The Life and Times of Jim |
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!![]() ![]() |
11/21/2005 20:43:11 Jim I finally returned a Headhunters call. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
He called last Thursday, when we were on the road. He said, it's the slow season, and not to expect anything until after Thanksgiving, but it seems to me that most people would say, don't expect anything until after the first of the year. By the first of the year, I won't be looking anymore though. Hmmmm. |
11/19/2005 11:31:47 Jim We drove over 1,000 miles in 2.5 days | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
I just totalled it up, and that's the bar minimum. BTW - My F150 gets 15mpg now that I've switched to a 92 octane. It got 10mpg using 87 octane. I wouldn't have thought a 6% difference in octane would make a 50% difference in MPGs. |
11/19/2005 11:08:49 Jim I may find out who hires for the Starship Cruise L | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
It seemed to me that I'd be a good fit for one of those boats. I can deal, maintain their systems, and fix things. Everything there was so familiar. I know I could improve their marketting strategy too. The boat had mainly drive bys (like us), and bus people on it. Most of the people their would never be the targets of a Las Vegas casino. I was dying to fix half the things I saw. I was this || close to fixing one of their toilets Their slot enrollment wouldn't let you combine points. It couldn't handle joint memberships. Data entry was rough. Their cruise reservations was clunky. After signing someone up, you had to search for their name in the database and pull up a change screen to see what you had entered. It looked like a cheesy system. |
11/19/2005 10:27:44 Jim Gambling boats on international waters | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
We took a 6 hour cruise on a Sterline Lines gambling boat. It had the same set up as any small casino in Las Vegas. Once you get on the boat, EVERYTHING IS FREE!!! They had a free buffet, several bars and live entertainment. We spent most of the trip either on deck or at the Vegas Lounge. I kept rousting people up, and eventually, we created quite a spectacle. What a blast. These two, huge, (semi-drunk) guys (that I activated by clap dancing) ended up taking over the dance joint. The impressionist singer got them, Becky, and three girls to go up and dance for everyone. It was wild! Becky was 100% darling, dancing in front of the audience. I love her so much! Eventually I got up and joined her (slinging my suit around in my hand while toe stepping, haha). I took a low key in the audience. I kept letting out ear piercing YEOOWWS while appearing to sip my coffee. Its hilarious! People kept looking around trying to figure out who was doing it. I was wearing a black suit and drinking coffee, so it couldn't be me...haha...right? Becky and I both did it at one time. God I love sitting back in a bar and causing crap to happen just by giving people eye contract and facial commands. Several guys came staggering up to my table, giving high fives, saying things like, "you know what's happening, you're one of us". We had several, semi-deep, conversations with an electrician and a state worker. The state worker said he loved living in Titusville. Its so far away from the big cities, life was stress free. He works 5x8. The electrician talked about the cruise, the workers, and his life in the small town. |
11/19/2005 10:07:13 Jim Cocoa Beach | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Of all the little beaches we saw, this one just didn't have the touristy quality. Cape Canaveral was just a military block of land, snf Cape Kennedy was hatd to see. I thought it would have had at least on Motel called "I Dream of Jeanee", but, nah. |
11/19/2005 10:05:00 Jim Coming back up from the Keys on Route 1 and I95 wa | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
There were backups all around Miami. At one point, a power line going across I95 was downed. I still have to laugh when I see a Route 1 or Interstate 95. It seems every state has one (or two). |
11/19/2005 09:07:43 Jim We returned to the beach (mile marker 73 on Rt 1) | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
The ocean is so very interesting. There was life everywhere you looked in the waters. Hermit Crabs Walking into the ocean, I noticed all of the shells moved. Hermit Crabs were everywhere! They can't make their own shells, so they find an empty shell, crawl into it and call it home. You can see these shells roam around on the beach. When you pick them up, they snap back into the shell. Sometimes they'll come out, as if to say, "What The Hell Is Going On Out Here?". They're so funny. I found this one that was homeless, sitting on a cement block. He couldn't find an unoccupied empty shell, so I scoured around and found him one. They are picky. It has to be just the right size inside. Horseshoe Crabs Standing in the warm ocean waters, I noted the sand kept moving under my feet. So, I eventually bent over to dig up whatever was causing the sand to shift.. It was horseshoe crab. These guys are about 5 inches long, prejurassic looking, and ugly, but, they are very animated. Jelly Fish I kept finding these purple and pink, geometrically shaped blobs on the