Stories's Log |
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude. |
10/20/2005 07:05:34 Jim I dont have time today...but I need to dedicate t | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I'm still kicking the thought around. What I want, is for communication from the buyer to the seller to happen in these logs. A seller should be able to see his ad with buyers responses. An buyer should be able to see replies to his offer. I think this will work: Show log entries where the user is either the seller or buyer. hmmm...maybe. |
10/18/2005 08:49:55 Jim My MCafee is blocking my emails to jamescutlar@m2- | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I need to fix that. So, here, I have no contact with the outside world, unless I've memorized their email addresses. Bummer. Fixed it...turns out I was sending my emails to |
10/18/2005 07:47:00 Jim I cant seem to make much sense out of the program | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I'm modifying a program that has no existing files. I'm having to create all of them. It has no documentation, other than having been fixed before. It has no startup files. It's got nothing. The program reads 4 records, all in one looks like the author didn't want to do a loop. It's copy library has an impossible SELECT OPTIONAL filename with alternate keys. You can't do that. In short, I'm spending a day fixing a program someone slapped together in 10 minutes and probably gave up on. I'll do whatever I'm told to do at this job, no matter how meaningless it might be. It pays the bills. But if I'm going to add some kind of value to my life here, it won't be coming from work. It'll come in these wee hours before going to work. I'm not doing anything meaningful with the hours spent on the job. |
10/18/2005 07:35:21 Jim Strange things about Titusville Florida. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
There are trailer parks next to the ocean.
Lots of them. Isn't that the last place you'd put a trailer in the hurricane riddled shores of Florida? Also on the shoreline, I saw two bail bond places. Doesn't that seem kind of odd for a small town? Most of Titusville's restaurants are across SR-1, away from the shore. Not one of them had outdoor seating. They're two largest shops were Sears and Penneys...but they were about a mile apart. Becky said, "Jim, what did they do, run out of room in the Penney's parking lot for a Sears". I thought that was funny. They've got nothing but land out there. I'd think that Titusville could be a great spot, if the town managers had something more than a backwater town mentality. You can mispronounce its name as Tit-us-ville, or Tight-Ass-Ville or anything amusing like that. Its on the water, but they don't seem to exploit that. Its a dingy little town. |
10/18/2005 07:19:06 Jim Fixed a database problem on LVDude. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
At least I think it would be a database problem. I changed the Hdg for these log entries from a Text(80) to Memo field. Apparently, if you try to cram more characters into a field than the database can hold, it bombs. So, now, the Hdg field can hold 2 |
10/18/2005 06:57:35 Jim I asked a guy in Titusville if there was a pier or | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
He was sitting in front of a pizza shop, trying to figure out his cell phone. He said, with a slight southern drawl, "I can't think of anyplace. I've lived here all of my life. My folks live here. We just don't do that much." Then I asked him if Cocao Beach had any decent restaurants he'd heard of. He said, eyebrows down, as if searching the ground for a memory, "Man, we just don't get out that much. I'm really sorry". So, we drove 12 miles down the road, to Cocoa Beach. Cocoa Beach had mall sized Surf Shops, several decent looking restaurants, and lots of hotels. It looked like it could be a nice place to spend an afternoon. |
10/18/2005 06:40:37 Jim We went to Cocoa Beach last night. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Took off at 6pm. Got back around 11pm. Watched a full moon rise over the ocean. The coast line along Florida is so very much different than what you see in California. On thing that's missing is a beach. We hardly saw any sandy places at all. At most of the places where we could see the ocean, trees and grass grew right up to it. Kevin (at M2) said they actually truck the sand to the beaches. I guess I never thought of made beaches. 528 takes you over a kind of bridge to Cape's actually just a mound of dirt, that takes you two miles over the ocean. I noticed there were people camped near the water in their vehicles. Cape Kennedy is on an island with Cocoa Beach. A sign said there was a casino someplace there. We ate a Steak House in Cocoa Beach. My steak was smoked and it was great. Becky had sage chicken. So, we were on the Atlantic Ocean, eating inland food...hmmm. |
10/17/2005 12:43:02 becky Hi Babe | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Today I cleaned the apartment. I had fun going to Tampa, ST Petersburg. It was so wierd at the Hard Rock casino. They didn't have video poker machines with duces wild. I had fun seeing all the different places. Orlando is the prettiest place to live at. I love going places with you. I'm sorry about yesterday. It was nice hearing your voice on the phone. Have a good day babe. LOVE YA BABE KISSES HUGS :) |
10/16/2005 21:31:13 Jim This weekend, weve spanned Floridas East and Wes | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I can't wait to hear what the people at work did (if they even talk about it). I'd also gotten a camper shell, and went to Seminole County's land refuse. And, we saw a racoon, and buzzards bigger than Becky! ---It was pretty cool--- |
10/16/2005 21:27:34 Jim We went to Tampa and St Petersburg today. | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Actually, we were destined for the Hard Rock Hotel/Casino in Tampa.
