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04/26/2006 01:33:50
The discovery.
The area was hot and dry during the summer months but even then it was freezing at nighttime.
During the long winter months which were soon approaching, temperatures would plummet to well below zero even during the daytime. Such was the climate where C.B. Talcus and his small team of amateur paleontologist were fossil hunting.
The team was in a hurry to complete their investigation of the various Biotypes to be found in the K-T boundary of the region before the long and severe winter months set in.
Most of the team consisted of volunteer college students still in their early twenties, out for their doctorates.
By comparison, C.B. was a grizzled old man of thirty-six and it was a popular joke among the other team members that he liked studying the "Gray" period because he was gray himself.
Actually, C.B. had a bold and different idea about what secrets the K-T boundary might hold, though he had spoken to no one about it yet.
His partial theory was borne from a single femur that he had discovered nine years before of a dinosaur, but one that would have walked erect like a modern day human being.
Potassium –Argon dating had placed the fossil's age to be around sixty-five million years B.P. which neatly corresponded to the K-T layer's age in which it had been found.
Lately, C.B. anxiously but without divulging as to why, had his small team intensify their search of the area in order to get a better idea of what the mysterious creature might have been like in real life.
Being naturally secretive, C.B. insisted on being present at all finds so that he could take over immediately in the event of any further discoveries relating to the strange fossil leg bone he now had secretly stashed away in his remote home.
So far the searches had turned up nothing new and after nine years of strained silence; C.B. finally felt the need to tell someone.
The rude awakening.
Jason Tilgerth was jarred awake by the sound of his phone ringing even though he was a light sleeper anyway.
As the phone continued to ring, Jason glanced at the clock near his bed that said "Two-twenty-one AM' on its illuminated green digital display.
Jason already knowing who was on the other end sighed in exasperation as he sleepily answered his phone. Before Jason could say anything he heard C.B.'s gruff anxious voice at the other end, "Hello Cap!" C.B. called Jason "Cap" because of their former service in the military a few years back.
"Get over here immediately!" "I've got something very important I want to show you!".
Jason looked again at his clock through his bleary eyes just to make sure that he had gotten the time right before he irritably spoke back to his rude but life long friend C.B.,
"Listen Drinker, Unless you've got something that threatens our national security and I am once again being reinstated as captain in the marine corps special forces, We can wait until my normal time to rise for me to see this "Important "Thing" of yours Okay?"
Jason affectionately called C.B. "Drinker" due to the fact that C.B. was an exact double in his physical appearance to the late nineteenth century paleontological genius Edward Drinker Cope.All who had encountered C.B. went further to say that he also shared the late genius's abrasive personality. Jason had dealt with all types during his twenty year service in the Marine Corps.
He saw that beneath C.B.'s aggressive and defiant exterior was a man very much afraid of failing.
C.B. shouted back,
"I mean now Cap!" "This is extremely important or I wouldn't have taken the trouble of calling you!"
Jason in a partially raised voice of his own spoke back irritably,
"Okay Okay!" Just give me a minute will you?"
But all he heard at the other end was a dial tone. Jason was angry at what had been unusually rude behavior even for C.B. but there had also been an undertone of urgency in his friend's voice that spurred Jason into hurriedly getting dressed and heading for C.B.'s home. Jason arrived at C.B.'s remote home an hour later. C.B.'s modest one story house was located twenty miles outside of town in a densely wooded area. C.B. was not poor by any means but he did not spend his money lavishly either. "Besides." He would always say to Jason, "Why spend a whole lot of money on a big house when most of my time is spent outdoors anyway?" "I only come in to organize my finds and to sometimes eat." Jason shook his head in disdain at the old house that badly needed painting as he politely knocked on C.B.'s front screen door that was never locked. Getting no answer Jason opened the front door and walked carefully inside. He had to step carefully through the dark unlit living room so as not to crush any of the hundreds of neatly arranged fossils that lay everywhere on the living room floor. Jason had been in this house almost as many times as C.B. had over the years and was