Stories's Log |
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude. |
11/29/2007 14:04:24 jim Trip-Leaving Vegas | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
![]() ![]() ![]() Leaving Vegas didn't at all seem sad. We'll be back. This trip and everything we've done for the last 5 months, is just an experiment in my life. ![]() |
11/28/2007 07:38:39 jim To whom may concern...I apologize | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Two moves in one week is a lot of action. I've had to push myself to the limit, I haven't been feeling well, I'm tired and confused. But none of these are an excuse for a bad attitude. So, if I've been distant, or obtuse, please accept my sincere apology. I meant to accomplish so much when we got here. But, Monday, I had to get that insurance, talk to my CPA and get prescriptions written. Tuesday, I picked up prescriptions, did some shopping, and tried to relax. I didn't visit like I'd planned too. After driving 32 hours straight, driving around town is the last thing I want to do. Driving around town with everything I own in the back of the truck is scary too. I love you all. I'm just exhausted. |
11/27/2007 04:27:23 jim Petroglyphs - those silly Anasazis | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
![]() I thought, wow, these Anasazi guys recorded their life here, 2,000 years ago. Now their tribes are gone. All that is left are drawings of them hunting, hanging around campfires, enjoying the sun, and having a great time ![]() They were, in a way, more insightful than we are. They drew on rocks during the Roman civilization. Their drawings may out live the United States. It is pure genius. It would be hard to destroy their work and it is readable. ![]() It goes far past John Doe owned this piece of property in County Records. We aren't our names. We are just characters in a story. Life is much bigger than us. Anyway, I would like to immortalize this life. I would like to create something that will last 1,000s of years. These logs are just the start. I intend to create something much greater in the next 10 years. I owe this inspiration to my friend, Rob, who passed away a couple of years ago. His death inspired me to create these logs. I didn't want his life to pass unnoticed. I saw myself as being him, dying, having a funeral...and being forgotten. |
11/27/2007 04:06:17 jim Its so good to be alive! | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
If I didn't keep these blogs and take pictures everywhere I go, I'd lose the flavor of life as the years go by. There is a big difference between saying, "I saw fall in Kentucky" and showing a beautiful picture of it. I suppose thats why I do remember the specter of life. I look at these blogs and I can see, smell, taste, and feel the words and pictures. In my mind, I can hear the voices of the people that make entries here. I can fly back in time and all that has happened revives itself in holographic style. Its kind of like putting rock hard bread into the microwave! It gets good again. What I am saying is, I will never forget love, life and happiness. It's just too precious. My friends and I will live in these logs, long after we are gone. This is my pyramid, my Taj Mahal. |
11/27/2007 02:07:13 jim Robert brought Amy over | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
![]() They are looking really good. He moved in with Emily. Joy (Amy's mother), is still living in the old apartment. I think Tony still lives with Joy. Robert was saying Emily is wonderful! She's clean. She really identifies with Amy. She's smart. Thats great! Michelle came over today too. She's always interesting. Talked to Rico, the next door neighbor. He said Cory, our other neighbor, lost his house. Rico got him a better job at the Venetian and I guess it just went to Cory's head. He had dual pane windows installed, he bought a new AC unit and a new truck. All that spending, and he lost that little house. I don't even think Cory does drugs...hmmm. |
11/27/2007 01:54:06 jim Replaced a toilet, sadly | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Sonny's toilet leaked, so he's been using our toilet. I guess I got irritated about this and said, "Alright, lets just get another toilet! It should only take an hour to install and it will look better." We picked up an American Standard Toilet at Lowes for $100. We hooked it up. And it didn't flush. We reseated it, swapped out the float, reamed the jets. It didn't flush. That thing, just barely flushes no matter what you do. I think there's something stopping up the jets. Last thing Sonny did was swap out the bowl. I don't know where he ended up on it, but I know the toiilet isn't working. So, I caused tonight to be waisted. sheesh! We should have gotten a Kohler! |
11/26/2007 19:18:43 jim Getting things done in Vegas | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Emptied the truck. Becky washed clothes. I got a $1m insurance policy for $320 a year. Becky and I saw a nurse to get some Albuterol and some antibiotics. By the time we were done, the Albuterol cost $100 a bottle. Becky and I usually get shipped in from India for $10 a bottle (without a prescription). We had to say we were having trouble breathing this week. The nurse couldn't write a prescription or Albuterol, or Chantix (quit smoking drug) without having an emergency symptom. It was interesting that the nurse suggested OTC - Muscenex. We just discovered Muscenex last week. I think it works as just as well as Albuterol, its cheap, and its non-prescription. |
11/26/2007 09:09:32 Chez2199 upload a pic | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I can't upload a pic on here. am i being stupid or am i not allowed?
