day Pay or Quit notice to pay $900 with a $90 penalty by the 10th.
- If they don't pay us $990 by the 10th 
   __ We file the Five Day Notice to Pay o Quit,
   __ Certificate of Mailing
   __ Affidavit of Complaint of Summary Eviction
   __ Order for Summery Eviction and
   __ Instructions o the Constable with the Justice Court on 200 S Third Street.
   The clerk will give the Judge the documents, where he will sign an Order for Summay Eviction.
   He gives that to a Constable. The Constable will remove the tenants within 24 hours.
- At this point, they either pay us all money owed, or a constible seals the property on the 15th.
- We have the right to sell any of their possessions to satisfy their debt.
The Joint Account
- The joint account (not considering maintenance, income taxes, non rental periods) should grow at least $6,000 a year.
This will be our nest egg.
- All money in the account will be jointly owned, and should yeild approximately 2% interest a year.
- Should we decide to withdraw money for personal use, it will be subtracted from our 50% contributions.
- If it grows to a substantial amount of money, we can easily invest the excess in mutual funds, stocks or bonds online.
08/23/2006 20:40:26
 Jim  We got a bite on the condo after 3 hours!!!
I really didn't expect that. Sonny's friends, Rich Minsner (the landscaper), Robert, and several other people said $950 would be too much. Even two property management companies said that. SOOOOoooooo...
Anyway, I hope it rents. The couple seems nice, and I'll be more than willing to work with anyone that moves in.
08/22/2006 07:14:59
 Jim  Flies have 8 hearts!
Ever notice how simular insects and people are? They have all our organs and more!
Sometime nature pops out a leg where an antenna is supposed to be on an insects head!
08/22/2006 05:30:11
 Jim  I feel sane now thanks to Stephen Hawkings
I was reading Stephen Hawkings.
I've always thought that not being able to go faster than the speed of light was a bunch of huey.
It isn't. A simple explaination can be said in a question.
If light is the fastest thing known to man, what could you use to power something faster than light?
Imaging the current in a river is the fastest thing known to man.
If you were floating down that river, you could use a paddle to make your boat flow faster than the river.
If you did that, then your paddle would need to go faster than the river and it would be the fastest thing known to man.
Here's my question:
If light is the fastest thing known to man, and its photons are found to spin like all other particles
and they can spin in the direction of their travel, wouldn't one side of the photon be going faster than the speed of light?
Something that makes up the photon must be going faster than the speed of light, right?
Hawkings said some things that just sounded like common sense to me.
You don't need a lab to figure this stuff out, just a brain.
1-Time Travel is probably not possible because...
If it were, we'd have seen time travellers, right?
If time travel were possible, you could go back and kill your parents before you were born. That doesn't make sense.
Maybe there's a Time Cop Agency or some other reason that hasn't been discovered in our future yet.
If it were just you travelling back in time, you'd be taking matter from the current universe and adding it to the past universe...and the past universe would be more than its whole. That doesn't sound likely.
Everything I've seen in this universe seems to be reasonable.
2-It may be possible to send signals back in time.
We may not have the equipment to pick up those signals yet. This I might believe.
3-No one has seen UFOs from another planet because...
If they existed, why would they hide? Why would they live in an RV-sized saucer? Why would they conspire with our government? Why would WE be a threat at all? If they could zap across the universe using technology we only write about in science fiction, why would they hover over farm houses? Lastly, why hasn't anyone taken a decent photo of a UFO?
If UFOs do exist, they would most likely be an unmanned probe.
#1 We've sent probes out.
#2 Our probes rove around, observing other planets. Thats what we've designed them to do. 
#3 Ours probles collect information, then send it back to us.
Our Surveyor was sent to Mars. It is roving around exploring the planet.
If it had an auto-mission that it carried on without Earth's delayed instructions,
it would be roving around seemingly without purpose. It wasn't design to give information, just collect it.
If the surveyor were built well, it could out-live our civilization.
If it were smart enough, it would be programmed to escape being trapped.
If UFOs do exist, then they were probably sent out millions of years ago by civilizations that may or may not exist.
Now that, I can believe.
Euclidean Geometry cannot describe the universe accurately.
