Stories's Log
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude.
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12/18/2004 12:00:22
 jim  Vegas,NV-Gmas RobertsTruck
12/17/2004 22:27:32
 jim  Just left Jarri (Allred) and Tim Brookes place
Attending the send off for Timmy Allred was pretty much everybody and everybody looked great! We honored Timmy's favorite tradition and had Taco's, beer, soda and potato chips.
I'll say it once again...the Allreds are a rare breed.
Few tears were shed, only good things were said, lots of hugs and laughs, with good times abound
(I like to say that word 'abound').
12/17/2004 22:20:10
 jim  I know what I want to do now
I want to be a taste tester for Bud Light, and I want to rate TV show's for the Neilson's Ratings. And I want to do it at home. And, I want to add my test/ratings to my TV's remote control for efficiency.
This way you see, I can work TWO jobs, and fully retire in half the time! OH YEAH! I'm a genious.
12/17/2004 00:13:20
 jim  Vegas,NV-Amy,Jare,pix-Rob,Tim
12/16/2004 00:11:20
 jim  Vegas,NV-ElementaryChoir-Jen,Dustin,Gma
12/15/2004 23:14:11
 jim  Tims death makes me so very greatful for what I’ve
That sounds bizarre I know, but this year I have had good health, great love and I'm still very much alive!
I can still make this a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Years for myself and others.
I only wish Rob and Timmy could have seen things that way. It ain't over till its over. They could have hung out with us and made our lives a little better.
12/15/2004 21:43:09
 jim  Another depressing New Year and Christmas is comin
Auld Lang Syne and all that.
I just want us all to grow old together.
I want to love, laugh and smile as my face withers with time.
I want to be in the company of my old friends,
but it gets harder every year, as life fades to the end.
12/15/2004 21:18:38
 jim  I know I’m not much of a man, but...
I know I owe my life to this universe and when I die, my universe will die with me. After that, I will be born back to that which delivered me to this place. If you read that a couple of times, it may make sense to you.
I am grateful for this glimpse of the universe
We owe life only one thing in return for this gift, and that is our death. Its our death that gives life. How strange it is to rush it though. It was this gift of life that gave us our only chance to change the future, and make it a better place for the next life. "Our kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH, as it is in Heaven".
12/15/2004 11:55:54
 jim  Timothy Allred killed himself yesterday
Missy called crying. Oh my.
Something about Christmas seems to bring death.
12/14/2004 00:00:31
 jim  Gmas,NV-Becky,Darren RobertsTruck Becky
12/13/2004 10:42:18
 jim  Taking The Big Loop as I call it, around Vegas.
We're gonna give one of Roberts friends a ride to the airport. That'll take us through the North, South and East sides of town. The 20 mile drive should take 90 minutes.
12/13/2004 10:39:04
 jim  Fenced part of the back yard.
Yesterday was filled with "Fencing On My Mind".
I bought cement, a post and some fencing mesh to at least keep my dog in the back yard. Days like yesterday are just no fun.
Becky and I went to the imfamous Blue Ox
I won $140 off of our $60. I'm happy!
12/11/2004 15:18:25
 jim  I called the law on my neighbor
6 Rotweillers were in my yard again this morning. I've done all I could with him.
My only recourse was to get the police involved.
He got the dogs out before the police arrived. I gave him the heads up, and told him I called the cops because he said yesterday, 'Do whatever you have to do'. Now he won't answer my calls.
He's being a total jerk, which makes me want to be a jerk right back.
He put up fiberglass awning material thats 10 foot tall over the fence.
This makes him a stupid jerk.
First of all - It's WAY out of code. Without a variance, a fence can only be 6' tall in this county.
Second - It won't stop a rotweiller from breaking through.
Third - They didn't break through the fence today, they dug under the it.
I told the cops about last night, and that one dog was trying to get inside my house. looks like I'm calling in a code violation on him Monday.
The asshole must pay!
12/11/2004 12:00:02
 jim  Vegas,NV-Gabriel RobertsTruck
12/11/2004 03:48:28
 jim  The neighbors dog had Squirt in his mouth!
I came home tonight. Found Squirt in the side yard. Got him out. Later the neighbors dog (Robert's) jumped over the fence. He had Squirt in his mouth. I came out, and for the first time, I thought of killing an animal. I called the owner. I'm going to have to go after him, and that's sad. After all of the intrusions into my life that he's caused, I'm going to have to come after him.
12/11/2004 03:43:18
 jim  Music makes me miss my old friends
Watching Heart Beat with Don Johnson.
That was one of Chris Faheys favorites.
I tried to push it on Rob Allred.
Anyway, those best friends are gone. How long will it take till we meet again. The awesome trio.
12/10/2004 18:45:18
 jim  Joy, Becky and I are playing Hoyle Double Cross
Hopefully, this website works for everyone coming here.
We've just been hanging around. Joy, Becky and I are playing Hoyle Double Cross right now.
My neighbor gave me a 27" stereo TV.
He was going to toss it in my dumpster because it had some lines running through the screen. I fixed it. Now it's mine! YEAH!
Robert (my rear neighbor came over to ask me if I signed a complaint against his dogs
I told him I'd never do that without notifying him first and giving him the chance to correct the problem. That would be the point of filing a complaint anyway.
His next door neighbor signed my name to some complaint she filed. People can be so petty. Why would she do that?
12/10/2004 00:10:20
 jim  Gabriel,NV-Skip,Robert,Joy,Becky
12/09/2004 13:26:42
 jim  Reinstalled
Let me know what you think
12/07/2004 12:09:01
 jim  Vegas,NV-School-DustinOnTheViola
12/06/2004 00:00:02
 jim  Gabriel,NV-Robert,Amy,Joy,Becky,Jim
12/03/2004 00:27:09
 jim  Welded my Electric Scooter, caught it on fire!