Our purpose was to purchase a volume of cigs at a decent price. As it turned out, the only deal they offer was no taxes. They didn't offer discount brands, and they limited the quantity to three cartons per person. In other words, the trip to buy cigs wasn't worth the gas it cost. It would be cheaper to go to Mexico by boat, which isn't that bad of an idea. The casino was different. They had slots and live poker...but next to no Video Poker. Later, we explored Tampa, St Petersburg and Brandon. Its was okay, but I still like Orlando 100 times better. One note about Florida drivers We were driving across a 5 mile bridge over Tampa Bay. It had no exits and no reason to change your speed. And the traffic was packed for miles. People were still racing, switching lanes like crazy, slowing down, speeding up, creating clusters and open areas of traffic. This would indicate Florida drivers are quite insane. But I like them. I can drive offensively too! I actually like driving like a madman. If everyone's doing it, I fit right in. |
10/16/2005 08:15:25 Jim Wow...this blog software I wrote still has some bu | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
That's what I get for using Internet Explorer's contenteditable tag. I have no idea how to fully control the entries written in this blog area. It seems flaky...some times I'll click on Bold, then Italic, and the font will change. Its strange... |
10/15/2005 23:37:21 Jim I tossed my cheapo camper shell on the F150, and b | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
It looks great too!!! And it's about 30% cheaper than what they wanted in Las Vegas. Talked to Dad tonight. He called while we were enroute to Daytona Beach. He's still stuck on his stock scam. For some reason, he thinks stocks have a predictable pattern, like a timed beat. They do go up and down, but predicting when they're going to go either way is impossible to tell. If it were possible, everyone would be doing it. Just like the new gamblers who come to Las Vegas and say, "Winning is easy. You just bet more money when your winning and less when you're losing" Dad is trying to predict the future by using probabilites...he doesn't understand the difference between odds and probabilities. Daytona Beach is a party town...or at least is was tonight! There was a Harley Davidson rendezvous party all over town tonight. For being just 40 minutes down the road, it's a pretty cool place. The ocean looked so cool. The next module I put in LVDUDE will be the ability to upload pictures! I need to show people what we've seen. Robert called us when we were driving home tonight He said Amy's starting to walk, but she's hanging onto things still. The loan people repossessed his Ford Ranger. That's probably a good thing. |
10/15/2005 01:38:01 Jim A thought occurred to me about when we finally mov | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
It relates to when I went back to Paducah and I couldn't find the house I grew up in. It was gone! The roads I bicycled on, my elementary school, everything was gone or had changed so much that I couldn't recognize it. When we go back to Vegas, it probably won't be home any more. - Jennifer is going to have breast - Dustin won't sound like Bart Simspon anymore - Sonny's going to lose more hair - Robert and Joy may not even be living in the Nevada My only anchor in Vegas was Sonny, the condo and the house on Gabriel. I feel homeless. |
10/15/2005 01:30:57 Jim Were planning on going to Daytona Beach this morn | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Just before the sun comes up.
