Hi, I'm Warren
I'm Jim's (LVDude's) Nephew. I'm the son of Jim's estranged sister, Linda, of which whose when whereabouts are unknown to everybody concerned, and probably even to herself. Yep.
Pride and joy streaming like a rockets flare thru most every orifice of my heritage. 
Why am I here right now.  Why are you reading this? 
Were I your keeper for this not so compelling smidge of hackneyed excerpts I would say,
"Hey, go have yourself a love revolution, raise the children of strangers to cultivate the deepest aversion for injustice, learn to bake better holiday fare, something.  Just dont read this."
Seriously though
, if you like to read and wonder what the voice is behind the 'readinz' read Neil Postman. 
He be a fine citezen and I endorse his wonder whole-heartedly.
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