Squirt's Alter Ego Log
Hi, I'm Mikey, but I'm also Squirt's Alter Ego.
Squirt lives in Las Vegas, but he needs someone to speak for him. He only says one word (bark)
<< 06/2006 < 04/2007 Calendar 07/2007 > 06/2008 >>Sign InView Other Logs
06/06/2007 23:29:24
 sae  .We already have a buyer for the condo
Feeling "Half Brain Dead" is better than being "Half Brain Dead".
05/31/2007 11:07:29
 sae  .Grady can sell the condo and Be Quick!
Great that "The Brain" can be of such help to you. Sell both the condo and "Be Quick" to me for $25 total. Please????
05/30/2007 09:31:54
 sae  .Our NEW Kentucky Home
Jimmy... I called the hotel, using the confirmation number, and cancelled your reservation. Just kidding, as I like to do.
05/21/2007 10:00:00
 sae  .Sams Town Interview - 21 Dealer
So, Jimmy. How did it go for you, Rebecky and Sonny? With your interviews?
05/22/2007 23:54:01
 jim   (Reply)..Sams Town Interview - 21 Dealer
We suck Mikey! Actually, I do.
We were supposed to close the refi on Monday, plus Becky didn't have her complete history.
I just said f it. There was just too much that was supposed to happen Monday.
As it turned out, nothing at all happened Monday.
I spent the day snaking the plumbing and trying to fix my PC.
The motherboard is tweaked out. As it stands, I can't rule out a Jennifer virus, a candy wrapper bridging a connection, or just plain old fault circuitry.
I ordered $400 worth of hardware from Frys/Outpost!
I got a 500 gig hard drive, a 350 gig usb drive and a Garmin street pilot.
I can't wait!!! They had refurbished Garmin GPS I3s for $200 last week.
I'm going to need some kind of GPS system for doing notarys. YellowBook still hasn't come out. :(
But we're expecting repeat business from a notary we did the other day. I can see a build up happening.
05/23/2007 00:23:49
 sae   (Reply)...Sams Town Interview - 21 Dealer
Well, shame about your not dealing at Sam's Town. I wanted to come out there, and question every one of your deals, and "toke" you $20 on every other hand. Hope you had all that stuff from Outpost shipped here to me.. Initial estimate on the damage to my car is $5066, three weeks with a rental provided me by his insurance, Progressive. I am sure the estimate will rise as they tear down the car.
05/23/2007 02:14:07
 jim   (Reply)...RE:Sams Town Interview - 21 Dealer
Yea it is a shame about dealing 21.
Dealing 21 is the only job I've ever known where you can work an entire shift with your fly undone (they wear aprons).
About you car
A lot of collisions cause the piston rings to score the cylinder walls. Didn't you say you now hear pinging under the hood?
BTW - Did you get whip lash from the rear ending?
A girl friend and I both had whip lash from a rear ender that totalled my 62 Chevy. Our necks hurt and were swollen.
I lost my babe mobile and my date that night, and all I got was a hickey. (^%&$)
05/20/2007 06:16:28
 sae  It’s the fault of Florida (America’s Ponis)...
On the way back from a trip to Tampa/St Petersburg, I got rear ended HARD on the I-4, near the attractions, south of Orlando. My nice, "new" car, took the hit pretty good, but it did a fair amount of damage. The idiot (driving a SUV) hit me at about 65 mpg. And why? He was making unsafe lane changes in that fast moving traffic, while talking on his cell phone. As more time goes on, I am being to believe that Floridians are taught that they must weave in and out of lanes at high speeds and to be carrying on a conversation on their cell phones.
05/20/2007 11:21:17
 jim   (Reply).It’s the fault of Florida (America’s Ponis)...
DAYAM!!! Your new car. You just bought it.
On the other hand...
What was that you said? Your neck hurts? You won't feel right until you receive $1 million in punitive damages.
Tell me about it though.
You'd think those cell phone drivers have the phone screwed into their brain!
They should put these offenders under the "Clockwork Orange" therapy.
Friday, while doing the courier thing,
- the freeway came to a screeching halt twice 
- some guy switched lanes on me at 70mph.
That's why I really like my Mustang convertible.
My eyes don't have to adjust from the darkness inside the vehicle to the brightness of outside it.
I can see everything around the vehicle, and that's cool.
Of course, if someone's going to slam into my ass at high speed, all that means is I can see my doom coming.
Just be glad it wasn't a tweaked out, 18 wheel, truck driver that smacked you.
That would be a nasty way to get thin, wouldn't it?
05/19/2007 11:00:01
 sae  .Pauls IBEW Graduation!!!
So, does this mean that Paul can now take a trip somewhere?? A "journey" of sorts?
05/17/2007 01:33:50
 sae  ...RE:RE:The New Frontier is closing in 60 days
So, does this mean if you get the BJ dealer's gig at Sam's Town, you are going to not do the Notary?
05/23/2007 10:39:18
 sae   (Reply).The New Frontier is closing in 60 days
Jimmy... Tell me it ain't so... Another "landmark" biting the dust. What's Sonny going to do? I assume his talents can be put to good use at another hotel. What can be said, is that, it isn't like hotels are going out of business there in Lost Wages. Just making room for newer, bigger, fancier ones.
05/23/2007 10:41:40
 SAE   (Reply)...The New Frontier is closing in 60 days
Sam's Club has BlackJack dealers? In which aisle, Mr Jimmy... I know, it was one of my type of slip ups. But, you know I had to harass you about it.
04/27/2007 04:52:29
 sae  .Back from Disneyland.
Well, it sounds like a great stay, there at Dinneyland.. See, if you had flown me out there, I could have gotten you those passes, because I still have my Studville (California) Driver's License. So there... See what you've been missing, driving the F150. You can go a long way further with a tank of gas in a passenger car. Did the kids enjoy it? It was their first time, wasn't it? I plan on being in Heavensville (LA) the third weekend in October. Maybe I can get you those passes at that time.

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