#1 It uses points that doen't exist in a moving universe. They would exist if you could freeze time, but you can't.
#2 It uses straight lines, based on those points.
#3 If points and straight lines don't exist, then the x,y,z dimensions are wrong too.
#4 It doesn't include time in its x,y,z math.
It was at one time, an excellent way to describe the universe.
What we're seeing now is that is was just that, an excellent beginning.
Time is just as unchangable in the future as it is in the past.
You don't read this very often. It makes people upset. The argument here is, that theory would negate free will. 
In a sense, this article I'm writting right now, had to be written and you had to read it.
Everything that is happening, has already happened 100 year from now.
I've read a bunch of really silly theories about time.
One was, you can't change your past, however, you can go into the future, then come back to your time and can change the future you aint that just weak!
That just wreaks of 'stupid', but....a PHD wrote it. I'd be embarrased if I wrote that.
Keep in mind, that PHDs don't have to be smart, they just have to be able to afford that title. Most of us aren't in that club.
I've been reading materials written by PHDs
They all seem to have a pattern. They talk normally until they get into a complicated thought, then they resort to long words and formulas. It takes months to decode these words and formulas and figure out they make no sense.
In other words, professors seem put an intimidating spin on science when they are confused.

08/20/2006 18:44:15
 Jim  Never ask who Jesus’s brother was...
I was talking to somebody who claims they know Jesus, and that Jesus Lives
Here's how it went:
Q: Sooooo, who was Jesus's father?
A: God!
Q: Um, Ok...then who would have payed his child support?
A: Joseph
Q: Ok, who was Jesus's mother?
A: Mary
Q: And who was his brother?
A: Mary had daughters that were hers, but we're all Jesus's brothers and sisters.
Q: If thats true, wouldn't your MOM be your sister, and your father be your brother?
Q: And wouldn't we have all been products of incest, which is a sin?
A: I don't know.
Q: Did you know Jesus had a brother? His name was Ya'aqov, (Aglicized as James).
A: No. But we're all his brothers and sisters.
08/20/2006 15:52:45
 Jim  Is Lake Mead full of it?
Saddle Island instakes #1 and #2. Diane SylvainLas Vegas mayor, Oscar Goodman, publicly stated that a person would be crazy to drink his city's tap water (1).He should know, Goodman uses 1.6 million gallons of water at his nearly three-quarter-acre home a month (2). The Las Vegas sewage treatment plant is just six miles upstream from where we get our water. Doesn't that sound backwards, like nature hanging our wet runny noses upside down over our mouths? Shouldn't our water come upstream from the sewage treatment plant?
The Colorado River (which feeds Lake Mead) gets its water from those clear, refreshing Colorado Rocky Mountain streams. Thats what I want to shower in. Wouldn't it be nice to know that when we flush our toilets, we'd be sending the yuck to Pheonix, instead of back into our kitchen faucets.
Recent studies have found perchlorate, which is a rocket fuel component, mutated fish, pharmaceutical residue and human hormones in the wash and the bay. Now thats just nasty.
While I'm on this subject, why don't terrorists bomb sewage systems? Wouldn't that pretty much wreck any town? Where would you go if you were in a casino, and all of the toilets town were backed up? The craps table...
08/19/2006 20:53:52
 Jim  Perseid meteor shower
Got a calendar? Circle this date: Friday, August 12th. Next to the circle write "before sunrise" and "Meteors!" Attach all of the above to your refrigerator in plain view so you won't miss the 2005 Perseid meteor shower. The Perseids come every year, beginning in late July and stretching into August. Sky watchers outdoors at the right time can see colorful fireballs, occasional outbursts and, almost always, long hours of gracefully streaking meteors. Among the many nights of the shower, there is always one night that is best. This year is August 12th through the 19th.
Right: A colorful Perseid streaks over Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. Photo credit: Dirk Obudzinski, August 12, 2004. View the gallery
The source of the shower is Comet Swift-Tuttle. Although the comet is nowhere near Earth, the comet's wide tail does intersect Earth's orbit.
We glide through it every year in July and August.
Tiny bits of comet dust hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 132,000 mph.
At that speed, even a tiny smidgen of dust makes a vivid streak of light--a meteor--when it disintegrates. The shower is most intense when Earth is in the dustiest part of the tail. Perseid meteors fly out of the constellation Perseus, hence their name.