Well, I welded it with a wire feed welder, and it burst into black flames.
MAN, WHAT A SIGHT! The weld took, it works fine but it's still a crappy little bike. Now, it looks like one too!
Guess I should have tested the welder on some scrap metal first, and experimented with the various tips a little. Live and Learn.
12/02/2004 21:54:56
 jim  I’m glad nobody reads this Blog
I found out tonight, I can earn up to two degrees a year. Becky and I went to the college tonight. All of my credits are still good.
It pays to take the hardest classes, even if easier ones are available.
Lesseeenow, I could be a nurse, realtor, biochemist, radiologist and a programmer. hehe. Now that should be a sellable set of skills!
12/02/2004 20:57:06
 jim  Bye Renee
I was the inspiration for Becky, Dustin, and Jennifer to write to Renee (who's belongs to a cult in Victorville).
Renee had sent us a letter telling us how much we need to be saved and that we still had time.
For my letter, I had told Renee that I don't need to be saved by her.
Then I mentioned that neither do the Buddist, Hindu's, Protestants and Jews of the world, and don't even try to save a Mormon or Jehova's Witness.
Renee, who's 20, and has (I think) graduated from BADD, and may even graduate from their high school
(no Renee, it's not speled Hi Skool), believes that we need to be saved by their Jesus Christ.
She also believes that Christ will provide her with a baby. She's way out their. I hope she finds god in something other than a poorly rewritten 1600's book.
All I know is, I helped her, gave her my money, my time, taken her on trips, camping, shuttled her all over the place.
I never asked for anything. She stole, told lies, and committed quite a few sins against the people I love.
I never heard her once say, I'm sorry. She will say that to her little imaginary friend, Jesus.
Jesus forgives her for her sins and the people she has hurt are going to hell.
Is that insane or what?
Renee's story is a very sad one. I think she's past hope.
I just hope she doesn't cut someones head off while proclaiming "God is Great".
Renee was kidnapped and she's fallen in love with her captors.
By definition, kidnapping is taking someone against their will. She was told she was going to Disneyland. She was dragged out of the vehicle. She was turned over to some strangers, in a strange town, in a strange building. It was all a lie.
Now, she's chased me away and all I ever did was help her.
Cool Words from Buddism
"Man himself is responsible for his own happiness and misery.
He creates his own heaven and hell.
He is master of his own destiny, child of his past and parent of his future."
I'll leave Renee to live in her own hell or heaven.
I love her and wish her well.
For me, I believe Heaven and Hell are insane concepts
Come on! Heaven and Hell don't even make sense. They're made up by people desparately hanging to life. Ironically, it seems these people either fear death the most, or they are so insane, they strap a bomb to themselves to murder other people. I'm sick of these idiots.
I'm just going to hang out, enjoy this life, and I'm going to be just fine.
While I'm at it, why do they always speak latin in Church?
And why do the people always say Amen to it. What if the Priest was saying "Mary Had A Little Lamb"? Who speaks Latin these days anyway?
11/30/2004 23:05:45
 jim  November 2004
Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 11:34:43 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
I got this message from Tony Nation. It's really cute.
Thanks Jim. It's nice to hear from you. How have you been doing lately? I can't complain, besides the extra weight that I've put on things are going pretty good.
A week ago, or so, I receive an e-mail from a person who works here at Aristocrat whose name was Jim Culter and I thought he was you. I sent him a reply thinking it was you. I ask how he was doing and told him how I was doing and everything. It was an hour or so later after I had sent the e-mail I realized that it wasn't you. This Jim spells his last name Culter, not Cultar. Well, he responded back to me saying that he was doing fine himself and it was the nicest e-mail ever have gotten from person he never knew. So, it looks like I made a new friend.
Well, any way Jim. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and I wish for you a very Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 11:26:25 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Mike Rigel just sent me an email
Back in the early 90's, when we were programmers at Caesars Palace, Mike mentioned he had the entire Eric Clapton collection. It told him I loved Eric Clapton. A week later, Mike comes in with 6 x 90 minute, high quality cassettes. He recorded all of his collection and gave to me.
Then in 1996, I was told him about the four month trip I'd planned travelling the Northwest. I mentioned worries about my house. Mike volunteered to watch the house.
Mike Rigel is perhaps the most selfless person I've ever met.
He gets a 3 Snaps and a Clap in this movie called life!
Monday, November 29, 2004 at 11:36:12 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Robert has the ideal job
I keep thinking I'm going to go back to college and snap up a few more degrees, but then again, I look at modern day computer code and it's SO BAD that I'm not sure if I want to soak my hands and feet in that toilet again.
What I'd really like, is a job where I watch TV, play computer games, eat exotic foods and drink coffee all day. Ya know, like Roberts job!
Monday, November 29, 2004 at 00:43:01 (PST) <robert >
Hey jim (dude), and mom (mom), how is it going?
Wow im geting paid 9 bucks an hour to sit here and type u a message hehe i love this job but yet so boring... anyways when are u going to add some new pics to ur picture profile. Wow I learned something for the blog about thanksgiving. Did you know that everytime you learn something new you get another wrinkle on your brain.. wow their you go you just got another wrinkle hehe
Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 22:48:21 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
It would be nice if I could read about our holidays without coming across items that are completely disturbing. Things are never the way they appear to be.
Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 22:44:28 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Mankinds lowest
Somehow I stumbled on Hitler's T4 project in 1938, less than 66 years ago. It was a project to eliminate Germany's undesirable babies. The age was raised to include kids up to 16 years old. Hitler planned euthanasia for the unperfect. It occured to me that, the way the Third Reicht thought, was simular to many 'cleansing' efforts recorded in history. This way of thinking would include the Pilgrims cleansing the land of the indians.
I guess the moral of this story is, that killing people over physical or religious differences, is pure evil.
