The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
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07/25/2006 09:12:09
 Jim  Gasolene and My Truck
I never mentioned, on the way to pick up Becky's kids on Saturday, I filled up my truck.
It cost $75 to tank up. Dayam!!!
Somewhere along the way yesterday, Sonny and I were talking about various science items, and I looked up the discover of DNA. That led me to an article in Popular Science.
Eventually, I ended up on an article about a car GM made in the late 90's called the EV1. 
The EV1 was an all electric car that came out in 1999.
It premiered in Los Angeles as a lease vehicle, cost GM 1 billion dollars to develop, and was scrapped. It got 80 miles on a charge. It could go 0 to 60 in 8 seconds, and it could receive an 80% charge in 45 minutes. With exception of the breaks and tires, the car required little maintenance. The public charging stations in LA were free. The charging stations, charged the vehicle through induction.
Why did GM scrap a vehicle that could end our oil dependance and green house affects?
I read up on this, and they said because people wanted SUV's, not energy efficient vehicles.
Truth be it told, the car was too dependable. It didn't require all the maintenance of a fossil burning vehicle.
Now GM is into hybrid cars.
07/24/2006 07:08:17
 Jim  What we learn today may change our lives.
I'm going to contact Brian Grady (a realtor who I've done business with) about renting the condo.
But, this mission is two fold. I'm going to ask him about travelling notaries.
I'm considering a job in Columbus, Georgia that pays $90,000 a year.
A house there cost only $90,000.
The cost of living there is cheap, so most of the money I'd make would go into investments.
If I took it, I'm going to offer GMa and the kids a choice
Come with us, or stay behind.
"In custody disputes between a natural parent and a nonparent, the law presumes the best
interest of the child will be served when in the custody of the natural parent."
If I don't take it, I'll end up in a new career.
My options for employment are getting limited with my age.
If, after talking to Brian, I find out there's a good future in being a Travelling Notary, then
I'll try it here for awhile. If the money is good, I'm going to want to move for health reasons.
I suppose either way, there's going to be a showdown with your Mom.
07/26/2006 03:53:13
 Jim   (Reply).What we learn today may change our lives.
I couldn't see Brian Grady either Monday or Tuesday.
My breathing is too labored.
It would be dumb for me to hit him up for work when I can barely speak a complete sentence.
Its a forkin sheety hello of a darned carpy beach!
07/23/2006 12:36:16
 Jim  Jealousy
Jealousy is typically used to describe the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival.
Very possibly, no good has ever come from jealousy.
If a person is jealous of another, problems occur, possibly destroying the relationship in its entirety.
I believe jealousy is a very self destructive and foolish emotion.
So, why do people have the emotion? Insecurity in their relationship with another?
Fathom this...if jealousy is foolish, and God is a jealous god
Then is God foolish.
The Bible it says, who so ever call another a fool, shall surely burn in hell.
So, does that mean, if I said God is foolish, that I'm going to hell for being logical.
If so, then logically, no one in school should learn logic.
07/20/2006 16:32:36
 Jim  We got haircuts today.
Mine was getting WAY long in the back. I kind of thought it looked cool...BUT the world is what it is, and if I'm going back to work, I'm going to have to play the part.
Becky, your hair looks great!
07/20/2006 04:37:08
 Jim  Do not trust anyone
I got up, wide awake, and saw Robert online. His profile said, Don't Trust Anyone.
I asked him about it.
Robert said he was kicked out of GMas.
He'd gotten into an argument with her, or it sounds like she got into one with him.
It was about us. He said GMa was going to go after Becky for child support.
Apparently, we are wrecking her plans by not calling her and telling her we are here.
She wants to move into a condo with Paul and she wants to dump Becky's kids on us.
She's told us repeatedly she would never give up custody, so, she wants the money without the hastle.
Since Paul and GMa kicked Becky out, took her last check, kept her kids away from her,
and got Becky buried in Family Court (for greed and desire), neither one can be trusted as friends.
Becky even owes $250 to Family Court for one of the months the kids lived with us.
She owes thousands of dollars by now, to the State of Nevada for Safe Key.
To untangle that mess, it would cost us $5,000.
I think Paul and GMa can lay in the bed they made for themselves.
All that aside, Becky and I drove over to Roberts and brought him two jack stands.
Its always nice talking with Robert.
I apologized for our causing problems between him and GMa.
The last thing I want to do in this life is to cause problems. I am a fixer of things, not a problem causer.
The thing is, we haven't done anything to hurt anyone.
I'm saddened. Becky has cried for the lack of love and support she gets from GMa and her brother.
Dustin just
07/19/2006 15:34:54
 Jim  New York New York. Monday, at midnight
Where else in the world do you find crouds at midnight, on a rainy Monday!
Vegas is amazing!
