Stories's Log |
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude. |
10/19/2004 13:04:36 Sonny Thanks for reloading my laptop Jim. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
This laptop works great now! |
10/17/2004 18:09:19 jim Those rotweiler broke through AGAIN! | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
First thing Saturday morning, those rotweillers behind my house broke through the fence. Six of the beasts were trying to get in through the glass door. They dug up a dog I buried in September. NASTY! Went over to Jerry Newberry's house to fix his PC's CDRW. Jerry has the nicest, most logically laid house I've seen in Las Vegas. His 5th wheel is excellent too! I fixed his CDRW by just cracking the case open and changing around some cabling. hmmm. Jerry and Joan look great after all of these years. Anybody would be lucky to age as well as those two have. |
10/17/2004 00:00:02 jim Gabriel,NV-Amy,Becky | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
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10/15/2004 01:13:17 jim Someone hacked into my website yesterday | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
But why, I don't know. I basically have nothing there. They wiped out my index.html with their own blasphemous page. Some people really surprise me. I mean, with all the effort that it took, what was the point? I helped a neighbor move some furniture across town. We were heading into the infamous sphaghetti bowl, when his truck that I was following puffed out a black cloud of smoke and quit. So their we are, on what Vegas calls an emergency lane that's 4 foot wide, with cars whizzing by at 70 mph. But we didn't get smacked. Incredible! We ditched his truck, and everybody piled into my truck. All in all, it was an interesting day. Robert is coming by to borrow my air bed for the here it is 2:00am. |
10/13/2004 13:47:56 jim Testing my HTML coding | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Quick Test for HTML code. HTML should be bold. |
10/13/2004 13:41:00 jim Squirt has already learned how to play fetch! | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Well I'll be dammed. Squirt has already learned how to play fetch! It seems like this puppy was born with training knowledge and is just rediscovering it. Ain't Genetic Knowledge truly amazing! - Spiders make webs, beavers make damns, birds build nests, bees make honeycombs. - Female Praying Mantisses and Black Widows kill their mates after having sex. :( How do they know they're supposed to do this? Its truly incredible how little we know about anything in this life! In college, we learned that earthworms can be taught certain behaviors which are then passed on to their offspring. The experiment proved that the knowledge gained for survival in a parent can be passed on to its offspring as instinctive behavior. Simular studies have been done to verify this inherited knowledge using other species (EG:baby chicks). BTW - Reflex lives in our nervous systems, where as instinct lives in our brains. I like this little snippet on our thought processes: The measure of intelligence Take a brain or any information processor, input information (knowledge), check the conclusions (output). The conclusions it reaches is a reflection of the quality of the processor. The information went in, was processed and conclusions were reached. These conclusions tell us about the quality of the processing. This is the essence of intelligence. |
10/13/2004 12:41:27 jim What to name our new Pomeranian? | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I'm still working on getting a job in California (just for kicks), but it may take a few weeks. Our new Pomeranian puppy is a BLAST! We're still bouncing around on what to call him: Squirt, Mammal, Puff, Beeper, Balls...hmmmm. At one time I was even thinking about calling him Raspus, Bob, John, Elvis, or Chewy. Life is tough when they're are so many decisions to make. :) |
10/12/2004 12:41:27 jim And later we got toys and snacks for our puppy. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I spent the morning clearing and backing up my laptop. Becky got a cell phone! And later we got toys and snacks for our puppy. |
10/12/2004 00:00:04 jim Gabriel,NV-Becky,Squirt | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
