The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
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11/08/2007 23:01:47
 jim  More Fall Colors
11/08/2007 22:59:38
 jim  More Birds
11/08/2007 22:51:00
 jim  More of Kentucky Towers
11/08/2007 12:07:51
 jim  Made a 10 minute change to this web site.
Now, if you hover over a New Logs entry, it will come up under the Stories area.
Let me know if it doesn't work in your browser.
11/08/2007 12:07:51
 jim   (Reply)..Made a 10 minute change to this web site.
So what do you think? Does is bad? Is it good? what What WHAT!!! lol
11/07/2007 06:40:03
 jim  TGIFs Peter Party
Twenty three people showed up.
I missed quite a few people (like Tim, Susan, Scott and Daddy Fingers).
It was an excellent turn out.
I usually exit with a crowd of people running behind me yelling "GET OUT!".
What a great looking crowd, aren't they?
11/06/2007 20:59:57
 jim  Louisville,KY-PetersParty
11/06/2007 20:59:57
 jim   (Reply)Louisville,KY-PetersParty
11/06/2007 18:55:59
11/06/2007 18:55:59
 jim   (Reply)
11/06/2007 18:55:59
 jim   (Reply)
11/06/2007 18:16:58
 jim  Louisville,KY-Colts,Peter,Heather,Jeff,Zoe
11/06/2007 09:48:35
 jim  .Saying Good Bye to Peter!
Saying goodbye to Peter is a sad thing. 
I think he's been at Kentucky Towers for 13 years.
From the very beginning, he'd been the one who would hang out with us in the rain, greeting people as they came and left.
Peter enjoys everyone he meets, and everyone enjoys his humor and wit.
And he knows EVERYBODY at TGIF's on 4th Street.
He's a computer consultant, like me, working and taking time off.
But I guess all things must come to an end.
He's settling down in Michigan, and taking a full time job.
It's a 5 hour drive from here to there, so we won't be seeing much of him.
Kentucky Towers and TGIF's won't be the same without him.
We will all miss you Peter.
You will always be my friend. 
11/05/2007 16:39:24
 jim  Rain on 4th Street
11/05/2007 08:36:03
 jim  The life of a consultant...
You work. You make good money.
Your contract ends. You wait.
You wonder if you'll ever work again.
It takes a level of faith to do what I do.
What happens if the phone doesn't ring, or if I don't get that email for my next contract?
This is the second time I've ventured out-of-state for a contract.
I don't know where I'll be working next.
I don't how much I'll be making.
Being in between is awkward.
I could never do this if I was alone.
But there are benefits.
You get plenty of time off.
You get to see new places.
You get to make new friends.
The sad thing is, you are in a world all of your own.
Few people understand what its like, not being attached to a job.
11/05/2007 02:13:40
 jim  Jesse came by...burned his hand really bad!
We offered him vinegar ice water and beer.
It was a small offering. He drank it all.
It was nice that he came to us.
I was amazed.
We haven't told many people where we live. We go out a lot.
Jesse is a popular guy. He's got an excellent personality.
Anyway, he hung out and watched a movie with us, while soaking his hand in beer.
And then he mozied off to his 7th floor apartment.
11/05/2007 02:05:21
 jim  Talked to Tony N
He's doing well. He's programming in C#, and doing web programming.
They only worry about IE and FireFox, which is a relief.
All I test for on this website IE, Firefox, and now, Safari. Netscape is just too rough to code for.
Anyway, Tony's found the Lord, and quit drinking, which is cool.
I believe whatever leads you to doing the right thing in life, is the right thing to follow.
So, he's doing GREAT! He sounds GREAT! He is GREAT!
And I am glad I called my old friend.
11/03/2007 18:53:46
 jim  Birds
Birds flew into this downtown park. 
They came from all directions.
Over 50,000 birds arrived.
They  landed in 6 trees.
This happened in about 15 minutes.
Only six people noticed!
11/03/2007 17:23:06
 jim  More of Louisvilles buildings
11/02/2007 20:09:04
 jim  Friday Night Bands
11/01/2007 14:58:28
 jim  ..You just get used to some things
We had a wonderful one hour interview.
As it turns out, PAULA works for them !
Small world, huh?
11/01/2007 14:58:28
 jim   (Reply)You just get used to some things
My site goes up and down.
Insight (the internet) goes up and down.
AT&T goes up and down.
And I took a shower with no hot water again.
My IPhone shows me 5 bars even when it isn't even working.
I just found out my cell phone hasn't worked since Tuesday.
So, I actually did get called for an interview today. :(
I rescheduled for tommorrow at 5pm.
11/01/2007 09:50:41
 jim  Tacky Halloween Jokes
What kind of street does a ghost like best?
A dead end.
What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost?
Fasten your sheet belt.
How do ghosts fly from one place to another?
By scareplane.
What directions did the ghost give the goblin?
"Make a fright turn at the corner."
What kind of ghost haunts a hen house?
A poultry-geist.
Why do ghosts go to baseball games?
Because they like to boo the umpire.
What should you say when you meet a ghost?
"How do you boo, sir. How do you boo."
What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost?
Put your shocks and boos on.
What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet?
A holy terror.
What tops off a ghost's sundae?
Whipped Scream
Why did the baby ghost go to the doctor before halloween?
To get a BOOster shot.
When do ghosts usually appear?
Just before someone screams.
What do little ghosts drink?
Evaporated milk.
How do you make a milkshake?
You sneak up behind a glass of milk and yell "Boo!"
Why is a ghost such a messy eater?
Because he's always a goblin.
Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?
It raises their spirits.
Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?
He didn't have a haunting license.
10/31/2007 01:02:24
 jim  Even the mornings are fun here
10/31/2007 00:00:00
 jim  Halloween
10/27/2007 22:34:29
 jim  4thSt Halloween
10/27/2007 21:41:52
 jim  4thStLive,KY-Halloween BalloonMan
10/27/2007 21:07:58
 jim  4thStLive,KY-Halloween Babes
10/27/2007 21:06:24
 jim  Louisville,KY-4thStLive Halloween Becky
10/27/2007 21:00:14
 jim  4th St Halloween Party
10/27/2007 21:00:14
 jim   (Reply)Halloween at Saddle Ridge
10/27/2007 20:58:24
 jim  4thStLive,KY-Halloween Babe Sullys
10/27/2007 20:58:24
 jim   (Reply)4thSt Halloween Babe Sully
10/27/2007 20:37:22
 jim  4thStLive,KY-Halloween Knight
10/27/2007 19:11:58
 jim  Louisville,KY-4thStLive Halloween SullysContest
10/26/2007 21:51:18
 jim  Gosh!!! What I love about Louisville!
The people have smiling eyes. They have great HAIR! They love to photographed, and they love to be extreme.
It's like every one here is the star of their own show.
This place really grows on you.
10/26/2007 21:06:12
 jim  The Diamond Rio Concert
The Diamond Rio Concert was surprisingly good. We had heard their songs before.
10/26/2007 20:38:30
 jim  4thStLive,KY-DiamondRio
10/25/2007 22:16:46
 jim  4thStLive,KY-ThreeDogNight
10/25/2007 20:17:56
 jim  Three Dog Night Concert
The numbers we got were wrong.
An estimated 2,000 people showed up instead of 20,000.
Three Dog Night sang their songs just like the originals.
We hung out with Jesse and Tony at the Pub for most of the concert.
The crowd at Saddle Ridge was quite thin, but it got packed after midnight.
And I shouldn't drink Speckled Hen Ale. lol.
10/25/2007 19:11:58
 jim  4thStLive,KY-ThreeDogNight
10/25/2007 19:02:42
 jim  4thStLive,KY-ThreeDogNight
10/24/2007 19:25:43
 jim  The rundown for this Halloween Weekend:
Thursday Night :
Three Dog Night
Fourth Street Live
We'll be at Saddle Ridge
"Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine. I never understood a single word he said, but I helped him a-drink his wine...and he always had some mighty fine wine..."

