The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
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06/14/2007 23:28:58
 jim  Things I will not miss about Vegas
- the Spanish invasion
- the aggressive drivers
- hearing "hate rap" music blasting at stop lights
- the smog, dust, allergens and the heat
- the pan handlers, hookers and tweakers
- unfriendly people, distant neighbors, people moving all the time, and the temporary nature of friendships here
- the overcrowding and poor quality of our schools
- the high cost of insurance and poor quality of health care
This isn't Kansas, Dorothy, it's
06/14/2007 23:01:50
 jim  What Vegas needs, in my opinion
Our drivers are terrible here, we need
- Mass transit systems that are affordable. Pull offs for buses. Park and Rides.
- Ticket issuing traffic cams.
- Signs showing traffic conditions, with warnings about tailgaiting.
The greater Las Vegas area is the fastest growing area in the nation.
Oscar Goodman is right. Las Vegas is set to be the world's next Rome.
As such, we should have:
- Better schools, more teachers, and higher standards of education
- Better quality and more affordable health care.
- Legislation that eliminates malpractice lawsuits. How many 'messages' do you need to send the medical community?
- Better social services for legal citizens
- Better road design. No more 2 mile long, 2 lane off ramps that are 200 feet in the air. A child could plan better.
  New roads hit capacity when they open. That's poor capacity planning.
- Water should be a forethought, not an afterthought. The Colorado River is tapped.
A long time ago, there could have been codes set for the distance between houses.
Regulators let landowners squeeze every house possible into the smallest amount of acreage.
Now, we have overcrowding. There is plenty of land in Nevada.
06/14/2007 13:46:25
 jim  Is the job hassle worth it?
I think so.
Most of whats going on seems typical for a good job.
- If I get this job, and we sell the condo,
We won't have any money problems at least for 3 years.
I'll be 54, Sonny will be 59, and Becky will be 48 when things start going south.
Thats if our investments pay nothing. The key word here is, investments .
We can't go on a spending spree and we have to live cheap.
- If I get this job and we don't sell the condo,
I'll be able to pull everybody's weight.
- If I don't get this job and we sell the condo,
we should be able to scrape by on Be Quick
- If I don't get this job and we don't sell the condo,
things will start going south by October.
 We have assets, they're just not easily converted into cash. 
A lot of things can happen in three months. We could finance!
I'll figure something out.
We've been on an $1,800 a month budget
Which is pretty cheap for a homeowner and two people in Vegas.
Lately, trying to refinance, buying tools for Be Quick, going to Disneyland, Adventure Dome, Star Trek Adventure...
has put us way over budget. We've been spending way beyond our means.
We've got to think rich and act poor.
Some things that have happened in the last two months are pretty unusual.
I'll just blame them either on bad luck or bad judgement on my part.
Without a causal connection, though, the odds of what happened yesterday are phenomenal.
06/13/2007 20:11:30
 jim  Weird Mustang problems
Popped a tire. Fuel pump went bad.
Both unrelated..I think. What are the odds of that?
We left Frys about 4pm today.
It seemed kind of weird, to pop a tire while entering I215, then the fuel pump giving out 2 miles later.
We really weren't sure our tire popped at all, and it didn't seem like we needed to pull over.
But about 2 miles down the freeway, the engine started slowing and racing sporadically.
Then it died.
Freeway Assistance came by, but after a few minutes it, it would start again.
We didn't notice a flat tire.
A few miles later, at the Warm Springs exit, the engine died again.
It finally started and we made it somewhere on Warm Springs.
Then the tire started flopping around.
So I replaced it with a donut, all the while, burning my hands on the tools, and ruining my new dress pants.
It looked like my tire had melted (I'm serious).
We got another mile, and the engine died, again.
Cars were whizzing by us at 80mph.
Finally, it started again, and we made it to Paradise and Warm Springs.
We stopped and called our insurance for tow.
We had no water. We had no one to call. My tools were too hot to touch.