by now familiar with the best path to take in the direction of C.B.'s dinning room where he knew C.B. would be waiting for him.C.B.'s hallway was also similarly choked with carefully arranged fossils except that at least it was lit. Jason carefully followed it down and turned to his left at the end where the dimly lit dinning room was located. Upon entry Jason saw C.B. quietly staring at a solitary package in the center his otherwise empty dinning room table. C.B. suddenly looked up upon Jason's entry and then just as suddenly looked back down at his wrist watch with a stern frown. As he sarcastically said, "Well, I'm so glad you could finally find the time to make it over here!" Jason looked slowly around at the orderly clutter that was in every room visible except this one empty dinning room and came back witha quiet statement, "I can see why you never got married Drinker." Jason then focused his gaze back on C.B. "Tell me Drinker, Just what am I doing here in this dinosaur mausoleum at this ungodly hour?" Jason started to yawn but stifled it with C.B.'s dramatic gesture toward the single 4"x4"x10" package marked "FRAGILE" in the middle ofhis dinning room table as he said, "I have brought you here Cap to witness an anomaly to all established facts ofmodernPaleontology." "But First I'll need your vow of silence before I can allow you to lay eyes on what you are about to see." Jason having known C.B. almost his entire life was now accustomed to the man's usual theatrical behavior. Expecting nothing more than a fragmentary relic to one of the small shrew –like creatures that flourished during that time period, Jason tiredly yawned as he nodded his acceptance to C.B.'s vow of silence. He wondered absently why C.B. felt the need to pack the usual tiny fossils in a package that could hold a medium sized cat. As if C.B. had sensed Jason's last thought, C.B. roughly pushed the package toward Jason such that Jason was cut off in mid yawn as he had to stop the Speeding package. C.B. just as roughly commanded Jason, "Open It!"Jason carefully complied as he gently undid the wrappings. Jason's eyes widened in surprise as he uncovered the mid section of what appeared to be a coelosaur upper leg bone since as far as he knew all dinosaurs were alleged to have gone extinct at this time period. Jason froze in astonishment once he had completely removed all of the wrappings to the fossil. Speechless with disbelief, He alternately looked at C.B. who seemed to be standing there waiting patiently for a conclusion on Jason's part and then back at the amazing fossil before him.Many thoughts raced through Jason's mind. Most prominent were the possibility of a hoax or an elaborate prank but he was quickly able to dismiss these thoughts with the obvious authenticity of the fossil's condition. He then had to grapple with the implications that went with the fossil being for real. Jason was barely able to speak and stuttered his first question to C.B. , "Has…Has… This fossil been dated yet?" "I..I mean , is it contemporary with the K-T event?"C.B. just stood there in silence as Jason wiped the perspiration from his forehead from his tense excitement. Jason looked back at the fossil for a closer examination.Speaking mostly to himself while he examined the fossil femur further Jason said, "This appears to be some sort of advanced Dromosaur.." Jason looked up at C.B. with astonished disbelief as he concluded, "But one that had walked as erect as you or I now do." Still getting no response from C.B. Jason frowned slightly as he carefully turned the fossil over furtively glancing in C.B.'s direction as he added, "This fossil was badly scorched." "The burn characteristics indicate that its owner was either alive or dead a very short time when the flames had engulfed its body."Jason took a long look at the femur before he said, "The only other thing I can conclude from this amazing fossil is that its owner stood somewhere between four or five feet in height when it was alive." Jason looked directly at C.B. as he proceeded to repackage the fossil. "I take it that this is your only specimen for the moment?"Jason went on before C.B. could answer him, "You don't suppose Drinker that this individual was contemporary with the K-T event do you?" Jason upon hearing C.B. draw an exasperated breath braced himself for another verbal onslaught from C.B.C.B. replied, "Suppose, Suppose, Suppose !" "That is all one can do with just one fragmentary fossil!" C.B. with his hands thrust into his pockets was now pacing the room in his frustration. Finally he waved his arm in a wide exasperated arc as he once again faced Jason, "I have had you along with the rest of my team comb the entire area for more fossils related to this specimen until we have practically turned the area upside down, but all we keep coming across are more teeth and jaws of those prehistoric shrews!" C.B. waved both his hands