Hi, I'm Warren
I'm Jim's (LVDude's) Nephew. I'm the son of Jim's estranged sister, Linda, of which whose when whereabouts are unknown to everybody concerned, and probably even to herself. Yep.
Pride and joy streaming like a rockets flare thru most every orifice of my heritage. 
Why am I here right now.  Why are you reading this? 
Were I your keeper for this not so compelling smidge of hackneyed excerpts I would say,
"Hey, go have yourself a love revolution, raise the children of strangers to cultivate the deepest aversion for injustice, learn to bake better holiday fare, something.  Just dont read this."
Seriously though
, if you like to read and wonder what the voice is behind the 'readinz' read Neil Postman. 
He be a fine citezen and I endorse his wonder whole-heartedly.
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10/03/2006 14:20:51
 warren  are you getting the most out of your air condition
Tuesday 9 am.
Its after monday.  Monday is gone and I am sitting in Heathers' family' kitchen, reading from her book Art In Theory 1900-1990 and looking up fascinating and  illuminating characters of being.
Maritain, Kant, Thomas Aquinas, George Grosz, Margaret Fuller, Emilio Zapata. all mixed around like perfect courtesans of time and ordinary consideration.
She is at work, and she is beautiful just outside of measure but I think I can
roughly sum up most of the volume by its many facets as pleases me or another.
 She is awesome in spirit and personality and interpretation of freedom, smell  and girth of mindedness. 
She has three dogs, two of which I have let out on a leash, Tasha is sitting beside me.
   Its entirely a better orient; the unfolding of ideas and thought brought on by moral, loving, unrattled impulses in a crib of abstraction and art with directions for microwave if you just arent up to using the range.
I love it !!!  [the improving distractions gained in this dream of reality, and its practice!]
 But it is hellbent difficult to maintain any positive and incrementable curing of it outside of the heaven that exists for me at the moment.
Work is sad and hollow, its arts portioned out in an economy of ignorance and aversion to the good in things.
Things are at the root of what we do, [we 'do' things, and we seek things] yet no one will share about me in the love of mastering their conception, their molestation, their taking.  
The other evening I was watching bravos stripped up license of 'pulp fiction'
I couldnt help but borrow certain events of it in my mind which related to my situation.  I wondered did they foretell any clues?
"I am beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tryanny of evil men"(*)
'you will feel a [slight?] sting, thats your pride .." (Marcellus to Butch before the staged loss of a fight for a large chunk of immediate cashola).
the scene where Vincent and Jules enter the bar wearing clothes ill fitting and conspicuous for them.
How they get back the glowing breifcase ..
(*Not as a cozy blanket of self righteous never ending parade of injury for all time season and scope, but for this recent small
adventure involving a modern mental luddite and his seized inheritance of a self aggrandizing 'best culture in the world' minus exploration of its privelages and perks, genesis, and possibility due other cultures 'happening'! and 'happened!' on this 'same fawking planet!')
..relating to a small adventure with my urban affected redneck boss, and the promise of alot of money, kuntry music and carpet bombing motherfukkers coming into play every now and again. 
So yeah.  Yesterday I was at wrrk, a lucrative tree top pillage-fest in the swamplands of northern minnesota.  I will name him Marfin, and it was he I and three additional males.
  I had the use of one pruner, a telescoping pole with sharpened jaws and a rope leading from them to the end of the pole for operation. 
My rope had been broken the week before and was temporarily fixed with an excess of duct tape, that wrapped it tightly around the mid part of the pole.
possible red flag waving in the background of many events with marfin;;  Throughout the weekend when it was only he and i wrkink the xmas treez,
he told me over and over how between us we had done more work, faster, better, making more money, than he did the past year with a crew of five people.
 [I could easily confirm some of this, as the crew by the week was more feeble, and we are brute producers who take on the never ending wounds of our chore without fear or hesitation.]
 So I began to fix the pruner.  I began by cutting the duct tape away from the pole with out scarring the pole.
 when I was about to join it with a peice of a larger diameter rope than the original - marfin invited himself into a prelude of rage by shouting from half a swampblock away - [would I want him to do it for me].
I replied no , I was all right with the task, just a half hitch from one to the other and all would be done, though really i intended two half hitches apeice.
Well, he was essentially in motion during what turned out to be a  rhetorical question more worthy of containing a brewing prison riot than 'helping out' in the beautiful wealth of seemingly endless product, and as soon as possible was he instantly forcing himself on the situation.  [It was his tool after all and so] I was with out much to politically out lever him no matter how insulting his oafish action upon us.
He made a figure eight at the end of the one rope and and attempted to knot the new end thru it while I explained in easy to understand bursts of tone and term what I was originally in the middle of doing.  To him I now fully realize this was a cross made in his linear expirations of indulutable authority.  Thats a nice simple way of putting it.
And he was 'training other guyz' , even so, who does he think hes upbraiding here? for what end? why?
 He then moved on over and through his prelude into the main act for the next 20 minutes and I dared suffer those insulting events with them in the swamp.
