The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
<< 01/2009 < 12/2009 Calendar 02/2010 > 01/2011 >>Sign InView Other Logs
01/10/2010 17:04:54
 jim  So Much Snow
01/06/2010 09:15:30
 jim  Tacl loop example
#PUSH JobList JobLine JobNbr nowhere                                
#PUSH #INLINEPREFIX                                                 
#SET  #INLINEPREFIX --                                              
SPOOLCOM/outv JobList/$PPLS;JOB (REPORT bat0420  01)                
PURGE $dev1.idrrpt.bat0420                                           
#extractv JobList JobLine                                           
#extractv JobList JobLine                                            
#extractv JobList JobLine                                        
   |until| [#emptyv JobList]                                         
   #set JobNbr [#charget JobLine 1 FOR 4]                           
   PERUSE /INLINE,outv nowhere/$ppls                                 
   -- JOB [JobNbr]
   -- LIST EDIT /out $dev1.idrrpt.bat0420/ ALL                      
   -- e                                                              
   #extractv JobList JobLine                                        
SPOOLCOM $ppls;JOB (REPORT bat0420  01,OWNER),HOLD,OWNER dev.jim
01/04/2010 22:20:00
 jim  Honey Whiskey Memories
Jim Cutlar January 4 at 10:29pm
Christmas Eve:
I spilled a glass of honey whiskey on my laptop.
Thats a sobering thing to do....gotta tell ya.
The cure may take time.
So, I went down to Best Buy and got a laptop for only $510
...yes...thats right folks, only $510 dollars.
And it cost less than a pair of shoes.
01/02/2010 09:19:09
 jim  RU Right or Left?

Political Ideology Definitions

Questions often arise as to what is a liberal? What is a conservative? What does it mean to support the Left? Or the Right? What does a certain political party stand for? Although positions change over time and it's never good to make generalizations about what a certain group thinks, this section tries to clarifies some of the basic ideological definitions. Politicians have a wide range of opinions; thus, any particular leader doesn't necessary fit neatly into these categories.

The original definition of a liberal was someone who advocated change, new philosophies, and new ideas. A conservative was someone who avoided change, instead preferring to stick to the tried and true. In modern times, these definitions have expanded to include a wide set of political beliefs (which are defined below). To be Leftist or agree with the Left political point of view is synonymous with being liberal. To be Rightist or agree with the Right political point of view is synonymous with being conservative. The Left and Right terms were created because political ideology is viewed on a continuum; most people generally hold views somewhere in the middle. For example, if you agree more with liberal ideas, you're considered more Leftist in your thinking. The graphic below illustrates the continuum:

Liberal (Left) <------------------- Moderate (Middle) -------------------> Conservative (Right)

Generally speaking, the Democratic party follows a more liberal platform; the Republican party follows a more conservative platform. The following table summarizes the current ideology of the parties (the links section gives more detail on what each party stands for).