beach. I picked one up and it felt like old jello, then it moved on its own. It was a stranded jelly fish. Albino Lizards I went to use the bathroom around 10pm. It was very dark. Coming up to the bathroom, the building was COVERED with albino lizards. Cute little fellows! I think they like to hang out around the building because bugs are attracted to the lights. Blue Crab Sometime at night, when Becky and I were looking at the ocean while sitting on the tailgate of the truck, I spotted a shadow moving across the beach. I got up and investigated. It was a Blue Crab that was about a foot wide. I played with the little fellow. He'd get all flustered and stand up raising his big right claw. Eventually I quit toying with him, and he ran up into the trees. Possums Sometime during the AM hours, I saw one scooting across the beach, running along at about 8mph. Sea Gulls. I did my little bird training thing, where I toss up a piece of bread and a sea gull catches it in mid air. About 40 sea gulls came around, but only 3 of them got how to play the game. They would go out in a large circular path, then fly by and hover for their chunk of bread. They were the fat ones, har har. I discovered why the ocean appears light blue in areas. It's not the clouds like I'd thought. Where the ocean is light blue, the water is only a foot deep. That means, in these areas, you can walk for miles out into the ocean without getting so much as your knees wet. What happens after a hurricane hits an area. People clean house from the floods,and place their junk on the side of the road. Also, boats wash up to the roadside. The owners either don't want to mess with them or can't afford to have them relocated back into the water, so they become property of Key West. They are free (clear title and all) to whoever wants to haul them away. If a person wanted free boats, cars, or antique furniture, this is the place to go. I explored a 40' sail boat that was beached. It had an eight cylinder engine, the sails and most of it was intact. You could tell somebody lived in it, but probably couldn't afford to get it placed back into the water. It was nasty inside. Imagine how a travel trailer would look if it had been turned upside down. Thats what it looked like. It would be a fun to fix something like this up. |
11/19/2005 09:06:04 Jim Florida Keys | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
This tiny tourist island is about 40 square miles in size. Its streets are narrow and are lined with local curio shops and local restaurants. If you wanted to find a chain restaurant or store, you had look for them (but why would you?). We finally parked near a marina and walked around with the other tourist. Eventually, we ate at an open air restaurant on the pier. It was nice, and very laid back. It reminded me of a Joe's Crab shack, but had more personality to it. Hundreds of people were eating there, and pigeons kept hanging around our table. Rental scooters and electric cars are very popular in Key West. I thought that if someone rented those Segway, two wheeled Human Transporters (stand up electric scooters), they could make a decent living. Probably a $40k investment could get a small rental business started. hmmm. |
11/19/2005 09:05:23 Jim We took off for Miami around 3am. Miami is BIG! | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
We ended up driving Route 1, by the ocean shore. It took us through downtown. Miami is crazy, even at that time of night. I thought that driving through town would be a lot easier at 5am than it would be in the daytime. It wasn't. All it took was two insane truckers, trying to merge in to one lane to really muck traffic up for miles. One couldn't back up, the other couldn't move forward. What a mess! Staring up at the buildings hurt my neck. Almost all of them were well of 30 stories high. My GPS quit because it couldn't receive transmissions from the satellites directly above. The buildings blocked the sky! We left Miami in time to catch the sunrise on Route 1, the entrance to the Florida Keys. My focus kept drifting into my subconscious and we finally pulled over at a hurricane ridden park. There, I waved over a Sheriff, for a casual conversation. This guy was GREAT! He'd done the Florida loop two weeks prior. He knew our route! The only difference was, his started from the Keys and ours started from Orlando. Anywy, he pointed out a beach near mile marker 73 that was on the shore, had a bathroom and a shower, and didn't close. He said that was a great place to catch some ZZZ's. He also had a laptop in his car, hehe, like me! He said the hurricane from two weeks ago wiped out a lot of the Keys. Everything was a mess. He said the Police Division lost 60 vehicles too! While that sounds pretty incredible, as time went by, I realized he was probably telling the truth |
11/15/2005 20:30:22 Jim Bowling | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Becky and I went bowling tonight. I beat her by the way..haha. I love to people watch at the bowling alleys The serious people: They look like they made a terrible mistake everytime they don't knock all of the pins down. The ditsy people: In the lane next to us, a girl was bowling, WHILE TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE! The coaches: They tell the ditsy people what they are doing wrong. The fun people: They laugh and shrug their shoulders on every ball. The social drinkers: They smile and crack jokes after every ball. The game of bowling can't be conquered by people or machine folks. The finger holes in the ball and the condition/location of the pins make the game random. |
