The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
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12/08/2008 04:50:49
 jim  Its 14 degrees in Pittsburgh
It snowed powder all weekend long.
We watched about 50 cars stop on the road below our apartment. They seemed to be stuck in the street.
They may have been playing it safe while waiting for a salt truck. These roads were soooo slick,
Several of the people left their cars and walked up to their apartments, waiting for help to arrive.
That seemed odd to me. You never see something like that in California 
I took the truck out to do some sliding!
I thought it was fun, but then again, I wasn't worried about losing control.
Ya just gotta love 4 wheel drive with anti-lock breaks in weather like this.
Pix-2-come. I left my camera in the truck.
12/06/2008 04:35:18
 jim  My company controls $300 billion in assets
I wouldn't have thought that. Its amazing the things I get into these days.
11/28/2008 21:08:08
 jim  Ross Mall Christmas Tree
11/28/2008 19:50:40
 jim  Hartwood Acres - Chistmas Lites
11/28/2008 18:37:40
 jim  Hartwood Restaurant
11/28/2008 12:33:08
 Jim  Not so famous sayings
  1. Why do I have to 'Press 1 for English?'
    Every American
  2. When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep,
    Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.'
    Author Unknown
  3. If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle:
    'Take two aspirin' and 'Keep away from children.'
    Author Unknown
  4. 'Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that.
    It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.'
    Drew Carey
  5. 'The problem with the designated driver program, it's not desirable ,
    But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it.
    At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house.'
    Jeff Foxworthy
  6. 'If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will save the Infant's' life without considering if the bases are loaded.'
    Dave Barry
  7. 'Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and We should treat it like one.
    If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice.
    And the day before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp.'
    Bob Ettinger
  8. 'My Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took Her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying to teach anything!''
    Paula Poundstone
  9. 'A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men.
    I just want to say to the Authors of that study: 'Duh.'
    Conan O'Brien
  10. 'Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant??
    I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my Gosh.... I could be eating a slow learner.'
    Lynda Montgomery
  11. 'I think that's how Chicago got started was a bunch of people in New York said,
    'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just I sn't cold enough. Let's go west.''
    Richard Jeni
  12. 'If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the Impersonators would be dead.'
    Johnny Carson
  13. 'Sometimes I think WAR is God's way of teaching us geography.'
    Paul Rodriguez
  14. 'My parents didn't want to move to Florida , but they turned sixty and that's the law.'
    Jerry Seinfeld
  15. 'Remember in elementary school, you were told
    'In case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest.'
    What is the logic in that? What, do tall people burn slower?'
    Warren Hutcherson
  16. 'Bigamy is having one wife or husband too many.
    Monogamy is the same.'
    Oscar Wilde
  17. 'Suppose you were an idiot.
    And suppose you were a Member of Congress..
    Did I just repeat myself.'
    Mark Twain
  18. 'Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student.
    At least they can find Afghanistan '
    A. Whitney Brown
  19. 'You can say any foolish thing to a dog, And the dog will give you a look that says,
    'My Gosh, you're right! I never would've thought of that!''
    Dave Barry
  20. Do you know why they call it 'PMS'?
    Because 'Mad Cow Disease' was taken.
    Unknown, presumed deceased
  21. 'Everybody's got to believe in something.
    I believe I'll have another beer.'
    W. C. Fields
11/28/2008 05:01:54
 jim  Happy Thanksgiving!
Whether with you, or as we roam; the gypsies leave you, to make new homes. 
We know your voice, we know your face; we know your town, we've seen your place.
We leave our marks each place we go; on starlit beaches, in melting snow.
We never stay too long. Our homes are shelved. Each place we leave, we leave ourselves.
And Holidays are odd at best. We dine with strangers. We laugh and jest.
The cold world of contracting, that's where we are. Whats in between, lies in the stars.

To all of the people we know and love in Las Vegas, Orlando, Seattle, Louisville, Toledo, San Diego, and Pittsburgh 
Happy Holidays!!! We love and miss you.

I want you to know, I didn't choose this way of life. It chose me.