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10/11/2004 12:41:27 jim The neighbors brought us a cute litte puppy! | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Those dreams of mine... I woke up, realizing where more of the drainage problems were occuring, and why the scale built up in the first place. The sewage was backed up at the street. It all makes so much sense now: Why the drains often burped when draining. I snaked the sewage at the front access. Worked like a charm! The neighbors who gave us Rusty (who was run over in September) brought as sweet present, A 6 week old Pomeranian puppy!!! This little guy is smarter than any dog I've ever owned. He figured out the doggie door in the first two hours. He's got the idea of using the bathroom on some newspaper we spread out, and is close to being paper trained. AND, I gave him a nylon rope with a knot tied on both ends...he untied the ends and tied a knot in the middle! |
10/10/2004 12:41:27 jim The plumbing was all backed up in the kitchen | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Its been painfully slow since I've lived here. So, I rented a professional snake from Home Depot ($40 for 24 hours), and did the work my self. It took HOURS to snake from the back all the way to the sewage access in the front (approximately 75'). And the drains still were slow. So, I dismantle the kitchen drains: Garbage Disposer and everything and snaked it from there. The scale was built up so far only my little finger could go through it. I eventually broke through the mess with a chisel and got the snake in, BUT, and this is a very big BUT, the pipes in the wall dissentigrated. So, all of the sudden, the minor problem became major. I had to cut through the wall to repair the pipe. By 11pm, I rebuilt all of the plumbing better than before, this time, everything surpassed code (5 degree slope on all of the drainage). Everything was cool. |
10/09/2004 15:02:00 jim SunsetPark,NV-Rennaisance | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
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10/09/2004 14:43:00 jim SunsetPark,NV-Jim,Becky,Jen,Dustin-Facade | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
10/09/2004 12:41:27 jim Went to the Rennaisance Fair at Sunset Park | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Becky, her kids, and I went to the Rennaisance Fair at Sunset Park. The event was awsome, and well worth the $30 to get all of us in. These people dress up in Knight in Armor fare and play the part well. I take it most of the vendors (about 200) travel around the country living in their tents and playing the roles of Jester, Magician, King, Queen and Knight. It's a pretty cool site to see. |
09/10/2007 07:01:28 jim (Reply)Spent the day applying for jobs via the internet | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Right now, I'm up for grabs in Los Angeles, Kansas City and New York City. My fingers are crossed on that Los Angelos job. Wish me luck. |
10/09/2004 09:00:21 jim Vegas,NV-Cemetary | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
10/07/2004 16:13:27 Robert hey jim and mom well how are things at the house? | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
My daughter Amy is doing great. Joy is moody as hell but i guess that is normal for females with P.M.S (PUTTING UP WITH MEN'S SHIT) LOL anyways today is my only day off and we plan on going to the lake tonight. its free at night to get in thats why we go hehehe. boy oh boy Amy has one hell of an appetite that girl is eating every half hour and if she is sleeping she is dreaming of eating she moves her mouth in that sense she is pretty strong for being 2 motnhs old she was supposed to be born yesterday but chose to come out the 15 of Aug. well any ways jsut droppin in to say hi. dustin is grounded for 2 weeks for his bad grades in school he has no tv or games so life to him is hell now lol. grandma is grumpy when she gets home. paul took us to arizona charlies yesterday for dinner it cost 47 bucks for six people. well just droppin a line sayin hi and love ya all byebye |
10/06/2004 10:11:06 jim Well, this blog seems to work kind of okay now. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
What a pain! I had to change the locations of my programs, change the programs themself and alter the security on my server hosted by Earthlink to conform with my (.HTACCESS) security file. It was a real Cleopatra's Pain-In-The-ASP. |
09/10/2007 07:05:44 jim (Reply)Testing my blog | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Still |
10/02/2004 12:06:31 jim Vegas,NV-SamsTown | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
10/02/2004 10:08:35 jim Becky, Dustin, Jennifer and I all wrote to Renee | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
It seemed like a sweet thing to inspire, huh *wink* |
10/01/2004 12:06:21 jim Vegas,NV-GabrielDr | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