with his increased frustration as he almost shouted, "There's got to be more fossils out there of this same type creature somewhere, but the problem is where to look Cap!"Jason shook his head in understanding as he looked once more at the scorched fossil. Once again he was momentarily overwhelmed by the implications of the fossil as he said, "I certainly agree with you Drinker." "This was obviously some kind of advanced coelosaur but there isn't much more that can be concluded than that from just this one fossil."C.B. with his chin up in a defiant pose argumentatively responded, "I beg to differ with you on that Cap!" He suddenly became animated as he lectured, "I have every reason to believe that this creature evolved from some common ancestor related to the Stenonychosaurus as was proposed by Dr. Dale Russell back in the early eighties.""You remember his Dinosauroid don't you?" C.B. took the package from Jason and carefully removed the fossil from it as he pointed to its joints. "See the scars where the muscles were once attached to the two joints on this specimen Cap?"Jason nodded his affirmative as C.B. asked him, "What do they tell you?" Jason spread his hands as he replied, "They imply great strength in this individual's legs I would say." C.B.Countered in his exasperation, "Any amateur could have come up with that conclusion Cap!""Anyone can see that this was a powerfully built individual as far as his legs were concerned." "If I could project the rest of this individual's strength in proportion to that in his legs, He would have possessed a physical strength equal to twice that of an average present day human of the same size." "But Cap, As usual you seem to have missed the finer points with respect to the characteristics of this fossil." Jason had long ago become accustomed to C.B.'s abrasive manner and just patiently waited for C.B. to state his idea. C.B. brought the fossil closer to Jason's vision as he said, "See here Cap?" "In spite of our late hero's impressive physique, you'll notice that the wear patterns on these joints do not correspond to those of an individual that would have had to hunt and forage for a living." Jason replied in amazement as he recognized the truth in C.B.'s statement. "They are very similar to the wear patterns that would be found on contemporary sedentary people in our own time!" C.B. spoke with an excited force, "That's Right Cap!" He then brought his face within inches of Jason's as he said almost inaudibly, "Even with just this small amount of evidence before me Cap, I can boldly state that not only did this individual live to witness the impact event" C.B. paused for dramatic effect and then quietly said, "I believe that he was well aware of its coming long before the impact took place!" C.B. DESCRIBES A HOMOSAUR.
04/16/2006 00:00:00
 Jim  Easter Sunday
Eggs and bunnys
04/14/2006 00:00:00
 Jim  Mothers Day
Good One to ya Mom
04/10/2006 04:15:18
 Jim  Fema Trailers - I have some news
When we were traveling from Florida to Missouri over a month ago, we noticed these trucks pulling Fema trailers.
We had to notice them!!!
They were being pulled by anything thing that could pull them, at speeds up to MPH.
I had heard, from people in Mississippi, that the drivers were being paid $250 a trailer to pull them. The reason F350's and Dodge trucks got by with pulling them is that DOT relaxed its regs on log books, licensing, and states ignored the vehicles. So, anyone could haul the trailers.
The drivers pulling them were making up to $5 a mile!
I've also found out that FEMA paid around $40,000 a trailer (they're equipped with furniture, even microwave ovens).
10,000 trailers are in a lot in Hope, Alabama, where they sit, 8" apart.
The dirt is soft, and they leaning on each other. The frames are warped now because of no pad.
If any of this is true, who do I have to blow to start pulling them!!!
04/09/2006 21:47:30
 Jim  We went to Sam’s Club - And Danced
It's amazing just how many people take living for granted, and how few don't. =)
Becky and I were enjoying the free food at the sample stations, and loading up our cart with all sorts of useless items.
Then somebody turned up a demo stereo with Sinatra like music on it.
I grabbed Becky's hand and we began waltzing in the canned vegetable isle. 
A clerk giving out free samples agged a couple on and they started to dance.
For maybe 20 seconds, the 5 of us, with smiles on our faces, let our guards down long enough to enjoy life.
It was beautiful.
04/07/2006 18:38:12
 Jim  We ordered Jennifer a new bicycle this morning
This should be fun. Hopefully she'll get it on time!
04/05/2006 12:27:15
 robert  the 90’s how i miss them
Anybody under the age of 15 should not read this, and if you should, you should not repost this. Just because you were born in '92 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three conscious years of the nineties just wont cut it.

