Stories's Log |
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude. |
03/31/2004 22:44:47 jim Forty-Eight...Feels So Great... | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Lets go out and Celebrate!!! Today was a very good day for this old-timer. |
03/31/2004 20:21:35 jim From Pamela in Hawaii | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM 48TH.....AND YOUR LOOKING GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!!! |
03/31/2004 14:32:49 Becky Its Jims Birthday today. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Happy Birthday My love. |
03/31/2004 00:00:07 jim Gabriel,NV-BDay-Sonny,Jim,Becky | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
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03/30/2004 20:02:00 jim Happy Birthday Dinner at Outback | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I just had my Happy Birthday Dinner at Outback!!! Shrimp and Steak has been added to my waistline! Becky had Parmesan Shrimp Pasta, but neither of us could come close to finishing our meals. I'll be a 48 years old tommorrow. Dirty Old Men ROCK! Three snaps and a clap for testosterone!!! |
03/30/2004 10:20:27 jim 15 year old kids steal Identities by raiding mailb | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Ahhh...a newspaper article that applies to me: It's a paper crime so nobody even goes to jail. Last year, my Identity was used twice for purchases. And what was so funny: people with their mailbox located on the sidewalk assumed my ID was stolen from the internet. I figured it was stolen from my mailbox, and explained, you walk up, raid a mailbox, record the numbers at home, then put the mail BACK into the mailbox, and perhaps wait 2 weeks for the owner to activate their cards. Both my checking account and credit card were used in purchases, so my mailbox had to be raided. Easy, stupid, and so simple it's actually genius! |
03/30/2004 09:37:19 jim Even though I should be qualified | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Even though I am probably over qualified for working at Visa, they may toss my resume out because I honestly don't remember if I've dealt with a certain protocol or device. It's so strange, when I hear employers ask questions like, have you ever worked with an Okidata printer. I want to say, um, I've worked with 100s of printers, does this printer write on air, chisel stone or do something different? |
03/29/2004 11:30:24 jim Another hit from Visa | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Well, here we go again. I got a hit on my resume from Visa. If I get it, I'll be a Coloradan next week! YIPEE!!! Honestly, it never works like that though. They want you tommorrow, and you get there in 2 weeks. What amazes me is how fast things work off of the net. I've spent maybe 8 hours futzing with my Resume for this type of position or that, and spent maybe 2 hours submitting it to different places. Next thing I know, my phone number is the most popular number in the world! Then, nothing, at least so far. But all I need, is just one good hit to be in business again. :) |
03/28/2004 12:00:04 jim Gabriel,NV-Becky,Jim,Carport,Bedroom | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
03/28/2004 11:04:09 jim Speaking of Bush... | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
isn't it kind of funny that the country is run by a Bush!!! We have the most powerful Bush in the world right now...bwaaa-hahaha! Hmmm, men in black at the door, honey, could you get that~~! |
03/28/2004 11:02:44 jim Pollen...little green things that infest our nasal | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
The government has what they call a neutron bomb... which when it blows up, it kills everything, but leaves buildings standing. That is SO inhumane. I would like to submit this to them...the POLLEN bomb. They can get everything they need from my backyard. If they were to drop this bomb over, say, like, Iraq...see, all of the people there would simple leave (hacking, gagging, sniffling and sneezing), and all of the buildings would remain intact for the BUSH regeme to take over. |
03/27/2004 22:42:19 jim Another Saturday has come and gone. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
We filled up the dumpster Thursday with these amazon-like tree limbs with polleny leaves from my backyard. It took most of the day Friday: coughing, hacking, sneezing and wheezing to recover from that! I Started to fill up the dumpster again with the remainder of leaves, BUT...I'm in no hurry to go stomping around in that dumpster: getting more cut-up,red-eyed,itchy,sneezy,wheezy. Now, for anyone that's never seen my backyard, it has 3 tree's and 1 oleander, that in the summer time, form a tent like cover over the whole damn yard. No sun gets through it at all. MILLIONS OF LEAVES!!! Probably's a hell of a thing. I just want to BBQ back there, but I can't risk it all catching fire and sending up a smoke cloud like Mt St Helen's volcano did, that would circle the earth's atmosphere 25 times. That would be bad. :) |
03/27/2004 00:00:02 jim Gabriel,NV-Robert,Joy,Dustin,Jen | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
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03/25/2004 09:55:33 jim Looks like Skip is all squared away | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
It's about time I made a new entry :) It looks like Skip is squared away and things are settling down. I still need to get Becky squared up. Two weeks ago, I was looking for a job and interviewing. Nothing much has come up since then (jobwise). Trying to get back into the swing can be a tough task. |
