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09/20/2006 12:33:46 Jim Its been a lazy week | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Robert and Joy came over. Dustin and Jeniffer stayed over. Me, I just poked around. We switched from DSL to COX cable. The guy did a terrible job, so I had to redo it. Nothing worked, not the phone, not the TV, just the internet. Sheesh. |
09/15/2006 15:20:18 Guest .Weve been back for 3 days now | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I know, Im in guest mode. and hey. its been too long since Ive been in touch with you but you can check it the same. Id like to posit it baby, that I have too searched for Linda. Ive printed out cd data bases of phone numbers of every Cutlar I could muster coast to coast (about 200 numbers if I remember correctly) and cold called dozens of answering machines. And yes, I left messages, like a kid on his first date surprised she didn't pick up. (Now Ive got No Reply in my head, thats nice.) Anyhoo. Im bicycling across the you s from Bellingham to Nashville to see Doug I guess. After all these years He decided to up and fly there to see some friends of ours. I passed through Twin Falls and oddly enough worked for a guy landscaping and his wife was strikingly similar looking to Linda, so much so I brought up the twilight zone prospect of her being her , and it went down pretty damn wierd. We smoked hella weed too and which she did not cotton for one bit which was where either her alias was dead on underground and locked in tight or she just was not Linda. So , theres that. Freaks me out though that you had an address for her in Twin Falls. Every year or less I google her name to the point of diminishing return and give up , and then later when Im doing something totally different I muse, "Hey man, fuck it. Just let it go. This is a fantasy that is at odds with how I should really feel about someone who has made such a point to distance herself from her kin." And then , I am very nonplussed and just have this even more blank place in myself about. It. Hope all is so groovy you could be banned from amsterdam Jim. Peace -Warren |
09/04/2006 01:01:00 Jim Labor Day | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
:) |
08/25/2006 02:46:27 Jim Robert is 23 Year Old | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
He's an old man now!! |
08/18/2006 13:22:25 Jim Why doesnt the moon have a name? | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
If our moon is called "The Moon", should the earth called "The Planet"? It makes me think of that Kentuckian who named his dog, DAWG. The following is a small list of planets and moons, with their diameters. ![]() Saturn=120536 km, Titan=5150 km Earth=12756 km, Moon=3474 km Mercury=4880 km Pluto=2320 km, Moon: Charon=1207 km Hale-Bopp Comet=1,100 km Ceres Asteroid=933 km Whats a little smaller than Pluto, but larger than Mercury? The MOON (our moon) Saturn has a moon that is made mostly of ice...ain't that a kick in the head. All the planets except for Pluto follow the same orbital plain, I was just putting things in perspective. |
08/15/2006 00:41:33 Jim Ghost Buttsters | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
We went to four places on the list of haunted domains. We had fun, but nothing extraordinary happened. |
08/04/2006 01:00:00 Jim Sonny turns 56 years old | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
He'll be 56 years old. |
07/25/2006 23:59:53 Jim Renees Birthday | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
07/25/2006 09:32:55 Jim The Patriot Act | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I read up on it yesterday morning. Its awful! So, some terrorists attack the US, and we lose our freedoms. Is that the way it works? Our government now has the power to: See what your read at the library See what you do on the internet See all of your financial transactions See all wire transactions Search your possessions without a warrant Throw you in jail for an indefinite period of time Wiretap your phone and monitor your cell phone with a warrent. All they have to do is say your an expected terrorist, and you are toast. It sounds a lot like the McCarthy years, where all they had to do is say you are a communist to ruin your life. The patriot act was a major step backwards for personal freedom. Thank god that its various components are being challenged by the ACLU. |
07/25/2006 09:12:09 Jim Gasolene and My Truck | Tue ||||||||||||||||||||
07/15/2006 09:33:01 Jim Las Vegas is larger than Boston | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Clark County, NV is estimated to have 1.6 million residents, however, the census bureau must now poll its population on an on going basis, because of its rapid expansion. Las Vegas is the largest US City founded in the 1900's, which is pretty cool. That would mean that our sewage, water, yadayada, are all pretty much state-of-the-art as far as the country goes. I just took a census poll. The agent was very friendly (coming from Illinois). He said, the Federal Government grants money based on population, and more or less, Las Vegas was getting screwed. |
07/03/2006 07:18:14 Jim Children teach us physics | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
For example: I'd never guess that a whole box of raisins could fit inside my cd player slot. |
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