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09/06/2007 07:27:25
 jim  Trans Fats are Becoming illegal.
I just read Harvard (Harvard?) has found trans fat, less than that found in a large order of McDonalds fries, increases your chances of a heart attack by 25%.  Read the article in the Courier Journal.
They say it causes more than 200,000 deaths a year.
New York is going to illegalize it.
Ever wonder exactly how they do these wonderful studies?
What do they do, take a bunch of people who died of old age that have died from heart attacks, find out what they ate, then say they died from eating McDonalds french fries?
Groucho Marx smoked cigars until he died at 87 years old.
He should have died at 70.
It should be obvious by now, that the medical guys are terrible at predicting the life spans of people.
The average live span in the United States is still 76 years old.
It will stay that way until the medical profession discovers how to cure old age.
The blame game always irritates me.
10/17/2006 12:08:40
 Jim  Is Bin Laden dead?
Someone mentioned the other day that he had been killed, so I looked it up.
According to Time Magazine, on 11/23/2006 the CIA Director said NOPE. Iraq's intelligience says NOPE. It was guessed he died in November 2001, from lung complications.
He's been reported as dead quite a few times over the last 5 years.
Most think he died in December 2001.
Check out: What Really
It looks like this site tries to decifer the truth from the news.
Good luck with that! lol
10/12/2006 08:37:23
 Jim  1st To Be Charged With Treason WWII
(CBS) Not so long ago, Adam Gadahn was a Jewish-American boy, growing up on a goat farm in Orange County, California. Now he's been charged with treason against the United States -- "perhaps the most serious offense for which any person can be tried under our Constitution," according to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty.
Gadahn, aka Azzam al-Amriki or "Azzam the American," 28, is accused of deliberately making the choice to leave his country and join al Qaeda, providing "aid and comfort" to the country's most determined enemy.
In the videos, Gadahn gloated over attacks he threatened would be coming, promising "the streets of America shall run red with blood." He praised the 9/11 attacks as "the blessed raids on New York and Washington."
But Justice officials said a tape released on September 2nd of this year, in which Gadahn was actually introduced by al Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was "the last straw."
He sounds like a silly/confused Californian goat farmer's boy to me!
In law, treason is the crime of disloyalty to one's nation or state. A person who betrays the nation of their citizenship and/or reneges on an oath of loyalty and in some way willfully cooperates with an enemy, is considered to be a traitor.
 Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as: "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavor.
This makes me wonder now, about my treatment at the airports coming back from Erie.
At the airports coming back from Erie, PA, I was targeted for inspection, just me, not my brother.
Did I say something or (maybe) browse something on the internet that flagged me as a terrorist.
Security was supposedly looking for bottles of liquids in my luggage.
I asked "Is toothpaste allowed in my suitcase."
The security guard said, "Yes".
I said "Couldn't plastic explosives be disguised in a tube of toothpaste."
He told me "Not to say anything else, or he'd have to call the FBI, and they'd send me to jail".
Is freedom of speech not part of the Constitution now?
I must have missed that Amendment.
I was traveling with my brother, and security asked me which suitcases were mine so they could search them.
I pointed out a suitcase and a box. I made some comments about how silly the inspection rules were.
And, somehow, my new camera got smashed.
I'm as American as anyone can get.
I grew up in the USA. I know its history, and admire the constitution and love Justice, Freedom, and the American way of life
I think Freedom of speech should be a cherished part of the constitution. We must have lost that after the 9/11 attacks.
I'd just hate to see the day when the citizens of the United States become targets of their government for what they say.
This is what I'd rather be read in the papers (about terrorist and other evil people).
A British man pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiring to bomb high-profile targets in the United States.
including the International Monetary Fund headquarters in Washington and the New York Stock Exchange.
"I plead guilty," Dhiran Barot, 32, said in a clear voice at Woolwich Crown Court in south London.
Other alleged targets in the plot, which was foiled by Barot's arrest in 2004, included the World Bank headquarters in Washington, the Citigroup building in New York and the Prudential building in Newark, N.J.
