The Life and Times of Jim
Hi, there. I'm Jim. Welcome to my phlog!
This site was written for Las Vegas, then LouisVille. Now, it seems to be about anywhere. In these phlogs, you'll see a lot of my personal notes and pictures. I like to post my observations here to remember life and celebrate it. I'm not religious. I don't pray for good fortune. I'm ecstatically grateful for the gift of life and I think our time should be remembered and not taken for granted. I'm not a writer. I think pictures tell stories so much better than words. I love just about everything in this life, and, I guess that would have to include you. So, if you've seen me, don't be surprised if your picture is in here somewhere. Of all the critters, people are absolutely the most interesting. 
<< 01/2008 < 12/2008 Calendar 02/2009 > 01/2010 >>Sign InView Other Logs
01/16/2009 07:32:29
 jim  Awwwe Cool!!! Its -8 Degrees in Pittsburgh
What we've got here is another ICE AGE !
Questions pop up into my head like:
Will my car battery work?
Will my hand stick to metal?
What temperature does gas freeze at?
Oh, and why is gasoline called gas?
I broke down, and bought a game computer.
It should be in the mail any day now. Its a Wii. My thinking was, its so cold out there, we're not going anywhere this winter. Staying at home could save our lives.
This winter, Wii is saving Us.
01/14/2009 21:50:38
 jim  Where have we been?
01/14/2009 17:18:16
 jim  20090114 Pennsylvania Snow
01/05/2009 22:37:35
 jim  The Netherland Orange Festival
01/05/2009 21:38:00
 jim  The Mayans and You
Doomsday predictions are so cool.
The Mayans supposedly predicted a doomsday event will be occuring on 12/21/2012. Catchy, isn't it. It kind of has a ring to it. While this may be true, a lot of people thought dooms day was going to be 01/01/2000. And then again, a lot of people thought Nostradamus predicted the Chinese would start WWIII in the 1980's.We didn't see much happen, but that doesn't mean something terrible isn't going to happen.
Of course, some natural event is going to wipe out most life forms on this planet. Of course it is. You've seen dinosaur bones in museums and fossils in your own back yard. Even the rocks in your driveway appear to be melted by something. Ever notice that most animals on this planet have the same organs? We're all either survivors, or as I'd like to think of it, children of the last "Doomsday". Like they say, life for billions of years has always found a way. As a whole, it is smarter than we will ever be. I doubt our brains are capable of handling the "truth".
The end-of-the-world as far as you are concerned is much more predictable, and will probably come much sooner. 
Every 80 years or so, all life on our planet is recycled.
If only we could remember where we came from.
All fear of death would go completely away, and the "end-of-the-world" would seem more like a spring shower.
At least, thats the way I like to think of it. I like to think we have and will go on forever,  
01/01/2009 00:18:47
 jim  .Happy New Year, Jimmy R. Cutlar and Rebecky...
Happy New Year 2U2 !!!
12/31/2008 13:31:08
 jim  Another fun White Out
I love this weather for so many reasons, haha. Those are ice crystals on my windshield.
12/25/2008 20:06:19
 Jim  There is no place like home

Dorothy said

"There's no place like home",
but I'd bet if she thought about it

She would have realized
There's no place like OZ!

Its Christmas,
and it was a beautiful day here in Wexford, Pennsylvania. We could have been depressed, being thousands of miles away from our loved ones, but this holiday hasn't worked out like that at all. 
Its was a unique Christmas.
We ate some left overs from last nights BBQ, and went to Walgreen's a to buy one of those cheap massagers. We got a few text messages. We IMed a little. We even did a web cam.
We didn't open any gifts.
I want everyone to know, that was what we expected. These contracts have given us experiences that we would never have gotten if we spent Christmas in Las Vegas.
Life has provided the greatest gifts of all. We've seen this United States,
from San Diego to Seattle, from the Florida Keys, to Washington DC. We've traveled the country collecting memories that some may never acquire. 
This could have been my 30th Christmas in Las Vegas.
But this wasn't just another Christmas. This was an exceptional Christmas. Our memories are what we'll store
in the top of our closet this year and I'll share them with you on this web site as the years pass by.
To all of those at home,
We miss and love you very much !!!

From Far Far Away 
- - - - Merry Christmas to All - - - -
12/24/2008 19:47:52
 jim  Quaker Steak
The Quaker Steak Restaurant in Cranberry, Pennsylvania has GREAT FOOD at very reasonable prices
12/22/2008 03:31:17
 jim  Three rules to live by when your old
1. Never pass up a bathroom
2. Never let a hard on go to waste
3. Never trust a fart.|

Jack Nicolson
The Bucket List
12/21/2008 08:47:41
 jim  Vegas,NV-Jessica EthelMs
12/21/2008 00:00:01
 jim  Brrrr...Today is the first day of Winter
This is the shortest day of the year when the sun is furthest due south.
It is just 1 degree outside.  The wind chill factor is -10 degrees.
12/20/2008 17:57:02
 jim  The Day the Earth Stood Still
This movie is a real sleeper. Its the bomb...
I mean that literally. I liked the last 4 minutes, when the Earth loses all electricity, and it cuts to "The End". Keanna Reeves never got to use any of his talents.
I suppose, maybe, why I didn't like it was because it cost $13 a ticket, a small bottle of Coke cost $4.25, the chairs were uncomfortable, and the screen looked smaller than the one in our bedroom.
12/19/2008 16:04:36
 jim  Ahhh...where to go, where to go?
Questions Night Club - 1400 Smallman St

Club Zoo - 1630 Smallman St

12/19/2008 12:03:25
 jim  PA FedInv Rain
12/18/2008 19:47:38
 jim  Bucas di Beppo Italian Restaurant

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