After two hours of waiting, we'd managed to get the car to a Rebel Station nearby.
Finally the tow truck pick us up, but all of the repair shops had closed.
The tow driver dropped us off at Pep Boys. They said I couldn't leave the car parked there.
So, we drove it home.
Its now 8pm.
I'm thinking tommorrow, we'll replace the fuel pump, fuel filter and get a new tire.
OH, I took my drug test.
We won't know the result until Friday or Monday.
Everything is being cut pretty close.
06/14/2007 10:21:29
 jim   (Reply)..Weird Mustang problems
I'm driving the F150 to Louisville...if I go!!!
Ajilon called this morning.
They said Bank of America didn't check out.
I told them it was 18 years ago, while Valley Bank was being acquired by Bank of America.
I looked it up in Wikipedia and the Valley Bank acquisition wrapped up in 1992, after the Security Bank acquisition.
But to us, and especially me, I was working for and contracting with Bank of America.
It just didn't say that on their checks.
And the conversions were for Base24.
There is no Valley Bank anymore. It became BOA.
How do you answer that...zig or zag?
I talked to the guy at Caesars Indiana...
He's going through their 5th acquisition.
Same job. Same everything.
At least, they're not change the name
06/13/2007 12:39:01
 jim  Fedex Ground hires Independant Contractors
I just got a delivery from a Fed Ex deliveryman (for my Quest drug test).
I noticed he was driving a small, obviously poorly kept, probably spring driven, car.
SO, I stopped him and asked him if he was an independant contractor.
He said "YEP".
"Fed Ex concentrates its truck routes on Business-To-Business deliveries."
"For Business-To-Home deliveries, they contract us."...
There's an easy job that anyone can do!
The contractors have to take a drug test and a physical exam first.
I think, if I stayed here and did the notary thing, I'd want to add that to my courier side of business.
Speaking about drug test.
I won't know if I can take off until either Friday, or Monday...and that really hurts.
06/13/2007 00:17:30
 jim  We went to the Star Trek Experience

The waiter gave me some soggy Orion Nebula Crackers at Quarks Restaurant.
So I called him a slimy, Swarathean Mole Squeezer. THEN HE HIT ME WITH HIS WARPING STICK!!!

Fortunately, Sonny came to my defense.
He'd been playing quarters on the Hilton slots, and he made the waiter smell his HAND!!!
"That quarter stink. That nasty quarter stink! KAHN!!!" he yelled, as his face hit the floor.
Once again, we emerged from the Las Vegas Hilton as happy slot players...
Seriously, the Borg 4D ride was excellent
We got to pretend we were in the Enterprises, and being abducted by the Borg.
Star Trek 3D was cool too.
It was a motion ride with spills and thrills.
It was an interstellar blast.
The food at Quarks Restaurant was kind of bland.
We had a 3 tiered appetizer which was good.
My seafood dish had a salt and butter sauce, with brown rice and zucchini. yuck.
Becky had a pecan chicken sandwich with fries. The fries were excellent.
The restaurant had a really good decor, but the food was a cross between McDonalds and Long John Silvers.
I like Long John Silvers better.
06/12/2007 19:40:36
 jim  Vegas,NV-Hilton
06/12/2007 17:22:38
 jim  Vegas,NV-Hilton-DeepSpace9
06/12/2007 17:10:44
 jim  Vegas,NV-StarTrek-Becky,Sonny,Jim
06/12/2007 13:04:12
 jim  Canceled my Extended Stay reservation again
Ajilon is verifying my BOA employment now. That was 18 years
They're overnighting a 3 part Quest Drug Test Form to me.
I should get it tomorrow.
I have no idea what they are going to ask on it, and how much they are going to critique what I say.
I've never been tested for drugs before.
Ajilon's relocation specialist called.
They wanted to know when I'll be in Louisville.
I didn't know what to tell them.

   I'm just rolling with the flow    

I'm always going to wonder if Be Quick would have flown.