03/22/2004 10:33:34 Chez2199 On the hunt for Work hey.. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Caesars Entertainment has a network position in Gulfport MS. |
03/21/2004 19:28:47 jim BTW: Guys are terrible at birthdays! | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
What reminded you Sonny? |
03/21/2004 19:27:38 Sonny Good luck Jim on your job search | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I guess you know your birthday is coming up. See you then if not before. |
03/21/2004 05:45:54 jim Its that time of decade to look for a job | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
It's that time of decade I guess to go out looking for work. There's just one problem though, I've forgotten how. Since 1978, the jobs have just come to me. What do you do when the phone rings and it's not a job offer. Hmmmm. |
03/20/2004 09:29:34 jim Its the first day of spring | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
It's the first day of spring and the backyard has a layer of pollen bearing pods on it. You'd think it snowed green last night! |
03/17/2004 19:45:27 jim Ate like pigs, danced like fools, laughed like jok | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Today turned out so much better than could be expected. IN SHORT, we had a BLAST! And that can't be bad. Ate like pigs, danced like fools, laughed like jokers, it was all in the name of having fun. If only every day could be this beautiful. |
03/17/2004 17:40:05 jim BBQ skewer day with Dustin, Jennifer, Robert and J | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Well, it's turned from a Corned Beef and Cabbage day to a BBQ'd skewer day. Yum yum! Becky, Dustin and Jennifer are here. Hopefully when Robert and Joy come back over to pick them up, they'll have a healthy appetite, cause this stuff smells like heaven. |
03/17/2004 02:35:15 jim Robert bought a 2001 Ford Ranger | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Oh, didn't I mention that Robert bought a 2001 Ford Ranger!!! $16,000, no down, just a trade in, $150 a month for 6 months then he's got to refinance. High blue book was $7,800 and hopefully he got a square deal. I think he did well. It's his first loan, and the truck looks very impressive. 3 snaps and a clap for Robert! |
03/17/2004 00:01:20 jim Fremont,NV-Robert,Jill,Dustin,Jen,Becky,StPatricks | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
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03/17/2004 00:01:20 jim (Reply) | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
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03/16/2004 13:14:03 warren Hey, it is tuesday and I need my dose of blog! | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Hey, it is tuesday and I need my dose of blog! You are not the only person who reads this, I come crawling here every day like I was [insert recording artist has been] and you the methadone hut! later. |
03/14/2004 07:31:25 jim Most amount of money. Least amount of time | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Now, the concept is "The most amount of money for the least amount of time". If this is the doesn't matter what anybody thinks about you along the way. The goal is to get the most out of our time. EG: If I can pick up old beer cans and make $85 an hour, who cares if thats sounds like lowlife work...I'll be singing from my balcony at the top of the mountain at all the people working there way up to shift supervisor at 7-11. |
03/13/2004 11:42:08 jim I just added Skip | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Testing...I got Skip up, now my Notes look strange...hmmm? I'm glad I'm about the only person that reads this hooey! :) |
03/13/2004 10:26:29 jim From Skip | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Thanks for adding me to your website buddy. |
03/12/2004 13:27:22 jim Car hunting with Robert | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Robert and I went to Thrifty Auto for a crash course in Salesman chicanery and subterfuge. We got one half-truth from the guy...and that was how they decode the 4 digit number on all their vehicles into it's offer price, EG: 5011...transposed=1150. 1150*100 + 1,000=Top sale of $12,500. Armed with that knowledge and a Kelley Blue Book, one can find the best deal on the lot! |
03/12/2004 13:22:22 jim Unloaded Skips stuff | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Crawled out of bed this morning at the ringing of the phone. Robert came over and helped move me my step-brother in. We unloaded the truck, and he helped move furniture around so that the room could be properly populated with decades of Skip's belongings. |
03/12/2004 08:51:38 jim Back from San Francisco | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Got Back from San Fransisco last night at 10pm. 25 hours of nonstop driving. This has been a killer of a week, and I love it. What's bizarre is I just watched a movie called Insomnia with Al Pacino and Robin Williams. Pacino's in Alaska during it's 6 month day cycle. He's getting delusional after days of sleep deprivision. That would be me right now. Phone just rang. Gonna exchange favors with someone. I've had 16 hours of sleep Since Sunday. |
03/11/2004 12:00:21 jim Vegas,NV-LakeMeadeDr | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
