This log is dedicated to the rememberance of those who have passed away.
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02/18/2007 12:19:37
 jim  Ode to the dying

Smile for me before you say goodbye. We were together for eleven years. We toured the land in a travel trailer. We shared memories no else will ever know. We saw the glistening waters of Lake Tahoe, and the frosty shores of Crater Lake. We collected agates off the big sur, saw seal cave and camped in San Diego. We explored California, Nevada, Utah and Oregon for almost four months. We bought a house in Summerlin with a heated pool and spa, and it had a spectular view Las Vegas. We knew Rob, Chris, Mom, Otis, John, Tex, Jim. We raised Little Girl, Little Man, Muffin and two chicks that fell from a tree. You were my soul mate, and now its your time to go. I'll always love you. As the sun light fades to darkness, know I'll be waiting with a smile on the other side. And I will always remember you well, Ruth (Cutlar), my Mississippi Queen.
I'm sorry you have to go.
09/05/2006 20:14:54
 Jim  Louis Cutlar (Dad) passed away (7/17/23 - 9/3/06)
Dad, as excentric and mystically oriented as he was, was a very good man.
I'll love him till the day I die. We talked only two days ago. I believe he knew his time was coming.
His main concern was that his kids were going to be alright.
Note: These pictures were taken with a Polaroid Swinger (remember those?). I had a million other pictures, but somehow they've seemed to have evaporated.
Growing up with Dad was fun, and very interesting.
He liked the "Far Side" of things, which, by the way, is my favorite comic strip.
Memories of going to the lake, living in a three room house with its outhouse in the back, taking a bath in a #10 washtub, and riding around in that Volkswagon hit the top of my memories.
Dad was a hard worker. I believe most of his work still stands today.
He once put me on his shoulders at Barkley Airport so that I could see, believe it or not, John F Kennedy.
12/29/2004 10:15:21
 jim  Jerry Orbach died from prostate cancer
For anyone who watches Law & Order (like I do), he played Lenny Brisko.
He was my favorite character on that show.
12/15/2004 19:03:26
 jim  Tim Allred died
Tim Allred -12/14/2004. Tim was a good man. I had known Timmy for a period of over 18 years. We talked a couple of months ago, talked about Rob, suicide, his troubles. He felt his life was going downhill. Losing his driver's license, losing his marriage, maybe thats what drove him to his end. Dreamers and lovers feel a different kind of pain.
Tim spoke with wit and humor. I never heard him say anything bad about anyone, or hurt anyone. He could meet a person at their level of conversation and stay with it.
02/13/2004 06:50:17
 jim  Jon Kelly died
I just learned my Ex's brother Jon died last week in Forest, MS. He was only 43. Jon lived here for about 6 months or so.
12/31/2003 00:00:00
 jim  Rob Allred passed away.
December 30, 2003
Rob was my best friend for 17 years. Please view: My Memorial to Rob, and my thoughts about this very special friend. And please feel free to Email me.
STRANGE THOUGHTS: Why do they call it a "WAKE"? Why is it called a Funeral "Home"? Why do they either cremate us or preserve us? Man, when I die, I want the whole world to just eat me. lol. Be nice everyone. We'll all shine on if we just get along.
12/30/2003 15:56:58
 jim  Rob (my best friend) Allred passed away (9/3/1956
Rob was the best man at my wedding.
We all miss you buddy.
08/01/2003 01:11:02
 jim  Idas Mom has Left the Building (1925-2010)
12/24/1995 03:48:08
 jim  Ruth Rogers (Mom) Passed Away (8/13/21 - 12/24/94)
12/24/1984 00:00:00
 jim  Dave Leblanc (Dave) passed away (5/23/1924-12/24/1

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