Knowing what I know, it would be hard for me to cheer when any war is won, because I believe that war itself is evil.
Wouldn't it have been much nicer if the bureaucrats could have won Iraq through economical and political means?
I've read that the United States has a larger gross domestic product than India, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain and Brazil combined. Dollar wise, the US is worth 200 Iraqs. That's a lot of monitary influence.
We are the richest people on the planet by far!
Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 19:26:22 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
It was a lazy day. Skip had company, Becky's kids stayed over last night. A neighbor's pitbull broke through the fence. Not a thing was unusual about today. Ohboy. :) ssdd.
Friday, November 26, 2004 at 10:50:23 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
In the end, all we are is what we said and did.
Yesterday, I sent emails out to perhaps 50 people. Most will delete the email. That's cool. The point was, I think well of these people. In my life, I've loved them all. If they ever need my help, all they have to do is pick up the phone.

Thursday, November 25, 2004 at 22:20:59 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Thanksgiving went well.
I talked to Jan Overbo (from Caesars) and Amy (Rob Allred's daughter). They are doing great! Jan's getting married, and Amy might be working at Caesar Palace's new club.
We ate at Gram's tonight and she prepared a wonderful meal. Excellent would be too small of a word to apply to her cooking. Grandiose, with affect in personal eating desires, would suffice as descriptive. lol.
Thursday, November 25, 2004 at 09:21:41 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
The First Thanksgiving
The pilgrims came across the Atlantic Ocean to land here in December 1620. They were of the Puritan Sect of the English Separatist Church, and ironically, the Puritans were escaping religious persecution. They had spirit, but were perhaps poor planners, coming to the Americas in the winter time. They had no flour, cattle or dairy products, and the potato was thought of as poisonous. The wheat they brought wouldn't grow in New England's rocky soil. The native indians helped them survive to their first crop. It was the indian's culture (the Wampanoags) to welcome strangers to their villages. Together, they celebrated the traditional English harvest festival with 91 of their saviors (the native indians).
In 1676, June 29th was proclaimed as the first Thanksgiving holiday.
The celebration did not include the native indians. The celebration was meant partly to be a victory celebration over their heathen neighbors. In the name of god, they killed the indians who helped them survive the first winter. The pilgrims brought the plague (small pox) and guns. The Puritan Elder praised god for the plague that killed the indians because it purified the land.
In 1863, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed National Thanksgiving Day
It was to be the last Thursday in November. For hundreds of years prior, this holiday bounced all around the calendar.
As I sit around the table with my loved ones and enjoy the time we're together
I think of history, how our ancestors killed their true saviors, the American Indians, because they didn't believe in their perceived savior, Jesus Christ. I wonder how those people could get so messed up. In many ways, this is a Thankless holiday.
In spite of Thanksgiving's roots, this day has become a day of love.
I celebrate this day, in memory of all of the previous Thanksgiving holidays. I regret most of my loved ones have passed, and can not share today. Yet,
I'm thankful, for the love and new memories created and shared on this holiday
Thanksgiving Day, November 25th, 2004.
Monday, November 22, 2004 at 11:03:18 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
What is today...oh yea, it's Tuesday already!
Smoked up that 30 lbs of turkey and beef yesterday. Finished it up around 9pm. Becky made a wonderful turkey gravy out of what I thought was useless grease. The turkey came out ggggrrrreeeeaaatttt! The chuck steak, potatoes, carrots, onions and mushrooms came out only so so. I guess you don't smoke chuck steak. It doesn't absorb the smoke flavoring.
Refilled the print cartridges again
What a messy endeavor. I've got two color printers on my network. Refilling the cartridges ALWAYS makes an incredible mess. My kit has syringes that inject the ink into the cartridges and if the needles aren't secure, they blow off and ink goes everywhere. My hands will be blue on Thanksgiving. Also, if you overfill the cartridges, they leak ink in a nice puddle. If you use aluminum foil, it'll flow freely to the lowest spot (that you didn't know existed) and go everywhere from there.
Sunday, November 21, 2004 at 09:39:30 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Woke up this morning, openned the bedroom door. There was Squirt. Behind him was toilet paper and trash all up and down the hallway. He'd gotten into the bathroom trash. I woooped his furry butt!
We're smoking 20lbs of turkey and beef today with taters, carrots, onyuns, and whatever else we can think of to put in the drip pan.
It's going to be a 24 hour event!
Saturday, November 20, 2004 at 10:50:48 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
The plan - Seven of us go to Circus Circus's Adventure Dome
We're headed off to Circus Circus for Dustin's birthday. It has roller coasters, bumper cars, water rides, all kinds of nausious contraptions. yea!
Dustin wanted to go ride go carts, but jeese, they cost $5 for 3 minutes. What a burn that would be.
Six of us went to the Adventure Dome.
Robert didn't come so I was the only person with any cash, which, by itself sux. Grams kicked in $45, bless her heart.
Dustin was half sick from the rides, but he tried very hard, I was proud of him, he rode everything. Jennifer developed a fear of the roller coaster. There was a 6 year old crying because she couldn't ride the coaster, and there was Jennifer crying because she could, but was afraid. Odd ain't it. I have to blame Becky for Jennifer's fear. Becky kept telling everyone over and over she wouldn't ride that little roller coaster. She was afraid. Now Jennifer is afraid, and if she never gets over that fear, she might as well stay at home when everyone else goes to Magic Mountain, Knotts Berry Farm and Disney Land, cause that's what they've got...roller coasters.
I don't understand why they aren't afraid of riding in cars (which is a 100 times more dangerous).
There was what looked like a fatal accident one block from my house tonight.
How do you ignore someone elses irrational fears? Beats me. Nothing I say helps. It would be stupid to take these guys to Disney Land. I would have had a great time if I didn't feel so alone. I'm depressed now.