The best time to watch is during the hours before sunrise when Perseus is high in the sky: sky map. Between 2 a.m. and dawn on August 12th, if you get away from city lights, you could see hundreds of meteors.
08/19/2006 14:00:09
 Jim  Amy turns 2 years old!
Happy Birthday Amy
08/19/2006 06:36:00
 Jim  Drivers ED
The current buzz-word for erectile disfunction is ED.
My girlfriend said she took Drivers Ed in high school. (ED meaning Education).
But now, Drivers Ed could mean "Drivers Erectile Disfunction".
Special Ed could mean "Special Erectile Disfunction".
Now ain't that just special?
08/18/2006 13:22:25
 Jim  Why doesn’t the moon have a name?
If our moon is called "The Moon", should the earth called "The Planet"?
It makes me think of that Kentuckian who named his dog, DAWG.
The following is a small list of planets and moons, with their diameters.
nine planets
Jupiter=142984 km, Moons:Ganymede=5262 km, Callisto=4800 km, IO=3630 km
Saturn=120536 km, Titan=5150 km
Earth=12756 km, Moon=3474 km
Mercury=4880 km
Pluto=2320 km, Moon: Charon=1207 km
Hale-Bopp Comet=1,100 km
Ceres Asteroid=933 km
Whats a little smaller than Pluto, but larger than Mercury? The MOON (our moon)
Saturn has a moon that is made mostly of ice...ain't that a kick in the head.
All the planets except for Pluto follow the same orbital plain,
I was just putting things in perspective.
08/17/2006 21:54:11
 Jim  Had some laughs...picking up a doggie door.
We went to Lowes to pick up a replacement doggie door. Found one.
The cashier we went too was on the phone. We stood there.
She got off and I said "Didn't your mom tell you to stay off the phone when you have company".
She said "NO, and my father was a drunk, so if he said it he mumbled".
I said, "Your mother did too tell you that! I know she did! Call her right now!!!"
She said, "But if I did that, I'd be on the phone when I have company".
THEN, we went to Smiths. Becky got some sour cream and chive crackers.
The clerk said "I love those", and showed us a variety box of crackers that he eaten all all the sour creams out of.
I told him, "Yea, Becky loves to eat them as she sits around on the couch all day watching soap opera's".
The bagger said, "OMG-I love those".
I said, "Wow-You mean Days of Our Stupid Lives and As The Stomach Churns".
Now, I didn't think that was all that funny, but three checkers started laughing.
What do you do when you tell a bad joke and people are laughing.
I just stood there with a stupid (unavoidable) grin on my face.
08/17/2006 18:22:46
 Jim  I’ve only dreamed about very few cars.
Yesterday, I took 2 Porsche 914's out for a test drive.
These cars offer a wonderful road experience.
They're capable of going 150mph, and get 33mpg.
They're a dream venture between Volkswagen and Porsche, and I believe in the next couple of years,
That they were the cars of the future.
One was a '74 Porsche 914 1.8 ltr.
It was at a car lot.
I could have taken it out the door for $2,500. It looked like it was in excellent shape.
The salesman was reluctant to let me take it anywhere further than around the block.
I didn't even get it into 3rd gear. The steering was hard, the shocks were mushy, the transmission ground a lot.
When we came back, I talked to the manager. He insisted we take it out for a longer test drive.
This time, I got it in to 3rd, and I'd figured I'd seen enough.
The next one was across town. It was advertised on EBay, as in good condition.
The pictures on EBay looked pretty good, but they skipped all of the can spray painted areas that were more than obvious.
The rubber seals on all the windows were shot.
I took it for a test drive, and through the first mile, something was clanging around until it fell off.
It was beautiful ride though...It drove like magic!
However, the generator light kept coming on, the blinkers and break lights didn't work, the left headlight didn't pop up, the stereo didn't work, the door handles didn't work. Not much worked on it.
He had the windshield wipers off for some unknown reason.
When I got back to the owner's house and started to back up, the engine died.
It wouldn't start again for another 30 minutes. The gas pedal fell off while he was trying to start it.
During this time, I the owner talked about all of the things he was going to fix in the car.
