
What is this life? Is there life after death or is this life after death?
Where did you came from? Was it Heaven, is this Heaven, or did we come from nowhere?
Is life just a dream?  Does anyone really know these answers? 
Will our (great, great, ...) grandchildren be immortal?
Will future generations have the ability to revive the dead (spores can be revived after 250 million years) ?
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05/27/2007 15:47:48
 Jim  As an active lifeologist
I know I'm boring. But everyday, I ask what this life is all about.
I know the answer, of course.
Life, is about experience.
Life is a wonderland of treasures just waiting to be found. 
You know when you've found a treasure. A treasures is worthless unless it is found.
Life is its own self documenting experience.
As such, we owe life for this experience.
I believe the cost (for this top attraction 4D ride) is to share and exploit whatever gifts life has endowed us with.
- If what you do best is make babies, make babies.
- If you're a great cook...then cook.
-If you're a great singer, sing!

If you do what you do best, everybody and everything that follows you will benefit from it.
If you don't do what you do best, your depriving, not just yourself, but everything from what you could have done.
The discoverer for the cure for cancer, may have been someone who gave up on becoming a doctor, just because it was difficult. So by that person not trying, they've killed billions to come.
I like what Aristotle said, "I stand on the shoulders of the giants that have come before me".
So, with that said, I'm not going to deal blackjack, bartend, or drive a truck.
I'm going to program computers. I know what I've done has already affected millions of people.
And its what I do best.
05/10/2007 20:08:16
 Jim  The Sixth Extinction
OVERHUNTING: American bison skull heap. There were as few as 750 bison in 1890 due to overhunting.
OVERHUNTING: American bison skull heap.
There were as few as 750 bison in 1890 due to overhunting.
Mankind is wiping out species at the rate of 30,000 a year.
Its so sad, that with our advances, we have destroyed so many creatures.
This planet should be down to half of its species in a few decades.
But, rats and cockroaches love us!
Mankind is known to have existed for 50,000 years.
Life on this planet is over 2,000,000,000 years old.
And we're ruining it all.
04/30/2007 09:44:31
 jim  Things I may never know
Does nature have any rules that are absolute?
Was I really nothing before I was born?
I know life comes from life. I know my components existed on the planet before I was assembled.
The odds of me being alive are highly improbable, yet, here I am.
If life on this planet was started by a god, then what started his life?
Will time travel ever be possible?
Would you actually have to reverse the actions of everything in the entire universe to travel back into time.
From our current perspective in life, the past had to happen exactly the way it did. There is nothing random about it.
Did we ever actually have any choices?
Can we prove the future exists?
Is time being replayed right now? How would we know?
Are we stuck with all that we have done?
A million years from now, what will become of the 30 trillion life forms that make up my body?
Do rocks have consciousness? Does the universe? Does a self replicating molecule? Do we?
What is the purpose of life and why is it so persistant?
Exactly, why are people better than any other life form on this planet? I hope its not because we can kill everything else.
We've only been here a short time. The hard part of creating our species has been accomplished by nature.
Will our species become extinct to another species?
Will mankind destroy itself?
Will mankind every conquer the effects of aging?
Will mankind ever increase its lifespan to a million years?
Will it be possible someday to transfer the information in our brains?
04/16/2007 04:52:51
 jim  My Observations
Fear is based on pessimism.
Our consciousness begins and ends with life.
Everything has a cycle.
Nothing is ever wasted.
Nothing ever happens exactly the same way twice.
There can only be one outcome for the past.
There is only one future, and it is set. We just don't know what it will be yet.
Everything has a purpose. Everything is important.
Once an event happens, it has served its purpose. Once our life ends, we have served our purpose.
While it may be possible to be reborn, it is highly unlikely.
The present is when everything changes from a perfect chaos into a perfect order.
Time, space, matter and energy are boundless. They can only be measured relatively.
Light traveling toward light must be going twice the speed of light.
Inertia is the glue that holds everything together.
Friction is the force required for one mass to displace another.
Friction is the result of coherency.
A butterfly's wings has never caused a hurricane in Florida. That is insane.
Nothing ever happens in reverse.
Any new action depends on everything in the past happening exactly as it did.
Time travel only exists in fiction.
Math, if played with long enough, can be made to explain even the most ridiculous concept.
Math is set of rules for calculations done on paper.
The first thought of the universe had to be "I am". Even god had to be shocked.
The first thought for any normal person had to be "I am". The last thought should be "I am not".
04/09/2007 19:36:05
 jim  I am really grateful for this wonderful life.
I didn't earn this life, but still, I am here and I really do appreciate it.
It doesn't matter to me if I there is an afterlife or not.
If there is an afterlife, I'll know it the second after I die.
If there isn't an afterlife, then I'll go back to in the oblivion I came from.