We've been passing up at least 3 calls a day.
I feel like I'm betting on a Roulette table
Only on table both Red and Black always win, and I have to choose the best winner.
The color I don't pick, will probably never be an option again.
I'm basing the choices on which opportunity has the best foundation to build on.
1) Bank of America/ Ajilon
- Is a solid company
- I can get health insurance through them, and even have a 401K plan.
- Will start out at over $100k
- Requires full time hours.
- I can build a reputation through them, and possibly get contracts for years to come, any place in the country.
2) Be Quick
- Is not solid
- I could be building a reputation for it right now, but instead, I'm ruining it.
- Pays around $10k as it exists right now
- Requires only part time hours.
- If the system went country wide, could pay $100+k.
Its a tough call.
*** The best idea would be to get both of them working for me
But, that's going to be difficult to do in Louisville with a full time job.
06/12/2007 12:05:39
 jim  I failed Ajilons background check
Bank of America is going through the 16 pages I faxed to them last night.
I made a mistake and wrote down US Consulting as my employer for M2 corp in Orlando.
It should have been STJ Inc. OOPS.
Pat Hill at US Consulting called me about it.
So, I frantically called Mike to verify we worked for STJ Inc.
Then I called Ajilon, and the person doing the background check to straighten it out.
They still haven't told me where to take a drug test.
I'm starting to pull my hair out over this thing.
I have a back up plan (Be Quick). If I need money, I can get lots of it.
But, I guess I'm going to have to cancel my hotel reservation in Louisville again.
06/12/2007 11:56:50
 jim  Turned down more Be Quick business
A guy called yesterday. He said he had 35 notaries that he wanted to merge with my group.
A girl called yesterday and wanted to know if she could work for me.
A girl called today and wanted to know if she could work for me.
I didn't know what to say.
I referred them to Go Notary, even though, I know they are a 3 person team with no computer system.
06/12/2007 10:42:47
 jim  Called Rod Friedricks yesterday
I've got an old buddy in Louisville, Ky. YEAH!
He actually dwells on the other side of the river in Clarksville, Indiana.
Those people talk so funny over there. 
Why can't they learn to talk ryat? 
Actually, very few people here have an accent. This area is a melting pot of nationalities.

He's the Information Systems Director for Caesars Indiana, which is pretty cool.
I remember when he applied for the transfer back in the 90's.

Its a Small World, after all.
His home page is:
06/11/2007 12:01:20
 Jim  Life is good again.
Sonny is interviewing at Circus Circus
Becky rubbed his head for good luck, and I shook his hand like a car salesman.
I'm definitely going to Louisville, KY
I've faxed 16 pages of info and am waiting for further instructions.
Ruth sounds GGGRRREEEeeeeaaaattttt!!!
Stage IV cancer never sounded better.
She says she's even up to 128 lbs. The Mississippi doctors may renege on their diagnosis. hmmm.
Ruth thinks praying has helped. I told her IT REALLY WORKS!
Attitude is they key to a good life.
Social Security denied Ruth disability, even with Stage IV cancer.
However, they said she can get if she gets a divorce.
So she's getting a paper divorce.
Isn't that just weird.
06/11/2007 10:25:07
 Jim  Talked to Ajilon
Ajilon: Clark Zalot 502-454-5840 was supposed to call me.
However, I called them.
The deal is:
- Their sending me an email with where to do for the drug test (Quest Diagnostics).
   I'll need to dig out the old fax machine to fax a new contract back to them.
- Pay is weekly, autodeposit! The timesheet is on the web. (I already like these people).
- Per Diem in Louisville is $128 per day and thats great, so it should work out to $34 and $16, so the write offs are great.
- They will help me find a great place to stay!!!
- They'll also ask Leanne if the 25th is okay (instead of next Monday).
06/13/2007 00:13:57
 Jim   (Reply).Talked to Ajilon
Sonny's going to take care of Squirty.
