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08/18/2006 13:22:25
 Jim  Why doesn’t the moon have a name?
If our moon is called "The Moon", should the earth called "The Planet"?
It makes me think of that Kentuckian who named his dog, DAWG.
The following is a small list of planets and moons, with their diameters.
nine planets
Jupiter=142984 km, Moons:Ganymede=5262 km, Callisto=4800 km, IO=3630 km
Saturn=120536 km, Titan=5150 km
Earth=12756 km, Moon=3474 km
Mercury=4880 km
Pluto=2320 km, Moon: Charon=1207 km
Hale-Bopp Comet=1,100 km
Ceres Asteroid=933 km
Whats a little smaller than Pluto, but larger than Mercury? The MOON (our moon)
Saturn has a moon that is made mostly of ice...ain't that a kick in the head.
All the planets except for Pluto follow the same orbital plain,
I was just putting things in perspective.
08/15/2006 00:41:33
 Jim  Ghost Buttsters
We went to four places on the list of haunted domains.
We had fun, but nothing extraordinary happened.
08/04/2006 01:00:00
 Jim  Sonny turns 56 years old
He'll be 56 years old.
07/25/2006 23:59:53
 Jim  Renees Birthday
She'll be 21.
07/25/2006 09:32:55
 Jim  The Patriot Act
I read up on it yesterday morning. Its awful!
So, some terrorists attack the US, and we lose our freedoms.
Is that the way it works? 
Our government now has the power to:
   See what your read at the library
   See what you do on the internet
   See all of your financial transactions
   See all wire transactions
   Search your possessions without a warrant
   Throw you in jail for an indefinite period of time
   Wiretap your phone and monitor your cell phone with a warrent.
All they have to do is say your an expected terrorist, and you are toast.
It sounds a lot like the McCarthy years, where all they had to do is say you are a communist to ruin your life.
The patriot act was a major step backwards for personal freedom.
Thank god that its various components are being challenged by the ACLU.
07/25/2006 09:12:09
 Jim  Gasolene and My Truck
I never mentioned, on the way to pick up Becky's kids on Saturday, I filled up my truck.
It cost $75 to tank up. Dayam!!!
Somewhere along the way yesterday, Sonny and I were talking about various science items, and I looked up the discover of DNA. That led me to an article in Popular Science.
Eventually, I ended up on an article about a car GM made in the late 90's called the EV1. 
The EV1 was an all electric car that came out in 1999.
It premiered in Los Angeles as a lease vehicle, cost GM 1 billion dollars to develop, and was scrapped. It got 80 miles on a charge. It could go 0 to 60 in 8 seconds, and it could receive an 80% charge in 45 minutes. With exception of the breaks and tires, the car required little maintenance. The public charging stations in LA were free. The charging stations, charged the vehicle through induction.
Why did GM scrap a vehicle that could end our oil dependance and green house affects?
I read up on this, and they said because people wanted SUV's, not energy efficient vehicles.
Truth be it told, the car was too dependable. It didn't require all the maintenance of a fossil burning vehicle.
Now GM is into hybrid cars.
07/15/2006 09:33:01
 Jim  Las Vegas is larger than Boston
Clark County, NV is estimated to have 1.6 million residents, however, the census bureau must now poll its population on an on going basis, because of its rapid expansion.
Las Vegas is the largest US City founded in the 1900's, which is pretty cool.
That would mean that our sewage, water, yadayada, are all pretty much state-of-the-art as far as the country goes.
I just took a census poll.
The agent was very friendly (coming from Illinois). He said, the Federal Government grants money based on population, and more or less, Las Vegas was getting screwed.
07/03/2006 07:18:14
 Jim  Children teach us physics
For example: I'd never guess that a whole box of raisins could fit inside my cd player slot.
07/02/2006 11:42:02
 Jim  All we see in our barn yard mentality
We don't touch anything. If our atoms touched another atom, it would be castrophic.
Matter is a byproduct of Energy...I believe this is all a show for us.
Life is hard to explain. I've seen it in my mind, and thats where it will stay.
Within all of us, within every cell of our being, is the knowledge of life.
Why we aren't allowed access to it is a mystery to me.
Did you know, that the brain is responsible for most of the construction of our bodies when its forming.
Why doesn't our conscience have access to that knowledge?
07/02/2006 11:30:59
 Jim  I missed having children
I suppose that's some people's view of leave distorted genes behind for future generations to copy.
I pondered that thought. The thought that having children could extend your life in some magical way.
However, I don't feel I am anyone but myself.
If I was an incorporation of my relatives, wouldn't I have memories of a their past stored somewhere in my sub conscience.
If so, I don't feel their influences, as far as I am aware of.
I know the universe is young...they say 8 billion years young.
And I know, it may last a trillion times longer than what we see.
So anything is possible. I believe in these possibilities: That we don't die. That we chose to be here for some reason.
It could just be whim. Or is that just a fantasy...a fantasy built within this fantasy.
07/02/2006 10:14:12
 Jim  Jack and the Bean Stalk
We were talking about Revelations in the Bible. I mentioned how if you substitute nouns with other nouns, you could make any verse seem like any prediction. These are the tactics of con men. IE-Your preacher.
EG: Jack was the US. The Giant was Russia. The Beans were nuclear weapons. The stalk was communication. it all makes sense now.
He (the US) used the stalk (communcation), advertised the beans (nuclear weapons) and stopped the evil giant (Russia). point is...if you substitute words from an old prediction, you can make them match anything.
It's poetic bullshit.
My advice is, you follow your heart. You are a product of god, not vice versa. You were natures creation. Live with that.
We are neither supreme, or all encompasing.
We, our species is a step to some kind of perfect being...but, unfortunatly, its not us.
It would be great if we simply survive as a species and leave something behind, and not destroy the planet for the next million years.  Life always finds a way. If it isn't on this planet, it will be on another.
I'd rather life survives here.
07/02/2006 10:01:51
 Jim  I suppose, if I were a trust fund baby
I'd fight for causes
In the end, I'd drain the trust fund, and end up having my picture on TV for dying causes.
The greenhouse effect, people starving in Africa, missing children...that kind of thing.
These things are going to happen, no matter how much money you throw at them.
Human nature is just like that of any creature on this planet.
Including the 30 trillion cells that make
They all want to survive. They all have the desire to influence your behaviour.
There's obviously a group of cells in your brain that constitute your soul
Don't you think? All of the neurons report to that group...and they you are, forever changing..with every experience.
I know that is true for myself. I'm not the man I used to be. I'm always changing.
There's a deep message here if you read this and think about it.
I'm saying are you.
Tommorrow, you are a different person.
It all makes you wonder what you've ever stood for, doesn't it. Your solid beliefs are different than what you they were 10 years ago. You've changed.
So, in that vision of Heaven you have, you should include how old you were.

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