09/25/2004 23:07:50 jim September 2004 | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Saturday, September 25, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Took Becky, Dustin and Jennifer to Boulder City I let everyone drive around on the dry lake on 95. Also taught everyone how to use a wrist rocket. Shot off a bunch of fireworks. yippee!!! Saw the carshow in Boulder City along with their Octoberfest celebration I was amazed at how many cars that were there, that I had owned in my life (65 Chevy SS, 74 914 Porsche, 63 Chevy, 62 Chevy, 65 Chevy, 72 Nova, 75 Mazda, 74 Cadillac, 72 Vega). I guess now they're all classics. I sold most of them as junk, I only paid $25-$300 for a car in those days. Drove up boyscout trail just south of Boulder City Going up was strange. We passed a rocky field with air ducts coming up out of the ground. Then we passed an iron smelter. THEN, we came up to what looked like a flat radio telescope. At the end of the trail, there's a point where you can see Lake Meade, Railroad Pass Casino, and Las Vegas. What a view! Friday, September 24, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Went to Boulder City to visit some friends in a band. Missed Chuck Shepperd, but connected with Mark and Sandy. They're fun people. Mark plays in a band, and they own a small janitorial business. Crazy people (like Becky and me). Wednesday, September 22, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Drove 200 miles touring Nevada Primm, Nevada. Visited the Dry Lake Just north of Buffalo Bills is a dry lake that's 2 miles wide, 5 miles long. It's perfectly flat and perfect for trying out your vehicle at high speeds. You can do anything safely out there in a vehicle! Visited Goodsprings. This old town (founded in the 1800's) is home to a haunted bar, old mining buildings, houses and trailers with a backyard Sandford and Sons would drool at. Visited Sandy Valley. I remember when this town was hot in the real estate arena. I knew people out there. The girlfriend I ended up married lived there. - I could have died near Sandy Valley in a high speed motorcycle wreck I left the road over a hill with an unmarked curve doing 80mph. I got bloody, with bunch of stitches, but I survived. Memories. - The people who bought out there bought on speculation. What a hype. Its a sandy valley with a collection of some very strange people. Someone built a porch surrounding their 20' travel trailer. Very Odd thing to do. Someone else planted a strip of grass 5' wide by 100' long. I guess they like to mow grass. It looked kind of stupid. - They have gliders out there, a dome building, some kind of ranch, and off road races. Drove 20 miles through the desert to Pahrump. If you haven't driven through the desert, you're missing a real treat. Some of the trash is over 50 years old. How does it go, bury a cheap Timex watch in the desert and in 1,000 years it becomes priceless! Bought $40 worth of fireworks in Pahrump. For me, that's a life time supply of cherry bombs...Yippee! Pahrump has casinos, brothels, fireworks, fish farms, turf farming, and lots of trailers. It's a town out of this world and one step out of time! Tuesday, September 21, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Shopped at Primms Outlet Malls Monday, September 20, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Stayed at Buffalo Bills. Got a two day comp Wednesday, September 15, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Camping at Lake Meade was fun. I discovered a WATERMELON PATCH out there. Wow! Tuesday, September 14, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Camped at Lake Meade Watched movies, had a great time Saturday, September 11, 2004 at 10:08:35 (PDT) <Jim Cutlar> Dustin, Jennifer, Robert, Joy and Amy came by. Nice day! Sunday, September 5, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Went to the Stratosphere with Mike Ginsburg Saturday, September 4, 2004 <Jim Cutlar> Hung out with Mike Ginsburg Friday, September 3, 2004 at 10:08:35 (PDT) <Jim Cutlar> Took pictures of a really neat little fellow (A praying mantis) Wednesday, September 1, 2004 at 10:08:35 (PDT) <Jim Cutlar> Visited Joy and Amy at the hospital. Nice day! |
09/25/2004 18:10:11 jim DryLake,NV-Becky,Jim,Dustin,Jen | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
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09/25/2004 18:00:10 jim BoyScoutRd,NV-Dustin,Becky,Jennifer | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
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09/25/2004 16:10:09 jim BoulderCity,NV-CarShow | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
09/25/2004 16:00:00 jim BoulderCity,NV-Roadster Dustin,Jennifer | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