He said he was a helicopter mechanic and knew electrical systems. That's just plain scary!!!
Now, why, why, why, do people, when they sell a car, turn into complete liars and assholes?
I just don't get it.
If I knew honestly what was wrong with the car, I could make an honest bid.
Now some poor guy in California is going to win the bid on EBay, come all the way out here, just to find out the seller was lying about almost everything, and all of that time, money and effort will have all been for nothing.
08/17/2006 13:18:51
 Jim  Idea-doggy doors with a brush liner
As the dog comes in and goes out, he gets groomed.
No more leaves on the carpet.
The shredding hair could be easily collected.
Heck, you could take this a little further,
and add a doggie wash.
Just hookup the hose, plug it in,
and by the time the doggie gets inside the house,
he'd be washed, dried and brushed.
I think I'll make one for my Squirt.
He sheds a pound of hair a week!!
Thinking about it, how about a people wash door.
I'm a genius!

08/17/2006 23:40:07
 Jim   (Reply)..Idea-doggy doors with a brush liner
Oh yea...and when we trimmed you this morning I just gotta say
Gooood lawd! My, my my! What a hairy butt you have.
08/15/2006 00:41:33
 Jim  Ghost Buttsters
We went to four places on the list of haunted domains.
We had fun, but nothing extraordinary happened.
08/12/2006 13:11:54
 Jim  Freaky Light Show
08/12/2006 13:10:52
 Jim  Floppy Bikini Girl
08/12/2006 03:35:43
 Jim  Leaves falling
Hey there sweetie
The leaves aren't falling for us yet.
The suns shining and it'll be 110 degrees outside tommorrow.
Wouldn't it be nice to sit in a backyard somewhere in the woods
Just watching the leaves fall, and squirrels running around. :)
08/12/2006 03:05:42
 Jim  Nevada’s haunted places.
Goldfield, NV - Goldfield Hotel
Following the impregnation of a prostitute by the manager of the hotel many years ago, the manager became angry at the women for the incident and took her to his hotel. As her pregnancy became more obvious, he chained her to the radiator in one of the rooms., and when the baby was born, he killed them both. The hotel has been closed for many years with no power to any part of it, but on some nights there are several lighted rooms.
Workers have been hired on several different occasions to do restoration on the hotel, and due to the many unexplained incidents, the hotel restoration has never been completed and has changed hands several times. There have been several ghosts seen in several parts of the hotel, including the prostitute, the original owner, and two other men. Paranormal experts have visited the hotel many times and have determined that it is one of the nine portals that connect our world with the spirit world.

Boulder City - Boulder City Hotel
Many reports have been filed, claiming that everything from noises to apparitions
fill the historic site which is now a full service hotel, restaurant, and historic files office.

Boulder City - Boulder City pet cemetery
Built over 50 years ago, it is said that if you go to it at night
a white cat will follow you through out the cemetery if it likes you.

Henderson - Foxridge Park
A ghost in the form of a little boy had been seen swinging on the swing set every day after midnight. When approached changes form(demon/devil)and disappears.
Henderson - Treem Elementary School
A white face of a girl appears in the school hall when your alone. She cries out for help.
Jackpot - Hot Ponds
Just outside of Jackpot Nevada there were some naturally occurring hot ponds that had been made into an attraction where people could rent rooms. It had been popular until apparently some people were murdered there. Witnesses report "Footprints and hoof prints would appear on the path, coming after us even though there was no possible way anyone else could have been out there. Broken glass was discovered around our van; even though it had not been there in the beginning and we had not brought anything glass out. There were strange noises and the air in certain spots on the property would suddenly grow very, very cold. it was a strange, yet interesting experience there was defiantly something or someone there."
Las Vegas - Bally's Hotel/Casino
It used to be the old MGM which burned down (with people in it) and Bally's bought the property. (The new MGM is located further south.) . I was there when it burned. 96 people died. Some jumped. My ex grabbed all of the 35mm pictures that I took. They're probably in a shoe box somewhere. This picture just doesn't relay the actual horror of the events that happend that day. If there is such a thing as ghosts, this is where they would be. Jumping out the windows, some took the chance on surviving a fall rather than having what would be a terrible death of asfixiation
Las Vegas - Dell Robinson Middle School
Many sightings of an old man walking the halls of this school have been reported by new students coming from another state. They always see a man dressed as a janitor walking around in the hallway with blood on his hands. when school is out, the man follows them all the way home then disappears. The student will have nightmares and see this man in their dreams. This only happens to new students enrolling to this school and will happen until next time they go to church.