11/15/2005 09:48:59 Jim Im taking a Brainbench test for Cobol 74 | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
My Id is ZC11356-FKF8-VDAS. It's at;jsessionid=34C3379F7455CDFC9F453AD28AAB9C8F.web20 |
11/15/2005 09:17:02 Jim If a person thinks whites are racist, | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Try finding a neighborhood in Las Vegas where a black person will be killed, just for being black. I know, if a white person walks down D street in Las Vegas, he's looking to die. They'll kill you down there, just because you are a white. |
11/15/2005 09:13:34 Jim That was, um, special Robert..hehe | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
You must have pasted that in there. Discrimination is terrible in the United States. It isn't so much the people as it is the laws enforcing anti-discrimation. To me, it seems like the White Anglo-Saxon Male (WAM) is the most discrimitated against person in the US today. Bosses have to keep the door opened these days when talking to an employee. Why? Fear of discrimination law suits. If you're white and middle class, look out. You probably won't get a grant, a scholarship, or welfare assistance. However, if you're black and lower class, you should look out. You probably will pay high auto insurance rates. I've never really looked into it in depth, but I know insurance companies discrimate against sex and race. I have tried this experiment myself. I got a quote from Allstate, told them I was caucasian and I got a quote. Then I called again, saying I was black and got a quote. They charged more. |
11/14/2005 03:57:51 Jim Feeling kind of lost | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Reloading my laptop has left me with some strange feelings. I keep asking myself "What am I doing?". There is no right or wrong way to do anything in this life, and in a sense, the future is as much written as the past. But still, trapped in the present, I feel like I may be doing the wrong thing. I wonder what would have happened if we never came here. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't quit M2. I only proved one thing by quitting M2, which was to myself. I won't let anyone demean me for any amount of money. I'll alway choose to keep my integrity intact. The direction I'm headed doesn't seem to be as clear cut as I'd like it to be. I'm wondering though the present. |
11/13/2005 10:58:03 Jim That bar was pretty cool, wasnt it? | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
It was a sleezy dive, but that's just the way I like em. I still still hear those toasted people laughing...har har. Daytona could be a blast! |
11/13/2005 06:43:35 Jim We won, we won!!! | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Dogs are easy! We bet $8, and won $15. Greyhounds are some very fast dogs. Its pretty neat. The gates open, a rabbit goes around the track, and the dogs run after it. The track people were pretty sleezy though, and the stadium needed quite a few repairs. |
11/12/2005 16:37:24 Jim Spent the day tearing apart one laptop, reloading | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Swapping pieces parts, and watching software load up. I hope it'll all be worth it. We're going to the Dog Races tonight This should be fun. We'll bring binoculars, Becky with an 8x10, and me with an 10/30x50. I'll be watching little dog tongues flying around the greyhounds heads. haha It would have been a lot more fun to go to Miami, but reloading seemed to be more important. |
11/12/2005 09:31:35 Jim Net info | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
0A0B0C0D0E |
11/11/2005 15:39:51 Jim HP Chat | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Sammy: Hello Jim, Sammy: Welcome to HP Total Care for Pavilion Notebooks. My name is Sammy. How may I help you today? Jim Cutlar: This my 3rd time back today. I have a HP Pavilion ze4600 Notebook PC (AMD) Sammy: I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, Jim. Jim Cutlar: The laptop's monitor started blinking on and off. The dvd's decoder seemed to be having problems. I installed some softpacs from the HP site. Then, after flashing fails to work. Sammy: Have you flashed the exact BIOS? Jim Cutlar: I just hooked an external monitor to the laptop. It had no response. The power light is on. The special keys blink. Jim Cutlar: I believe something may have gone wrong wit the flash. I waited for it to finish for over an hour. Sammy: Jim, I have just been through your previous chat session. Sammy: Are you able to download the service manual? Jim Cutlar: I downloaded it, and read it. From what I read, the chip is not replacable, and may be reflashable. Jim Cutlar: The laptop won't boot with a USB floppy though. Jim Cutlar: I started to follow the instructions for removing the motherboard, but, unless I can rejumper it to go back to factory spec, I'm not sure what good that would do. Sammy: Jim, I suggest you to take the notebook to nearest Authorized Service Provider and have a check by a technician. Jim Cutlar: That sounds like a great