Why? Well...

You're a 90's kid if:

You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCH!"

You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air"

You remember when Kurt Cobain, Tu Pac, River Phoenix, and Selena died.

You know that "Whoa!" comes from Joey from "Blossom" and that "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie from "Full House"

You remember when it was actually worth getting up early
on Saturday to watch cartoons.

You got excited when it was Oregon Trail day at school.

You got a new "Goosebumps" book every month.

You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, wax off"

You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.

You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.

You danced to "wannabe" by the Spice Girls, and...

...females had a new motto, and males got a whole lot gayer.

You remember the craze and subsequent banning of slap bracelets and slam books.

You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence... Not!

You played "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" at school and then went home to watch it on TV.

Captain Planet. Enough said.

You knew that Kimberly, the Pink Ranger, and Tommy, the Red Ranger, were meant to be together.

To the last sentence you said "Hey, Tommy was the green* ranger!"

Then you said "And he was the White Ranger!"

When playing Power Rangers with friends, you fought over who got to be who...

...and still all ended up being Tommy

"The Console Wars" referred to Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis.

You watched Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York... and tried to pull the pranks on your "intruder" siblings.

"I've fallen and I can't get up!"

You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates

Two words... Trapper Keeper.

You ever got injured on a Slip 'n' Slide

You wore socks over leggings scrunched down

"Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black, with silver buttons, buttons, buttons, all down her back, back, back" SHE ASKED HER MOTHER MOTHER MOTHER FOR FIFTY CENTS CENTS CENTS TO SEE THE ELEPHANTS PHANTS PHANTS JUMP OVER THE FENCE THE FENCE THE FENCE
he jumped so high high high he touched the sky sky sky and he didnt come back back back til the forth of july ly ly he jumped so low ow ow he stubbed his toe toe toe and thats the end end end of the elephants show show show

You played your tapes on a boombox.

Your favorite song was "The Right Stuff" by New Kids on the Block...

...and when Joey McIntyre was on Dancing With the Stars, you felt like he was a real celebrity.

You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The Bell"

You played and or collected "Pogs"

You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet or Nano and brought it everywhere

You watched the original Care Bears, My Little Pony, and Ninja Turtles

Yikes pencils and erasers were the stuff!

All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand.

You begged your parents for a new Beanie Baby every week.

You remember a time before the WB.

"Are You Afraid of the Dark?" was the scariest show ever.

You know the Macarena. (BPB people automatically get this one :-p)

"Talk to the hand."

You hoped Brain would finally take over the world

You always said, "Then why don't you marry it!"

You wondered why the plastic Slinky didn't make it down the stairs like the metal one.

When we were younger...

We all wanted L.A. Gear... and L.A. Lights

You weren't allowed to get British Knights (BK) shoes because they looked like gang shoes.

We rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.

Gas was $0.95 a gallon and Caller ID was a technological revolution.

We recorded stuff on VCRs & paid $3.50 for a movie.

We called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans.

2Pac and Biggie were still alive.

The Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.

We had something called The Dream Team.


The phrase "Get Over Here!!!!" means something to you.

Hide-n-Go Seek at dusk.

Red Light, Green Light.

Heads Up 7 Up.

Playing Kickball & Dodgeball until your porch light came on.


REAL Slip-n-Slides

Hula Hoops.


Annoying Nano Pets & Furbies.

When Mufasa died in The Lion King, you cried... in a movie theater.

Happy Meals where you chose a Barbie or a Hot Wheels car.

Squeeze It and CapriSun

We watched...

Saturday Morning Cartoons in your PJ's still wrapped up in your TMNT, Power Rangers, Barbie, Fairy Princess comforter.

Woody Woodpecker and Chilly Willy


Hey Arnold!