He's not really a dog person...he likes cats!!!
Now, me, I just don't understand that.
A dog:
-  loves everything you give him to eat.
- will lick your feet, no matter how sweaty.
- will warn you when ugly people approach the house
- AND, they'll drink beer with listening to country music.
Cats do what, exactly? hehehe.
06/11/2007 08:00:00
 Jim  Start BA Merchant
Through U.S. Consulting Services
06/11/2007 09:22:30
 Jim   (Reply)Supposed to: Start at BA Merchant
No one has called yet.
I'll wait until 2pm their time, and call them.
I noticed in my notes, 
US Consulting said I'd be working W2 for the Vendor, and Ajilon would be calling me.
- I'd think that would mean I'd be working for Bank of America
- US Consulting's non-compete clause would be invalid
- Somehow, Ajilon fits in there somewhere
I was hoping all that would be cleared up today.
But, it all means nothing if they decide not to hire me.
I just wish I wasn't tied to the phone.
I noticed that Friday, Adam G said "Good luck with the drug test" (which I'll pass in flying colors).
I thought that was odd.
Adam also said, buying and selling contracts happens a lot with consultants. I've never heard of that though.
06/10/2007 20:12:00
 Jim  Infrared Bio Technician wanted, in Paducah
Needed to analyze and prepare culinary specimens for consumption by hotel patrons
Paducah is also looking for a Hotel Technician
A Front Desk Clerk.
I thought Las Vegas was creative about their titles. LOL.
06/09/2007 10:13:35
 Jim  We are all frustrated
Sonny said he's a little frustrated about these times.
Most things are uncertain right now. What is certain, isn't good.
At this point, he knows he'll be laid off in July, but even that is a big maybe.
The Frontier has to keep 6 engineers around until the hotel gets leveled.
I share some of Sonny's frustration
Waiting is not something I do well.
So, should I unpack?
I know I could contact Jerry Newberry's friend, Kevin McDonald.
Kevin McDonald is responsible for all of Bank of America's ATMs on the west coast.
I'd think Kevin could get me in anywhere I wish.
I could bypass this whole headhunter thing. hmmm.
06/08/2007 13:58:59
 Jim  The ALMOSTs have it
So, I guess our scenario is:
- Sonny is almost out of a job
- I almost have a job
- The condo is almost sold
- The tenants are almost out
- And we can almost leave.
And, lol, I'm almost happy !!!!
06/08/2007 12:24:08
 Jim  Things just keep-a-changing
Now, it looks like I'll be W2 instead of 1099 for $2 less an hour.
Plus, I'll be working with Ajilon and not US Consulting.
Its all good though, as long as I get hired.
Clark Zalot should be calling today about me taking a drug test here, maybe on Monday.
Adam said we should still be on for the 18th, but now, I'm thinking with the new red tape, it may be the 25th.
But then again, he's washed his hands of it all.
On the other hand, Ajilon must have bought my contract somehow.
I just hope everything doesn't go sour.
Be Quick is all but shut down now.
06/08/2007 08:06:24
 Jim  To go or not to go? That is the question?
Looks like we're pushed back another week.
The start date was supposed to be the 11th.
Then it was pushed up to the 18th.
Now, it may or may not be pushed up to the 25th, depending on what we hear today.
I'm just rolling with the flow. haha...
We've said our goodbyes 2 times already.
By the time we say our last goodbye, we'll be hearing "Okay already!!! GET THE $&%@* OUT OF HERE".
06/07/2007 18:17:14
 Jim  Google has the best calendar
It beats mine. It looks GREAT! It works GREAT! And you can share them.
I knew it would take a year for the world to catch up with some of the features of LVDude.
The multiple, dropdown SEARCH ________ is available on IE and Netscape.
Blogs (that even use the same code that I, eh hummm, borrowed) are like mine on Tagged and MySpace.
The drop down customizable menus and shared menus are still mine.
I think my favorites menu is still the best.