idea. I wonder if there's one in Orlando. Sammy: Sure, I will help you with this. Sammy: Could you please give me the zip-code? Jim Cutlar: 32714 Sammy: Here is the information: Altamonte Springs CompUSA Superstore (4 Miles) Store # 607 130 E. Altamonte Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Store Hours Mon - Sat: 9am - 9pm | Sun: 11am - 6pm Phone Numbers Main: (407) 339-8009 Fax: (407) 261-4098 Service Center: (407) 261-4075 Sammy: Orlando CompUSA Superstore (15 Miles) Store # 309 7802 South Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32809 Store Hours Mon - Sat: 9am - 9pm | Sun: 11am - 6pm Phone Numbers Main: (407) 438-1270 Fax: (407) 852-2298 Service Center: (407) 852-2275 Jim Cutlar: Thank yo very much. I'm worried that I may have invalidated my warrentee. Do you think I did by trying to fix the CDRom problem? |
11/11/2005 01:14:20 Jim Just great! My laptop is toast. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I think its motherboard is fried. I flashed the bios with what was supposed to be the correct software, and it won't boot now. Worst thing about it is, I'm not sure who it was purchased from or when. Mikey knows though. At any rate, I've got to send it in, and I'm on a time schedule. I need to finish this website. It's amazing, how a simple thing might affect the future. |
11/10/2005 18:55:36 Jim Hey BEckKy...YOoooOOO | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
How are you? My shifter key is sticking. Finger stikin good. haha.
Wouldn't it be nice if my old buddy Lyle Bell at the Hard Rock Hotel got me in! He'd be the guy doing the hiring there. We'll find out next week I guess. |
11/10/2005 18:26:32 Jim Spent the day working on Ad Entries | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Not much of a day really. haha |
11/08/2005 15:47:24 Jim You know the year is 2005 when: | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave. 2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3. 4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you. 5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses. 6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries. 7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen. 8. Leaving the house without your cell phone is cause for panic 10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee. 11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : ) 12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing. 13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message. 14. You are too busy to notice there was no ..9 on this list. |
11/08/2005 15:41:38 Jim What is love? | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Rebecca- age 8: When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love. Billy - age 4: When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth. Karl - age 5: Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne. Then they go out and smell each other. Chrissy - age 6: Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs. Terri - age 4: Love is what makes you smile when you're tired. Danny - age 7: Love is when my mommy makes coffee for daddy and she sips before giving it to him, to make sure it tastes OK. Emily - age 8: Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together. Bobby - age 7 (Wow!): Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. Nikka - age 6 :If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate. Noelle - age 7: Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday. Tommy - age 6: Love is like a little old man and woman who are still friends even after they know each other so well. |
11/08/2005 07:30:10 Jim With computers, people use jargon to create whole | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
To use words like OOP in a sentence even sounds stupid. OOP is not a computer command. Its not a program. Its not a language. It's a magazine's description for something we've been doing for years. Just because someone says its new, doesn't make it new. It only makes the word new. Until this century, Shakespear added more words to the English language than any other entity. Microsoft and Ibm have more than doubled the number of words in the English Language. |
11/08/2005 07:22:21 Jim I once bought a Ford Probe. The salesman said it h | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I asked him if it got better gas milage, or had more horsepower, than a car that didn't have it. He said no. He'd read about how great it was in a magazine. OHC meant that the cam is over the engine heads. Ok, so they moved it, um. Would that make the Probe a car of the future. nah. It was just jargon. |
11/07/2005 20:44:00 Jim Sometimes I forget to say the important things abo | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Robert, what you said earlier was some sweet introspection. You looked at yourself, at where you are now, and you thought back to where your mom was back then. Becky got a raw deal. She didn't cause it to happen, and neither did you. Sometimes, bad things just happen. Getting away from all possible causes is just a logical thing to do. But if Helen Keller could find happiness being deaf and blind, then all things are possible. |