Las Vegas - The Excalibur
Walking down the hallway on the 10th floor you feel as though someone is directly behind you, hovering over your back, and then you hear a whisper, directly in your ear as if their lips were only an inch away.
Las Vegas - Las Vegas Academy Main Theatre
Since the opening of the theatre students have reported hearing strange sounds and seeing the apparition of an elderly main named "Mr. Petre". The legend says the man used to live on the property before the theatre was built in the 1930's and appears when the theatre is empty.
Las Vegas - Little Choo Choo Daycare
The daycare was closed because of a teacher who committed suicide and a little boy who was killed getting dragged underneath the tracks of the toy train. Some people said usually at night or sometimes in the day there is a presence of a little boy digging with his shovel in the ground. Nobody knows who he is, but sometimes he appears out of nowhere and some said at night a black woman can been seen trespassing and disappearing out of thin air.
Las Vegas - Redd Foxx' home
Said that Redd Foxx ghost is playing pranks on the current tenants.
Las Vegas - Sahara and Sandhill
If you drive down the dirt roads in that area you may be chased by an elderly woman in a car. If you leave the street she won't follow.
Las Vegas - Sandhill and Charleston
If you turn off of Charleston Blv. onto Sandhill Rd. heading toward Sahara you will shortly pass a set of flood control tunnels that pass under the freeway and let out onto a small neighborhood street named Olive. Many neighborhood residents use this as and uncomfortable but fast shortcut to the other side of the freeway and neighborhood children often play in them. Many people including have heard the voices of two people whispering in the tunnels late in the evening when there is none around. They sound like a male and female and coincidently just before those tunnels were built a young couple were flying down Olive on motorcycles and hit the pile of construction debris that was there at the time. They crashed early morning and were not discovered until around 6 am.
Las Vegas - Tropicana Hotel & Casino
Over the years visitors to this hotel are greeted at the entrance by a large tiki mask face, and many people have reported getting a terrible purple rash after touching it. And when people take pictures in front of it they report seeing a strange purple hazy cloud of smoke in the picture after they developed the pictures.
Las Vegas - Vo-Tech High School
Late at night around 11:00pm there is a shadow in the figure of a man that stands by the gym doors.
08/10/2006 22:36:50
 Jim  Its spooky, these voices I hear. Ghosts?
When I'm hungover I hear voices. I like them.
Anymore, I'd rather be hungover than ain't that a kick in the head.
These voices sound like a TV that has its volume to low to make out whats being said.
They seems to be mumblings, like the sound of people talking in a cafeteria.
I assume they are generated by my subconscious and therefore I can control them.
If I listen closely, I can hear them when its dead quiet in the middle of the night.
Its like those dancing lights that we all see, that a few notice, and even fewer talk about then.
I was researching the euphoria epileptics have before having a seizure.
Overwhelmingly, many of them have this auditory hallucination.
From what I've read about them, they are exactly like I just described my voices.
What do you call it, when a group of people have the same hallucination?
I've always said, I'll believe in ghosts if I see one. I would love to see a ghost. Are these ghosts?
It would be nice to see something of a supernatural nature before I become a ghost.
08/11/2006 18:51:06
 Jim   (Reply)On the other hand
I was just kickin it on the couch, and I heard voices and whistling.
I asked Becky if she heard the sounds too..she said YEP.
Sonny whistles and sings to himself in the bedroom.
08/10/2006 13:30:24
 Jim  Well I’ll be diggy dogged...I’m well!
I was on my death bed last night. I did some Echinacea, because, well, why not?
I did some in April, and I seemed to clear up.
I did some last night, and I seem to be cleared up.
I don't get it.
My sniffles and snore throat are gone. I have a little bit of a cough, but its 1/10th of what I had yesterday.
My experiment is this...
Becky has been sneezing, just like me, for 3 days now...all red nosed. I gave her some echinacea this morning.
