The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
<< 07/2003 < 06/2004 Calendar 08/2004 > 07/2005 >>Sign InView Other Logs
07/03/2004 00:18:55
 Jim  Talked to Skip about his wonder drug that lets you
Talked to Skip about his wonder drug that lets you live forever (supposedly another Gerovital, Laetrile, HGH) answer to a healthier/longer life. It's an MLM that sells a Mangoxxx juice. I was thrilled to point out those tiny letters at the end of every article, that say its all BS, not to take it's advice, use it as therapy, and to seek a physician for any ailment. I love franchises...they all look the same to me.
The real way to make money is to SELL franchises with your own DNAJavalium Juice from the jungles of Columbia with actors, statements from DR's, and Testimonials...and be sure to include the disclamer statements to forgo the lawsuits and libel laws. LOL
07/03/2004 00:11:48
 jim  Went to LVMS and watched Fireworks
Took Becky, Dustin and Jennifer to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway (Bullring), and watched 3 hours of racing and a demolition derby. At the end, they had a decent fireworks display that lasted 5 minutes. It was pretty cool.
07/02/2004 21:12:34
 jim  Vegas,NV-StreisandPark-Fireworks Jim
07/02/2004 17:04:01
 jim  Vegas,NV-RaceTrack-Jim,Becky,Dustin,Jim
07/02/2004 12:02:21
 jim  Vegas,NV-RaceTrack
07/01/2004 21:28:06
 jim  What I call a good deed is
What I call a good deed, is something you do nice for someone else, without anything to gain from your action.
07/01/2004 20:21:57
 jim  Another day of good deeds. Helped someone move.
I helped move a friend across town for about 7 hours today, and it was HOT! Everything from a queen bed to a refrigerator. Guess I've still got the physical stamina that kind of labor requires and that's nice to know!
Bought 6 cartons of smokes, laid back, watched tube. Made some smoked pork/gravy and mashed potatoes for dinner. (Just didn't feel like going out for KFC).
06/30/2004 20:33:01
 jim  I’m sorry Warren Davis.
I'm sorry Warren Davis. Well, I would have been right if I just said Dave Davis, since all of the Davis men are Dave's. :) I think (anyway). is a fun site. Thanks for the T.O.
06/30/2004 00:00:00
 jim  I hate waiting for things. Loff is still unemploye
Waited in a parking lot for 2 hours while Jennifer got new glasses ,
then I went back an hour later and picked up David (a roomie) an hour later in the same neighborhood.
Installed a shell on Robert's truck. (I dug it out of a dumpster, lol). It looks great. Then they left us with 10 loads of laundry hoping we'll do it. WOW! That would take all day and night to finish!!! I figure if we do it, we'll hit a laundrymat and do it all in 1 hour.
Talked to Loff today.
He's not having any luck finding work. I told him my house appreciated the taxable equivalent of me making $17.50 an hour last year, and I cashed in on it with a loan that I can write off, and I'm making more interest than I'm paying for the loan. Ain't math wonderful!!! But most people don't get it. :(
Life is simple if you let it be.
06/29/2004 12:15:35
 jim  Right back at ya!
Oh, and it's good to hear from ya Warren Douglas!!!
06/29/2004 12:13:54
 jim  Toilet Paper Statistics
Another day for shopping.
Turns out we go thru 160 rolls of toilet paper a month.
Now if that ain't the WILDEST statistic you've ever heard, let me know.
That's 160 / 4 people = 40 roll/ person = 1.30 rolls per person a day!!!
06/28/2004 20:15:10
 jim  Dustin and Jennifer will be here for 2 weeks
It's been a while since my last entry. A lot of things have happened I suppose. I just found out
Dustin and Jennifer will be here for 2 weeks (instead of 4 days) and I just went shopping. We didn't prepare for that kind of time. Don't know what to think about that. But all in all, life is good.
06/27/2004 12:03:40
 jim  SunsetPark,NV-Robert,Joy,Jim,Becky
06/26/2004 14:15:10
 jim  Darned KIDS!
Picked up another pair of binoculars. My last ones, well, were ruined by kids. #@%%#
06/22/2004 17:33:45
 jim  Played with the PC all day.
God I love to tear things apart them put them back together again!
06/22/2004 12:00:08
 jim  Vegas,NV-Gabriel Garden,Becky,Jennifer
06/20/2004 17:33:45
 jim  Bought a new PC on June 11th...
and I have been playing with it ever since.
God I love to tear things apart them put them back together again!
06/17/2004 18:00:00
 jim  Visited Robert at the hospital!
They did surgery on his nasal passage ways. Yuck!
09/05/2007 19:38:17
 jim   (Reply)Visited Robert at the hospital!
They did surgery on his nasal passage ways. Yuck!
06/17/2004 00:00:20
 jim  Hospital-Jennifer,Robert,Becky,Dustin
06/11/2004 18:00:00
 jim  Bought an eMachine at Fryes!
On Mikey's recommendation, had them give me XP Pro, OEM edition. Cool unit!
I'm going to be all about building it up and transferring files for awhile. Lot's of fun work!
06/08/2004 16:00:00
 jim  Becky and I played pool at PTs with Skip!
Skip has got to be the best pool shooter I've ever known.
He's got some excellent shots.
He tried teaching me the ropes, but I'll never be in his league..
06/08/2004 12:22:01
 jim  Vegas,NV-Gabriel-Drugs-ValiumEnvelope
06/05/2004 22:21:20
 jim  PTsPub-Skip,David,Jim,Becky
06/05/2004 00:21:40
 jim  PTsPub-Skip,David,Jim,Becky
06/04/2004 18:00:00
 jim  I now have a dog!
My neighbors gave him to me His name is Rusty, and he's totally untrained. He's a Jack Russell Terrier, tiny little thing, raised with two Pit Bulls...very timid. We'll see how it goes.

<< 07/2003 < 06/2004 Calendar 08/2004 > 07/2005 >>Sign InView Other Logs