The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
<< 05/2005 < 04/2006 Calendar 06/2006 > 05/2007 >>Sign InView Other Logs
05/29/2006 10:12:31
 Jim  Memorial Day
So far, still drained. Hoping my body will perk up. Got hot shits and drowsiness.
05/29/2006 10:08:22
 Jim  Yesterday was a dead day.
We accomplished nothing. Becky slept until 2pm. lol
I felt tired all day. Something about the trip drained me.
05/29/2006 00:00:00
 Jim  Memorial Day
05/27/2006 22:58:39
 Jim  For those who lost their childhood sweetheart.
Apples peaches pumpkin pie. Who's afraid to holler I?
That's a game we used to play. Hide and seek was its name.
READY OR NOT, HERE I COME. Oh that game was so much fun!

I always used to find your hiding place. My how times have really changed.
You found a place where I can't go. Now my love you'll never know.
Just how much that you meant to me. You've found a place where I can't be.

Her name was Laura. And we used to ride her pony and she would laugh and smile a lot.
One day, while riding, the saddle came loose, we both bounced off. When I went to help her, she was on the ground laughing so hard. The saddle was hanging upside down on the pony.
Anyway, that Kentucky winter was cold and cloudy. I lost Laura.
But I'll always remember those times, holding her hand and riding that pony.

Ready or not, here I come. Now no one knows where you have gone.
Time has passed, I'm old and gray. But I remember to this day.
Ready or not. Here I come.
Girl that game was so much fun.
05/25/2006 19:56:10
 Jim  Another interesting day at the condo
I was going to hang one of the bedroom doors when...
I discovered who ever took them down, took the screws someplace else. I was enraged.
So, after going to the store, and finding out the new screws I bought for $5 were wrong, we went back to the store.
I hung the door.
THEN, when wanting to hang the other door, I discovered whoever, took the hinges....WHY!!!
Anyway, thats another run to the store.
Then I went to fix the kitchen sink.
It had a hose on it, 5' long, corked with a broom handle, inserted where you'd put a dishwasher connection.
This place has had some very strange things done to it. I removed the hose and filled the connection.
I also hung a shelf, part of which was in the garage, the other part in a bedroom.
We've lost a lot of time due to needless stupidity.
I also discovered we need to paint the air intake register. It has written on the outside, the size of the filter.
05/24/2006 23:20:30
 Jim  Robert and Joy came over
Robert needed me to use my credit card to get his phone turned on.
05/24/2006 23:18:24
 Jim  Sonny’s car...according to the Sinclair station
Has everything wrong with it. Nevermind, they just replaced the fuel pump and what was running right, now wasn't.
Now they say he needs new O2 sensors, spark plugs, and injectors.
But it ran fine before they replaced the fuel pump. It just didn't start.
They're fucking with his wallet.
05/24/2006 09:28:41
 jim  Vegas,NV-F150-Jim
05/24/2006 09:28:41
 jim   (Reply)Vegas,NV-F151 Jim
05/23/2006 23:15:12
 Jim  Bought a cell phone
I thought I'd lost my phone. We looked everywhere twice.
Anyway, I ended up buying a new one, with now contract.
The one I thought I'd lost was selling retail for less than what I paid with a contract.
In other words, you always get screwed somehow with the cell phone people.
We searched the stores for a door 29 3/4" bye  79".
Nothing. We'd have to special order one.
All the doors at my house are that size, so they must have changed the Standards again.
05/22/2006 20:36:42
 Jim  Hung the front door at the condo today.
I had bought the wrong door, and had to return the thing.
We also got a viewport for the door. It all looks GREAT!
Hauled off the old door and the old garage door openner.
I bought the wrong size bedroom door though. Dangit!!!
Meanwhile, Sonny almost completed the kitchen sink.
05/20/2006 20:39:10
 Jim  Hung the garage door openner.
It was HOT inside that garage, and the project took about 7 hours.
We got my tire replaced from me popping it on a median the night before.
While it was getting replaced, we went to the atrium at Sam's Town. Its great!!!
And the margaritas were great too!
Meanwhile, Sonny got his fuel pump replaced.