I think my Ads section is still the best too.
06/06/2007 23:29:24
 Jim  We already have a buyer for the condo
That's amazing!
The tenants are moving out Friday, and we're squaring up with them Saturday.
Everything is moving so fast.
I feel half brain dead.
Sonny transfered the power to our names today, while I was catching up on sleep.
We still don't know when we're taking off.
A mexican fellow wants to buy the condo.
He has 5 kids...hahaha
We have the cheapest property in Vegas, and still, he wants us to come down $2,
I should sell just to muddy up things.
06/06/2007 23:23:42
 Jim  I want to open a Dairy Dude
Dairy Queen closes at 10pm.
For us late nighters, and those of us who ride up and down the Strip in our robes, I think that could be good thing.
We could open at 10pm and close at 10am.
And we could sell ice cream dishes like:
- Midnight Blizzards,
- Banana Strips,
- Erotic Dipped Cones,
- Glitter Gulps,
- Casino Dawgs
- The Del Monte Experience
- Black Jack Coffee.
06/06/2007 20:36:12
 jim  Vegas,NV-ImperialPalace
06/06/2007 12:25:27
 Jim  Jennifers Graduation at Cashman Field
Jennifer's school, Odyssee, had a graduation ceremony for the 1st though 7th grades.
There must have been 421.5 guests there (as Dustin might say it). lol.
It was fun, but my brain can only handle one graduation celebration a year.
Today was the third one in one month.
I loaded up Dig Dug on my cell phone, and gave Dustin technical descriptions of every play I was making, EG - If I go under this rock, I can SMASH a minor and a dragon before they float through the rock and get me. hahaha.
He's always telling us about his HPs in Runscape.
06/05/2007 09:00:14
 jim  Vegas,NV-Dustins graduation
06/04/2007 18:48:28
 jim  Vegas,NV-Becky Bo Peep
06/04/2007 18:21:23
 Jim  The trip to Louisville is delayed
Adam called today right at our meeting time with Grady.
He said workis putting the start date off by one week.
They need more time to get the PO set up, and to make a spot for me...okay, those are excuses, but...
Adam knows my situation and that I'm very flexible, and he said okay.
BOA put off my interview twice, so I'm not surprised.
It sounds like they are always very busy. And that sounds like I'll be much needed.
Adam says he's positive that they won't back out on the contract.
The only thing bad about starting on the 18th instead of the 11th is:
My contract would end on December 18th.
That's right before the Christmas and New Years holidays.
I don't want memories of my work drowned by holiday festivities.
I'd prefer a contract extension gets renewed the day after it expires, and not after a couple of holidays away.
Brian said, he was going to get a longer contract approved.
And that, my friends, is GREAT!!!
06/04/2007 17:37:00
 Jim  Looking for a batting cage or miniature golf?
Good Luck!
There are no miniature golf or batting cages in Las Vegas.
Since Scandia closed, its a thing of the past.
The closest thing to Miniature Golf is located in the Adventure Dome, but if you've been around the country lately, it doesn't even come close to qualifying.
If anyone knows of a putt putt range, let us know.
06/04/2007 00:39:43
 Jim  Some instructions
The Joint Account
Pay all the house and condo bills out of the joint account.
Let me know if we get low on checks or deposit slips so I can order some more.
Jim's Account
There shouldn't be any bills for me, except for that UMC bill. I'm not that worried about that one though.
06/03/2007 10:01:00
 Jim  Be Quick biz goes to Go Notary (343-2514)
Darren Marlow is the owner.
2006 E Pyle Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89123.
They have three people working with him.
His wife and a friend work the business with him.
I told him I'd call him again, maybe next week, then maybe we could turn the internet over to him.
I didn't discuss charging him anything.
06/03/2007 09:42:07
 Jim  Selling the condo and investing

The condo yields less around a 7.6% return if its constantly rented. Its high mainentance.
Investent Yield Notes
Condo 7.6% 100% Rental. High maintenance.