I want to see the sun rise over the ocean. I've wanted to see this since I was a kid. I want to see that special color I've read about that flashes as the sun just begins to touch the horizon. It's supposed to be beautiful, but you have to be aware when it happens. How could it not be beautiful though? Everything else here is beautiful. |
10/14/2005 06:41:08 Jim Im sitting here, looking at Becky sleeping so pea | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
And wondering if we made a mistake by coming out here. Everything is so unfamiliar. Money is tight. We have only a few hours each day to spend together. We've lost the luxury of freedom. I've feel like a king who has chosen to be indigent just to be in someone elses world. If I come clamoring back to Las Vegas after falling back a few steps here in Florida, then I was just lucky in the decisions I made in Las Vegas. However, if I can do well here, then what I did in Vegas wasn't luck, it was ability. My life has been a perpetual experiment trying to prove this one theory - That we are the creators of our own lives. - and that we (not some glowing entity in the sky) are the god that we pray to in our solemnity. If this experiment fails, then my theory must be wrong. I also think we chose to be here in this world. We aren't just an accident of nature. But, I'm more than happy to wait to find out if that theory is true or not. To those who ask the question "what are we doing here", the answer will reveal itself in the end. I guess, no matter where I go, my soul searching will go with me. I apologize to anyone who reads this and wonders why I talk this way. I'm just curious. I believe that if Dorothy closed her eyes, clicked her heals three times, and said there's no place like home, she could have been back in Kansas at anytime. Becky and I can do that too. :^) |
10/13/2005 20:07:11 Jim Well, babe, its nice when you say things are nice. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I love when nice things happen to nice people like us... I LOVE YOU TO PIECES!!! |
10/13/2005 08:12:27 Jim The funny things about living in a 3rd floor apart | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
We buy small quantities of groceries now. We don't order pizza because the dumpster is 1/4 of a mile away. Everything we do seems to be based on carrying things up or down the stairs. Someone should invent a portable balcony wench for apartments like these, just to haul grocery bags up and down. |
10/13/2005 07:29:32 Jim I fixed the Log Activity screen for paging | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
And also, it goes to the right spot now when you click on an entry. I've got to remember to enclose my Href's with quotes. It took about an hour to figure that out. |
10/12/2005 14:37:29 Jim Im bored. Mikey and I ate lunch at an Indian Rest | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I still smell like curry fried rice. It was good food, especially the lemon chutney stuff. This morning I got my Florida plates. The Tax Assessors Office had no signs from the street. In fact, it was in the middle of a little mall. There was no line, but there were a few snags. - The tax guy needed to see my odometer (which has a mind of its own). It didn't work. - I could have gotten my personalized plates overnight, but he said if my Schwab debit account didn't work, we'd have to do everything all over again. - They took my Title to my truck. I'll get a Florida one in 3 months. Now, I've got to wonder what will happen if I want to sell my truck. The good thing about this is, I've got my ex's name off of the title. The bad thing, of course is, I may never get my title back. I've hit snags before, where a date/something didn't match, and I ended up with nothing. Whatever the case, its all much cheaper than Vegas. My plates cost $230, my insurance is $260 (I think), and I don't need a smog test |
10/12/2005 11:06:35 Jim Correction....Mikey is not moving to San Franquerc | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
He's moving to Pleasantville, Ca. |
10/12/2005 07:09:25 Jim Got up this morning and fixed the Log Dates on LVD | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Paging back and forth was a mess. As it turned out, I got to rip out a bunch of code. VB has a DateAdd("m",-1,mydate) function that manipulates dates very nicely. Finding these functions is a pain without a manual or online help. |
10/12/2005 07:07:22 Jim Its gonna be weird here without Mikey. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
He's 1/4th of the reason we came up. The reason definitely wasn't money. My reasons for coming out here were - Health Insurance - See the East coast and get out of Las Vegas - Fix up my Resume with current activity - Hang with Mikey, because he's one of the few friends I have left. Oh well, if he goes to San Francisco and works full time, maybe he'll be able to pull me in. That would be nice. San Francisco now seems stained though, since Skip died there. |
10/12/2005 07:01:35 Jim Last night, we went to DMV...but it was the wrong | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Here in Florida, the Tax Collector takes care of vehicle license plates, and there's not many of them around. To make things worse, they're only open 8:30am to 5:00pm., the hours I work. So, I HAVE TO TAKE TIME OFF, and that sux. Becky and I went to Tony Roma's last night. Man, that food was very good, and reasonably priced. We also swung by Walmart to pick up a sheet, table, and clock. Much needed stuff. |
10/11/2005 14:05:24 Jim Wow Babe...I love you so much too. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
You're logged on as me right now it looks like I told me I love me....haha |
