The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
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01/30/2010 13:00:00
 jim  I found an angel. I have pictures!
I looked at her and realized, I am looking at my angel. Ain't it wonderful.
01/30/2010 04:14:00
 jim  Lonnie has left the office
You get used to seeing the same smiling faces everyday. All of these people have left in the past few months. Lonnie, (below) left today. We still see Georgia from time to time. Jennifer calls once a week. Jeff IM's me or emails a joke my way.
When people leave, it feels like I've lost a part of myself. I've learned to adapt to their personalities through our conversations. In effect, I've added some of their personality to my own.
Jeff now lives in LA. Georgia is working for another company south of Pittburgh.
Most of the contractors have left before 1 year. I seem to be blessed. I've been there for a year and a half
Jennifer left for Vegas.
01/27/2010 22:07:03
 jim  Sorry about not posting much lately
Strange times are ahead.
I can't even predict where we will be living in two months. Its going to be an unplanned, and unpredictable year.
Georgia is a friend of Becky's and mine.
She came over for a photo shoot. Since I couldn't email her 60 megs of photos, I put them on this site so she could get them. She's a great gal.
Becky and I have been laying low.
We're couch potatoes these days. With the economy zapping our investments and real estate last year, it makes sense to sit back and save.
We've become, whats a nice way to put it....dull.
So here's the skinny
I may start working full time here, and become a Pennsylvania resident. If that happens, Becky and I may come back to Vegas to grab a few things, take care of some business, and we might even get married. It depends. If I lose my house, I don't want her credit affected. We'll have to wait.
Right now, things are up in the air.
01/26/2010 19:07:16
 jim  Georgie Girl
01/26/2010 19:02:50
 jim  Georgia II
01/24/2010 13:11:45
 jim  The Crystal Caves in Mexico
01/24/2010 09:58:34
 jim  Gambling at the Rivers Casino
I like the Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh (if only it had a hotel).
Becky hit 4 deuces on her last dollar for $200.
We split it, but I staked her to $20, I lost $20, and bought our $65 dinner, so I lost $5 and she won $100.
Funny how that works?
I'm lucky she's lucky. (Was that a good sentence).
01/22/2010 00:00:00
 jim  Jailhouse Saloon - Coronopolis 9:30pm

Jailhouse Saloon
Times:Friday, January 22, 2010 at 9:30pm,
Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 1:30am
Jailhouse Saloon
01/17/2010 20:31:00
 jim  Long John Silvers - Cranberry
01/12/2010 08:00:22
 jim  Funny thing about Angels
Angels don't come with wings. They are everywhere. They don't stick out.
You have to find them, and they don't even know they are Angels.
Becky and Sonny are my angels...but every once in a while, another one comes into my life, and it is always unexpected.
I sent Outback Gift Cards out this Christmas, and I made a little comment in Facebook about the thank you's I got this year, compared to last.
It looks like that was a good recipe for shaking the angels out of heaven.
Georgia took Becky out last night.
They ate dinner and went shopping. When they came back, I got a gift.
Most of the people I know these days are living month-to-month.
So when I do nice things for people, I don't expect anything in return. Just a thank you.
Besides, kindness always seems to be returned in other times, and in other ways.
I call those who send kindness my way, My Angels.
But when an act of kindness is returned almost immediately, things change.
I call those Angels, my friends.
And having an Angel for a friend, is one the greatest achievments I could hope for.
01/10/2010 17:04:54
 jim  So Much Snow
01/06/2010 09:15:30
 jim  Tacl loop example
#PUSH JobList JobLine JobNbr nowhere                                
#PUSH #INLINEPREFIX                                                 
#SET  #INLINEPREFIX --                                              
SPOOLCOM/outv JobList/$PPLS;JOB (REPORT bat0420  01)                
PURGE $dev1.idrrpt.bat0420                                           
#extractv JobList JobLine                                           
#extractv JobList JobLine                                            
#extractv JobList JobLine                                        
   |until| [#emptyv JobList]                                         
   #set JobNbr [#charget JobLine 1 FOR 4]                           
   PERUSE /INLINE,outv nowhere/$ppls                                 
   -- JOB [JobNbr]
   -- LIST EDIT /out $dev1.idrrpt.bat0420/ ALL                      
   -- e                                                              
   #extractv JobList JobLine                                        
SPOOLCOM $ppls;JOB (REPORT bat0420  01,OWNER),HOLD,OWNER dev.jim
01/04/2010 22:20:00
 jim  Honey Whiskey Memories
Jim Cutlar January 4 at 10:29pm
Christmas Eve:
I spilled a glass of honey whiskey on my laptop.
Thats a sobering thing to do....gotta tell ya.
The cure may take time.
So, I went down to Best Buy and got a laptop for only $510
...yes...thats right folks, only $510 dollars.
And it cost less than a pair of shoes.
01/02/2010 09:19:09
 jim  RU Right or Left?

Political Ideology Definitions

Questions often arise as to what is a liberal? What is a conservative? What does it mean to support the Left? Or the Right? What does a certain political party stand for? Although positions change over time and it's never good to make generalizations about what a certain group thinks, this section tries to clarifies some of the basic ideological definitions. Politicians have a wide range of opinions; thus, any particular leader doesn't necessary fit neatly into these categories.