Treasure Bills 4.6% Safe
Dreyfus Bond funds 5%
Heritage Group (HBOS) 15% Last 2 Years
Las Vegas Sands Corp (LVS) 19% Last 2 Years
Tax Sheltered Municiple bonds             4% We don't need a tax shelter.
If we'd invested in LVS 4 years ago, our capital would have doubled.
But saying that is like saying when your gambling, you should only bet when your winning.
Its a matter of timing, faith and patience. It took 20 years for the condo's value to double.
I think the trick is to find investments you can handle emotionally
The condo, is an investment you can actually use, but how you come out involves more calculations than stocks.
Also, you typically don't check out a condo's value every month.
In the 70's, I splattered some coffee on the financial section.
Everywhere a drop hit, I tracked the investment.
The coffee drops averaged out, I think, around 10% 
06/03/2007 08:32:26
 Jim  The association is threatening everyone
The condos lost their street parking to a bike lane several years ago. Its really too bad that happened.
They wrote a letter saying condo owners that visitors have to park 3 football fields away (on San Rafael or Mill Valley).
They're preparing to fine violators $100 fines.
So if someone parks behind your garage, they fine YOU, not them.
Because of them, we're selling the condo and taking our profits.
They've yelled at me about what liars and pig the tenants are.
They've yelled at me about what a lousy landlord and businessman I am.
They even said the condos are selling for $140,000 because of the wonderful things they did.
The condo's have doubled in value, because all Las Vegas real estate has doubled.
They're dues are higher than what I paid in Summerlin, and they don't even have security contracted.
The association doesn't have to keep their promises.
They started to put up visitor parking 8 months ago. They cut down a tree. They marked the pad.
Here's the deal - There are over 130 condos in the association.
They each pay $100 a month. Thats $13,000 a month they get paid for mowing the grass, and keeping common lights on.
Click here for their CCRs.
Since we've bought the condo in 1978, they've cut down our tree and removed the shrubs in front of the condo.
We haven't seen the benefits from their maintenance of the grounds.
The bottom line is, don't get involved with associations.
Its can turn into a good deal gone bad.
- They can arbitrarily create the own rules.
- They can tell you what you can do behind inside your house and your garage.
- They can issue fines and they can raise your dues.
- They can even sell your property if you don't pay them.
- AND, they can pick on only you. They don't have to be fair.
06/02/2007 21:14:50
 jim  Vegas,NV-Jen,Becky,Mustang
06/02/2007 12:03:36
 jim  Vegas,NV-Condo
06/01/2007 21:40:06
 Jim  Loan fell through, but thats a good thing
- All the papers were signed at the title company.
- Everything was supposed to be a done deal
- I was actually waiting for the wired transfer.
When I was supposed to get paid, the loan company backed down.
I'm relieved. The loan kept getting uglier and uglier.
I don't want to do business with a loan representative that is flakey.
- The loan should have taken 1 week, not 6.
- I was supposed to get $40k, not $20k.
- The loan was supposed to be $800 a month, not $1k.
- It was supposed to be a stated income loan
- They ended up getting my corp papers, real estate papers, and bank account.
- In the end, they added a nasty prepayment penalty rider.
That all sux.
But, I never needed the money anyway.
06/01/2007 21:15:52
 Jim  The tenants are moving out
The tenants are moving out...and the condo's going up for sale on Monday.
The tenants don't want to stay there if the association is going to hassle them.
I'm giving the tenants an extra $200 for showing the condo, plus they get their deposit money back.
I think is a good thing that they are taking everything so well.
06/01/2007 20:17:12
 Jim  GMa has a heart attack?
Thats what I heard anyway.
Jennifer told Becky that Grandma was having a heart attack.
We hit the road for Grandma's place.
Becky told Renee.
Renee who was so upset, she started crying.
She was sent her home from work.
Renee called Paul.
Paul called me.