05/19/2006 12:09:25
 Jim  Called Nevada Power @ 367-5555 x 1 x 6
They're coming out on June 6th to calibrate my meter.
05/19/2006 00:15:18
 Jim  Hey ROBERT!!!
Its great to have my health back.
We hung 2 closets, installed a vanity sink, hauled two loads of trash,
and moved our bed, that HUGE bed from one wall to another!
Man, and not only just four days ago, I thought I was dying or something. Hey, three months ago, you thought you were dying. Wow! Things change fast, don't they pal.
Once again, thanks for going out of your way to pay me back those $. I never forget things like that.
05/18/2006 19:24:58
 Jim  Condomese
That is Condo-mese: Language of the Condo...haha.
Sonny lost his car keys
And he didn't have a spare SO...that threw a wrench in things.
However, he did put in an outlet box in the garage.
Becky and I:
-  hooked up the lavoratory's sink, (1 hour)
- hung two closet doors,  (1 hour)
- hung the sliding glass door blinds. (1 hour)
- Hauled two loads to the dumpster.
Not bad for a day's worth of work.
All thats left now is the:
- Garage door opener. (2 hours)
- Replacing the kitchen sink (2 hours)
- Replacing the front door. (4 hours)
- Replacing the sliding glass door locks with keyed entry. (4 hours)
- Sanding and painting. (1 day)
05/18/2006 01:12:48
 Jim  .dumb labels lol
On a bottle of 100% pure water, Orange flavored.
If that's true, then couldn't 7-Up 100% pure water, Carbonated with Sugar flavoring.
Couldn't 100% pure orange juice be called 100% pure water, with orange participates added...
05/17/2006 13:55:08
 Jim  Talked to Dad today
He was like I thought he would be. He likes to put others down. I guess we all do.
He was all worried that I am going to end up broke.
My questions are:
- Why do I want to get rich?
- Does wealth help comfort anyone in their declining years?
- Dave's life support cost $8,000 a day to keep him alive for a month while in a coma. Did he enjoy that before he died.?
I can't explain to him that I'd rather die all used up and broke, than to die rich and healthy.
But explaining to him my views on investments and life are waisted.
He's old. I wish he would spend his what is left of his thinking power on where he's headed next.
I tried to tell him how stock price to earnings can be manipulated.
I believe price to earnings can be manipulated by corporations, simply by invested or liquidating holdings in a dummy corporation. If they can be, then that number is useless as a guauge to determining a stocks viability.
He said he knew all about that. But he said you could get rich in a couple of years by analysing price to earnings. In other words, he is just not listening. So, what can I do?
I wish I could get it through to him that the point of life isn't to win, it is to exist. Everything we do makes a difference. There is no way to tell what the consequences of our actions are going to be.
For example: If we fed all of the overpopulated countries in Africa, we would end up having to kill them. They are overpopulated because they are way out of control. If we fed them, they will multiply and more will starve.
05/15/2006 11:03:17
 Jim  Sonny’s Vacation
Yipee. Two weeks.
05/13/2006 01:00:00
 Jim  Asthma Screening
Free-St. Rose Siena Hospital, 3001 St. Rose Parkway
05/13/2006 00:28:41
 Jim  Picked up 2 blinds for the condo today.
Plus a faucet for the bathroom. I didn't pick up a drain stem though...oops. Picky little things lik that drive me nuts
05/12/2006 13:40:22
 Jim  The powerlite bulb arrived this morning
Amazing!!! So fast!!!
05/11/2006 17:10:17
 Jim  Ordered Epson Powerlite S3 lamp
From (EPSV13HOL33) $203. Should be here tommorrow.
Order #W4283830.
05/09/2006 01:01:06
 Jim  Range and Hood delivery
Contact number is 866-433-5879
05/08/2006 23:18:17
 Jim  Went shopping. I must love returning items.
Bought a vanity.
It was cracked.
Had to take it back.
We installed the new one, but it didn't have a faucet. :(
Bought a bathtub spout.
But it didn't fit.
Had to take it back.
Sound like a pattern?
It happens everytime I do house repairs.
Trips back and forth take more time than the installation.
05/08/2006 04:12:35
 Jim  Hope you feel better today.