  Liberal (i.e. Left) Conservative (i.e. Right)
Representative Party Democrats Republicans
Business Increase regulation and worker protection Ease regulation and keep government out of business
Taxes Increase taxes  Cut taxes
Abortion Pro-choice Pro-life
Social Spending Increase Decrease or maintain
Defense Spending Decrease or maintain  Increase
Immigration Grant amnesty to illegal aliens; don't build a fence along the Mexican border; allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses; prevent the creation of a national ID card & database to track people in the country.  Prevent amnesty for illegal & driver's licenses for illegal aliens; construct a Mexican border fence; create a national ID card & database to track people in the country.
Death Penalty Ban Maintain
Government Size Increase the government and use more socialistic policies Reduce the government and use more capitalistic policies
World Peace Negotiate first and only take military action if sanctioned by the U.N. and other world organizations Work with world bodies and use negotiation, but take unilateral pre-emptive action if necessary to protect America
Same-Sex Marriage Legalize Ban
Affirmative Action For (i.e. maintain race-based preferences) Against (i.e. ban race-based preferences)
ANWR Drilling Prevent the Alaska drilling Pursue this and other domestic oil sources
Kyoto Treaty Sign this treaty Don't sign this treaty
Crime Protect the rights of the accused first and foremost Provide maximum punishment and protect the rights of the victim first and foremost
School Vouchers End the program Expand the program
Doctor Assisted Suicide Allow Prevent
Missile Defense Scrap this program Pursue this program
Three Strikes Law Overturn this law Maintain and expand these laws
Minimum Wage Increase Lower or eliminate altogether
Social Security Increase age of beginning eligibility (e.g. 68 or 70); increase salary limits subject to tax Privatize; i.e. allow citizens control over their own money and allow stock investments
Health Care Make 100 percent government controlled De-regulate and introduce free market reform
Personal Responsibility Government needs to protect people from themselves People should be responsible and be held accountable for their own actions
Malpractice Lawsuits Do not cap punitive & pain/suffering damage amounts Cap punitive & pain/suffering damage amounts
Religion Maintain separation of church and state; prevent faith-based government initiatives Introduce more religion in schools; allow faith-based government initiatives
01/01/2010 08:36:40
 jim  The Female Point System
The Female Point System
In the world of romance, one single rule applies: Make the woman happy. Do something she likes and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted. You don't get any points for doing something she expects.
+1You make the bed
0You make the bed, but forget the decorative pillow
-1You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets
+5You go out to buy her what she wants
+8in the rain
-5But return with Beer
+1You check out a suspicious noise at night
0You check out a suspicious noise, and it is nothing
+5You check out a suspicious noise and it is something
+10You pummel it with iron rod
0You stay by her side the entire party
You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with an old
-2school friend
-10Named Tina
-20Tina is a dancer
-80Tina has silicone implants
+2You take her out to dinner
+3You take her out to dinner and it's not a sports bar
-2Okay, it's a sports bar
-3And it's all-you-can-eat night
-10It's a sports bar, it's all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colors of your favourite team
+1You take her to a movie
+3You take her to a movie she likes
+6You take her to a movie you hate
-2You take her to a movie you like
-3It's called 'Death Cop'
-15You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans
-15You develop a noticeable potbelly
+10You develop a noticeable potbelly and exercise to get rid of it
-30You develop a noticeable potbelly and resort to baggy jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts
-8000You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too."
-5She asks, "Do I look fat?"
-10You hesitate in responding
-35You reply, "Where?"
-20Any other response
When she wants to talk about a problem, you listen, displaying what
0looks like a concerned expression
+50You listen, for over 30 minutes
+500You listen for more than 30 minutes without looking at the TV
-4000She realizes this is because you have fallen asleep
01/01/2010 04:58:01
 Jim  You May Be Muslim If - Jeff Foxworthy
You may be a Muslim If:
01. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
02. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.
03. You have more wives than teeth.
04. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean. 
05. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
06. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against.
07. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
08. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
09.You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
12/31/2009 20:13:06
 jim  Pittsburgh Parade
12/31/2009 20:01:26
 jim  Pittsburgh Robots
12/31/2009 20:00:50
 jim  Pittsburgh Buildings
12/31/2009 19:01:48
 jim  Pittsburgh New Years
12/31/2009 03:38:54
 jim  Simple Religion
The 10 Commandments are just basic manners. If a god has to tell you that, that works for me.
Preservation of the species should be obvious. If Jesus has to tell you to love other people, that works. 
There are many gods, and many heavens. Some don't believe in Messiahs or hell. Read up!
If you believe your religion is the only one, you aren't paying attention.
Stating your religious beliefs as facts is wrong. That means you think you don't have to prove anything you say.
Telling people that god talks to you and not to them, is arrogant.
My Simple Religion
Nature is god. It tells us what to do.
Life is heaven. Look around, its beautiful.
Every day is a miracle. Walking on water does not impress me.
Death is frightening, but it isn't the end of everything. Death only marks the end of a life.
If god has gender, race, or form, it is not obvious to me.
I can't understand god. I will never be smart enough.
Believing this works for me.
12/29/2009 14:06:28
 jim  Cold Winter Days
12/27/2009 06:59:48
 jim  Another year has gone by
Said "Hi" and "Final Farewells" to some very special people.
We've seen some of the prettiest country I've ever seen.
Saw Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Akron, New York City, Hoboken, Ocean City NJ, Ocean City MD, Annapolis, Washington DC, Ligoneer, Ohio Pyle, Pittsburgh, Mars, Washington, Hershey, Columbus, Louisville, Sparta, Wheeling, Mt Pleasant, New Castle, Franklin...and loved it all.
I think Pennsylvania is a better kept secret than Colorado.
We've seen all four seasons...and they put on a great show!
The birds and flowers and critters were spectacular.
Almost everything here has something special about the flower that had spores that flew 100s of feet in the air.
Its been a very good year.
Special thanks to:
Becky, Georgia, Mikey, Sonny, Rob, Arden, Scott, Jim, Lonnie, Jeff, Tass, Annette, Ida, Ruth, and the wonderful people of Pittsburgh.
12/26/2009 17:24:20
 jim  Oh the joys of embibing on Christmas Eve!
Oh the joys of embibing on Christmas Eve!
I bought a bottle of Honey good.
Now, I'm a little out of practice when it comes to drinking, so as I reached for my glass of sparkling honey, I knocked it over onto my keyboard,
thus voiding my warrentee and goobering up my laptop in one swell foop.