Friday, November 19, 2004 at 21:04:39 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Sonny brought a 20 lb turkey over
Started to freeze it, and discovered that...
The freezer door was open and the meat had thawed
No good deed goes unpunished. Robert must have accidentally left it open when we were fixing his PC last night. Its easy to do, but damn, we just bought something like $400 worth of frozen meat and it thawed. Now, I've got to cook it all. I'm brining a 20 lb turkey, 10lbs of beef, and I'm hoping for the best with the rest of the meat.
Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 21:04:39 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Delivered Patti's furniture.
Sat around, sipped coffee and had a few laughs.
I got stank-assed with Eye Glass World
Becky bought 2 eyeglasses for $260. $45 of that was for a warranty the covered that frames for 3 years. Eyeglass World never had any intention of honoring the warranty, it was clearly a scam. They said, yea, you get free frames, but you'll have to buy good lenses for $99 or $49 dollars for the cheap lenses per eyeglass. That's as much as Becky paid in the first place. I told them just out of principle, I'd have to take them to small claims court, they committed fraudulant and/or misleading advertising. It's ironic, that while I was talking to the rep, the manager called to have several vehicles towed because they were parked over the line.
At home I called a satellite store here, and they were happy to honor the warranty. The manager called the Eyeglass World on Tropicana the "EVIL STORE" and said they hated them, that they were greedy. They ordered new frames that fit Becky's lenses. wow.

The Fashion Show mall has a 1,000 foot flying saucer hanging over it, with movies projected on it.
The Forum Shops has hugh Roman Statues that dance to light shows and music. It's sky changes from day to night every hour.
Rebuilt Roberts PC from dumpster trash
Added a DVD, CDRW, 8 gig Hardrive, 128meg memory. Had to duct tape the extra hard drive in place, lol
Friday, November 19, 2004 at 11:53:23 (PST) <jim>
Friday Night Last night - Took Skip to his first day of Emissions Control School (kewl!). Skip is on his way to making a cool $30 an hour.
Skip mentioned that this town seems to have a mall on every corner (it almost does).
Swung by the Boulevard Mall on the way home. Its hard to believe I used to live on the next block over in 1978 when this place was Nevada's best Mall.
Rebuilt Roberts PC from dumpster trash. Added a DVD, CDRW, 8gig Hardrive, 128meg memory. Had to duct tape the extra hard drive in place. SUCCESS IS BEST!
Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 21:04:39 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Delivered Patti's furniture.
I got nasty with The EyeGlass World.,br> They sold Becky a warrantee that they never had any intention of honoring. I told them I would see them in small claims court for the stinkin $45 (actually for the principle of the thing), but I called their sister store here, and they were happy to honor the warranttee. The manager called the Eyeglass World on Tropican "EVIL" and said they hated them. wow.
Robert was going to bring his pc over, I was going to deliver Patti's furniture to her, and we were going to go hang out at the spa where Robert works. BUT, We ended up balancing the books, the spa was locked up, so we ended up picking up Joy from Roberts work and drove around alot.
Shampooed the carpets. Picked up Robert from UMC. Rapped, sang and danced with the security guard there. Let the good times roll every day your alive people!
It was a nothing day. Watched TV, washed clothes, got Toshiba to honor a $150 rebate they rejected. It was a relaxed day.

sunday, November 14, 2004 at 23:28:18 (PST) <jim>
Ethel M Factory
Took Dustin, Jennifer and Becky to the M&M Factory down the road.
Ethel M's has an interesting cactus garden, and I couldn't help but put together that everything they grew could either be eaten, used for medicinal purposes, or...used to get high with. AMAZING!
Shower Heads?
We hit the Home Depot on the way home to pick up another handheld shower head. It seems like these things have a way of springing leaks after a couple of years. I guess that's the way they make them.
Yeesssmam, I'll snake your toilet. I'z beez there right after I get through with lawndry.
Went to the kids Grandma's house. I hate going there. Joy told me that stuff was falling out of the stove vent fan. I took it apart and cleaned it. Grandma asked me if I'd the laundry up the stairs. Grandma has had the kids for only 6 months (she and her son kicked Becky out when Becky was kicking in $1,600 towards rent and her kids. Becky was a very good mom. Grandma is going after Becky for child support. I can't believe a woman like that exists. She stole Becky last dime by openning her mail and forgery Becky's name on a check, she kicked Becky out and she's told lies. I haven't fixed anything at that place since she did that. Now grandma smokes in front of the kids at the table, with their asthma medicine next to the ash tray. What a low-life! (wanna see the picture?)
Saturday, November 13, 2004 <Jim Cutlar>
Burned out from travelling over 400 miles, we came back to Vegas from Primm. Some car threw a bigased rock, it hit and now my windshield is illegal. Stopped off at Frys for some electronic goodies. Vegged and watched movies.
Friday, November 12, 2004 <Jim Cutlar>
The Primadonna outlet mall
A janitor spilled his garbage bin, and out fell all of these coupons. We helped him clean up, and found coupons for 15% off at the SBarrows and the GAP. SO, we ate at SBarrows.
The Gap Clothing Store
Great deals and the 15% coupon helped ALOT! We picked up 2 jackets, 1 pants, 10 shirts for $107.
The Earthstore
Picked up some oils and one of those mist bowls there. The bowl is too cool. It creates a fountain with fog flowing out of it, with changing colored lights. $60 for everything, and we'll enjoy it for a long time.
Desparado - Buffalo Bill's Roller Coaster
I rode this ride. Becky stayed behind. What a BANG for the buck! In the 90's it was boasted as the fastest roller coaster in the world. The ride takes you around the Buffalo Bill Hotel, underground and I got bruises from it.
The Vault - 4D Roller Coaster
It was a fun, simulated roller coaster ride that visited the engineering wonders of the world. You go up into space and land at the various sites. The second movie took us along an ice glacier. Cool, but the ride only lasts for 3 minutes.
