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07/15/2006 08:14:09
 Jim  Welcome back Mikey
Sorry we got off on the wrong track somewhere along the line way back when.
You've always been my friend.
I've missed you.
06/30/2005 12:46:58
 Mikey  Air is bad..... For it is never pure...
Hydrogen and Oxygen are bad. Thus water, the bulk of the air, and much of the rest of the environment is dangerous to us living creatures. Let's rid the world of it all. And now!!!
I am one very silly alter-ego...
But, that is what makes SAE a SAE.
I am still curious...
You call Okin?
06/30/2005 10:49:42
 Jim  I didn’t call Okin
I thought along those lines.
If I do that and say no to a job, I'll probably be burning a bridge that I'd rather keep open.
I would say no to a job at the Mgm/Mirage at this time.
AIR...when I was young we didn't have STEAK. We didn't have PORK. WE DIDN'T HAVE AIR!!!
You're hilarious Mikey! No air, hence, no pollution.
    If we put a lab rat in a jar full of air, it survives.
    If we put a rat in a jar full of alcohol, it dies.
    Hence, alcohol kills.
Becky's mom called. She said Jennifer was coughing and has a fever. I told her it was probably the air outside since she probably can't even see her car in the driveway. Ya think, maybe? She said, well, at any rate, she needed someone to look after Jennifer, and I told her I would pick her up, and she said, well, we could put a wet cloth over her face while she's walking to the truck. I wanted to ask her if she knew she was kinda weird, but...
We went over to Robert and Joy's...they're moving today.
I wanted to pick up my old dresser that I bought back in 1978. Well, a drawer was missing, so, its junk. I picked it up anyway though. Found out none of Robert's friends were going to help him move, so I hightailed it out of there. This air is knocking me down!!!
The AC project looks GOOD.
It's black, and has even water dispersment, and looks good. Testing is gonna be a blast. We're going to wear white lab coats, sit around and watch TV while the air conditioner is on!
06/29/2005 15:32:52
 Mikey  Green Acres.. A classic
Oh, yes... Along with Petticoat Junction... I swear I drove through those towns in LA and the FL panhandle on the way here to Orlando.
06/29/2005 12:23:19
 Mikey  I too know RObert is good for the loan..
But his story about the check sounds like the time he committed some sort of crime, was persued by the cops, arrested, convicted and served that 10 year sentence in the span of two days. Love it Robert (if you read this)... But then again, I am only a tiny dog's alter ego.
06/29/2005 10:17:23
 Jim  That’s hilarious SAE
I'm loaning Robert an extra $70. Guess he was short.
Meanwhile, back in Hooterville, Mrs Douglas asks Sam Drucker if he knows how to make bacon.
Sonny needs to renew his Electricians license pronto, by July 1st! So, we're going through phone menu's and so on, to find out how to do that. hmmm.
06/28/2005 11:02:57
 Mikey  Test of character...
Jimmy... John Wooden, UCLA's men's basketball coach (for 27 years, end in 1975) is known for being the best of the best. He's practically god like in how he is considered. And has many famous quotes. I know you are not into sports, but one of my favorites of his quotes ws just mentioned towards the end of the NBA (Mens Pro basketball) championship series last week.
Well, you do know the championship series is best 4 of 7 games. Right?
Well, it came down to a Game 7. Winner takes all (championship) and the loser of that one game gets something out of getting that far, but losing. But not the ultimate. Mr Wooden's quote is: "Game 7's do not develop character. They reveal it."..
If you never get your self into a Game 7 situation
You never get a chance to see what you're truly made of...
06/28/2005 10:51:08
 Mikey  What can be said, Sir Jimmy?
Give a fair shot. If it doesn't work (I won't use the word "fail" for it has a foul smell to it that isn't appropriate). Look at how many people ventured out there with a great idea and did well. You've at the very least know you did your best to be one of them, or you did your best and it wasn't meant to be. Gee, kinda hard to say what I am thinking, but I think you know it already. And it doesn't sound too positive. I think it really is, in the long run.
Me better today. Still doing Dr.
Squirty must be getting less blue
I get a kick out you Jimmy...
Literally all the code I ever wrote did nothing to better any body - except maybe some shareholders wallets. Unless I suppose I had written some software people used to get better from cancer, or some other thing as that, I don't see coding - even under the best conditions, as a means to help people. May sound selfish, but it has always been a means for me to get $ to survive (and hopefully) prosper.
Back to work for SAE!!!
Later Jimmy...
06/26/2005 18:17:42
 Jim  Sorry your feeling badley Mikey
Squirt's been looking blue (he's black...har har).
Becky and I both woke up with hangovers!
Can't explain it either. We didn't do anything to deserve it. It feels like a buzz that won't go away. All I can think is, it must be the smoke in the air outside. We've got fires burning all around Vegas.
06/26/2005 18:07:58
 Mikey  Bark, howl and porn...
Jimmy... How things with you and Ms. Rebecca? Me really sick now, I think me dying. Hurray.
Jennifur doesn't know the Jommy I know... You're always thinking and doing for others..
But she'll see it soon enough. When she learns what a kind person you be.
Did you see that second pic I sent you from Dinneyland? Oh no!!!
Now that one was scary. Even for a doggie AE...
Me lie down now... Later, my buddy...

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