I can't get sympathy if everyone feels bad...hahaha.
I love you SO Much...
05/08/2006 04:08:04
 Jim  Still feeling badly
I took a couple of those pharmacudical uplifters.
They finally kicked in around 10pm. Now it's late! ANYWAY...
I cut the top and bottom channels for the condo's closets.
They look good.
I straightened up the tool room.
It seemed unfair that I'm getting Sonny to throw away his junk, while I'm keeping mine.
The room's clean now, but its poorly organized.
Becky was feeling bad today.
She did a lot of work last night help Robert move.
05/07/2006 06:23:47
 Jim  My eyes itch, my skin feels itch
I feel tired. Exhausted even. My breathing is labored, and I feel like someone is sitting on my chest.
Damn, I'm tired of feeling run down.
05/06/2006 23:11:38
 Jim  Robert moved today
Becky help him move his stuff up the stairs. I was just to drained to help.
05/06/2006 21:57:30
 Jim  Robert and Joy moved out today
We picked up the Uhaul. Robert loaded it up, and unloaded it. Becky helped him some.
I didn't help cause I'm already in enough trouble with my health. (I'll be glad when/if this finally clears up).
05/06/2006 12:03:06
 Jim  Roberts Address
Address: 1804 W Bonanza #23, 89106
Phone: 702-237-3227
Home Phone: 702-648-6854
05/05/2006 19:42:07
 Jim  Sonny goes back to work.
Big vacation ends.
05/02/2006 12:26:38
 Jim  It seems to me that the Mexicans are victims
They aren't the cause of our immigration problems.
The employers who break the law for hiring them are.
The employers who hire illegals for slave wages should be penalized.
Employers who circumvent the laws of supply and demand by hiring slave workers, are breaking the rules of free enterprises.
They should not be in business if their business depends on breaking the law.
05/02/2006 12:05:11
 Jim  .Citizenship Test
I scored 8 (I should run for president)
05/03/2006 14:28:32
 Jim   (Reply)Citizenship Test
Citizenship sample questions
Here's a quick 10 question test, which is a sample of the questions given on the citizenship test.
Take the test and reply to this to let us know how you scored.
05/02/2006 11:21:17
 Jim  What are the hispanics doing?
People from foreign countries can become U.S. citizens if they complete a process called naturalization.
To be naturalized, a person must meet certain requirements:
· Be at least 18 years old
· Have lived in the U.S. as a legal resident for at least 5 years
· Be of good moral character and loyal to the U.S.
· Be able to read, write, speak and understand basic English
· Have basic knowledge and understanding of the history, government structure and the Constitution of the U.S.
· Be willing to take an oath of allegiance to the U.S.
We drove around last night and saw a lot of Mexican Flags waving.
So, are they loyal to Mexico or the US?
I go to the flea market and some stores in town, and have to search for English speaking clerks.
So, are they going to learn English, or do I have to learn Spanish.
If the Thailanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese people protest
Will I have to learn their language too?
I don't get free health care. I don't get any health care.
Do they?
If I go to the emergency room, I have to pay. My property is attached. They will come after me.
If I didn't own anything, I'd get fixed up for free.
Do these people have drivers licenses, auto insurance, or own property?
If so, how does that work?
If they don't own property
How does taking civil action against them work if you can't sue them?
Wouldn't suing in small claims court be useless/futile?
05/01/2006 20:03:05
 Jim  If I am never to get any better
If these bad health issues I'm having are a signal of an end coming, I got to say, I'm not afraid.
In the end, we all must realize everything we did, all the things we believed, and all we held true, were myths.
Life is just a box of dreams. None of this can be proven to be real. If the present is more real than the future, and the past is more real than the present, but the past is just a memory, then this is all a dream.
04/30/2006 01:30:20
 Jim  Do you really really like this site
I have some mail from Google to advertise it.
I love you.
It was fun hanging with Robert and Joy today.
We sure have some fun don't we!!!
04/29/2006 18:52:00
 Jim  .Hi Babe
Well my little pookie'm stripping bear naked thinking of you
04/29/2006 15:41:11
 Jim  I thought I’d send you a flower
HI're my puddy cat!!! Love you!

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