Chuck, Mark and Sandy joined us
We ate at the buffet ($10 a head) and laughed a lot!
The Marshall Tucker Band
All I'm going to say is this: Marshall Tucker shouldn't drink. The accoustics were terrible.
Becky and I walked out and watched the lounge performers sing. The band was great and the croud was drunk, and that's the way it should be.
Leonard Skynard
The band rocked. The light show was excellent. The sound was the best right behind the sound and light show coordinators. Chuck gave us a sip of his bloody mary made with Tequila. His bartender had a sense of humor when he made that drink. It was an octane booster.

Thursday, November 11, 2004 <Jim Cutlar>
Up at 8am. Listened to the water trying to make it through the pipes in the other rooms. I can hear people talking in the surrounding rooms. ha. TRIP TO PRIMM, NEVADA FROM LAUGHLIN
Got up this morning to check the map. We get there along the 95, but when you're looking at a map, 95 is many things.
95-A popular road name
If you don't know the name of a street, call it 95. You'll probably be right. Here in Laughlin, there are 2 95's that parallel each other. One goes through Bullhead City, one goes through Laughlin , 95 is also I40. In Las Vegas, 95 is I515, Boulder Highway, Rancho, Tonapah Highway. Text
Needles, California
A very old looking town that's probably there for welfare recipients.
Needles has a railroad. Clusters of people were hung out on in nameless places. Almost all for of the houses we passed needed new roofs and some needed windows.
Searchlight, Nevada
We stopped at the Golden Nugget. Becky stood in line for the restroom while I explored the place. Some guy hit a Royal Flush at the bar (yes, they do happen).
Joshua Tree highway
Good name for this 30 mile highway that joins Searchlight to Primm. It's surrounded by the Castle Mountains (5,000 feet elevation. They are named appropriately. The hues here are yellow, green, black and brown and smells like desert sage.
Nipton, California
A whistle stop ghosttown where highway 164 meets a railroad. It has a 4 room hotel, cafe, store and that's about it.
Around 1910, a foxy looking, silent screen, movie star rented rooms at this hotel. She entertained, and bought a ranch nearby. The sign said the liked getting away from the pressures of the California Studios. This is definetely getting away.
We had a mushroom burger in the 400 square foot cafe. Everything was very cute and homey, including the 3 year old girl (Naomi) who entertained us with her picture book for a half an hour. This little girl sang songs, told stories, and posed for pictures. She stole my heart.
Primm, Nevada, Whiskey Petes
Once again there was problems checking in. Jeese, I just wanted to put my Schwab Visa on my folio but the clerk said she couldn't, It was a debit credit card. I told her to use it, the Primadanna used it in September, and I wanted to use the card for incidentals on my A folio. She explained that it put a $50 hold on debit cards, and I said, I don't should bill all A-folio charges to my card on checkout, and release the hold, SOP. I probably should have listened to her.
The clerk booked us in a room with 2 double beds because that's all they had open...hmmm, we made reservations last week too. I think they booked us as a walkin again.
Whiskey Petes-Room 9024
On the 9th floor overlooking the west docks, not a pretty sight. The water pressure here is probably at 10psi. It takes a while to fill a 6 oz cup. The TV has 4 regular channels which fade in and out. But it's all free, so I won't complain anymore
The Primadonna outlet mall
We took the tram over I15 to the Primadanna. I like this mall a lot. Too bad it closed 1 hour after we walked in. I learned hermit crabs live for 20 years. wow.
We ate at the Cafe: I had Japanese soup (misabi?, $6), Becky had a Reuben ($5). The waiter laughed at anything, and made lots of mistakes, like, never asking us what we wanted to drink, not serving it, and not giving us condiments, and had to be run down to get the bill. (I think he was stoned). He had 2 tables. LOL.
Primadonna is having a Marine convention here, which seems like a costume party festival. The marines where in dress, and they're wives/girlfriends were in evening gowns. Pretty cool.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004 <Jim Cutlar>
Looked out the black out blinds at 9am
One eye was blind for 5 minutes! Our room faces the west, towards the Colorado River and the sun was definetely up!
Becky took a bath and I washed her cute little feet
Sat down at the laptop and keyed this in.
The Colorado River Cruise
This Hour and a half ride cost $20 for 2 and it was GREAT!
The following is what I learned:
The Anasazi Indians (The "Ancient Ones" that disappeared around 1,600AD)
Worshipped a black mountain in the Newberry Mountain Range. They called it Spirit Mountain, and beleived it was where your spirit came from before you born. I think that's very interesting, don't you?
Mrs Laverdy (related to Jan Laverdy Jones, Las Vegas's previous major)
She had a spot of land on what is now Casino Drive. The neighboring casinos wanted her small area of land. They offered $250,000, then $500,000 then $3,000,000 but she held out. She didn't want to move. In the end, the Edgewater offered her 10 rooms of their new hotel complete with a balcony, private fishing pier, hotel ammenities and a limo/chaffeur for life. She accepted. Unfortunetely, she was on her 2nd tour of the world when she had a stroke. She died, and Edgewater now uses the area for VIPs.
Don Laughlin
- When Don Laughlin was 17, he'd set up slot machines, vending machines and cigarette machines in his school. The principle of the school said he had to get rid of them. He made more than the principle earned and dropped out of school.
- Don ended up working as a bartender and dealer in Vegas, saved up and bought the 101 club.
- Sometime in the 80's he flew his private plane over Laughlin (then unnamed, population 50). He decided to do something with it. He founded a casino (The Riverside), and wanted to name this place Riverside, but the name was taken. Then he wanted the city to be called Casino, NV, but the post office refused. They suggested he name it Laughlin because it was a nice Irish name (the Head Postman was named McClellin). The town had a vote and now it's Laughlin, NV.
