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10/12/2006 16:55:23
 Jim  LLC-lets see if I got this straight
I spoke to Smith of Dempsy and Roberts (I think)....uh...anyway
Series LLCs are the best way to go.
- ABC Inc owns Be Quick Notary and Be Quick Software
-- Be Quick and Be Quick Software each have their own business licenses, EINs and checking accounts.
-- ABC is created using the Secretary of States website.
---- Check the box where it says Series LLC.
---- Add to the articles the following verbage: None of the assets or proceeds from multiple businesses will be co-mingled
These LLCs are desired and are very sellable and are even envied by other states.
Since Cutlar Enterprises is in default (again) and since it was audited once, I should just let it go.
Good thing: If Company A sues ABC and wins for $100,000, when they receive $5,000 of it, they have to pay taxes immediately for the entire $100,000. I can force an tax audit of them by filing a K1. Since the resulting tax audit would probably reveal that Company A didn't pay what could be $34,000 in taxes on the settlement, I have leverage to deal them down, after the courts settlement. They'd rather pay taxes on $5,000 than pay $34,000 taxes on $100,000.
Bad thing: ABC Inc, Be Quick Notary, and Be Quick Software can't give benefits to its employees.
The Nevada Secretary of State is at
The 8th District Court is on 200 Lewis Avenue.
Nevada State Business info:
Nevada State Business forms:
Information on Series LLCs:

10/09/2006 15:33:46
 Jim  We got our notary stamps.
Its Columbus Day, and it looks like everything is open.
08/24/2006 14:56:38
 Jim  Notary Public Application
A Surety Bond is required. I called:
Southwest Surety & Insurance (702) 360-6662.
They charge:
- $50 for a $10,000 bond that covers 4 years.
- $70 for Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance that covers 4 years.
They will mail us the forms that we'll send back to them. They'll send us back the bonds.
We take the bonds, along with our Notary Public application to the County Clerks office.
Clark County Recorder; (702) 455-4336; 500 S Grand Central Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV
They wll swear us in.
We then mail all documents, plus $35 to: 
Secretary State Dean Heller; 101 North Carson St #3; Carson City, NV 89701
We should be notaries in a week or so!!!
The next thing to do will be to form a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)
04/01/2006 11:11:04
 Jim  Nevada Mobile Notary
- File application with Secretary of State (
- Obtain surety bond for $10,000 to the State of Nevada. Check the yellow pages (YP) under "bonds, surety")
Tell them the date you wish to start. That will be the effective date on your notary.
IT might be a good idea to also get "Errors and Omissions" insurance.
You must take an oath, either given by the County Clerk or another Notary.
- File the Oath and Bond at the County Clerks office. They'll give you a "Filing Notice"
- Mail the application, $35 check, and Filing Notice to the Secretary of State.
- The Secretary of State mails a Certificate of Appointment to the applicant.
- Pick up a Notary Stamp from a rubber stamp vender with your Certificate of Appointment. (YP - Rubber Stamps).
Additional info: (

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