Chez2199's Log
Hey! Thats ME...and my daughter Jessica. We're Indianans, and I'm a horseshoeon. Yea!
<< 11/2006 < 09/2007 Calendar 12/2007 > 11/2008 >>Sign InView Other Logs
10/14/2007 01:13:06
 jim  Rods Place
10/05/2007 22:18:40
 jim  Buggy Ride 2007
09/26/2007 12:28:04
 jim  ..Don’t ya just hate it when you’ve got a 6 month
I'm already getting my feelers out.
I'm not optimistic about anything coming up....BUT, you just never know.
I got this contract on a out-of-the-blue phone call.
Shoot...if things really go south, I think I'd like to drive a truck for awhile.
There's a lot of schools around here.
If that works out, then I'll just buy my own rig...sounds like a cool idea, doesn't it?
This one owner/operator in Florida was delivering cars from LA.
He had 8 of them on his rig. He charged $800 per car.
If my math is right, with a trip going to and fro, he should be able to gross 8x$800x2=$12,800.
And there's always the notary/courier/delivery thingy in Vegas,
but I don't know if I'm ready to go back just yet.
I'd like to stay here as long as I can.
Thanks for caring Rodney.
I gotta swing by soon and show you this IPhone !!!
09/26/2007 12:28:04
 Chez2199   (Reply).Don’t ya just hate it when you’ve got a 6 month c
wow what a drag Oct 26th huh? Going to look for anything in the area?
09/20/2007 23:03:32
 Chez2199  .Who sang this?
ok now i recognize the song but still dont remember the artist
09/21/2007 19:30:41
 Chez2199   (Reply).Who sang this?
i don't know? so i spent the last 4 nights after work replacing the liner in my pool :-( What's on the weekend plan list for ya
09/21/2007 20:33:24
 jim   (Reply)..Who sang this?
I don't know...what do ya want to do? I'm open.
Becky thought there was a Rick Springfield concert for $20 at 8pm tonight at the Palace.
The Palace is two blocks away. I told just about everyone at work that. was Caesars Palace in Indiana, $25 - $35, and started at 7:30 pm....OOPS!!!
I hope nobody showed up...good thing most peoplle don't listen to me...haha.
So, if someone showed up with $20 at the Palace, they'd find out the concert is 30 minutes away, then they'd find out it was over, then they'd didn't have enough money ANYWAY....bwahahahahahaha!

The truck is on the fritz. I gotta replace the fuel pump and fuel filter at some time.

Awww what the...I wanna come over!!
09/13/2007 20:57:48
 Chez2199  Keep it rolling
Hey Dude
Up or down we keep on movin. Bad things happen to everyone. It's how you respond that matters.
Glad to to see you were out and about!
09/13/2007 22:16:22
 jim   (Reply).Keep it rolling
Thanks much friend Rod.
Becky's got a cold.
She took some cold pills. Then she took some nasal stuff her mom recommended to her.
Then she bought a new tooth brush.
And thats about it.
Sonny, my brother, finally got the air conditioner's compressor installed.
He fell off the ladder twice, but he landed in the dirt, so he was ok. He installed the new compressor, pulled a vacuum on it, put 6 ouces of R22 in it, and discovered the thermostat wasn't working, so he installed a new one of those. hmmm.
And thats about it.
Me, I installed some software this morning
I was assisted by the aid of Resource Jose, Resource Ron, Resource Rob and Resource Lisa. Thats a lot of resources for a column on a report. lol.
First off, Resource Jose complained about being called a dehumanized Resource...I thought that was funny.
One of the other resources started freaken out, and started to yell at Resource Jim (me) about something that didn't look right. I just said with sad eyes, and a face only a mother could love..."Why are you yelling at me?".
Next thing you know, everything was fine between all of the resources. And all of the resources apologized to all of the other resources.
But if I hadn't said something to cool things down, my stuff would have been backed out again. And, no way, was I going to type out another 300 pages of documentation and go through all those meetings again.
It was all about their installation software, 
It seems to fail for a lot of reaons. It does a lot of magical things, its way too complicated, and takes way too much work.
But after looking at this installation software for 1 minute, I saw a routine that was 100 lines long that could be replaced with 3 lines, so, its complicated by bad logic).
Could that be my next project? We'll see. I'm having a meeting Monday about some of it.
And thats about it.
So, I'm perking up.
If all goes south, I'll just become a truck driver. Maybe I'll haul nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain, NV.
Now there's something I haven't tried yet!
And thats about it.
09/11/2007 12:12:32
 Chez2199  .Its a gloomy day outside in Louisville
Don't feel the blues my friend. Stick to the basics, life is good, friends are fun, and a job is only a job don't let it get to you.
09/13/2007 21:55:22
 jim   (Reply)..Its a gloomy day outside in Louisville
10 years ago, I controlled millions of lines of code, everything on the Tandem, including its operations and had access to all of Mgm's online systems.
Now, I'm adding a column to a report, and it pays almost just as well.
Go Figure? A lot can change in a few years.
I'm actually doing very well compared to the programmers at Valley Bank and Mgm Grand. Some became store clerks. Some struggled to retire. Their are programmers in Vegas that are still working, but can't change jobs. They're stuck.
I guess what really gets me down though is
This contract was supposed last longer. I already had the total earnings calculated before I moved.
But my contract turned out to be a mess. It got sold, then delayed for a month.
And my business in Vegas started to really take off right after I accepted this contract. The Yellow Book ad made it work.  But I knew if I didn't take this contract, my programming career would be over.
So I'm not sure what I've accomplished here. 
I must be crazy! I don't want to go back to Vegas. I'd like to stay here.
But I can't unless I figure out some kind of solution. I still have a house and my Nevada corporation is good, even here.
I doubt having a Segway dealership would work out
Unless I could get a contract with the Police, or maybe FORT KNOX...haha.
Anyway, I'll probably be done at the bank before November.
We have the apartment leased until February, so there's going to be a lot of time to think about our next move in life.
However, financing is so much easier to get when you have an active income. So, the pressure is on.

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