The Colorado Belle
This hotel is shaped like a bigased boat.
- The Captains Buffet. $4.99 per person. Great buffet, beautiful ship like decor, GREAT BREAD PUDDING.
- The club, gave us 2 (2 for 1 pays) on any table game. I played the max $20 and lost both hands. It was 8 deck blackjack, which I don't even know if there's a strategy for playing.
- Tried to make 200 pts in Video Poker Play (for a bonus $20). Becky and I lost miserably.
The Riverside Hobo Stew, Blues and Bikes Festival
There was a band, clowns, and costumed people all abound! Someone on a unicycle about ran us down!
Tuesday, November 09, 2004 at <Jim Cutlar>
Hoover Dam Security
A grumpy little man was waving people through. He looked like he waved me on. So I took off and he yelled "STOP, I DIDN'T WAVE YOU ON!". I wanted to say "I couldn't tell with your littly arms flailing around like that". Then he said "WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN THE BOX" pointing his tiny finger at the bed of the truck. I said "TOOLS". That could have been the only word I knew in English lol. He said, ok, move on. hmmm.
Kingman at 3:30pm Arizona Time.
I don't know why this town exists. Noone does. It has a railroad and land sells for $1,600 an acre.
Laughlin at 3:00pm Nevada Time.
The town is cute! It has a plant puffing steam up everywhere and a line of high rise resorts along the Colorado River. I wouldn't mind living here.
The Colorado River
It's about 200 feet wide, with sparkling clear water. It would be a creek if it was in Kentucky though. It winds around the desert like I drive on the freeway. I've read it supplies 20 million people with water, and runs from Colorado to Mexico.
The cotton fields
I stopped to pick some. Cotton is a little plant with a ball of hair. I'd bet the Indians 1,000 years ago all dressed well.
Note - The plant doesn't respond to petting.
The AVI Hotel/Casino Resort 3:30pm (our hotel for 2 nights)
Unexpectedly nice with desert pastels, and a nice layout and even though its on an Indian Reservation, it has bars. The rooms come with a huge TV, and almost everything works! They even have a Conair hair dryer mounted on the wall (I want it real BAD!)
- We went to AVI's restaurant, practically crawling on all fours from starvation. We had there 99 cent hamsteak and eggs. They also offered all you can eat spaghetti for $3.99. ALL THE MEALS IS SAW SERVED LOOKED GOURMET! And there we are getting the 99 cent special. :)
Discover Channel at 9pm
We learned that archeogist had arrowheads chipped around the end of the ice age.
The arrowheads, found in the US, used a European technique (something like off-chipping). This suggested that sometime long ago, the Europeans were here in the US.
They also can tell from the part of the DNA that is passed almost entirely intact from the female the offspring, that Native Americans have both European and Asian ancestory dating back 60,000 years ago. Apparently, this segment of DNA breaks down at a predictable rate during mitosis, so a timeline could be extrapolated from 1,000's of DNA samples that links human ancestory in the Americas to all of the prehistoric continents.
I thought three things were interesting:
- That people sat around chipping rocks to kill things with some 60,000 years ago, when the earth was still being reborn
(I guess I'm grateful they didn't eat meat - we might have developed four stomachs or a gizzard),
- That Columbus didn't discover the American continenent 500 years ago, like we were taught in High School
(Unless he came over in a boat made out of seal skin, whale blubber and sticks).
- That people all over the world have probably had sex everything else on this planet
(Maslow's water, food and sexual instincts sound correct to me). LOL.
The Riverside Casino in Laughlin at 2:30am.
This place I liked a lot. There's something very homey about it's decor.
- We shopped at the WATCHMAN store which boasts itself as the largest watch store in the world with over 20,000 watches all under $20. I bought a voltage meter and a manicure set. As for the watches, all I can say is you can find the same quality watch in Tiajuanna for the same price. hmmm.
- We checked out the Skyroom. They were having some kind of Halloween Party and I just told them "I'm BELLYMAN" but the party was fading out anyway.
- At the Losers Lounge they had a band playing 80's songs, with disco lights and two levels for dancing. JIMMY LIKED IT, but I like anyplace that plays "Lady In Red"
The Harrah's at 2:30am.
Harrah's has a certain class and style to it, very nice.
- We past some tables on the outside. There was an pretty young girl sipping a coctail and dressed in an evening gown. She was by herself. When I look back, she was beaming at me with a very provacotive smile. hmmm.
- Inside there was at least 20 single, very well dressed women. I have to think this hotel has many forms of entertainment that's not listed on their brochures.
Bullhead City at 3am.
- According to Beckys sources, Bullhead City has 50,000 houses and it's growing by 200,000 a month. Now that's amazing! In my mind I imagined construction companies slapping houses like crazy with a huge demolition crew behind them smashing them up after they are built.
FOG from the Colorado River at 3:30am
The world disappeared in a white cloud. Before we could say "What thu", we were on our way to Needles.
Walmart at 4am
We were lost. The Bullhead City closed at midnight I guess. We stopped at a Walmart. I got several DVDs, a headlight for Sonny. Becky bought a $20 watch that was 100 times better than anything at the Watchman.
Back at the AVI hotel 4:30am
We ate at the buffet for $3.99 a person. It was excellent. We gambled. Becky threw away a Four of a Kind and I was trying to lose my $10. We were burnt out!
Tuesday, November 09, 2004 at 02:41:15 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
We're all excited about going to AVI casino in Laughlin tommorrow
However, we were just reading about Laughlin and they offer Hummer Tours. Now, I'm not sure what that means, but it does sounds exotic. It sounds like Laughlin has everything.
Monday, November 08, 2004 at 18:57:27 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
GREAT IDEA! This would take care of all of my current problems!
I'll build a block wall with thick windows in it IN MY BACK YARD.