My solution......
a wireless keyboard duct taped to the top of my laptop (I could have used bailing wire).
Tell me I'm not an Urban Red Neck.
12/22/2009 20:31:27
 jim  To all of the people who will not see Christmas th
You still live in my heart, and I will always love you.
Until we meet again my friends, I'll do my best to show your love this year.
And to all of those who are losing loved ones this Christmas Holiday,
use the time you have left to tell them how much of a difference they made in your life.
Don't waste a minute feeling sorry for yourself.
12/20/2009 20:59:24
 jim  Reality can not be real - this is why
Reality is defined as what a real, not in your head...
But reality became real for me when I was born..and as far as I know, it will be gone whe I die.
Realty for me, will become unreal, so it isn't illogical.

To add to that - I think life is a vacation from whereever we came from.
We are not supposed to live forever, and I think its stupid to want too.

And another thing - The 10 commandments.
These shouldn't be called commandments. They should be called "Manners".
Its rude to kill someone, go after their wife, want their toys, steal from them, lie to them...its just rude.
You won't go to some aweful hell for it, but this planet is too small for a lot of that kind of thinking.
12/20/2009 10:41:56
 jim  Hooked up Becky with her Dad yesterday
I guess they'd lost touch for 30 years? Wow...anyway...he seemed like a really cool guy! Lots of fun...
and they both lit up like Christmas trees
12/20/2009 08:06:49
 jim  .Who Would Think It?
2010s - Whats coming in:
Keyboardless PCs (exists)
Cell phone projectors (exists)
AI Voice recognation that can replace human translators (exists)
AI Text recognition able to scan any language and understand
AI digitizing of all records from recorded history
Live Global Imaging
Main frame/PC with greater than human intelligence
3D TV flat screen (waiting for communication technology to catch up)
3D TV cube screen  (waiting for communication technology to catch up)
3D TV projection anywhere (waiting for 3D projection system)
Wearable internet, replacing cell phones (getting there)
Eyebuds/sound/audio projection (getting there)
Vehicles that drive themselves (getting there)
Portable solid state pedabyte storage (getting there)
Portable Mortgages
Greyer lines drawn between renters and owners
* (Exists) means its technology is here now, but needs improvement
2010s - Whats going out - Things:
Hard drives, keyboards, mouses, landlines, wire nets, Cell phones, albums, cd's, tape, dvd, blue-ray
Sewage, as we know it
Petroleum fuel
ID cards
Computer languages
2010s - Whats going out - Business Types:
Video Rental Stores
Delivery Professions
Software resellers
Mortgage Companies
Office buildings
2010s - Whats going out - Professions:
Programmers like me
Truck drivers, commercial drivers
2010s - Whats going mobile - Professions:
12/20/2009 08:06:49
 jim   (Reply)Who Would Have Thunk It?
Beatnics, Marriage, Housewives, college, family, alcohol, cars, Unions, Job Stability, Life Insurance, Racial Prejudice, window fans, Am Radio, Operator phone connections.
Flying car produced, top speed land - 65 mph, top speed air 110 mph, but didn't sell.
New house $8,400. Avg Income $3,200. New Car $1,500.
Hippies, Sex revolution, Vietnam (war), Kennedy barely wins election, Pot/LSD, Rock-and-Roll, drunks, War, Black and White TV, Tube Radios, Film, Credit Unions, niggers, hippies, tube technology, party lines on your phone, rotary dial, OPEC, aluminum cans, xerox copy machine, welfare rolls.
Aqua car produce, but didn't do very well.
New house $12,700. Avg Income $5,300. New Car $2,600. Interest rate
High Interest Rates, Stagflation, junkies, pot heads, $40,000 houses, LEDS, Color TV, Mortage Insurance, Racial Riots, red necks, air conditioners, Ethel, transisters, push button phones, princess phones, 10 cent phone booths. Electric Golf Carts.
New house $. Avg Income $. New Car $, Interest rate
Disco, Microwaves, CDs, BBSs,  coke heads, BetaMax, Huge Cell Phones, $80,000 houses, Chips, Car Insurance, Unleaded Gas, Chip, ATMs, Self Serve Gas Pumps
New house $. Avg Income $. New Car $, Interest rate