 I just want to say, thanks, to what ever gave this life to me.
I know I'm not smart enough to know God. I know no man is, though many say they do.
Ever day, when I learn, I discover all the things I don't know.
Every breath I take, is a debt I owe to the creator.
I'm no more important than a bird, dog, insect, plant or rock.
Everything is important. Everything leaves a trace.
But like I said, I didn't earn this life, and I would be ungrateful to expect more than I've already had.
I won't pray for anyone either. I will help them, and when I need help, I don't want prayer, I want help.
And if I hurt someone, I won't ask god for forgiveness. I will ask them, and I will try to repair the damage.
I won't ask Jesus to save me, and I won't ask any God to save me.
I'm grateful, not greedy.
I don't want a gold castle in the sky, or pastures of green when I die.
I don't care what anyone says about the after life.
If they go on belief without evidence, they deserve to be called sheep.
04/03/2007 00:50:06
 jim  Inherited memory. Animals have it. We don’t.
People can't seem to remember anything right.
We write things down, and still can't remember things right.
Except for some fears and desires, we inherit very little from our ancestor's memories.
On the other hand, animals and plants seem to remember a lot from their ancestors.
For example, birds fly south. Bees make honey. Ants make hills. Penguins go on a march.
All these things they learned to do thousands if not millions of years ago.
It's like their entire species only had one original thought!!!
What we have instead of those inherited memories are "IDEAS".
We lack clear memories of anything that happened before we were born.
So, we have to think our way through every day of our lives.
And when an inherited memory does pop into our heads, we think its our idea!
The penguins without a word, get up one day, and think
"Hey, its time to march south to mate, just like our Great, Great,....Grandparent did 1 million years ago".
For me, a thought pops in my head saying, "Mate, anywhere, NOW"!
Even trees have inherited memories.
I've noticed the trees in my back yard start dropping their leaves starting the 3rd week in December.
Every year, for the last 21 years, its happened.
And I've noticed the weather has little to do with their decision.
All three trees just seem to know when to do it!
I know its not telepathy. Its not a chemical response to the environment. Its instructions that come from the seed.
I'm almost kind of jealous.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could remember your great grand parents life, 
and you knew instinct was how they communicating with you?
This is where I'm headed with this blog:
If we remembered our ancestor's lives, it would be pretty obvious that much of what we are, is really them.
And that they will never really die as long as life continues.
Maybe we'd realize that all life is connected.
And maybe we'd respect this planet more than we do.
03/19/2007 23:48:17
 jim  Of all the things we own
Our point of view in this universe is our most unique possession. Perhaps, its the only thing we'll ever truly own.
03/13/2007 23:38:25
 jim  Great minds share the same question
Why does the universe exist at all?
Its obvious the universe has a purpose. Everything seems to have a purpose. God does not roll the dice.
The universe has reason. Nothing is random.
They all seem to believe in god, but they shun people who define god in their own image, as I do.
I have these few quotations of my own.
- A blade of grass has more technology than anything man has created.
- When someone tells you the saw one of god's miracles, they almost right.
   The miracle was that they can see. 
- Walking on water is no more of a miracle than building the pyramids, and less of a miracle than giving birth.
   But if that is what it takes to get someone one to do good, let them be.
- Preachers and politians have much in common.
   Except for the true believers, their true agenda is pleasure, power, or property.
- A truly intelligent person will question everything they hear and read.
- The least technologically capable, talk the most technical talk.
- By feeding people who are starving because their they've let their population exceed their food supply,
   you may save 100 people just to doom the next 1,000 babies.
- Of all human behaviors, eating meat is probably the most disgusting.
- We owe water for tommorrow, we owe food for the month, we owe plants for the century,
   we owe the earth for our everything. We are here because it wants us to be here.
- The fertilized egg that created us, is more intelligent than its creation.
03/12/2007 11:11:13
 jim  Death is too profitable.
The cost of the Iraq war is expected to top $2,000,000,000,000 (two trillion dollars).
That would add up to $250 for every human being alive on this planet today.
Two trillion is a lot to spend on Iraq. The whole country that is smaller than Texas.
They are estimating 32,000 Americans have died in Iraq.
The way I understand it, we blow up the hospitals, then hire our buddies to rebuild them.
If that wasn't the intent, it is the result. Speaking of Texas, that is where a lot of the money ends up.
With the (mis?)information on the internet, that is more than easy to figure out.
Death and profits, thats the worst kind of business!
I would believe that fuel emissions will choke the life out of this planet in 20 years, anyway.
I've been across the country several times in the last decade. THE AIR IS WORSE! You can see it.
Gas engine technology is ancient.
The first self-powered vehicles ran on water.
There is little interest in actually improving resource conservation.
The governor of Nevada wants to burn coal! yikesssss!