I'll throw some moss in it, plop some endangered fish in there, and sell them on the underground market as a dellicacy, hehe.
No more dog problems, no more money problems. If the dogs break through the fence, I can flood the neighbors back yard with slimy moss!!!
Monday, November 08, 2004 at 18:17:00 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
It was a dark day today. It rained, flooded and hailed like hell for 20 minutes.
Then the sun came out. Nevada is most definetely a wild place to be.
Booked rooms for Laughlin and Primm for the next five days.
Its all free. Our comps in Primm include tickets to see Leonard Skynard and The Marshall Tucker band. Its just a bunch of stuff we got offers for in the mail.
Nevada is a great place to be (when you're unemployed)!
Sunday, November 07, 2004 at 18:12:34 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Went to Mt Charleston, Corn Creek and A Wildlife Preserve Area.
Mt Charleston was wet with lots of snow. It rained all the time we were there.
Corn Creek was simply odd.
There was an area that looked like a maze of small canyons. People were firing of small weapons and the grounds were covered with shell casings. Amazing, how much the different colored shells (green, red, blue, yellow, white, silver and copper) reminded me of Christmas.
The Wildlife Reservere was beautiful
It had some of the prettiest foilage I've seen in Nevada, with exception of Lake Tahoe. We hiked the trails past an old wood shack, several ponds lined with wheat grass, a stream and several small footbridges.
The most ironic thing we saw: a brick building with thick glass walls.
You could barely see inside. There was a plaque that said inside were some endangered fish. We looked through the glass of this building, saw water full of moss all the way up to the roof and if you looked really close there were these tiny 1 itty-bitty inch fish.
It was strange. Why would someone build an aquarium, 20 miles from any paved road, in the middle of a desert, for itty-bitty fish?
Saturday, November 06, 2004 at 11:16:25 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Life, obviously
It's obvious to me that nature created clams and fish to live on this planet for as this planet can stand them. It's also obvious to me that nature created us to spread life to the universe, and this is mankinds trial run. Thats obvious about life, to me anyway.
LIfe, not so obviously
It's not obvious how we get through this life with all of it's little details to deal with.
Today the neighbor's dogs just broke the fence again, on both sides. They are pitbulls and rotweillers running around all over my backyard. So, should I shoot them, pepperspray them, water them or feed them. If I spend $10,000 for a block wall fence all the way around, the neighbors will get greyhounds, and they'll jump the wall. So I need something like a stadium's Dome over my backyard! Bet they'd get digger dogs! Hmmmm.
Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 14:01:25 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
We just got back from the store. I'm so out of touch. A pinapple cost $7. The beef stew we're making costs $14 or $7 a quart. We must be shopping at the wrong places.
Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 13:17:52 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Ah, it's a cloudy day in Vegas, great day for Beef Stew.
Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 11:46:20 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
It's nice to wake up to money...I love when money comes in! I know renting rooms out doesn't exactly put me on the top of the food chain, but it is money.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004 at 12:00:00 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Don't know why I drink myself stupid. I'm stupid most of the time anyway...haha. Seriously though, it is kind of a luxury to indulge every now and then. I just wish I didn't have to plan partying. In the old days it didn't matter.
Getting older is no fun. I realize most the people I've cared about have come and gone.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004 at 12:00:00 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
The dogs broke through the fence again today. I was out of it with a hangover. I party for one day, and I pay for it for two. That seems to be the way my physiology has it all worked out. Blah!
Monday, November 01, 2004 at 12:04:10 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
There's so many different worlds, so many different suns, but we live in just one world, but we live in different ones. "Brothers in Arms". We are fools to make war on our brothers in arms! Iraq was about oil.
Monday, November 01, 2004 at 11:39:26 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
I type almost as fast as I think
Its a little bit funny, these feelings inside...these feelings I hide. Its some of those I can't easily hide. I sat on the roof, and kicked off the moss...well of the few of the verses, they've got me quite cross...but the thing is, what I really've got the cutest eyes I've ever seen...and that's what I really mean. "Excepts from Elton John song". I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind....that I put that down in words, how wonderful life is, while your in the world. Thank you Becky for sharing the most precious thing you have...your life!
Monday, November 01, 2004 at 11:33:18 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Halloween-the holiday celibrated by the Pagans for so long
An interesting day...we played computer games online with Jennifer. Later we went out and collected candy. The most memorable part of the day was driving down the Las Vegas strip and seeing girls dressed up as hookers....hehe...I mean, how can you tell the Halloweeners from the real thing...:)
Monday, November 01, 2004 at 11:30:09 (PST) <Jim Cutlar>
Saturday I think I saw the nastiest sight I've ever seen
The neighbor's dogs broke through the fence again...they dug up Rusty (my dog that died in September)...and were eating him. This was probably the worst imaginable thing for me to see...I almost never gag. It was the epitame of digust.
11/30/2004 11:34:43
 jim  I got this message from Tony Nation.
It's really cute.
Thanks Jim. It's nice to hear from you. How have you been doing lately?
I can't complain, besides the extra weight that I've put on things are going pretty good.
A week ago, or so, I receive an e-mail from a person who works here at Aristocrat whose name was Jim Culter and I thought he was you. I sent him a reply thinking it was you. I ask how he was doing and told him how I was doing and everything. It was an hour or so later after I had sent the e-mail I realized that it wasn't you. This Jim spells his last name Culter, not Cultar. Well, he responded back to me saying that he was doing fine himself and it was the nicest e-mail ever have gotten from person he never knew. So, it looks like I made a new friend.
Well, any way Jim. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and I wish for you a very Merry Christmas.
11/30/2004 11:26:25
 jim  Mike Rigel just sent me an email
Back in the early 90's, when we were programmers at Caesars Palace, Mike mentioned he had the entire Eric Clapton collection. It told him I loved Eric Clapton. A week later, Mike comes in with 6 x 90 minute, high quality cassettes. He recorded all of his collection and gave to me.