07/19/2006 15:24:31
 Jim  Added some rainy day pictures to Vegas
It poured the other night and we were out in it.
We topped things off at the Rain Forest Cafe.
07/19/2006 08:41:27
 Jim  Logic and Mathematics
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = dumb baby
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = boss's promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.
A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
Propensity to Change
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A man has the first word in any argument
A woman has the last.
How to stop people from bugging you about getting married
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."
They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals
07/19/2006 08:34:29
 Jim  Bathroom Walls
If pro is opposite of con, then Congress is the opposite of progress
Friends don't let friends sleep with ugly people
Beauty is only a light switch away.
If life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life, then let's get wasted and have the time of our lives.
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
No matter how good she looks, some other guy is sick of her shit.
At the Ego Buffet, everyone is full of it.
It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
If voting could really change things then it would be illegal.
No wonder you always go home alone. 
07/17/2006 17:07:10
 Jim  That guy was right about BBQs
Why do people light their charcoal briquettes to BBQ here in the summer?
You don't need to light the briquettes, here, at all.
All you have to do is throw a couple of steaks on the hood of your car and they'll be well done in 5 minutes.
I may have to try that...haha.
07/17/2006 17:02:06
 Jim  Spending lazy days in a very cool house
Mr Weather say's its 109 outside, but my wireless thermometer majiggy says its more like 113.
07/17/2006 01:00:00
 Jim  Dad’s Birthday
He will be 83 years old.
07/16/2006 16:31:33
 Jim  Uh oh...tommorrow is Dad’s 83rd Birthday
Oops...he called and I didn't have it on my calendar. Whooops!!!
07/15/2006 09:33:01
 Jim  Las Vegas is larger than Boston
Clark County, NV is estimated to have 1.6 million residents, however, the census bureau must now poll its population on an on going basis, because of its rapid expansion.
Las Vegas is the largest US City founded in the 1900's, which is pretty cool.
That would mean that our sewage, water, yadayada, are all pretty much state-of-the-art as far as the country goes.
I just took a census poll.
The agent was very friendly (coming from Illinois). He said, the Federal Government grants money based on population, and more or less, Las Vegas was getting screwed.
07/15/2006 08:14:09
 Jim  Welcome back Mikey
Sorry we got off on the wrong track somewhere along the line way back when.
You've always been my friend.
I've missed you.
07/15/2006 05:54:11
 Jim  Forget and Forgive
Isn't that what they say to do?
Wouldn't it be great if we were all that stupid?
07/11/2006 19:56:55
 Jim  Dined at the Firelight Buffet
Reasonable prices and excellent food. I really liked the Thai beef salad. Yum.
Becky liked their salad...hehe.
That Atrium at Sam's Town is so special. Its so nice to go to a ittle fantasy world, and its only 10 minutes away.
07/11/2006 06:36:35
 Jim  I added wage conversion to the calculator
Its pretty neat!!! It took less than 10 minutes to add it and implement it.
Its under Info | Calculator
Now, if I were still working with WIC for the government...It would have taken two weeks to do
A fellow from the Census Bureau and I were talking about how badly the government gets screwed on things yesterday.
Everything I know about the WIC project is a scam. And I know about the trailers, the cash cards, and the companies involved.
07/09/2006 14:28:40
 Jim  We did not see Robert and Joy today
I have that guilt to bear. But I'll make it up to them.
They are my favorite people.
07/09/2006 13:49:13
 Jim  Man, IT’S SO HOT in VEGAS!
I feel bad. Not only because I drank this holiday, but because my hangovers last for days and I shouldn't go anywhere.
I feel guilty. Because there's people who want my help, and I don't give it during this period, its simply too risky.
And, I suppose, I'll get drunk again 3 months from now, unless it finally sinks into my brain that those days are over.
Vegas makes partying too easy.
If its not the heat, its the attitude of this town.
One of the reasons I liked Florida...
was there wasn't people partying on every block. You had to drive miles just to find a bar.
The only places we saw people drinking outdoors was Disneyworld and Universal Studios.
It just wasn't that kind of town.
We'll be out of here by September. 
I just can't live here. Its too unhealthy.
07/07/2006 06:50:52
 Jim  I love you so MUCH!
Hosted by
07/06/2006 09:13:36
 Jim  Its been almost 5 years of my blog activity
Nobody else that I know has kept these kind of records of their life.
I started it all as a memorial to it been that long? I miss him.
07/05/2006 08:41:28
 Jim  Talked to Newberry yesterday
He said Leavelle is now living in Dallas. Leavelle didn't tell me.
07/05/2006 08:31:43
 Jim  I’ve got Becky, I’ve got Sonny
I've got a world. To me, this is everything I've ever wanted. It is my universe.
