The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
<< 10/2011 < 09/2012 Calendar 11/2012 > 10/2013 >>Sign InView Other Logs
10/17/2012 18:41:26
 jim  Courtney Bridge-Sunset
10/17/2012 18:39:16
 jim  Clearwater-Hwy60
10/17/2012 17:05:53
 jim  Clearwater-Codys Roadhouse
10/14/2012 15:54:27
 jim  A Steak and Lobster Patio Dinner
10/08/2012 17:18:48
 jim  Clearwater-Hospital Scare
10/08/2012 07:18:49
 jim  Clearwater,FL-Apt,View
10/07/2012 18:49:35
 jim  Apt Pier-The Fish Master
10/07/2012 11:42:42
 jim  Clearwater HS-Carnival of LIghts
10/06/2012 18:14:02
 jim  Clearwater High School Homecoming
10/06/2012 17:31:10
 jim  Homecoming Prep for Jennifer
10/06/2012 14:48:58
 jim  Clearwater-Pier Jennifer,Becky
10/06/2012 14:47:18
 jim  Clearwater-Pier Stingray
10/04/2012 17:41:05
 jim  Clearwater RustyPelican
10/04/2012 11:15:54
 jim  My Plan for Saving the United States
This would be my plan for saving this United States. Of course, I'm saying this in jest, but it has a touch of seriousness to it.
First, do not buy any Chinese products.
That will create 100 million jobs.
The Immigration problem is a simple issue to solve.
Anyone whose parents weren't US citizens, cannot be US citizens.
Of course, this would be retroactive, meaning your parents could not be citizens if your grandparents were not citizens...and so on and so on.
Sounds a little bit racists, doesn't it?
Solving the Social Security problem is also simple
If the thought is that immigrants and poor people are sucking up all the social security money, the answer is simple...don't provide them with life saving medications.
There is the thought that maybe there should not be a cap on paying social security. Right now, any earnings over $100,000 is not subject to Fica.
My plan for increasing defense spending while decreasing social security.
Create more wars on the other side of the world, then send old people over there to fight them.
That should do it.
The education problem is another easy one to solve.
Eliminate schools! No schools, no failure. Let big business train them.
McDonalds and other big businesses are fully capable of teaching school kid the skill's they'll need for life.
The one thing I would like to see changed here in this wonderful United State is that the government adopt English as its official language.
I think its sad when the over crowded classes in Vegas have to teach a course in two languages.
10/03/2012 20:39:15
 jim  Clearwater Beach-Pavillion
10/03/2012 19:59:26
 jim  Clearwater Beach-Pavillion
10/02/2012 06:42:28
 jim  Clearwater-Dark Green waters
10/02/2012 06:42:08
 jim  Clearwater-Green Waters
10/01/2012 19:34:36
 jim  Clearwater-Jennifer
10/01/2012 07:49:59
 jim  Clearwater Rainbow
09/22/2012 14:24:04
 jim  StPetersburg-CrabShack
09/22/2012 12:07:03
 jim  TarponSprings-Eye Exams
09/18/2012 17:53:28
 jim  Clearwater-Ceviche Restaurant

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