The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
<< 12/2002 < 11/2003 Calendar 01/2004 > 12/2004 >>Sign InView Other Logs
12/31/2003 00:00:00
 jim  Rob Allred passed away.
December 30, 2003
Rob was my best friend for 17 years. Please view: My Memorial to Rob, and my thoughts about this very special friend. And please feel free to Email me.
STRANGE THOUGHTS: Why do they call it a "WAKE"? Why is it called a Funeral "Home"? Why do they either cremate us or preserve us? Man, when I die, I want the whole world to just eat me. lol. Be nice everyone. We'll all shine on if we just get along.
12/30/2003 15:56:58
 jim  Rob (my best friend) Allred passed away (9/3/1956
Rob was the best man at my wedding.
We all miss you buddy.
12/30/2003 00:02:50
 jim  Gabriel,NV-RainyDays Jim,xMasTree
12/25/2003 00:00:06
 jim  Gmas,NV-Gma,Jennifer,Dustin,Paul
12/13/2003 00:01:40
 jim  Vegas,Strip-Renee,Jim,Caesars
12/12/2003 12:00:02
 jim  MeadowsMall,Gmas,Renee,Jen,Jim
12/01/2003 12:00:08
 jim  Vegas,NV-skyline
11/30/2003 16:00:07
 jim  FashionShowMall-Becky,Gma,Dustin,Robert,Joy
11/29/2003 12:02:01
 jim  Vegas,NV-Couch,XMasTree,Dinner
11/28/2003 12:01:21
 jim  Vegas,NV-TerribleHerbstCasiono
11/28/2003 12:00:13
 jim  Vegas,NV-Gabriel,Bedroom,Kitchen,LivingRoom
11/28/2003 00:00:08
 jim  Gmas,NV-TurkeyDinner Joy,Rob,Gma,Becky,Jim,Paul

<< 12/2002 < 11/2003 Calendar 01/2004 > 12/2004 >>Sign InView Other Logs