07/05/2006 08:19:23
 Jim  At fifty years old...I gotta say
Life has been everything I wanted. I can't exactly go into it...but life is good!
07/05/2006 08:10:52
 Jim  Now as far as July 4’s go
We had a blast....I really don't care what other people did. We indulged on crab bisque, we enjoyed life to the fullest. I partied too much though. Whoops. That's twice in one month. I've got to watch out for that. It was fun to let go though.
07/05/2006 08:07:19
 Jim  I like that song...every day is a winding road..
We get a little bit closer...
07/05/2006 08:02:30
 Jim  No calls...but we had fun last night
The neighborhood rocked with what personality it has left. It was a lot of fun. Me...I'm hungover. I indulged myself.
07/04/2006 08:34:33
 Jim  No calls from the kids.
Aint that the way it goes? sad. We may call. They'll respond as if it were a canned test. How are you? Okay. How's school? Okay. Do you have a boyfriend now? Kind of. Its all hearse. And we're in the middle of it.
07/04/2006 07:00:00
 Jim  Boulder City Damboree Parade and Fireworks
Festivities begin with the traditional 7 a.m. Rotary Pancake Breakfast in Bicentennial Park.
The parade down Nevada Way begins at 9 a.m. and travels to Central Park at Fifth Street and Avenue B.
At 7 p.m. the entertainment begins and at 9 p.m. the Fireworks Show takes place.
After the fireworks, there will be more entertainment until 11 p.m
07/04/2006 04:12:58
 Jim  Been to Montelago in a truck with no name
It was excellent. The sound stage was great. Christopher Cross and America were GREAT!
Neil Young even sang Horse with No Name. It couldn't have been more perfect.
AND...the fireworks display was completely awesome.
Becky and Sonny went off to get some refreshments and they didn't show back up for 30 minutes.
Becky's cell phone, as usual, wasn't working.
07/03/2006 18:00:00
 Jim  James Seastrand Park
6pm James Seastrand Park, 6330 Camino Eldorado, North Las Vegas.
The 7th Annual Independence Day Jubilee will be held July 3, 2006 at Seastrand Park (6330 Camino Eldorado.) This year's event will feature a variety of food vendors, great music, kids activities including the only 15 ton Snow Mountain in July, along with give-aways and much more. This year's event will be from 6:00pm-9:30pm and is free to the public. Families are encouraged to come and enjoy the festivities
07/03/2006 16:45:28
 Jim  Becky and I added Arizona pictures
I am so proud of her. She did a GREAT job.
07/03/2006 10:06:02
 Jim  Red, White ’N Boom
Clark County's Red, White 'N Boom Fourth of July Celebration
When: July 3 & 4
Where: Desert Breeze Park, 8275 W. Spring Mountain Road
Admission: One day pass is $17.50 general admission, $30 for two days. Day of show is $22. Children 12 and under are admitted free.

07/03/2006 07:18:14
 Jim  Children teach us physics
For example: I'd never guess that a whole box of raisins could fit inside my cd player slot.
07/02/2006 18:50:56
 Jim  .better
That is just so sweet, Joy! How'd the song go?
Com'n people now! Smile on you brother...everybody lives together so gotta love one another right now.
07/02/2006 11:42:02
 Jim  All we see in our barn yard mentality
We don't touch anything. If our atoms touched another atom, it would be castrophic.
Matter is a byproduct of Energy...I believe this is all a show for us.
Life is hard to explain. I've seen it in my mind, and thats where it will stay.
Within all of us, within every cell of our being, is the knowledge of life.
Why we aren't allowed access to it is a mystery to me.
Did you know, that the brain is responsible for most of the construction of our bodies when its forming.
Why doesn't our conscience have access to that knowledge?
07/02/2006 11:30:59
 Jim  I missed having children
I suppose that's some people's view of leave distorted genes behind for future generations to copy.
I pondered that thought. The thought that having children could extend your life in some magical way.
However, I don't feel I am anyone but myself.
If I was an incorporation of my relatives, wouldn't I have memories of a their past stored somewhere in my sub conscience.
If so, I don't feel their influences, as far as I am aware of.
I know the universe is young...they say 8 billion years young.
And I know, it may last a trillion times longer than what we see.
So anything is possible. I believe in these possibilities: That we don't die. That we chose to be here for some reason.
It could just be whim. Or is that just a fantasy...a fantasy built within this fantasy.
07/02/2006 10:14:12
 Jim  Jack and the Bean Stalk
We were talking about Revelations in the Bible. I mentioned how if you substitute nouns with other nouns, you could make any verse seem like any prediction. These are the tactics of con men. IE-Your preacher.
EG: Jack was the US. The Giant was Russia. The Beans were nuclear weapons. The stalk was communication. it all makes sense now.