Our new governor described coal as a non fossil fuel and he wants to truck it in and process it here. Why?
But this state has an abundance of solar power.
In a second, I would reason that harnessing steam power of underwater volcanos would be extremely efficient.
But we are not going to use solar power.
We are going to burn fossil fuels even if it kills us, and it will.
The world won't be a better place, until we totally eliminate inheritance.
Everyone should contribute to improving the quality of life as a whole.
No one should be born into a life barking out commands to adults born on the wrong side of the tracks.
We need to learn to share.
The kings and slaves of the past are still here, we just call them the rich and the middle class.
Once we get past the master / slave mentality, we'll stand a chance to coexist with nature.
There is a great need for greed.
But I don't believe one child should kill another because he wants their toys.
Our society's greed is based on personal possessions.
To our kind, it is the quality of our life, and damn everyone else.
02/23/2007 05:20:21
 jim  I’m a tormented soul when it comes to memory
I've been asking the question "What is life?" for as long as I can remember.
I know, buried deep down in my subconscious, I have all the answers.
However, I still can't remember what I was before I was born.
They theorize that nature created memory as a tool for survival.
When a prehistoric creature needed water, it had to remember where to find it.
Logistics, and other basics in the locational related sciences were given to creatures.
However, our great thinkers do not believe memory was ever necessary for basic life.
I have to ask this question then, what is the purpose of life.
We hold on to momentos and keepsakes because they jog memories from the past
I have a few myself. I have a Sunday newspaper comics collection that spans the entire 1990's decade.
The first one that I saved on January 1st, 1990, remembers that I ripped the top right hand corner of it.
Its got a better memory than I do.
Now, Ruth is dying
I kept her around, mainly because she remembered my past.
I was so busy either obsessively working, or partying trying to clear my thoughts of coding, that life flew by too fast.
My diary and her memory was all I had to remember those times by.
Her memory WAS a little bit more colorful than my dairy, but it worked fine for me.
Now she's the last one left from a time when antics were everywhere in my life.
She remembered the fun we had with Mom, Rob, Chris, and all those people that have faded away into the darkness.
Now she's fading into the darkness too.
My torment comes from this thought
If even we don't remember our lives, if what we've done doesn't matter even to ourselves,
then is the end result of our lives simply what we accomplished.
Our independant thoughts would be like that of an ant, carrying a grain of sand to an ant hill.
- If the ends does justify the means
  Then whatever the ant did to get that grain of sand to the hill was justified, and the journey to the hill doesn't matter.
  In other words, our lives are pointless to remember. Its what we accomplished that will count in the end.
- If, however, the means justifies the ends
  Then the journey to the ant hill would be what counts.
  I just don't see that happening in nature though.
- I think what we accomplish counts and what we did to get there doesn't.
If life's purpose was the means, and not the end, then there would be a heaven, keeping track of the means, and not the ends. But that seems backwards from everything I've seen.
The concept of the ends justifying the means implies horrible things
Hitler would have been doing natures bidding by thinning out the human population.
If the human population continues to croud this planet, then murderers are doing natures bidding too,
by restoring the balance of nature.
It boggles the mind.
The saying comes to mind: If you kill one person, your a murderer. If you kill thousands, your a king.
02/01/2007 20:17:01
 jim  Aint it good to be alive!
I love the attitude that every moment spent regretting life, is a waste of life.
Me, I've been alive 26,876,556 minutes, and I've pretty much enjoyed it all!
Rob still lives in my heart, and his daughters wedding seems like yesterday.
As I grow older, time seems more and more like an illusion.
I love the way the skin on my hands are scaling.
I love how Becky's eyes are growing old with mine.
I think this is all magic.
I'm so glad to be alive!!!
I hope you are too.
01/30/2007 22:26:56
 jim  I was watching House tonight
Gosh, I love that show!
House (an atheistic doctor), was trying desperately to help a rape victim who was looking for truth.
They were haggling about life. She wanted truth from House, he said the truth was uninteresting.
She said she believed that there is a god that values and cares about all life.
House said, if there is a god, he's either extremely cruel or insane.
Did he let her get raped to make some kind of sick point? Or does he just want to punish the bad guys in a burning hell while letting innocent people suffer. If thats his game, its insane.
She said, it wasn't like that. Its more like we enter a series of rooms going through life. Our value is based on how well we handle ourselves in those rooms. She asked him if he believed in god.
He said, if there isn't a god, what we do here has no consequences to our eternity. Therefore, there's nothing to keep us from doing evil. We should just have fun and not care about anyone but ourselves.
But if there is a god, then we should suffer here to earn brownie points in some kind of fictitious heaven.
He said, the concept of god is just that, us trying create a central point in the universe that has all of the reasons.
There is no reason for why things happen.
But what we do today matters, and will have an immense affect others down the line.
I like that show. It makes me think.

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