11/07/2005 20:08:58 Jim We just got back from Tampa. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I thought the interview with Raymond James went well, but I also think I'm great, so, my viewpoint doesn't count. What I don't understand is this: St Petersburg is a beautiful, and quite interesting city. The beaches are pure white. The ocean is deep blue to light cyan. The marina's and waterways are everywhere. So, why, did Raymond James decide to build its multiple highrise towers in the middle of an alligator infested swamp? hmmm. If I get the spot, that'll be great. If I don't, that'll be fine too, but it would be nice to work for a huge company like Raymond James, just to see what it's like. This site is almost done. It should be done in a week! Becky and I will be marketting LVDarlings first, using a modified format of this site. This site is an experiment and it's odd and goofy. For example, it's supposed to be about Vegas, but I have Florida ads, and Florida pictures all through it. Now that's just strange. What's coming up for this site is the interaction of people using the logs. It'll be like email, with using email. No spammers will get into here. One of the ways I'll prevent that is to not exept logs from people without cookies. |
11/07/2005 07:02:30 Jim That was nice Robert. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I got all puffy eyed reading it. I'll be going to my interview today with Puffy Eyes because of I touched it up a little (put some periods in it, and fixt sum spelling). haha. I love writing like that. Becky just asked me what color underwear and socks I wanted to wear. In my mind, I'm thinking - - - For the interview? Wow...what a picture my thoughts painted for that! LOL. She always picks out the clothes I'm going to wear each day. In the moment that she asked that, my mind saw me sitting in front of the interviewers. They're all dressed up, and I'm wearing underwear and socks. |
11/07/2005 00:27:15 Jim This site has turned into a site like no other. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I feel a sense of pride about it. Out of simple thought, I've created something new, that doesn't exist anywhere. |
11/07/2005 00:23:55 Jim After about 3 months of coding on this system | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I think I'm almost done. A few things need to be changed for commercial purposes. The Guest Log needs to have buttons for responding to a Log entry. It will work like Email. The ad creator will then have a simular button to respond to that person, in their log. Clicking on an ad's heading needs to create an entry in the Ad creators log, and not go to email. Also, I need to create a live, working site. I'll probably use to that in. |
11/06/2005 16:54:46 Jim Just to clean off my desk | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday at noon - Lunch with Enricci 407-551-1319 or 213-408-0236 Tommorrow at noon - Raymond James interview in Tampa. Remain calm, if they ask about M2, say: - M2 wasn't what I was looking for. - I'm looking for personal growth in a challenging environment. - I'm also looking for stability and long term employment. |
11/06/2005 16:49:19 Jim I bought a suit (pants to match) at Sears today. | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Jimbo, man, you look Shoes, suit, pants, and two ties cost $160. That's not a bad price to pay to look snazzy. We also got a portable Dvd/Cr Reader/Writer. If I don't back up some of this stuff, I'm going to lose it. |
11/04/2005 20:47:14 Jim We dont have any problems right now. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Life is good! I've got an interview coming up, and severally really great prospects in mind. The way i figer it, i kant doo any worsser than wat i jest dun. |
11/04/2005 20:42:41 Jim Right click your desktop | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Select Properties, Desktop, and click on something like Autumn. Thats a nice one. In position, select Stretch. |
11/04/2005 20:19:51 Jim it just me | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Or am I the only person around that's ridden in a laundramat's clothes dryer (on fluff dry of course). You can't do it on the cotton setting, that would be bad... lol |
11/04/2005 20:18:03 Jim They were terrible Renee. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I apologized for just about everything I did there. I'm sorry I came in early. I'm sorry I'm late on this assignment. I'm sorry I turned in my resignation in the afternoon and not in the morning,....on and on. I bought these guys 2 large pizza's as my going away present to them. I wanted to see if any of these people had manners enough to come by my cube and say thanks. One manager thinks eating animal by-products (cheese) is wrong, another doesn't eat pizza, another said "hmmph". One programmer can't have cheese because of IBS, Mikey is on a diet. Three programmers came by my cube to say thankyou. Another programmer called me on my cell phone, and we're doing lunch. I told two of these people that I'd contact them if something good came up. The whole time I was there, I met one manager, and we didn't get along. She cost me $120 too with her complaining. I spent 12 hours on a project and got reprimanded. I didn't bill for the time she complained about. However, this other fellow and I spent more time on a very simular project, and we were told - great job. That was the proof I needed I was being picked on. , maybe it was because I came in early the first day. - All of the other managers would walk by me and look away. I noticed they did that to everybody. I may never know why these people acted the way that they did. All I know is, I'm glad I'm out of that place. --- There I go, turning the page, and ending another chapter. We're on to the next chapter in our lives. --- |