He (the US) used the stalk (communcation), advertised the beans (nuclear weapons) and stopped the evil giant (Russia). point is...if you substitute words from an old prediction, you can make them match anything.
It's poetic bullshit.
My advice is, you follow your heart. You are a product of god, not vice versa. You were natures creation. Live with that.
We are neither supreme, or all encompasing.
We, our species is a step to some kind of perfect being...but, unfortunatly, its not us.
It would be great if we simply survive as a species and leave something behind, and not destroy the planet for the next million years.  Life always finds a way. If it isn't on this planet, it will be on another.
I'd rather life survives here.
07/02/2006 10:01:51
 Jim  I suppose, if I were a trust fund baby
I'd fight for causes
In the end, I'd drain the trust fund, and end up having my picture on TV for dying causes.
The greenhouse effect, people starving in Africa, missing children...that kind of thing.
These things are going to happen, no matter how much money you throw at them.
Human nature is just like that of any creature on this planet.
Including the 30 trillion cells that make
They all want to survive. They all have the desire to influence your behaviour.
There's obviously a group of cells in your brain that constitute your soul
Don't you think? All of the neurons report to that group...and they you are, forever changing..with every experience.
I know that is true for myself. I'm not the man I used to be. I'm always changing.
There's a deep message here if you read this and think about it.
I'm saying are you.
Tommorrow, you are a different person.
It all makes you wonder what you've ever stood for, doesn't it. Your solid beliefs are different than what you they were 10 years ago. You've changed.
So, in that vision of Heaven you have, you should include how old you were.
07/02/2006 09:34:06
 Jim   *PRIVATE* Sexual Deviance
We were talking about deviant behavior this morning.
It seems to me that deviant behavior happens with the most normal, fit-in kind of people.
I've slept with a lot of women. This is, after all, Las Vegas.
But I've noticed the most deviant behavior comes from the most seemingly innocent kind of girls.
The innocent have slept with animals, the animals (girls) have slept with few people.
If that ain't a paradox, I don't know what is.
Why is it, when we hop in bed with a stranger, we become multi-personalitied?
Is it an underlying force that motivates us? Is this motivation a self-destructive force? hmmm.
Me, I'm just me. I've slept with a lot of people and I don't hide it.
But, I've noticed with others, particularly those innocent housewives, they show a side of themselves that they hide from their spouses. In a sense, they've ripped off their husbands. They show strangers how satisfying they can be.
Its just a curious behavior that I've noticed in this town.
07/01/2006 23:51:35
 Jim  Today was a passive day
I just watched TV in the bedroom and on the big screen.
Living a life of leasure is just too easy. Everything becomes simple when you're not struggling.
I like it alot! It may not compare with other people's lives...but its very satisfying.
I didn't rent the condo out. I didn't read all the stuff I should have read. I didn't call anyone. I got self absorbed.
Forgive me lord for saying this, I enjoyed squandering my life today. It is addictive.
I've found I don't always have a purpose and its heaven to me when I don't.
When I die, I hope things will be like this (having purpose, then having none).
06/30/2006 22:01:28
 Jim  We went to Monte Lago Village and saw Jazz
We also bought tickets to the Monday night show with America/Chris Cross. Saved a bunch.
Monte Lago Village had:
An outdoor Jazz Festival by the lake (bring your own blanket and cooler). They do it every Friday night.
The Checkmates were playing inside. It was great to see a bunch of grey hairs line dancing to Barry White music.
Two other bands, one at an Irish Pub, the other next to the Ritz Hotel.
Robert called me to tell me about a fire on the northern mountains.
I was surprised, because I'd already noticed it. Matter of fact, I took pictures of it.
06/30/2006 00:31:39
 Jim  Hung a fan. Made some Flan
Made some FLAN...I love FLAN...I like to say FLAN, FLAN, FLAN.
Flan rhymes with FAN, too.
06/27/2006 00:46:04
 Jim  We compiled some Arizona pictures today.
Mainly because you were looking for them.
We'll throw them out on the net tommorrow.
We have some pretty cool pix of Cottonwood, Grand Canyon, Sedona and Pheonix.
06/27/2006 00:26:35
 Jim  .family how it is supposed to be
That is SO COOL Robert!
Right now, you guys are your mom's and me's (lol) only friends. the world had 8 billion people in it, and all I need is 5 people to make my life complete.
06/26/2006 22:13:40
 Jim  Good backgammon games babe.
You play great these days!
06/25/2006 20:06:24
 Jim  Kewl Zach. I’m glad you found this site!!!
The 4th of July holiday is coming up for most people so I'd think this is going to be one-helluva weekend!
06/25/2006 15:13:59
 Jim  Hey Becky...check it out
This is looking so cool. If you hover over a calendar day, it tells you what happened on that day (from your log).

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