Tandem's Log |
Created: 5/31/2007 5:53:03 PM |
06/17/2008 05:24:35 jim Tmf auto aborts an entire batch after 1 error | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
MX Sql automatically aborts a batch of transactions after an IUD (Insert, Update, Delete). IUD - I wonder who came up with that abbreviation...lol. So, when loading a database, you might lose 50,000 inserts for 1 referential integrety error. This is unacceptable for a data base with terabytes of data. To get around this, set : UPD_ABORT_ON_ERROR to off. To check that setting: display_explain options 'f' my_query; The OPT column displays token upd_action_on_error: on_rollback. A value of "x" means that the transaction will be rolled back. If this solution doesn't work for some reason, all I can see are two options: 1 - Turn Audit off on the target database. That would slow down the load though. 2 - Table up all the batched transactions, and write them to a restart file whenever an error occurs. |
05/20/2008 21:50:24 Tandem Unix Commands | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Unix commands reference cardEnvironment ControlCommand Description Output, Communication, & HelpCommand Description Process ControlCommand Description Environment StatusCommand Description File ManipulationCommand Description CompilerCommand Description Working with NFS filesFiles saved on the UITS central Unix computers Steel, the Parallel PC cluster, Solar/Lunar, and the Research SP are stored on the Network File Server (NFS). That means that your files are really on one disk, in directories named for the central Unix hosts on which you have accounts. No matter which of these computers you are logged into, you can get to your files on any of the others. Here are the commands to use to get to any system directory from any other system:cd /N/u/username/PPPC/Be sure you use the capitalization just as you see above, and substitute your own username for "username". For example, if Jessica Rabbit is logged into her account on Steel, and wants to get a file on her SP account, she would enter: cd /N/u/jrabbit/SP/Now when she lists her files, she'll see her SP files, even though she's actually logged into Steel. You can use the ordinary Unix commands to move files, copy files, or make symbolic links between files. For example, if Jessica Rabbit wanted to move "file1" from her Steel directory to her SP directory, she would enter: mv -i /N/u/jrabbit/Steel/file1 /N/u/jrabbit/SP/This shared file system means that you can access, for example, your SP files even when you are logged into Steel, and vice versa. However, if you are logged into the SP, you can only use the software installed on SP -- only users' directories are linked together, not system directories. Abbreviations used in this documentCTRL/x hold down control key and press x Printing this how-to guide![]() Last updated: August 2000
10/09/2007 17:46:15 jim Programming Manuals | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
09/26/2007 22:21:12 jim To find out what Tandem release you are on... | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
TACL> SYSINFO I've worked on maybe 30 Tandem computers And I never cared what system I was on, unless I was doing a sysgen, then you have to read the Softdocs. But the question always comes up in the interviews "Are you familiar with the X-Series?" If they ask me this, I always want to say, "Oh my yes, that was my favorite processor!". And I'll think, "Yeppers, that's the release that changed almost nothing that I care about.". The Tandem has remained pretty consistant over the decades. Thats what I really like about it. lol |
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