The original definition of a liberal was someone who advocated change, new philosophies, and new ideas. A conservative was someone who avoided change, instead preferring to stick to the tried and true. In modern times, these definitions have expanded to include a wide set of political beliefs (which are defined below). To be Leftist or agree with the Left political point of view is synonymous with being liberal. To be Rightist or agree with the Right political point of view is synonymous with being conservative. The Left and Right terms were created because political ideology is viewed on a continuum; most people generally hold views somewhere in the middle. For example, if you agree more with liberal ideas, you're considered more Leftist in your thinking. The graphic below illustrates the continuum:

Liberal (Left) <------------------- Moderate (Middle) -------------------> Conservative (Right)

Generally speaking, the Democratic party follows a more liberal platform; the Republican party follows a more conservative platform. The following table summarizes the current ideology of the parties (the links section gives more detail on what each party stands for).

  Liberal (i.e. Left) Conservative (i.e. Right)
Representative Party Democrats Republicans
Business Increase regulation and worker protection Ease regulation and keep government out of business
Taxes Increase taxes  Cut taxes
Abortion Pro-choice Pro-life
Social Spending Increase Decrease or maintain
Defense Spending Decrease or maintain  Increase
Immigration Grant amnesty to illegal aliens; don't build a fence along the Mexican border; allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses; prevent the creation of a national ID card & database to track people in the country.  Prevent amnesty for illegal & driver's licenses for illegal aliens; construct a Mexican border fence; create a national ID card & database to track people in the country.
Death Penalty Ban Maintain
Government Size Increase the government and use more socialistic policies Reduce the government and use more capitalistic policies
World Peace Negotiate first and only take military action if sanctioned by the U.N. and other world organizations Work with world bodies and use negotiation, but take unilateral pre-emptive action if necessary to protect America
Same-Sex Marriage Legalize Ban
Affirmative Action For (i.e. maintain race-based preferences) Against (i.e. ban race-based preferences)
ANWR Drilling Prevent the Alaska drilling Pursue this and other domestic oil sources
Kyoto Treaty Sign this treaty Don't sign this treaty
Crime Protect the rights of the accused first and foremost Provide maximum punishment and protect the rights of the victim first and foremost
School Vouchers End the program Expand the program
Doctor Assisted Suicide Allow Prevent
Missile Defense Scrap this program Pursue this program
Three Strikes Law Overturn this law Maintain and expand these laws
Minimum Wage Increase Lower or eliminate altogether
Social Security Increase age of beginning eligibility (e.g. 68 or 70); increase salary limits subject to tax Privatize; i.e. allow citizens control over their own money and allow stock investments
Health Care Make 100 percent government controlled De-regulate and introduce free market reform
Personal Responsibility Government needs to protect people from themselves People should be responsible and be held accountable for their own actions
Malpractice Lawsuits Do not cap punitive & pain/suffering damage amounts Cap punitive & pain/suffering damage amounts
Religion Maintain separation of church and state; prevent faith-based government initiatives Introduce more religion in schools; allow faith-based government initiatives
01/01/2010 08:36:40
 jim  The Female Point System
The Female Point System
In the world of romance, one single rule applies: Make the woman happy. Do something she likes and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted. You don't get any points for doing something she expects.
+1You make the bed
0You make the bed, but forget the decorative pillow
-1You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets
+5You go out to buy her what she wants
+8in the rain
-5But return with Beer
+1You check out a suspicious noise at night
0You check out a suspicious noise, and it is nothing
+5You check out a suspicious noise and it is something
+10You pummel it with iron rod
0You stay by her side the entire party
You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with an old
-2school friend
-10Named Tina
-20Tina is a dancer
-80Tina has silicone implants
+2You take her out to dinner
+3You take her out to dinner and it's not a sports bar
-2Okay, it's a sports bar
-3And it's all-you-can-eat night
-10It's a sports bar, it's all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colors of your favourite team
+1You take her to a movie
+3You take her to a movie she likes
+6You take her to a movie you hate
-2You take her to a movie you like
-3It's called 'Death Cop'
-15You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans
-15You develop a noticeable potbelly
+10You develop a noticeable potbelly and exercise to get rid of it
-30You develop a noticeable potbelly and resort to baggy jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts
-8000You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too."
-5She asks, "Do I look fat?"
-10You hesitate in responding
-35You reply, "Where?"
-20Any other response
When she wants to talk about a problem, you listen, displaying what
0looks like a concerned expression
+50You listen, for over 30 minutes
+500You listen for more than 30 minutes without looking at the TV
-4000She realizes this is because you have fallen asleep
01/01/2010 04:58:01
 Jim  You May Be Muslim If - Jeff Foxworthy
You may be a Muslim If:
01. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
02. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.
03. You have more wives than teeth.
04. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean. 
05. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
06. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against.
07. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
08. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
09.You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
12/31/2009 20:13:06
 jim  Pittsburgh Parade

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