The test will be how sh'es doing tonight.
08/10/2006 10:41:48
 Jim  I love these talks with Sonny
We were talking about what gravity would be at the center of the earth.
While talking, I researched different articles, complicated formulas, things people said.
The way the articles stated things, it all seemed so complicated.
I know now, its simple, when its broken down, with all of the confusing formulas and terminalogy.
I started to write the program for determining the motion of an object falling throught the center of the earth, but, haha, it
would take maybe a week to write. The earth would have to be sectioned off by mass, a routine written for the distance and weight of the object as it passes near these masses, and finally, some mile marks for the resulting weight would be generated along the objects path. Not too bad.
I mentioned science had developed a working artificial lung back in the fifty's.
It seems the major problem they have is funding. The lungs are built. They can sustain life. They are powered by the heart.
But, other problems exist, like clotting.
Somehow, we got to talking about Moses, because I was talking to Jennifer about him
Now, I'd read that basically, he went up the mountain, alone, and came back down to his group.
But, before he did all this, he told the people to build a church full of gold and nice things...for God.
I also read, he told everyone to go off and bathe.
Jennifer came up with the classic story about the burning bush, and God talking only to Moses, and she didn't see anything odd about this.
So, I started rereading the Bible on Moses. I about fell asleep on the lengthy portions of what God wanted in his church. Wow. Boring. A lot of gimme gimme gimme in there. I'll finish it up later, but for now, it seems like a great swap for a couple of tablets with chiselled words on them. Actually, from what I've read, it had to be a GREAT IDEA for way back then, to give the people a decent place to go, and to give them some rules to a club. It would sure beat living in a hut.
08/09/2006 22:52:51
 Jim  Becky, the Red Nosed Fun Dear
And me, On Dancer, the nostric rainydear. 
We're both snot slinging sick. I know, its all in our heads.
But I go to the stores and hear people gagging and sneezing so its not just me.
Nellis must be testing pepper bombs left over from the cold war!!! (snarf snarf).
At any rate, I feel like a cow pie, not that I could smell it.
08/08/2006 23:16:53
 Jim  Squirty says yelp yelp
Go Squirt Go
08/08/2006 23:12:46
 Jim  Another day and I’m still down for the count
Sonny's sneezing. Becky's sneezing. I'm sneezing and wheezing.
People everywhere are coughing and sneezing. Makes me think maybe its not black mold.
I still can't think straight, so, I'm not going to be doing much until whatever I have goes away.
Seeing a doctor was a move in the right direction. Lets see if I can steer it around some.
Erythromyicin, steroids, and Albuterol. I wonder one is messing with my head. hmmm.
08/08/2006 11:29:44
 Jim  How much do we weigh on Earth
If I weighed 150lbs in Death Valley, would I weigh 149lbs on Mt Everist?
The difference is insignificant.
Would I weigh nothing at the earths core?
Most PHDs think you would weigh nothing at the Earths core.
You'd be pulled outward equally, in all directions.
08/08/2006 02:59:17
 Jim  Squirt turns 2!
Happy Birthday Squirt!
08/07/2006 17:37:56
 Jim  UMC-Doctors visit
I went to UMC with severe breathing problems. 
I told the receptions I have asthma, and probably a lung infection.
I also told her I was unemployed, uninsured, and I'd have to pay cash.
The receptionist said it would cost $95.
A nurse checked my blood pressure and told me to relax, she put me in a room and gave me albuterol nebulizer treatment. Later, another nurse came in, and she took 2 X-Rays.
Doctor Fellows came into the room and said I didn't have cancer.
He gave me a prescription for 5 antibiotics (I specified Erythromyicin) , 1 albuterol inhaler, and albuterol for my nebulizer.
He told me to see a Primary Care Physician with one week.
When I left, I went up to the receptionist, and paid her $95.
The receptionist said I'd get an invoice in the mail in two weeks.
08/06/2006 16:27:14
 Jim  Why do you let that dog lick your face?
I asked a kid, because the dog just licked his butt, and was licking the kids tongue.