11/04/2005 19:43:54 Jim I talked to my good ol buddy Jerry Newberry today | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
What a great guy! We think alike. Its nice to talk to a like mind. I needed to find some kind of solace in my decision. He gave it to me. He was a Tandem guru since it first came out, so he understood everything I told him. And it was nice to hear from another developer. He said he absolutely.hated doing maintenance code. He did it at Bank of America on Base24. Same thing I was doing...add a chunk of code, then talk or document it for days. He said he talked to Kevin McDonald and he's the head of some IT department for BOA. Good ol Kevin. What a die hard. I should call his butt an give him a hard time. Hmmmm. Its nice to be known by people in high places. |
11/04/2005 19:17:25 Jim Hey, guys.... :) | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
11/04/2005 10:22:46 Jim Now this is a test...this is only a test... | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I'm buying two large pizza's today for everyone here. I want to see if anyone has enough manners to say thank you. |
11/04/2005 06:45:12 Jim When I think about a job, I think about where Ill | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
With this job, I saw myself doing the same thing I was doing on the first day I started: - 30 minutes: Being told about a line of code they want added - 10 minutes: Adding that line of code and recompiling. -360 minutes: testing that line of code - 25 minutes: documenting it that line of code, in the code (5 lines), in a document, a time sheets and a task list. - 60 minutes: talking about that line of code, if I did anything other than exactly what I was told to do. From the times above you can see that one programmer who just coded could replace all of the other programmers. But, that's what maintenance programmers do, I guess. They don't code, they test and document. Thats messed up. Development programmers use their time as follows: - Designing and programming are interactive with the user and takes up about 90% of the time. - The users are almost always happy to create the documentation. The design specs change in the development cycle. - It's typical to write several hundred lines of code each day. I can honestly say I didn't learn anything new in the last month. If I stayed, I would have learned how to mindlessly write sloppy code. I can't do that. I care about the quality of my work. The worst thing I saw about this job was: myself slowly going broke with no reputation to show for it. In programming, if you don't gain new skills, you are almost worthless. The only way to keep a job without learning new things is to lock yourself in. You can do that working for the government, or some big corporation where noone knows what or how you do what you do. Usually, the people who have seniority in a programming shop, are the people with the fewest skills. They haven't learned other ways of doing things, and they usually think their way is the only way. They almost always say, "Thats not the way we do it here". Any programmer who reads this, should realize it is the truth. Bad coders get promoted, while the good coders move on. About job recruiters. They're great for when you don't know anyone, and you haven't established a reputation. However, once you've been at a place for awhile, if you do exceptional work, people will talk about what you've done. When you leave a job, people will call you wanting to hire you. If they don't, then you have either a bad reputation or none. We all sell ourselves by what we do. If we don't care about what we do, others will see that. And there was no way I was going to get a good reputation at a place that controlled every thing I did. |
11/04/2005 05:40:42 Jim If I get the job in St Petersburg, Becky and I mig | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
We talked about that tonight and it sounds like a great idea. They don't cost about as much as an apartment does. |
11/04/2005 05:23:33 Jim For anyone who doesnt know it yet | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Today is my last day on this job. I told them to Take This Job and Shove It (that's a joke). No, seriously though, it just wasn't the right spot for me. |
11/04/2005 04:38:06 Jim Oh yea, I forgot to mention this. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
What you see, and what we see are different on this site. The menu's above are almost completely customizable. You can add menu items and delete them. I think this is the only site on the whole web that lets you put your favorites online. And I mentioned about the logs. The Guest Log is the only log everyone can see, unless they have a link setup. Right now there's oodles of logs on this site. |