I told Paul, all that I wasn't sure of anything.
Jennifer told Becky something about GMa's heart.
Then Becky told me something about GMa's heart.
And that I'd find out the truth, then get back to him.
The truth was, GMa was at a luncheon.
There was no heart attack.
06/01/2007 17:50:36
 jim  Skip Leblanc has left the building (3/24/44 - 6/1/
David Leblanc, Jr (Skip) was my step brother.
He spent most of his life hustling pool, golf, and bowling, and tending bar. I worked with him when he managed the construction of Calvert City Golf Range and Putt Putt. Many people didn't approve of his lifestyle. I admired it. He was truly a free individual who lived life on his own terms. Skip was married twice and had one son, who died shortly after birth. He knew a lot of celebrities.
Skip was probably one of the best pool players alive.
He played Minnesota Fats, and toured several countries playing professional pool. I learned a lot from him, and I owe him a lot.
In 1972, he gave me his old clothes, and I started to get girlfriends. He also gave me pointers on driving a car. Skip lived most of his life in San Fransisco (where he tended bar).
He followed Mom, Terry, Dave, Allen,and Kelly from Paducah,Ky to Colorado Springs, Co, and Las Vegas, Nv.
He lived with me for one year.
If I hadn't gotten a contract in Louisville Kentucky, he'd be alive today.
The last time I talked to him, he said "Jimmy...I want to come home".
He jumped a week later. I miss you Skip. Sorry I let you down.
06/01/2007 05:49:29
 Jim  Tandem Technical Documents
05/31/2007 11:07:29
 Jim  Grady can sell the condo and Be Quick!
He's taking a class for business brokering, and he said he'd be ready by August.
As far as the condo goes, he wants to know if he can put a lock box on it.
I think the tenants would be okay with that, especially if we give them some a break on the last month's rent.
He was shocked about "Be Quick".
He named it, after all!!! Brian said either he could sell it, or he'd be happy to get someone else to broker it.
Cool. I told him, "I want you to sell it for me. I rather wait for quality service".
Brian liked that.
05/31/2007 05:20:26
 jim  Frontier-Looking for Tunnels
05/30/2007 22:18:33
 Jim  Grady to the rescue!
Just when everything was going great, I've got to ask the tenants to leave
I can't evict them. They didn't do anything wrong.
The association has been yelling at me and my tenants about the cars parked behind the row of condos.
They aren't my tenants cars.
The association has been bugging me about the tenants working on their cars in the alley.
Once again, my tenants aren't doing it.
They are the people's cars that live in 5024, not 5034 Mtn Vista.
The people in 5024 visit the people in 5034.
The association assumes they ALL live at 5034.
So the association rep (who I've know for 30 years) has been yelling at me.
He's telling me my tenants are liars, they work on cars in the alley way, and he thinks they kicked down a broken wall.
I told the rep, he shouldn't yell at me just because we're old buds, and he shouldn't make accusations he can't back up.
AND, he should calm down and consider the source of his information.
I really like my current tenants. They are decent people.
But they shouldn't have let the people in 5024 come over to their garage,
and they shouldn't have a garage sale every weekend.
That condo is just too visible.
But, alas, I have a win-win solution.
- Since the condo isn't going to appreciate much more,
- Since we're only making $9000 a year off of it
We're going to sell it and take the $130k. (if I can, I'm selling to the tenants)...haha
That's enough to pay for this place for the next 10 years.
But if not, a reliable friend told me his investment group has gotten him better than 13% interest over the last few years.
$16,900 sounds like a much better return than what we're getting on the condo.
Time to give my old bud Brian Grady a call.
05/30/2007 10:10:46
 Jim  Frontier Tunnel Search
Our tour started at the Frontier's paint shop. The carpenters all knew Sonny, so we ended up chatting for awhile.The rumour had it that the tunnel had an entrance in an old hallway and down some stairs.