What happens is a person of themselves makes 'indisputabl' (tm) claims about 'a' situation,
that when made, (and because they are far from just or true or accurate in time or place or relevance, or they are just so deafeningly defamed;;) absolutely demand straightening before the defamer, their so called god, the surrounding slightly salivating and unhelpful  public, and own pride.
It was personal, invected independently without compulsion by me onto me and my shit, and frequent enough, blah blah blah. Who doesnt notice the shit that amuses the dragon so heatedly is actually still being shat by the dragon?
We all do, its the norm, no question about it for us mice.
 For one he declared in a nasty tone as if he had been humiliated [that i always am
"debating" every little thing] with him, which if he had bothered to tape the previous 5 days wouldve had to admit, i was instead seamlessly relating to him mostly in his terms just to dig out the money like a spy, overtly cautious of anything inflicting the disasters of depth, (I was truly thrown by his draw of 'debate' instead of 'argue').
well anyway, following thats he went on to shout at me to shut up, I was worse than his bitch Crystal, I need to know when to shut up etc.
Even to recount this excessively grotesque script is a degrading turn for retrospects few barely polishable gems, so,
anyways., yeah. 
In the midst of this I felt it only natural to toss incendiary statements
of common knowledge swept blindly asunder in his general hatred such as those including american tradition, normality and priveledge to use "words" as a matter of superior society with men, that I am american, and have as much freedom as I can make and maintain, that he should think of what he said to me before moving on to the next offensive diatribe. 
I was like - dude, get out of my grill, we are making money right?  But no, it was about the privatization of fleeting authority, censorship of freedom in order to send a personal message, typical shit assed dream. It was awful.
His circuits couldnt relate, his only pursuit by ways of repeating the offense , stealing fragmented portions of what I said to him and rendering them into use with his dismissal of them in an infinitive closed ended case... bla bla bla, been there, suffered that , etc. So I quit.
Then I trekked thru the bushes for 20 minutes until I reached his van and sat a while, and then stole it and drove back to Duluth. 
I took many wrong routes by accident turning 20 minutes into about 40 and ended up not on the west side above peidmont, which would have let me easily onto 6th street by his house and with a
few minutes edge on my immagined possible pursuers, but onto the eastside, and with a fawking damned unwelcome series of stop signs and lights and about 60 blocks difference.
when I finally got there by way of overreaching into the hills along skyline blvd where the view is breathtaking and I thought of stepping out for some pictures, it was on 6th street that I crossed paths with the rest of the crew rounding a corner showing some intrigue at discovering me, or actually the van, but that was brief.
I fucking floored it at that point, around the corner and down hill.
Down a couple of  blocks they caught up for a moment or two perpendicularly,  and I lost them using the aid of small increments of the next few blocks , an alleyway and one great leap across a gravel parking lot by a dead gas station, and a nice bump of  fear-and defiance.  From there it was a sure shot onto michigan street, a mile east and  up the ramp downtown by the police station.  I left the van on the 5th floor of the holiday inn parking garage.
 And there I was, in the surprising 90 degree climate, rubber boots, filthy
clothes, downtown, in a parking garage, without fare for transit , coffee or even a lighter.  But I had stolen a van, and was focused, and set my mind to dealing with the wcs and giving up for the next few hours my well won abstinance of smoking cigarettes. 
Went to the sitting bench by the jewelry store on the skywalk, plugged in , checked some email, instant messaged heather, fired up skype and called marfin ;  told him where his van was. 
It was a failure, as these things seem to always end up 'these days'.  I didnt make it back before they did.  I didnt get in the
window to the apartment to get my bike and my shoes and my shit on my own deranged but potent terms.  I left all in jeoproady. 
So I went where I knew? they would never conceive of bothering; a world so unlike the crusty squalid neverending promise of dreams pissed asunder by drunken dereliction, avarice and ignorance [west side], that on a map it was
probably shaded by the symbols - not go there us, happy hi brow hippies- to them [canal park area].  In my rubber boots, to the amazing grace cafe, did I go.  I met a pair of cool peepz, one named Willow, the other recognized me from labor ready.   Willoe  bought me a tea and we networked for future conversation as she was cool and sincere and culturally tuned and from canada.
I called heather and she met me several hours later at the beach and that was just super groovy and all the right calibration. 
[bike get did]
And marvin said he understood why I did it and wanted to get past it and work again tomorrow, that is today.
I didnt question what he meant by 'understood why i did it'. Told him my people will get in touch with his people.
[must glowing breifcase get]
10/03/2006 13:40:16
 warren  ..Grime and Punishment gives you a Headache in the
sweet, thank you for the kudz! I edited it shortly after , removing some reduncity, replaced the heading.  The link in 'recent logs' still loads the former, perhaps some db field needs to be bumped.  Totally dig immersing myself in your musings, thoughts and stories as well.  You possess a well balanced pleasant and relevant sense for language, and dispense it naturally, interestingly and most often it is rooted in some love or another for what is good in the world.  I guess that means life.
ciao bebbe

10/03/2006 11:19:29
 Jim   (Reply).Grime and Punishment gives you a Headache in the
Thats a hell-of-a-story Warren.