10/11/2005 13:36:29 jim Hi Babe | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I love you so much. I felt really bad about what you said yesterday. I know you didn't mean what you said. I know that you would ever leave me,we are too good for each other. We love each other so much. I do miss you when you are at work. It makes me feel good when you call me. Today I'm doing laundry, watched the movie Phatom of the Opera. Now I'm watching ZZtop the music vidoes. I love this screen it is so cool. Love you Becky |
10/11/2005 07:46:14 Jim I did a rotten thing yesterday. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I wanted Becky to overcome her fear of riding roller coaster's. I told her an 8 year old that was riding this one coaster was braver than she was. And then I told her if she didn't ride the coaster, she'd be on the next flight out to Vegas. That makes me an asshole. I don't know why I'd say something so cruel to someone as special as my sweet Becky. I must be changing for the worst. I don't like my job. I don't like being poor again. I don't like what the future is going to turn out to be if I stay in this situation. I'm going to make a choice soon. It will be finishing LVDUDE or truck driving. With either decision, I'll get to finish the condo and get some permanent income coming in. None of the above is an excuse for saying what I said to Becky though. That was inexcusable. |
10/11/2005 07:17:39 Jim I got up this morning at 4am to write some code on | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Channel 8 in Las Vegas rewrote their website. It kind of looks like this one, which is scary. LVDUDE has a very open format. There isn't anything else like it on the internet. You can copy links, enter a personal blog and easily enter ads. If I don't do something with this site in a year, the design will be worthless. So, I've got to keep trying to improve its looks and functionality. This is one of my opportunities to get rich. I must either finish it, or give it up. |
10/11/2005 07:11:50 Jim Yesterday, we went to Universal Studios - Islands | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
The rides were great! We almost rode everything in 8 hours. A few of the rides were closed. The worst thing that happened was when I ate a leg of turkey and the darned thing got stuck. Man, that's painful. I kept riding the rides though. The pain lasted for two hours this time. sheesh. We'd gotten what turned out to be an excellent deal on Universal Studios from Costco. $64 for three months in either Universal Studios, or Universal Studio's Islands of Adventure. The gate price for 1 day, 1 park is $54. |
10/10/2005 08:44:41 Jim I can feel my Vegas spirit slipping away. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I've only been here three weeks, and it feels like I've been gone from Vegas for years. I'm getting caught up in the day-to-day living. I may never know the answer to the what-if's I had. What If: I'd finished this website instead of moving here? Keep in mind, I wrote this program in a weekend---> What If: I'd gotten Rainbird to buy my A/C energy saver? Would I have gotten rich? As it stands now, I may never know. 6:00am - I get up and work on LVDUDE.COM for maybe an hour. 7:30am - I take a shower at 7:30am. 8:30am - I'm at work. 6:00pm - I get home from work 6:30pm - I have to feed Becky and myself. 10pm - I'm in bed. I'd estimated completing LVDUDE in about a month, working 10 hours a day on it. As it stands, it'll take 10 months because I'm only working on it 1 hour a day. My budget is tight, because I'm not making much money. It will be December before I break even from just moving. In other words, I'm becoming just like everybody else. I'm losing my dreams of a better future. I'm not controlling life. Life is controlling me. It's trying to drag me into its little pits of hell. It's my belief, that when a man's dreams die, he loses his soul. He becomes a robotic zombie, doing the same routine every day of his life, until his life is expunged. Soon, I'll be balancing pennies in my checkbook, thinking I can't afford to take vacation time. I'll be thinking I need this job and fearing these people are going to fire me. I'll lose my feelings of self worth. If I cared about this job, my esteem would have already been crushed. I've got to keep site of this one thought: "I am somebody. I can change the world.". |
10/09/2005 23:15:14 Jim We rearranged the furniture AGAIN this morning. | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
And I think Becky and I both agree, it's pretty cool. The bedroom has a 12' projected TV screen on one wall, an air bed to lay on, and some fold up camp ground chairs (bright orange). It looks like a giant ate an M&M factory and puked furniture all over our apartment. So many colors. We picked up some 1 park/3 month tickets for Universal Studio and Universal Adventure Island this after noon. They cost about $60 (a few more $$ than a one day ticket). What's confusing is, if its one park, how come they mention two parks on the box. Everyone says it like one park, but in different directions. Anyway, I think I read somewhere its 44 square miles, so, we will get lost without a map. |
10/07/2005 19:30:04 jim Hi Babe | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I LOVE YOU! Kisses & Hug's(((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Thank You for the sloppy Barbaque it was great lol. I liked when you you came in and suprised me. It was so good. |
10/07/2005 02:02:30 Jim WOWEEEE!!! It was raining hard here at 1am. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I got up and went out on the balcony to watch it. Across from us, three floors up, I saw a couple in their kitchen. They were moving funny. SO, I got my binoculars. What happened next was a surprise for Becky. They went to their balcony. He took off her pants and went down on her. My binoculars by this time were zoomed in at maximum!!! About then, I had to let Becky know. When I went back out on the the balcony, they were still going at it like wild dogs! She finally flopped off of him and back into her chair. WHAT A COUNTRY!!! |