11/28/2008 05:01:54
 jim   (Reply)..Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey Rodney!!! It's great to hear from you!
Any time sounds like a good time to get together. You pick the date and we'll come.
11/27/2008 12:27:24
 jim  Thanksgiving Day
The sun is melting that snow
The Cracker Barrel Restaurant
Pittsburgh, from Mt Washington
Black Friday Shoppers at 8pm
11/26/2008 09:06:35
 jim  Enjoying the snow at work
11/25/2008 16:56:08
 jim  Monday was a bad day
Monday was a bad day
- I woke up late
- I was late for a meeting that I'd organized
- I forgot to submit my timesheet
- I got a hateful email from a potential friend
Maybe it wasn't such a bad day.
- I got to sleep in and had wonderful dreams.
- I don't like meetings. Being forgetful is bliss.
- A friend forgot his timesheet too 
- I only lost a potential friend
I guess anything can be positive
11/21/2008 22:29:30
 jim  Majestic Cruise Lines
11/21/2008 22:04:58
 jim  Fireworks - 200,000 People We There
11/21/2008 19:19:00
 jim  Pittsburgh from the River
11/21/2008 08:49:20
 jim  November 22 Started with a Blizzard
11/20/2008 01:09:31
 jim  I miss you. I love you. It's been hard lately, giving you the love and attention you need.
Its dark outside when I leave, and its dark when I come home.
Add to that, the twenty degree weather and its the cold season,
and there's just not much left of me by 6pm.
Its supposed to snow 1 inch today, and 4 inches this weekend,
but I'm glad for the timing. At least I won't be knocking it off the truck windows this morning at 7am.
Life in Pittsburgh is a little rougher than I'd imagined. I thought it would be more like Louisville.
I keep thinking of Peter, living in the Lake Michigan area. He must be missing Louisville badly.
Rod and his family are having weather like us.
Then again, I think about Florida, Vegas and San Diego. Those guys are having great weather.
Of course, life would be perfect here if we could telecommute !!!
11/20/2008 00:35:54
 jim  Wexford Snow - Wallpaper

11/19/2008 20:03:18
 jim  Too Much Snow!
11/16/2008 19:08:29
 jim  Snowy Days

The snow flurried early this morning. I think it is the most wonderful sight!
11/15/2008 15:09:08
 jim  Saturday at the movies
11/15/2008 05:50:08
 jim  I am blessed
Its hard to comprehend the beauty that I have seen
It's everywhere!
Its in the flock of geese that flies over me in the morning.
Its in the snowflakes that form on my windshield in the morning.
I love to hear Becky telling me about her day.
I love hearing my brother tell me about his life.
Jennifer and Dustin are a shear delight.
Hearing Mikey talk is a pleasure.
I love the little critters around here. Its all great.
I love hearing about the lives of the people I work with. Its magical!
I love, just about, everything, and what I don't love, can be fixed.
Maybe I'm going senile....but if what I see is crazy, it is right for me.
This is such a beautiful life.
I've been blessed, I guess. I don't need a magical mythical being in a robe to believe in. For me, god is everywhere.
All I have to do is exist and feel. That is enough of a gift.
We are poor, but from what I've seen of the rest of the world, we're rich.
So, no matter whatever happens, I'm good.
I've had a really good life. Thank you god, or whatever.
It's been a pleasure to exist.
11/13/2008 20:15:04
 jim  The Moon Over Pennsylvania
11/12/2008 21:36:24
 jim  What will survive?
I've read stories about how GM, Ford and Chrysler may fold.
I've read stories about how its inevitable that China and the US will be at war over oil.
I've read that half the population of the world needs to be eliminated.
And as I live today, a person who I work with will be replaced by someone from India.
I'm not saying its right or wrong. I'm just saying changes are happening all around us.
And I wonder, where we'll be in 5 years.
I suppose what really matters is, that we continue to do our best at what ever we do.
The American spirit isn't built on stock prices or credit worthiness.
It's built on pride. We can do better than any one else, if our country will lets us.
We are bordered by friendly countries. We are protected by our military might.
Our religious freedoms hasn't killed our country. It has made it a haven for religious freedom.
But I fear, that within the next two decades, those freedoms will die.
Other freedoms will arise as time goes on, but this may be a rocky couple of decades.
Don't expect for things to be like they were. Prepare for change.
We're going through a revolution of sorts.
Good or bad, I believe eventually it will work out for the good.
11/11/2008 06:42:28
 jim  So, where is SAE
I miss Squirt's Alter Ego. Sorry I missed you last weekend. We were out and about. I hope everything is alright.
11/09/2008 16:00:22
 jim  Wheeling, WV
11/09/2008 15:13:13
 jim  Wheeling Island Casino, WV

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