I went to the hallway and down the old rotten stairs. It went to a musty, wet hallway that dead ended. The hallway was only 20 feet deep. If there was an entrance there at one time, I couldn't guess where it would be.
Next, we went to room 160.
Room 160 was a parlor where the show people used to hang and party.
The rumour was there was an entrance to the tunnel somewhere under some blocks, but I kind of doubted it. The room was in the back of the hotel.
It was a really cool old room though.
It had a jacuzzi, nice bath, 2 bars, and full windows and sliding glass doors that surrounded it. I found a 1990 phone book that was pretty interesting, and a dead cat, but we found no tunnel.
The last of the Howard Hughs tunnels may never be found.
What may have been miles of tunnels under Las Vegas Boulevard will be buried soon. They'll be a time capsule, that will be forever lost in time.
I did get a black jack table layout
It was pretty cool seeing the guts of an old hotel.
05/30/2007 10:10:31
 Jim  What I love about owning this website
Is the links with affiliations for it. I booked a room for 30 days in Louisville through my site.
By doing that, I got a great rate, AND, I get a kick back for two days rent!
What IRS agent has the nuts to say this write off, was reduced by this kick back you got on a totally different date. 
It almost impossible to separate business kick backs from personal kickbacks if its paid in a lump sum.
I was talking to Newberry yesterday.
He was talking about a buddy of his that has millions of dollars saved up, but he pays his bills through credit cards.
Thats what I do. I get paid to pay! I've got $400 sitting on my Discover card that I earned for buying food.
Why would anyone pay cash, even if they had it?
I called Newberry in the first place, because I wondered if he'd like to take care of Squirt for six months.
I brought Squirt (a pomeranian) over there one time, Jerry's wife loved it, and they've got two Pomeranians now.
The conversations strayed into my notary business, and he said he knew someone who would love to take it over.
Then he mentioned Kevin McDonald (who I used to work with at BOA) ran BOA's systems from home.
Later on, Jerry called and said he talked to Kevin McDonald.
Here's how outragious odds can happen every day.
K McDonald knows the people that work in that little building I'll be working with at Louisville. Kevin lives in Vegas.
He said that bank took over NPC, renamed it to Merchant Services, then let everyone go. So now, they've got a mess, they let their talent go. They process billions of dollars worth of credit card transactions a year. This Bank bought Valley Bank when I worked there and they destroyed the systems they bought. So in this situation, I should do VERY WELL. This job is a perfect match for my skills.
Anyway, the odds of this happening on a phone call are astronomical!!!
For someone I know, to know someone that knows what is going on in a small building 2,000 miles away.
05/30/2007 09:31:54
 Jim  Our NEW Kentucky Home
Suburban Extended Stay Louisville East, LOUISVILLEHotel Address
Suburban Extended Stay Louisville East
Phone: 502-499-9100
4540 Taylorsville Rd 40220
Reservation: Wednesday, June 06 - Friday, July 06
Confirmation#: 46917443 Map

Guest room Sitting area

Guest room with kitchen areaWork Address
1231 Durrett Ln 40213
  • Louisville Zoo - 7.0 miles
  • Kentucky Fair and Expo - 8.0 miles
  • Downtown Louisville - 10.0 miles
  • Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom - 8.0 miles
  • University of Louisville - 8.0 miles
  • Churchill Downs - 11.0 miles
  • Louisville Slugger Museum - 10.0 miles
    Frankfort 40 miles, Lexington 64 miles, Mammoth Cave 95 miles, Cincinatti 101 miles, Indianapolis 123 miles, Nashville 177 miles, St Louis 250 miles
    UPS - If we ship our stuff to Louisville today, it will get there on Thursday.
  • Wed 
    05/30/2007 09:31:54
     Jim   (Reply).Our NEW Kentucky Home
    I was hoping Adam might have a group code for me for Extended Stay ($35 a night), but he didn't.
    So I ended up booking an Extended Stay though my website for $31 a night.
    Whats cool about that is, I get a $50 commission.

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