10/07/2005 00:08:10 Jim Robert just called. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
It was 11:30pm here and we were sleeping. It's funny, because when I woke up, it felt like I'd slept for at least 6 hours. They got a 99 Ford Escort for $1,000. Now ain't that cool? He said the Blue Book on it was $2,000. I could use one of those little go carts in this town. They are getting a landline soon. That'll be much better. I love cell phones, but they still cut out a lot when you're on speaker phone Renee got kicked out of BADD She wasn't bad though. Her toe was. It looks like they mainly want PYT's to spread the word. She's moved in with Grandma, which, if my guess is right, she'll be kicked out of there pretty soon. I'm guessing she never got her diploma or GED. She knows nothing about real work, and she's 20. It'll be interesting to see what's going to happen with her. I guess Robert and Sonny are the only two people in Las Vegas that miss us. Noone else has called us out here from Vegas. You'd think Grandma or Renee would have called us by now. They have free long distance. That's pretty depressing when I think about it. The people who call us are my Dad, Sonny, Robert, Ida (in Missouri) and Jeanette (in Sacremento). They'll get nice Christmas presents this year...haha. |
10/06/2005 14:39:07 jim Well, I suppose by not having a project, Im fired | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Hmmmm. It could even be a relief. Jeff was working one of my previous projects. He merged my stuff into it, and I retested my stuff. I was told that was a waste of time. I'm so confused. Either I'm supposed to test something to death, or I'm not. I can't win here. I'm playing a loser's game. |
10/06/2005 12:41:48 Jim Enform | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
10/06/2005 12:40:20 Jim DDL | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
10/06/2005 07:42:55 jim I changed the log activity screen to look a little | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Last night, Jeff, Becky and I went on a search to find cheap cigarettes. We went all over looking for a smoke shop. One downtown was supposed to be duty free, but it was closed. The businesses here must change frequently, because the phone book and online yellow pages aren't up-to-date. I talked to Jamie and asked her to submit me to JP Morgan in Tampa. It would mean a 25% increase in wages, so, I'd be crazy not to give it a shot. At M2, there is absolutely no chance for bettering my position. They just barely recognize my existance. Hanging out there is a daily grind of deadlines and one line changes. Its a good way to waste your life if that's what you want. I'd be doing well to write a simple report. I think they'd think I'm to stupid to write a requester/server pair. I had to increase a working storage field from PIC 9(8)V99 to PIC 9(9)V99 yesterday. I increased it to PIC 9(16)V99. I wanted to increase it to PIC 9(16)V99 COMP, but didn't dare to do it. WHY? Because, when I increased it to 9(16), I was asked why I did that. I said, so the field will never have to be increased again, and there was no reason not to. If I comped it, it would be smaller than what they had to begin with. So, improving anything is probably a mistake. They make their money by billing hours for petty changes. If I were the owner, I might be thinking that not having to change the field again and again cost $$$ in billing hours. |
10/05/2005 15:47:53 jim I got up this morning and fixed my Link Sharing co | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
All I have to do with my site is to make it look prettier, and to figure out the best way to make money with it.
It seems like it's pretty much good to go. I need to test it for the kind of people who'll be using the site though. They will be deep country folk, probably with dial up connection and low-computer skills. |
10/04/2005 17:27:48 jim Orlando Apt-Becky,Jim | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
10/04/2005 07:43:37 jim I came home last night and the cable, phone and in | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I'm not using our internet connection because its being dominated. The phone and cable I could care less about. However, I picked up a wireless router at CompUsa on the way home. Since the internet is down, I can't set it up. Mikey said he'll set it up, SO, I'm going to let him. Its not enough to just want something. If you want something, but aren't willing to work for it, you must not want it very badly. Besides, the router should set up easily. I've done my transactions over the net...not the way I'd like to have done them...but at least their in. So, I'm happy. |
10/04/2005 07:35:34 jim Im just not having any fun at work...but lots of | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
These two hour projects leave no time for anything extra. I may be terribly misplaced at M2. 1) You have to fudge everything. They only think they have a test system. 2) You rarely see a screen that immulates production. When I've set up test systems, - They've had a whole day's worth of data that can be replayed, - A pathway system where a screen can be displayed and sent and a server can be debugged Anything but entering raw data through notepad, then sending it through a program. I'm back in the stone ages as far as work goes. AND, I'm not going to get anytime to improve it. |
10/03/2005 16:25:27 jim Im at work. Slept maybe 4 hours last night. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
The last hour of working in this quiet place just draaaaaaaaaaagggggggggssssssssssss on.
