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03/31/2006 11:11:51
 Jim  Happy 50th BDAY!!!

It's my BIG 50. I'm 50 cents short of a dollar today.
Strange, how I don't feel like an old fart at all.
03/31/2006 08:51:17
 Jim  We watched the Great Kongster the other night.

It was pretty cool.
He kind of looks like me in the morning, doesn't he?
03/31/2006 08:46:42
 Jim  I was right about the life of LVDude.
The technology I've added to this site is being developed elsewhere.
- The flexible menu exists in the Google Toolbar.
- The multiple search engine feature exists in Firefox.
- Its just a matter of time before easier ad placing follows suit.
Then there's the question of why my site doesn't show up in the search engines. Crap blog entries from other sites show up  before my site gets listed. I've read the Page Rankings formula. I followed its procedures. Still nothing.
03/26/2006 16:59:11
 Jim  Condo: Items Needed
Stove: $150
Refrigerator: $400
Curtains: $200
Genie Garage Opener: $159.98
Front Door: $150
Closet Doors: $250
03/26/2006 02:12:04
 Jim  I should mention...
The travelling notary public that we saw was twenty four, pulling down more money than I did in programming.
It takes about 1 week to study the material. In some states, you simply just sign a piece of paper and pay a fee.
You can make $100,000 a year these days, doing loans. Its a very good business.
03/26/2006 02:09:54
 Jim  The house is refinanced.
What to do now? Hmmm.
In this life, I'm in a never ending delusion of control and its all good.
03/20/2006 13:19:52
 Jim  Truck Driving - Company Notes
+ Heartland Express - Pay is around 44 cents a mile. Home every week. Good things
+ Barr-Nunn - Pay is around 47 cents a mile. Home every week. Good things.
+ Knight Transportation - Pay is good. Home every week.
+ Averitte Express - Good Pay. Home every week.
+ FeEx - Decent Pay. Home every week.
+ UPS - hmmm. Good Pay. Home every week.
- CFI - Low Pay. Home every month.
- CR England - Very Low Pay. Home every month.
- Swift - Low Pay. BiMonthly
- Ozark - Home Bimonthly.
- Werner - Medium Pay. Bimonthly.
02/14/2006 09:57:02
 Jim  Truck driving is calling me.
I've been noticing the truck drivers along the way.
Many are older, male, caucasion. Some are couples.
Though they are professional drivers, many of them aren't paying attention.
A lot of them drive while on the cell phone.
It looks like there's plenty of room to be the best in this field.
Yesterday, we watched two movies coming from Oklahoma City.
It makes the time fly by.
Its easy to pay attention, because most of the time, I'd just be listenning to the movie.
We have surround sound in the truck.
I think my plan will be
- Get a CDL. After being in Missippi and talking to these guys, I know it isn't rocket science.
- Buy a truck outright.
- I want 500hp, 70"s headroom, Laptop station, GPS. It just makes sense.
- A rear view cam and an approximity monitor would be a good, cheap investment too.
One of the things I did right after deciding my Programming career
Was to investigate what was needed to become the best. Taking typing and accounting seemed obvious.
The same thing should be true with driving.
I think at this stage of life, I just want to fade away. I don't want power, advancement, or any of the things I wanted when I was younger. I just want back some of the life I missed while being a cube dweller.
02/11/2006 11:57:14
 Jim  We never got that close to the Gators
Those lazy guys can move FAST! They take minutes to:
1 - realize a hot dog hit them.
2 - realize its food.
3 - turn their head to grab it. They have to roll their body to get something off the ground.
     One grabbed a hot dog and got 3 pounds of dirt and algae with it. He ate it all!
02/03/2006 18:58:13
 renee  hehe
those aligaters were not mean?
02/03/2006 18:57:18
 renee  hello
thats cool well i hope you guys have a great time i miss you both alot !! yes i do remember you saying that about your cell phones thats cool ill make some time to call you both soon k i love the both of you very much  ill keep you both in my prayers k . thats a good thing you guys are ok !!! ill right you both some more i have to put this in my favorites ok .  so i wont have to type it out every time!!  God bless the both  of you !!!!!!
01/29/2006 09:19:31
 Becky  Hi Renee
How are you doing? Jim and I are doing fine.
We saw three gators behind our apartment. Jim fed them some hot dogs. lol. They are so lazy. All they do is lay in the water and sleep.
Jim's website is about done. It looks great. We added more of Sunset's, most of the places here in Florida.
Last week we went outside barefooted onto the grass that was a big mistake.
We got stung by some kinda of sticker plant. OUCH!!!!. It stopped hurting and went away in three day's. It was so weird though. We couldn't hardly walk on are feet. I'm glad that it's gone now (lol). How silly we are.
Renee you, Jennifer, Dustin can call us anytime on our cell phones. It's FREE!!!!!!!.
We are going to visit some friend's of Jim's in Mississppi.
It was good to hear from you. We miss you lot's. (Hugs kisses) to all of you.

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