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09/25/2004 00:00:00 jim Took Becky, Dustin and Jennifer to Boulder City | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
I let everyone drive around on the dry lake on 95. Also taught everyone how to use a wrist rocket. Shot off a bunch of fireworks. yippee!!! Saw the carshow in Boulder City along with their Octoberfest celebration I was amazed at how many cars that were there, that I had owned in my life (65 Chevy SS, 74 914 Porsche, 63 Chevy, 62 Chevy, 65 Chevy, 72 Nova, 75 Mazda, 74 Cadillac, 72 Vega). I guess now they're all classics. I sold most of them as junk, I only paid $25-$300 for a car in those days. Drove up boyscout trail just south of Boulder City Going up was strange. We passed a rocky field with air ducts coming up out of the ground. Then we passed an iron smelter. THEN, we came up to what looked like a flat radio telescope. At the end of the trail, there's a point where you can see Lake Meade, Railroad Pass Casino, and Las Vegas. What a view! |
09/24/2004 18:00:11 jim Vegas,NV-Gabriel-Kitchen-Becky,Jim | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
09/24/2004 00:10:00 jim BoulderCity,NV-Cafe,Carshow | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
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09/24/2004 00:00:00 jim Went to Boulder City to visit some friends in a ba | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Missed Chuck Shepperd, but connected with Mark and Sandy. They're fun people. Mark plays in a band, and they own a small janitorial business. Crazy people (like Becky and me). |
09/22/2004 15:06:01 jim Pahrump,NV- | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
09/22/2004 14:05:01 jim SandyValley,NV | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
09/22/2004 12:04:11 jim GoodSprings,NV | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
09/22/2004 12:03:01 jim Primm,NV-DryLake | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
09/22/2004 11:02:01 jim Primm,NV-OutletMall-Jim,Becky | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
09/22/2004 00:00:00 jim Drove 200 miles touring Nevada Primm, Nevada. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Visited the Dry Lake Just north of Buffalo Bills is a dry lake that's 2 miles wide, 5 miles long. It's perfectly flat and perfect for trying out your vehicle at high speeds. You can do anything safely out there in a vehicle! Visited Goodsprings. This old town (founded in the 1800's) is home to a haunted bar, old mining buildings, houses and trailers with a backyard Sandford and Sons would drool at. Visited Sandy Valley. I remember when this town was hot in the real estate arena. I knew people out there. The girlfriend I ended up married lived there. - I could have died near Sandy Valley in a high speed motorcycle wreck I left the road over a hill with an unmarked curve doing 80mph. I got bloody, with bunch of stitches, but I survived. Memories. - The people who bought out there bought on speculation. What a hype. Its a sandy valley with a collection of some very strange people. Someone built a porch surrounding their 20' travel trailer. Very Odd thing to do. Someone else planted a strip of grass 5' wide by 100' long. I guess they like to mow grass. It looked kind of stupid. - They have gliders out there, a dome building, some kind of ranch, and off road races. Drove 20 miles through the desert to Pahrump. If you haven't driven through the desert, you're missing a real treat. Some of the trash is over 50 years old. How does it go, bury a cheap Timex watch in the desert and in 1,000 years it becomes priceless! Bought $40 worth of fireworks in Pahrump. For me, that's a life time supply of cherry bombs...Yippee! Pahrump has casinos, brothels, fireworks, fish farms, turf farming, and lots of trailers. It's a town out of this world and one step out of time! |
09/21/2004 11:00:21 jim Primm,NV-BuffaloBills-Stay | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
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09/21/2004 00:00:00 jim Shopped at Primms Outlet Malls | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Bought some pretty cool clothes! |
09/20/2004 00:00:00 jim Stayed at Buffalo Bills. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Got a two day comp |
09/19/2004 15:05:01 jim Vegas,NV-ColdCreek | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
09/19/2004 15:01:01 jim Vegas,NV-ColdCreek | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
09/19/2004 14:00:31 jim IndianSprngs,NV-Prison | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
09/19/2004 13:33:41 jim Vegas,NV-ColdCreek | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
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