Then in 1996, I was told him about the four month trip I'd planned travelling the Northwest. I mentioned worries about my house. Mike volunteered to watch the house.
Mike Rigel is perhaps the most selfless person I've ever met.
He gets a 3 Snaps and a Clap in this movie called life!
11/29/2004 11:36:12
 jim  Robert has the ideal job
I keep thinking I'm going to go back to college and snap up a few more degrees, but then again, I look at modern day computer code and it's SO BAD that I'm not sure if I want to soak my hands and feet in that toilet again.
What I'd really like, is a job where I watch TV, play computer games, eat exotic foods and drink coffee all day. Ya know, like Roberts job!
11/29/2004 00:43:01
 Robert  Hey jim (dude), and mom (mom), how is it going?
Wow im geting paid 9 bucks an hour to sit here and type u a message hehe i love this job but yet so boring... anyways when are u going to add some new pics to ur picture profile. Wow I learned something for the blog about thanksgiving. Did you know that everytime you learn something new you get another wrinkle on your brain.. wow their you go you just got another wrinkle hehe
11/27/2004 22:48:21
 jim  Things are never the way they appear to be.
It would be nice if I could read about our holidays without coming across items that are completely disturbing.
11/27/2004 19:26:22
 jim  Skip had company, Becky’s kids stayed over last ni
It was a lazy day. Skip had company, Becky's kids stayed over last night.
A neighbor's pitbull broke through the fence. Not a thing was unusual about today. Ohboy. :) ssdd.
11/26/2004 10:50:23
 jim  In the end, all we are is what we said and did.
Yesterday, I sent emails out to perhaps 50 people. Most will delete the email. That's cool. The point was, I think well of these people. In my life, I've loved them all. If they ever need my help, all they have to do is pick up the phone.
11/25/2004 22:20:59
 jim  Thanksgiving went well.
I talked to Jan Overbo (from Caesars) and Amy (Rob Allred's daughter). They are doing great! Jan's getting married, and Amy might be working at Caesar Palace's new club.
We ate at Gram's tonight and she prepared a wonderful meal. Excellent would be too small of a word to apply to her cooking. Grandiose, with affect in personal eating desires, would suffice as descriptive. lol.
11/25/2004 00:00:03
 jim  Gmas,NV-Thanksgiving Gma,Becky
11/22/2004 12:00:04
 jim  Vegas,NV-Driving-Snow
11/22/2004 11:03:18
 jim  Smoked up that 30 lbs of turkey and beef yesterday
What is today...oh yea, it's Tuesday already!
Smoked up that 30 lbs of turkey and beef yesterday. Finished it up around 9pm. Becky made a wonderful turkey gravy out of what I thought was useless grease. The turkey came out ggggrrrreeeeaaatttt! The chuck steak, potatoes, carrots, onions and mushrooms came out only so so. I guess you don't smoke chuck steak. It doesn't absorb the smoke flavoring.
Refilled the print cartridges again
What a messy endeavor. I've got two color printers on my network. Refilling the cartridges ALWAYS makes an incredible mess. My kit has syringes that inject the ink into the cartridges and if the needles aren't secure, they blow off and ink goes everywhere. My hands will be blue on Thanksgiving. Also, if you overfill the cartridges, they leak ink in a nice puddle. If you use aluminum foil, it'll flow freely to the lowest spot (that you didn't know existed) and go everywhere from there.
11/21/2004 14:00:21
 jim  CircusCircus,NV-AdventureDome
11/21/2004 09:39:30
 jim  Squirt tore up the bathroom!
Woke up this morning, openned the bedroom door.
There was Squirt. Behind him was toilet paper and trash all up and down the hallway.
He'd gotten into the bathroom trash.
I woooped his furry butt!
We're smoking 20lbs of turkey and beef today with taters, carrots, onyuns, and whatever else we can think of to put in the drip pan. It's going to be a 24 hour event!
11/20/2004 10:50:48
 jim  The plan - Seven of us go to Circus Circus’s Adven
We're headed off to Circus Circus for Dustin's birthday. It has roller coasters, bumper cars, water rides, all kinds of nausious contraptions. yea!
Dustin wanted to go ride go carts, but jeese, they cost $5 for 3 minutes. What a burn that would be.
Six of us went to the Adventure Dome.
Robert didn't come so I was the only person with any cash, which, by itself sux. Grams kicked in $45, bless her heart.
Dustin was half sick from the rides, but he tried very hard, I was proud of him, he rode everything. Jennifer developed a fear of the roller coaster. There was a 6 year old crying because she couldn't ride the coaster, and there was Jennifer crying because she could, but was afraid. Odd ain't it. I have to blame Becky for Jennifer's fear. Becky kept telling everyone over and over she wouldn't ride that little roller coaster. She was afraid. Now Jennifer is afraid, and if she never gets over that fear, she might as well stay at home when everyone else goes to Magic Mountain, Knotts Berry Farm and Disney Land, cause that's what they've got...roller coasters.
I don't understand why they aren't afraid of riding in cars (which is a 100 times more dangerous).
There was what looked like a fatal accident one block from my house tonight.
How do you ignore someone elses irrational fears? Beats me. Nothing I say helps. It would be stupid to take these guys to Disney Land. I would have had a great time if I didn't feel so alone. I'm depressed now.
11/19/2004 21:04:39
 jim  Sonny brought a 20 lb turkey over
Started to freeze it, and discovered that...
The freezer door was open and the meat had thawed
No good deed goes unpunished. Robert must have accidentally left it open when we were fixing his PC last night. Its easy to do, but damn, we just bought something like $400 worth of frozen meat and it thawed. Now, I've got to cook it all. I'm brining a 20 lb turkey, 10lbs of beef, and I'm hoping for the best with the rest of the meat.

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