PCs, Internet, Silicon Valley, Yuppies, crack heads, $150,000 houses, Russia, VHS, Insurance on everything, bottled water, welfare reform, Mexican Immigration
New house $. Avg Income $. New Car $, Interest rate
Cameras everywhere, DVDs, Webcams, Legal  Pot, Instant Messages, Iphone, $300,000 houses to $60,000 houses, no health care without insurance
Letsee...what else can I recall? hmmm
12/19/2009 10:51:36
 jim  Backyard Christmas Trees
12/19/2009 10:50:56
 jim  Snow changes trees
12/18/2009 17:03:00
 jim  What could be crazier than that
From across the lands of the separated oceans, over desert and wilderness terrain, I've been searching for something outside that I can only find inside....
Reality is defined as that which exists, which for us, was created when we were born and will go away when we die. So, it doesn't really exist. Thats crazy.
Of course, most believe that when we die, we go to someplace else, which is often described as to have pearly gates and lots of virgins, which seems crazy.
We look into the night sky and see the stars they way they looked no less than 4 years ago. So we don't know if any of them still exist. Its crazy.
Our birth was started by two tiny cells uniting, that got their instructions from something much smaller than them. Thats insane!
We had our Christmas party at work today..
but the owners are Jewish, so the band played Beatles music.
It was hilarious!!!! I'm not crazy...the world is!
12/17/2009 03:04:00
 jim  Taking next week off
Thinking of going to DC for a few nights.
Might shake hands with the Prez, and sit in Lincoln's lap if I can get up there.
12/17/2009 02:58:52
 jim  Its not much - But I decorated this year
12/16/2009 03:24:03
 jim  ..What could be crazier than this?
Jan, you're incredible! You are just simply awesum!
12/16/2009 03:24:03
 jim   (Reply)What could be crazier than this?
We are on a rock, that's spinning at 1,000 mph,
travelling around the sun at 80,000 mph,
with rocks the size of baseball diamonds coming at us.
with only 2 miles of breathable air above us
And we feel safe.
What could be crazier than that?
12/13/2009 23:35:00
 jim  A memory of from long ago
I don't remember what went wrong with Annette and I, back in 1978,
but I do remember I was so much madly in love with her.
I knew we were too young for a three year love to last and I knew my love wasn't shared as deeply.
And it was Vegas. Who falls in love in Vegas?
But in my mind, someday we would have had children that were raised with wonderful values, and her parents and my parents would have been excellent grandparents.
All I can say is, life could have been so different. Its nice to think about how life might have been.
Its been a good life even still, but there was that dream, and I still smile whenever I remember it.
I don't remember the love making as much as I remember her whole hearted laughter. She was so much fun to be with.
12/13/2009 21:11:34
 jim  To My Love, Becky
Around 2002, when I was divorced,
   I called out to you, with an outer force.
I was a drunken net chatter, whose desires were never met, 
   And I remained alone, secure in my motel-like nest.
You came in and you smiled, with one of my others. 
   I took your hand, she got mad, and now we are lovers.
That was 7 years ago and I no longer drink.
   The others have gone. I don't miss a thing.
Cause each day with you, brings me joy I can't describe.
   The sound of you voice, the warmth by your side
We're still a loving couple and I think thats really something, 
   Cause we're over the hill, and we're still humping.
12/11/2009 18:54:40
 jim  ..Time is in a Bottle
Well how about that!!! I remember you very well! Your JavaMan, and you name is all over the web with interesting subjects
You're a genious dude!
I'm wondering how your property in Washington turned out. My Vegas property went from $260k to $60k in value.
Anyway, I'm still here in Pennslyvania, wracking up $ after $. Its been a hoot!
Its cold here. I need to get back down to the southern belt. It would be nice to know if whats turned blue will turn pink again.
Great hearing from you!!!
   From Jim Cutlar, The Las Vegas Dude.

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