You should write for a living. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
It had all of the intrigue, adventure, and excitement you'd expect in a more published document.
Your words let me into your life, painted the pictures of your surroundings and described very well your situation.
The best part of it all, was that it ended in a good way. (I especially liked the circular reference to the glowing briefcase).
10/03/2006 16:44:54
 warren   (Reply)total beamer dude
 I notice, yeah , um, highlites, which pleasantly demarcate interwise. beauty.  suppose I could try a hand at it , but its more mun to wait and see how another iffagines the editing.. ooh yeah!
10/03/2006 16:44:54
 Jim   (Reply)...Grime and Punishment gives you a Headache in th
What was hilarious...see, I was editting the same copy of your story...I liked it so much.
HOWEVER, I guess we see what happens in this system when two people are working on the same log record.
Once I figured you were editting it, and thus overlaying any of my mods (I know this editor better), it all came together.
I'll avoid that in the future.
But your story seemed GREAT!
I was doing hilights, and paragraph mods...

BTW: If you do SHIFT ENTER, this editor will drop you down one line instead of two. But the usual way to use it is only to press ENTER when you actually want the end of a paragraph...(weird, I know, its not all my software).
09/06/2006 22:31:46
 warren  Actually happened aug 30st , a wednesday.
Its 1023 pm.I approached the littler trailer in the dark.  Right now, I have a flashlight in my mouth, and yes, I am  in a state of drunkeness but I still have 1 and a half damn beers to my imbibage. I checked the first row of outlets on the the trailer to which in a prevous time I had chatted mundanely with a man who had worked for thie outfit way too many years and who was only trying to say that on THAT day they guys in the trux were letting out some slough , into the river.  ... by which I pitched my stay under the radar of the upwardly immobile dogs of attitude and authoritay beneath a series of hwyz overpassing.
  The first box was blackened and I figured that juicegez would not be quarried there.  But the second of the 5, like a bingo.  I was on the backside of the temporal workmans office by the railroad trax, and my bicycle did prove worthy of enough aptitude to allow my a moment of balance to get this laptop to the ruf wjile charging and to my delight logging on.  But to actually get to the roof of the structure with myself  where I might better sink a feathrr into the faithhaveneast wifi signal? I would have to append the front of the strukture.  So I did attempt and twice did I attempt. At first I had no notion of the peculiar physical unrestraints set up of the  stairwell that graced the front of this trailer ,,, so in the 1st up in a minute I  begAN with a footing that sent me and the construction, westwardly and to the ground accompanying a frightening unwanted entire throe.  Nuffsaid I finished a severe yet enlightened 'oh shit' and crawled up again to  aright the stairwell with a hearth of blue ribbon impulse. .. back to near abouts the door it was saddled up to originally. and then I began what was to be  a very simple access to this roof I now sit at with a nearly inhessitant singular motion  aND ease.  and yes the signal is better.  and I still have 1 beer left but no one to share this moment with. crap.  Shivering, winded and without a noble immediate futere I now am possessed with a sped away itinerary of mind that this is none much more than just sitting drunk in the wind on a roof.
Now to get down again...
09/07/2006 12:52:41
 Jim   (Reply)Hot diggy damn - That was interesting
You truly have a gift of implicantly descriptive words of what would normally be everyday events for some.
Oh yea....
You click the ENTER <---- over there to enter a blog entry
You click the EDIT ----> over there to change your heading....
I should make that more clear, but, not many people use this blog anyway.
06/30/2004 20:33:01
 jim  I’m sorry Warren Davis.
I'm sorry Warren Davis. Well, I would have been right if I just said Dave Davis, since all of the Davis men are Dave's. :) I think (anyway). www.oddtod.com is a fun site. Thanks for the T.O.
06/29/2004 12:15:35
 jim  Right back at ya!
Oh, and it's good to hear from ya Warren Douglas!!!
06/29/2004 09:06:44
 Warren  Yowzerz, what fun
Yowzerz, what fun youve let arrange unto yerself boy! Hoo-hyah! Wha, you got one dem Iron willz er sumthin'? Heh.. Not that im into this, but my karma programmer thought it best i guess to slamm me into a television viewing experience the other day and I watched this Vh1 thing called the surreal life. Were ther efer a point Id make it that If Tammy Faye, Erik Estrada, Ron Jeremy and Vanilla Ice to live together for twelve days and come aut a lovin, well, chin up kid. Cheers baby! its Summer!
03/17/2004 02:22:45
 jim  Its nice to know you read this Blog, Warren
Cool Warren. Thanks. It's nice to know you read this BLOG :^)
The St Patricks Day Parade is tommorrow and I'm heading up a crowd of 6 to go there!
I sure hope they have cheerleaders!
It starts at 4th and Ogden at 11am and there should be a party crowd of 30,000+ people all with green tongues yelling their whoo-has.
03/16/2004 13:14:03
 warren  Hey, it is tuesday and I need my dose of blog!
Hey, it is tuesday and I need my dose of blog! You are not the only person who reads this, I come crawling here every day like I was [insert recording artist has been] and you the methadone hut! later.

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