Prosecutor Edward Lawson said Barot planned "to carry out explosions at those premises with no warning. They were plainly designed to kill as may people as possible."
10/11/2006 08:25:11
 Jim  Is there something in the air tonight?
I was reading about emission controls systems in cars, specifically, because I still have a problem with my check engine light. While browsing the net, I found out some interesting things about ozone.
High levels of ozone create eye, throat and lung irratiation.
Does that sound familiar? We experienced and talked about that when we came back to Vegas?
My asthma is flairing up again. I went to
to check out Las Vegas's air advisories. On, I noticed that in areas that were highest in carbon monoxide readings, didn't measure the important things, like Ozone (specifically, E Sahara and S Las Vegas Blvd). It basically says everything is fine. I'd have to disagree though.
I don't need their chart to tell me something is in the air this morning.
I can sense it. For one, outside the air is hazy and the mountains aren't visible.
But to read articles from different news sources, it sounds like the air quality here is excellent.
So, I have to wonder what is going on.
Note: I was in the convertible yesterday with the top down for almost 7 hours.
09/01/2006 09:09:31
 Jim  Online Pharmacies
The U.S. Food and Drug and Administration says prescription drugs bought on 10 Canadian pharmacies websites have turned up as fakes. The agency said it tested drugs intercepted on the way to American consumers and they turned up counterfeits of 10 popular medications, including the cholesterol drugs Lipitor and Crestor, and the painkiller Celebrex.  "There are lifesaving drugs out there that people can't afford. So, people are looking for alternative places to go and buy them," said David Certner, AARP.
Quoted from Channel 8 News in Las Vegas
"Caveat Emptor" is latin for "Let the Buyer Beware".
If you buy drugs online, test each site with a small purchase first.
Being without health insurance, I'm forced to buy my pharmaceuticals online.
If I have an infection, those little antibiotics that the doctors love to pass out cost over $16 a pill.
For example:
Without insurance. A a prescription of 7 Cipro costs $18. A doctor visit costs $95.
Totaled thats $113. Divide that by 7 and you get $16 a pill.
I just ordered 50 Cirpros for $35 online from an Indian pharmacy. Thats .70 a pill.
Another example:
I'm an asthmatic and it gets really bad here in Las Vegas.
Albuterol inhalers cost me $10 online.
I once saw an invoice where Medicare was billed $120 for just one inhaler.
The bottom line is
If you need prescription drugs, and even if you have insurance, you should still shop around.
It should be like almost everything else in the United States, free enterprise.
Let the laws of supply and demand work for you.
Don't let the insurance and pharmaceutical companies fix the prices.
08/19/2006 20:53:52
 Jim  Perseid meteor shower
Got a calendar? Circle this date: Friday, August 12th. Next to the circle write "before sunrise" and "Meteors!" Attach all of the above to your refrigerator in plain view so you won't miss the 2005 Perseid meteor shower. The Perseids come every year, beginning in late July and stretching into August. Sky watchers outdoors at the right time can see colorful fireballs, occasional outbursts and, almost always, long hours of gracefully streaking meteors. Among the many nights of the shower, there is always one night that is best. This year is August 12th through the 19th.
Right: A colorful Perseid streaks over Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. Photo credit: Dirk Obudzinski, August 12, 2004. View the gallery
The source of the shower is Comet Swift-Tuttle. Although the comet is nowhere near Earth, the comet's wide tail does intersect Earth's orbit.
We glide through it every year in July and August.
Tiny bits of comet dust hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 132,000 mph.
At that speed, even a tiny smidgen of dust makes a vivid streak of light--a meteor--when it disintegrates. The shower is most intense when Earth is in the dustiest part of the tail. Perseid meteors fly out of the constellation Perseus, hence their name.
The best time to watch is during the hours before sunrise when Perseus is high in the sky: sky map. Between 2 a.m. and dawn on August 12th, if you get away from city lights, you could see hundreds of meteors.
09/15/2005 08:53:58
 News  Welcome Aboard
We are glad you joined us News
08/05/2005 11:42:22
 Jim  Mt Charleston Casino Proposed
A proposal that's in the works may give Mount Charleston a large resort complete with video gaming, a five-story hotel, and even a nightclub.
But many who live on the mountain, don't want it.