08/05/2006 13:16:18
 Jim  Drugs for asthma
Near Magical: Symbicort turbohalers, Seretide inhalers and Serevent aerosols
Xolair - Injections
I've tried Albuterol, Primatine Mist, Atrovent...and they all work, um, OK.
08/04/2006 08:39:25
 Jim  .Happy Birthday to Sonny
Hey Mikey! Sonny's sleeping.
I put your doggy pic in your log heading. You can delete it if you want.
Sonny said thanks. Dustin has control of his PC.
08/04/2006 01:00:00
 Jim  Sonny turns 56 years old
He'll be 56 years old.
08/03/2006 20:38:19
 Jim  Picked up Joy and Amy
Joy washed clothes over here. Robert swung by.
Becky made 14 coctail weinees, rice and beans for everyone. Dustin grabbed 8 of the 14 weinees.
Later, he asked Becky if he could have a soda. She said yes.
He came out of the laundry popped the top to a rootbeer, and said "I got the last rootbeer, hahaha".
I told Dustin that was extremely bad manners. If you see there is only one left of something, you ask if you can have it.
You don't brag about taking it. Dustin walked away from me when I was talking to him.
I asked everyone what they thought about what Dustin did, everyone said it was rude.
I told Dustin, I just wanted him to have good manners over here. I wasn't trying to hurt him.
Dustin ignored me, so I called GMa. Her phone didn't answer, so I pretended to talk to her, telling her about what Dustin did. I offered the phone to Dustin, and he wouldn't take it.
He went into the rooms closet, walking away from me again.
At that point, Becky went in and scolded him, but he wasn't listening.
I came in, told him I wasn't trying to hurt his feelings, I was just trying to teach him better manners.
I asked him how he'd feel how he'd feel if I bought him a six pack of root beers, and Jennifer drank them all.
He said, "God will provide me with more". At about that time, I told him he was full of crap. He'd probably yell at her.
He told me not to swear around him.
07/31/2006 15:49:27
 Jim  Becky and I are watching the movie
We put it in for Dustin and Jennifer.
Dustin is playing an endless stream of games. Jennifer is drawing pictures with paint.
Its always seemed to work this way. The grownup watch the kids movies. The kids play games.
I jumped on Jennifer for complaining about a sandwich Becky made for her.
She said, "This egg salad has onions, I hate onions. Ewwe.".
I jumped in and told her that she was showing terrible manners.
When someone cooks for you, and serves you, you should never complain about their kindness.
I told her she should have learned this when she was much younger.
She apologized and ate the egg salad sandwich.
07/31/2006 14:33:40
 Jim  I backed out of the Big Bear trip
Sonny backed out. He said because his daughter ran away, but she lives with her mom.
My breathing is currently a disability. I didn't sleep much. I wouldn't be much help setting up camp.
All in all, the trip wasn't going to turn out to be much fun, especially for me.
We'll reschedule if and when my lungs clear up.
07/31/2006 05:32:02
 Jim  We’re going camping for 2 nights at Big Bear
Our site will be in he mountains next to the lake. It costs $15 a night with water, very basic bathrooms. Its a couple of miles from Big Bear City (eg: McDonalds).
I asked Dustin what he was bringing.
He said, "4 pairs of clothes, 4 pairs of pajamas, 4 pairs of underwear, and a nightlight.".
I told him we're only staying two nights, so, why 4 pairs of clothes, underwear and pajamas.
He said one for today, and one for when we get back.
Dustin said he brought the night light, so I wouldn't need a lantern.
I asked him if it plugs into the wall. He said "yes".
I told him we'll be in tents. He said..."oh"...
I'm still trying to get over him bringing pajamas.
Dustin brought this really nice cross country backback.
I asked him where he got it.
He said from his Boy Scout leaders, but they're not leaders anymore because they're lazy.
I asked him who actually gave it to him. He said, "Well, my friend Sebastion did".
Then I asked, "So your going to have to give it back to him?".
He said "No. I accidentally left it over at his house, so he gave it back to me".
So I asked him, "So, where did you actually first get it?".
He said, "In a warehouse that was full of stuff. The Boy Scout leaders gave it to him, then they got fired".
I may never know where Dustin got his $300 backpack from.
Dustin and Jennifer stayed over.
Dustin was actually pretty good, and Jennifer, as always, was great!

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