11/04/2005 04:21:39 Jim New Rules from Ida | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Stop giving me that pop-up ad for! There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you don't particularly like them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn. Don't eat anything that's served to you out a window unless you're a seagull. People are acting all shocked that a human finger was found in a bowl of Wendy's chili. Hey, it cost less than a dollar. What did you expect it to contain? Trout? Luckily, it was only a finger! If it was a whole hand, Congress would have voted to keep it alive. Stop saying that teenage boys who have sex with their hot, blonde teachers are permanently damaged. I have a better description for these kids: lucky bastards. If you need to shave and you still collect baseball cards, you're gay. If you're a kid, the cards are keepsakes of your idols. If you're a grown man, they're pictures of men. Ladies, leave your eyebrows alone. Here's how much men care about your eyebrows: do you have two of them? Okay, we're done. There's no such thing as flavored water. There's a whole aisle of this crap at the supermarket, water, but without that watery taste. Sorry, but flavored water is called a soft drink. You want flavored water? Pour some scotch over ice and let it melt. That's your flavored water. Stop f***ing with old people. Target is introducing a redesigned pill bottle that's square, with a bigger label. And the top is now the bottom. And by the time grandpa figures out how to open it, his ass will be in the morgue. Congratulations, Target, you just solved the Social Security crisis. The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the asshole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," ooh, you're a huge azzhole. I'm not the cashier! By the time I look up from sliding my card, entering my PIN number, pressing "Enter," verifying the amount, deciding, no, I don't want cash back, and pressing "Enter" again, the kid who is supposed to be ringing me up is standing there eating my Almond Joy. Paper, plastic? I don't have time for that. I've just been called to do a cleanup on Aisle Nine! Just because your tattoo has Chinese characters in it doesn't make you spiritual. It's right above the crack of your ass. And it translates to "beef with broccoli." The last time you did anything spiritual, you were praying to God you weren't pregnant. You're not spiritual. You're just high. Competitive eating isn't a sport. It's one of the seven deadly sins. ESPN recently televised the US Open of Competitive Eating, because watching those athletes at the poker table was just too damned exciting. What's next, competitive farting? Oh wait. They're already doing that. It's called "The Howard Stern Show." I don't need a bigger mega M&M. If I'm extra hungry for M&Ms, I'll go nuts and eat two. No more gift registries. You know, it used to be just for weddings. Now it's for babies and new homes and graduations from rehab. Picking up the stuff you want and having other people buy it for you isn't gift giving, it's the white people version of looting. New Rule, and this one is long overdue: No more bathroom attendants. After I zip up, some guy is offering me a towel and a mint like I just had sex with George Michael. I can't even tell if he's supposed to be there, or just some freak with a fetish. I don't want to be on your web cam, dude. I just want to wash my hands. When I ask how old your toddler is, I don't need to know in months. "27 Months." "He's two," will do just fine. He's not a cheese. And I didn't care in the first place. |
11/04/2005 03:40:43 Jim Hi Renee. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I threw a picture on your log. You can delete it if you want in your Sign In screen (under Your name on the menu on top). Nobody can see this log unless they copy a link to it. Also, when your in your log (this log) - You see everything you've written to anybody on this site - You see everything everybody's written to you. - When you are entering something into a log, press SHIFT ENTER to begin a new line. I haven't figured a way around that yet. Cool, huh? I've been working on this site a little everyday, which only works out to about an hour a day. It's been hard to get too since I started working full time. WELCOME TO THIS SITE !!! |
11/04/2005 03:23:20 Jim Renee. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I threw a pic of yours in your log and left you a note in your log. Welcome To This Site !!! |
11/03/2005 13:56:03 Jim Were gonna go to St Petersburg Monday | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I got a call from Pete Strickland (702-425-413-1580) I have an interview on Monday 11/7 12pm, at Raymond James Ask for Lisa Tomberlin in the IT Contracts Group, she works with Brian It's at 880 Carillon Pky, St Petersburg, Fl 33733 I should dress up and the interview may be somewhat technical. |
11/03/2005 08:01:13 Jim Yesterday, I worked on two tasks. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
It seemed like the third part of the task was missing, forgotten or unassigned. I asked Jeff about it and he told me he had the third part of it. No one told me, and I've learned I'm not supposed to assume anything. Now thats just fucked up. |
11/03/2005 07:57:00 Jim I added the ability to upload pictures. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Its not available for everybody yet, but it's getting there. |
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