Stories's Log |
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude. |
01/18/2004 12:00:20 jim Gmas,NV-Robert,Amy | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
01/18/2004 00:00:00 jim Thanks for your Responses | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
I want to thank everyone for their responses to Emails concerning Rob Allred. I sent 32 emails, and received 19 responses. To the Direct Marketeers out there, that's a response rate of 59.375%, and that ain't bad. Thanks again everbody. |
01/17/2004 15:11:51 jim Vegas,NV-TailspinLounge-ChucksBand | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
01/17/2004 12:00:31 jim Vegas,NV-VegasFromDorisTrailer | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
01/17/2004 00:00:10 jim Becky,Dustin,Jen,Joy,Amy,Gma | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
01/17/2004 00:00:00 jim Did favors for GMa | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Hung closet doors, rehung a trailer door (correctly), hung curtains, hooked up a VCR, installed a shower massager and a kitchen slider, helped replace a door knob, set up PC software for some friends of mine. |
01/15/2004 00:00:10 jim Gabriel,NV-Becky,Jim,Kitchen,Truck,Carport | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
01/15/2004 00:00:00 jim Went to an oldtimers lunch | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
With Dan Crowley, Larry Lewis, Larry Loff, Dale Pickett and Butch Tomasseti. Shopped for brakes on my 1999 truck. Eight auto shops TRIED TO SCREW ME. Armed with coupons ($77 to $99) for all 4 brakes, the estimates ranged from $160 to $410 for just 2 brakes. I finally lied to the last shop. I showed them an estimate for $280 that included shocks from Midas. THESE GUYS CAN'T READ!!! Ended up paying $250 for brakes and shocks. I felt sorry for the people I heard getting screwed while waiting. |
01/14/2004 00:00:00 jim Did favors for Paul | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Replaced a circuit breaker. QUESTION: Am I the only one that thinks "The Lord's Prayer" is pathetic? It seems more like "The Corporate Empire's Prayer" to me. I shall not want, uh huh. |
01/13/2004 00:00:13 jim SeastrandPark,NV-Becky,Jim,Jen,Dustin | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
01/13/2004 00:00:00 jim SEARCHED MY SOUL | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Read up on the origin of life, big bang, evolution, man's history on this planet, the Bible's evolution, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Einstein. Developed an excellent time line. Discovered: The two most written about people in history are: JESUS CHRIST and ADOLF HITLER. Completed this website, sent emails, did favors. |
01/10/2004 07:24:38 jim Gabriel,NV-Jennifer,Dustin | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
01/08/2004 12:25:56 jim Squirt,Becky,Jim | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
01/03/2004 12:01:31 jim Vegas,NV-RobAllredsObituary | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
01/03/2004 00:01:30 jim RobsWake,NV-Jessica,Amy,Jim,Gladys | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
01/02/2004 00:02:40 jim Robs,NV-Becky,Jim | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
01/01/2004 12:00:41 jim Vegas,NV-Normal Interchange | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2003 22:00:10 jim LasVegasStrip | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2003 12:01:31 jim Vegas,NV-Strip Vegas Fireworks Joy | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2003 12:01:11 jim Vegas,NV-Strip-Pinkys,JimBecky | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2003 11:00:11 jim MyBestFriend-Rob-Died | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2003 00:01:10 jim Strip,NV-Becky,Robert,Jim | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
12/30/2003 00:02:50 jim Gabriel,NV-RainyDays Jim,xMasTree | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
12/25/2003 00:00:06 jim Gmas,NV-Gma,Jennifer,Dustin,Paul | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
12/13/2003 00:01:40 jim Vegas,Strip-Renee,Jim,Caesars | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
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