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

More specifically, Bulk and Skull and Ernie the Juice Bar guy


Garfield and Friends

Or what about:

The Secret Life of Alex Mack

Ren & Stimpy

Double Dare

Family Double Dare

Rocco's Modern Life

Aaahh! Real Monsters

Wild & Crazy Kids

Clarissa Explains it All

Salute Your Shorts ("Caaaamp Anawaaaanaaaa...")

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

The ORIGINAL cast members of All That.

More specifically, "Vital Information" with Lori Beth Denberg.


The Magic School Bus

Nick Arcade.

The Adventures of Pete and Pete.

Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Hey Dude


Pinky and the Brain.

Sailor Moon.


Hangin' With Mr. Cooper.


Bill Nye the science guy!

Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood!

Who could forget Snick?

And the original Nick @ Nite with Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Get Smart, The Facts of Life and I Love Lucy.

Where everyone wanted to be in love after watching The Wonder Years.

Nick Jr... with Face

Gullah Gullah Island

Under the Umbrella Tree

Pee-Wee's Mother-F'ing Playhouse

The Big Comfy Couch

Go back to the time when:

Kool-Aid was the drink of choice.

Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.

When Christmas was the most exciting time of year.

When $5 seemed like a million, & another dollar a miracle.

When you begged to go to McDonalds for dinner everyday.

When Toys R Us was cooler than the mall.

Decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-moe'.

Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming 'do over!'

'Race issue' ment arguing about who ran the fastest.

Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly.

It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.

Being "old" referred to anyone over 20.

A chance to skate as a couple at the local roller rink was like winning the lottery.

Scrapes & bruises were kissed & made better.

Where the best form of protection was "circle circle dot dot now I've got my cootie shot, circle circle square square now I've got it everywhere"

It was a big deal to finally be tall enought to ride the 'big people' rides at the fair.

When playing Nintendo was the hardest thing ever.

When Ninja Turtles ruled the world.
Who'd have thought you'd miss the 90s so much?

04/03/2006 04:06:04
 Jim  I just fixed the log entries to use your PC’s time
One line of code. hmmm.
I'm going to miss programming. Another end of an era.
Even though I'm still very very good at writing code in several languages, I can't do it. I don't know the stupid lingo.
That's what happens when you work in a vacuum.
Sonny was talking about how he took a valve off with a 380.
I asked him what a 380 was. He said it was a big pair of channel locks. I asked him why he didn't just say that? He said, cause he calls it a 380.
My point here is, that most people know what a channel lock is. They know its a big pair of pliers.
By Sonny using the lingo of 380 to describe a pair of channel locks, he alienated his audience, me, all for the sake of sounding like an expert.
And that, is what programming has done. It's alienated me with its stupid lingo.
An example of insane lingo in programming: If variable = "" Then ...
Now, programming lingo calls this a conditional statement. I call it an If statement.
Next year the lingo might call this a expressionate. I'd still call it an If statement.
Who would you rather talk to, someone that knows the lingo, or me?
If I wrote a manual on programming, it would be very precise, and compact.
It wouldn't be as beefy as the books you buy at Amazon...ya know, those 5,000 page monsters that would take a year to read.
04/01/2006 00:00:00
 Jim  April Fools Day
Look out!
03/31/2006 11:11:51
 Jim  Happy 50th BDAY!!!

It's my BIG 50. I'm 50 cents short of a dollar today.
Strange, how I don't feel like an old fart at all.
03/31/2006 08:51:17
 Jim  We watched the Great Kongster the other night.

It was pretty cool.
He kind of looks like me in the morning, doesn't he?
03/31/2006 08:46:42
 Jim  I was right about the life of LVDude.
The technology I've added to this site is being developed elsewhere.
- The flexible menu exists in the Google Toolbar.
- The multiple search engine feature exists in Firefox.
- Its just a matter of time before easier ad placing follows suit.
Then there's the question of why my site doesn't show up in the search engines. Crap blog entries from other sites show up  before my site gets listed. I've read the Page Rankings formula. I followed its procedures. Still nothing.

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