03/11/2004 12:00:00 jim Picked Skip up in San Fransisco | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Picked Skip up in San Fransisco. Lots of driving. Watch DVD movies on my laptop on the way (man, did that make the 12 hour trip FLY). The trip was beautiful! Seeing Skip after 30 years was quite a shock too. We loaded up the truck with all of his stuff and it reminded me of the Beverly Hillbillies somehow. I know it may be illegal, but having that laptop, with it's map software, and it's DVD player is the only way I'm going to travel from now on. Movies keep you alert. |
03/10/2004 05:59:55 jim What do employers want? | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I was thinking about my resume. I did everything I said I did on it. When I was 12, I fixed a broken clock and put it back together again. If I had to do it again, it would take time to figure it out. If that was all I did for a living, I could do it quickly. I've done 1,000's of things since then, much more diverse, much more complicated. WHAT DO EMPLOYERS WANT? Someone who can do anything, or someone who does 1 thing only. |
03/10/2004 05:50:59 jim Pulled up SQL 2000. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Up at 5am. Pulled up SQL 2000. My goal is to import a database from Access. Create a veiw, a stored procedure and a Data Transformation Script. |
03/08/2004 22:18:23 jim Read SQL 2000 for Dummies | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Well's been a very interesting day at the Cutlar abode. The world is turning! I've got some books for brushing up: "SQL 2000 for Dummies", "C++ for Dummies" and "Acting Intelligent for Dummies". That should be all I need to read to succeed. Memory jogging can fun! |
03/08/2004 17:50:58 Sonny Hi Jim...thanks for setting me up with email, brot | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
! |
03/08/2004 15:07:01 jim Took Becky to the Culinary Union | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Took Becky to the Culinary Union this morning to sign up. In the meantime, submitted a resume to Mariposa, and to a company in Denver. Tommorrow morning, it's interview time...yahoooo!!! |
03/07/2004 18:53:19 Becky Sorry about yesterday morning | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Hi there babe. I read your email. Sorry about yesterday morning. I wasn't thinking the right way about thing's. I miss the little one's. Love you kiss and Hugs. :) |
03/07/2004 18:47:02 jim Expected to have company today | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Expected to have company today, but got nothing but virtual guests. BBQ'd up some of the finest beef ribs, and the most scrumptious marinated steak I've ever eaten. Watched Spy Kids 3D(**), Insomnia(***) and Stargate(*****) just to blow off some time. Another week has ended with the resounding thud of unemployed butts hitting the couch. This next week will be about producing income. |
03/07/2004 13:11:14 Warren The planet of Wallmartians | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
The planet to which the Wallmartians are attributed is however spelled Walmart and none of their diplomats or universities have given comment as to why. |
03/07/2004 10:05:09 jim Took Chuck Sheppard around the town last night. | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
03/07/2004 00:01:01 jim Vegas,NV-Chuck,Tom,Sheppards Place | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
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03/07/2004 00:00:05 jim Strip,NV-F150,Becky,Chuck,Jim,TreasureIsland | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
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03/06/2004 16:24:29 Warren Total thanks man | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
That means a ton to me. Im sure it will to James D as well. |
03/06/2004 12:28:22 Warren How the hell are you guys!! | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Whoa, ok, here we are, safe and sound as a message in youre box.. How the hell are you guys!! This is Warren Davis Neph#x12 almost live in Denver Colorado. Doing well and fuel is still over half! James D is in washington yet and Wayne is awol the moving world incapo-communicado, (though I hear he used to be a cat of silver faculties and lots to say). Both Walter and Lavonne have left us, and Elaine and Wunderbar Wambold have moved to Florida! Thats the news. Viewed the Cooler yet? I liked it but I suspect only because of a combination between environmental synaptiacal onslaught over period of time {life} and that Im a fan of William H Macy. Hi Sonny!- Hi Jim! |
03/06/2004 11:18:52 jim Morning Jim,Robert,Joy,Backyard | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
03/06/2004 09:33:03 jim Renee, Dustin, Jennifer, Robert, Joy and Chuck cam | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Renee, Dustin, Jennifer, Robert, Joy and Chuck came by yesterday. They say things are so much better since Becky's Brother and Mom kicked her out. I'm still pondering on exactly how that could be. Becky is the kindest, most giving person I know. And they yelled at her, stole from her, or crapped on her...and they used me. Jerry Newberry's advice to GTFO was absolutely best thing to do. |
03/05/2004 14:00:02 jim Gabriel,NV-Jim,Becky,Renee,Dustin | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
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03/05/2004 12:00:11 jim Vegas,NV-Gabriel-Simpsons-Backyard | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
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