I wanna snore so bad. I'm going to swing by and pick up a "D-Link DI 524 AirPlus G High Speed 2.4 Ghz wireless Router" on the way home. With a name like's gotta be worth $20...haha. |
10/03/2005 03:04:05 jim Hot and Cold | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
That's how I'd describe this trip. People are either happy or crabby. They're sane or insane. I'm both glad and sorry I came here. My most recent pain is my roomie, who hasn't had wired internet in a long time. He insisted on it before I even took off, and instead of getting wireless we got wired internet for ONE user. That one user could have been my PC that could share the internet. His laptop didn't even work using wired internet. Wired internet is more difficult than wireless. Technology is working its way away from wiring codes. I brought hardware that won't work. We have the WRONG cable modem. By his expressing a desire to go backwards in time to a setup that everyone is getting away from, I'm burning out trying to figure out if we can still do it and it's going to get expensive. In other words: - We have one internet connection. - We are living in a apartment so we can't drill holes in the walls for wires. - We don't have a shared internet connection device of any type unless its my PC that's setup for it. - I don't think what he wanted can be done with out one. I based my thoughts on being able to share a dedicated connection on Paul's cable modem. It was probably designed for internet sharing, which is why he had an extra port on his bridge. I'm having to connect to the internet through a connection we pay for, I'm connecting though my neighbors internet connection. I'm doing it on a bar stool with my ass hanging out in the kitchen. I rely on the internet for my finances and my knowlege. I spend at least 3 hours a day learning, and reading. I almost never play games on it. I need this, my bills are back in Vegas, not here. And I'm having to pray my neighbor doesn't move. For this, I'm sorry we came. This internet is going to cost me dearly. I get every day, and I write code for LVDUDE. Now I can't do that in comfort. If I don't finish it, it'll cost me a lot money. And LVDUDE is path for early retirement. |
10/02/2005 09:23:03 jim Were moved in | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
It's a great apartment. What isn't great is our furniture. I guess it's always best to buy furniture for the place you are moving into. I'm hoping we'll finally get a chance to relax today. They have a couple of pools, jacuzzi's, excersize rooms, and some gazebo's set up around the lake in back. |
10/01/2005 07:15:52 jim Were moving today. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
To: 818 Renaissance Pointe #301, Alamonte Springs, Florida 32714 Today should be a real HOOT! |
09/30/2005 07:26:08 jim Analysis | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Truck Driving - $.25mi/6 days/10 hours/480da/2,880mi a weekAvg 48mph=$37,488 a year Truck Owning - $.85mi/6 days/10 hours/480da/2,880mi a weekAvg 48mph=$127,488 a year Current - $62,000 Mgm - $135,000 |
09/30/2005 02:27:53 jim If I had one word to describe the people Ive met | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
It would be: Zombie: 1 a : a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead; b : a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior. One who has no will. We are close to Haiti aren't we? |
09/30/2005 01:16:53 jim When I get an opportunity to leave M2, Ill take i | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
After Monday, all I'll need is a small nudge. It won't take much. I need to read my contract. |
09/30/2005 01:00:41 jim Captain, it looks like all the life forms on this | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I went to get some coffee. Standing there next to the coffee pot and putting sugar in his tea was the second highest up guy, Dave. I said with a smile: "HEY, YOU'RE DAVE. I'M JIM. I'M YOU'RE NEW PROGRAMMER!". He said: "uh huh". I felt worse than if I'd farted in a plastic chair in church during prayer. The guy didn't even offer me a handshake. He didn't even look at me. Two people, ONLY TWO PEOPLE, have had the decency to give me eye contact when I first met them. The grumpiness doesn't appear to be just in my group. Everyone in that building seems grumpy. I hope that kind of courteousy doesn't rub off on me. If I become that way, I'm joining Skip. I hate when I miss the opportunity for making a new friend. I've learned so much by being friendly. We are social creatures. Until we learn to self replicate, our race can't survive outside of a colony. |
09/29/2005 12:12:05 jim This is the most miserable place Ive ever worked | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I suggested an obvious change in M2's environment that would save time.... - They are logging on as someone else then back to themselves just to see a report. - Instead of just making a simple change to allow programmers to see the reports they generate . And instead of fixing this obvious oversight, I get, nah...we're used to doing things a certain way. So this is Tandem hell. 'We're used to beating our clothes with rocks to wash them.' Who am I to say the world could be a better place. I'll make things better for myself then. This version of Guardian has more security holes in it than I have pores on my face. |
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