Just about everywhere you look on Mount Charleston, you see can why so many people choose to live there. The quiet, peaceful atmosphere is what attracts many, like Ron Clagget and his wife, who said, "We've been coming up here since '85 and looking for something to invest."

Ron has worked to remodel the cabin he bought on Mount Charleston. And the thought of a mega-resort where he now lives in "Old Town" isn't a welcoming idea. "It's not gonna benefit anyone up here or increase land value.
The only people that's gonna benefit are the people building it. The income, it's called greed."

And it's this greed, Clagget says, that will take away from his and others' everyday life. He says, "People downtown might say let's go up to Mount Charleston to gamble. Just gamble down the road, go up to Mount Charleston for what's here -- for the trails, the hiking, the picnics with the family, to stay out of the heat."

And it's a proposal that's bringing a cool reception so far from those already on the mountain, like Clagget, who says, "If it needs approval of the people that live on the mountain, it's not gonna happen."

A Utah company is proposing the resort be built on the slopes of Mount Charleston.
But so far, the developer has not filed applications for zoning changes.

10/29/2004 15:10:28
 jim  These election years, so many lies.
I guess the politicians think we are too stupid to notice what's going on.
I'll pick on the republicans first.
Remember The Clinton Impeachment hearings...can anyone tell me what that was all about anyway?
To me, that was the most disgusting period in US history.
Ken Starr investigates the Paula Jones thing at the request of the Supreme Court. The Paula Jones thing was dropped, but Starr continues to go in deeper and deeper. People went to jail, and Lewinsky produces a sperm stained dress. Republicans try unsuccessfully to impeach Clinton because he lied about having sex with an intern. The Paula Jones thing was almost forgotten.
Almost all of the Republicans voted to impeach, while all of the Democrats voted against it.
Give me a break! Ken Starr was as independant as much my ass smells like a rose garden. He worked very hard to smear the president, and crushed a lot of people along the way for not testifying (remember now?).
Our tax dollars were spent to the tune of over $50 million for his efforts. We got a cheesy x-rated soap opera out of it.
Who doesn't believe that the Republicans were behind that little smear?
In the end, Clinton should have been impeached for perjuring himself about having sex with Lewinsky, and abusing his power by helping her get a job. And if that is the case, all politicians should be prosecuted.

It seems to me the Bush administration is all about lies.
I read the news during The War in Iraq.
Bush was saying there were weapons of mass destruction stockpiled there.
The US and its allies were under pressure to present proof of the weapons. Bush cited some reports he got from the CIA.
I should type up a letter in Word with a CIA letter head, saying that Haiti has stockpiled weapons, send it to the president and see what happens...haha.
I read at one time they found a lot of mustard and chlorine that could have been used for weapons of mass destruction. At first I thought they raided a super-secret Sadaam delicatessen. I mean, I have that stuff in my laundry room. Bomb me too I guess.

Does anyone else out there think that the Iraq war was really about oil?
That seems obvious to me...Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world. So, why not just tell us that the war was about us controlling their oil reserves.
Good ol Republicans. Bush and his people must have thought we were just too stupid to realize that we needed was oil, they had it, a madman controlled it, and we couldn't drive to the 7-11 without it.
Quote from Bloomsberg 5/1/2003 "Oil production in Iraq was halted before the U.S.-led attack that toppled President Saddam Hussein. Iraq is losing about $55 million a day in oil revenue.
$55 million a day! I think the conflict was aimed at securing Iraqi reserves to benefit Western economies and oil companies.
What do you think?

BTW-This week I read 250 tons of weapons are missing from a UN sealed facility in Iraq. The weapons were sealed in 1991 and could be used to detonate a nuclear weapon. Does the timing of this seem rather convenient? Bush is still defending our right to bomb Iraq.
I ask this question, why weren't the weapons destroyed? Why leave them in an Iraq facility for 13 years?
It sounded to me like they could have been destroyed with a can of gasolene and a match. I read that they were secured by a seal that was not broken, lol. Who's telling white lies now? Or are we that stupid?

And also, about Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990...have you ever heard of 'Slant Drilling'?
It was the technique used in Kuwait, to suck oil from Iraq's gigantic Rumaila oil field.
What if
- You had land with a stream on it that you depended on.
- I had land upstream from yours.
- What if I built a dam and diverted the stream away from your land because you wouldn't trade your oranges for my apples?
What would you do? You might raid my land and wreck the dam. (sound like Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990?)
It's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys, isn't it?
10/27/2004 14:46:01
 jim  The Electoral College...hmmm.
What do I think about the Electoral College vs Popular Vote?
Well, it seems, in the whole wide world, there are only three nations who use Popular Vote: France, Finland and Russia. The election counts could gone on forever, with recounts all over the country. Absentee ballots could become the issue too (and how the votes are collected as well). Having the college limits the area of focus when it comes to miscounting of the votes. I suppose I'm for it.
10/27/2004 14:01:45
 jim  I’m going to touch on this subject, the Electoral
270 votes are needed to win a presidential election. The Electoral College consists of 538 citizens, each with 1 vote. 538 = 1 x the Representatives in the House, plus 1/2 x the number of Senators. If no candidate recieves 270 votes or more, the House of Representatives votes for the president. This system was defined in the 12th amendment of the Constitution back in 1804. It was all about the means of counting votes back then. Today, if a candidate gets the popular vote in 11 of the following 12 states(CA,NY,TX,FL,PA,IL,OH,MI,NJ,NC,GA,VA), he has won the election. Its the game, to campaign in only 12 states.
10/27/2004 13:31:14
 jim  I suppose I should mention politics being that Nov
These election years seem to fill my mailbox and keep my phone ringing off the hook with news from people I would never associate with. For starters, most of the information is either total lies or twisted truth.
Consider this statement: I've grown 10,000 times my height during my life. While that statement is the truth, it is skewed, limited to only a short period in my existance.
Consider this statement: "I believe Sadaam is a great leader". That could be considered the truth, if I said "Sadaam is a great leader, if the moon is made of green cheese" Of course, you'd have to take what I said out of text and leave out "if the moon is made of green cheese". So there you go. Political smears suck.

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