11/26/2007 05:40:44 jim We finally got back to Vegas | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
We packed up everything in the apartment. Then we drove 32 hours across the country. We got to Vegas with a truckload of stuff that we're going to have to throw away. We had to bring the apartment stuff when we left. The garbage was blocked up at the apartments when we left. That seems to happen a lot in high rises. The truck was the only place we could put our junk. Every room in this house is already full. The room I wanted to use is now occupied. So now, we have a truck load of stuff, and no place to sort it out. During this next to sleepless week, I just didn't consider that. I guess I kind of freaked out when I got here. The master bathroom is out of commission, the heat wasn't working, and the car was dirty. Sonny thought we wouldn't be coming until next week, so the place was a mess. I would have warned him again, but our cell phones couldn't find service anywhere on the trip. I have been in EMERGENCY MODE!!! We only have a couple of days, and they are full days! I got hired Tuesday. This is the first Monday after Thanksgiving. My credit card was denied access from over activity. We leave Thursday morning for another 20 hour drive. I'm tired, so tired, and I just got over the flu. Today, I guess I have to do business. I have to unpack the truck, throw away half of it, and find what I need for the next few days out of it. And on top of that, I'm going to have to throw stuff away from this house too. I need to get a $1,000,000 general liability policy or not even go to Seattle. Then I need to talk to my accountant, and get all the papers I need to run a corp from a hotel room. This all seems like too much. But if I have to sacrifice my sleep and sanity, I'll do it, just to get through this week. I just have to be methodical and organized. I will get through this. I guess the moral of this story is. Be careful what you wish for, you just might just get it. I wanted a full and exciting life, and I've got it. |
11/24/2007 00:47:07 jim Today was quite an exceptional day. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
![]() He's also our security guard at the door of Kentucky Towers. There was a chemistry between Scott, Peter, and Susan. One that I may never understand. They are so different, and so alike. Becky and I have just hovered around these three, being part of them as they mixed with people coming in and out of the building. It was so incredible. Peter's gone now. He's in Michigan. We're leaving tommorrow. We'll be in Seattle by Friday. Preacher Scott will be leaving soon. His education will be complete. The group has broken up. But for a time, there was something so incredibly powerful, and wonderful about being part of this group. It is something that I will remember for the rest of my life. Hopefully, some of these times come through, from the pictures I took. I can only hope, that documenting these times was the part I was supposed to play. For all times to come. ![]() ![]() ![]() BTW - If you guys read this, feel free to reply to it (if you can figure out my coding style). |
11/22/2007 01:35:52 Chez2199 .The hardest word to say is goodbye | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I Like to say See Ya Later. It's not so final. It may be another 10 years but i will see you again! |
11/20/2007 19:18:05 Chez2199 .I got the job!!! | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Great news For you and Becky!! sad news for me.
The Family is heading to Minnesota tonight when Resse gets off Work. Visit the family for the Holiday weekend.
We will be getting back Sunday late. WE need to get together at least one night before ya leave.
11/11/2007 00:00:00 Jim Veterans Day | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Veterans Day is an American holiday honoring military veterans. Both a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states, it is celebrated on the same day as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other parts of the world, falling on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. |
11/09/2007 16:37:50 jim 2nd Street Bridge | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
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11/09/2007 16:25:08 jim The Spaghetti Factory | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
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11/08/2007 22:59:38 jim More Birds | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
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11/08/2007 12:07:51 Chez2199 .Made a 10 minute change to this web site. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
It Works~!~~~~!~!~!~!~! |
11/08/2007 12:07:51 jim (Reply)Made a 10 minute change to this web site. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Now, if you hover over a New Logs entry, it will come up under the Stories area. Let me know if it doesn't work in your browser. |
11/06/2007 20:59:57 jim Louisville,KY-PetersParty | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
11/06/2007 20:59:57 jim (Reply)Louisville,KY-PetersParty | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
11/06/2007 18:55:59 jim | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
11/06/2007 18:55:59 jim (Reply) | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
11/06/2007 18:55:59 jim (Reply) | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
11/06/2007 18:16:58 jim Louisville,KY-Colts,Peter,Heather,Jeff,Zoe | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
11/05/2007 08:36:03 jim The life of a consultant... | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
You work. You make good money. Your contract ends. You wait. You wonder if you'll ever work again. It takes a level of faith to do what I do. What happens if the phone doesn't ring, or if I don't get that email for my next contract? This is the second time I've ventured out-of-state for a contract. I don't know where I'll be working next. I don't how much I'll be making. Being in between is awkward. I could never do this if I was alone. But there are benefits. You get plenty of time off. You get to see new places. You get to make new friends. The sad thing is, you are in a world all of your own. Few people understand what its like, not being attached to a job. |
11/05/2007 02:13:40 jim Jesse came by...burned his hand really bad! | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
We offered him vinegar ice water and beer. It was a small offering. He drank it all. It was nice that he came to us. I was amazed. We haven't told many people where we live. We go out a lot. Jesse is a popular guy. He's got an excellent personality. Anyway, he hung out and watched a movie with us, while soaking his hand in beer. And then he mozied off to his 7th floor apartment. |
11/05/2007 02:05:21 jim Talked to Tony N | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
He's doing well. He's programming in C#, and doing web programming. They only worry about IE and FireFox, which is a relief. All I test for on this website IE, Firefox, and now, Safari. Netscape is just too rough to code for. Anyway, Tony's found the Lord, and quit drinking, which is cool. I believe whatever leads you to doing the right thing in life, is the right thing to follow. So, he's doing GREAT! He sounds GREAT! He is GREAT! And I am glad I called my old friend. |
11/01/2007 14:58:28 sae .You just get used to some things | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Howl... Time for you to donate your iPhone to Kevin Short, and buy yourself a landline. So, what's the story with it? |
11/01/2007 14:58:28 jim (Reply)You just get used to some things | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
My site goes up and down. Insight (the internet) goes up and down. AT&T goes up and down. And I took a shower with no hot water again. My IPhone shows me 5 bars even when it isn't even working. I just found out my cell phone hasn't worked since Tuesday. So, I actually did get called for an interview today. :( I rescheduled for tommorrow at 5pm. |
10/27/2007 21:41:52 jim 4thStLive,KY-Halloween BalloonMan | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
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