Friday Night :
Diamond Rio
Fourth Street Live
We'll be at Saddle Ridge
"Last night I had a crazy dream. A wish was granted just for me, and it could be for anything. I didn't ask for money, or a mansion in Malibu. I simply wished, for one more day with you" **sniff sniff **

Saturday Night:
Halloween Contest
Fourth Street Live
We'll be at, you guessed it
Saddle Ridge!
40,000 people are expected to show up!
10/23/2007 15:03:22
 jim  Louisville Rain
Click this picture to find out what the rain really looks like. Its pouring!
10/22/2007 17:06:14
 jim  When it rains in Louisville...
It started raining here at noon and it doesn't look like its going to stop for awhile.
10/22/2007 12:03:04
 jim  Autumn - A short walk in Louisville

10/22/2007 09:30:35
 jim  The US population has hit 300 million, so...
 Who is working?
-160 million are retired, leaving 140 million to do the work. 
-  There are 85 million in school, leaving 55 million to do the work.
- Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government, leaving 15 million to do the work.
- 2.8 million are in the armed forces, leaving 12.2 million to do the work.
- 10.8 million people who work for state and city governments, leaving 1.4 million to do the work.
- At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals, leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.
- There are 1,211,998 people in prisons, leaving 2 people to do the work.
You and me. And you are sitting at your computer, reading jokes.
10/22/2007 07:29:21
 jim  Its 7:30 am and it is still dark outside.
The sun is just now coming up.
I love this time of the morning.
I usually get up at 6 am to the chirping on my IPhone's alarm.
It's a quiet time.
I usually have time to write a program, play with some pictures or check out the lastest hackers to my website.
Its a great time to learn new things.
I've written a VB graphics program thats wonderful.
It allows you to:
- Select files from windows folders using wild cards (like explorer should do).
- To drop to DOS in the folder your viewing (like explorer should do).
- To rename files using wild cards (like DOS's REN does).
- Put the modification date/time of files (pictures) in the beginning of the file name.
- Thumbnails graphics in mass.
- Creates an html file that enables you to view graphics, watch movies or listen to the sound recordings in the file.
I take a lot of pictures, and file names like IMG_0001.JPG just won't do.
In two clicks and a little typing, the files can be named 20071020-100000-CherokeePark.JPG
Thats pretty cool when you have just downloaded 100's of pictures!
I know programming, but I don't know how to market with a small budget, and thats such a shame.
This is my last week at work.
It would be so nice if they'd just tell me to take off with my last weeks pay.
So far, thats never happened to me.
There's not a lot to do where I work, so this may be a very boring week.
*** yawners ***
Well, guess I gotta go take a shower.
HAGD yall.
10/21/2007 23:23:38
 jim  Louisville Hardrock

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