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11/05/2005 03:27:19
 Robert  hey people and family lol.
Hey peeps Renee I love your spelling lol reminds me of someone we both know (Mom) lol hahaha and jim things wont get any (worsser) lol lmbo. hahaha anyways today was a good day at work just cruised around town picked scissor lifts and skip loaders up what a fun nice day weather is great down here still hasnt gotten cold enough to wear a jacket but just a bit nipply lol. well love (U-ins) lol which is you all plus 3 thats what that is lol lmbo hahaha
11/05/2005 00:00:19
 renee  lol
ya go live on a boat lol man!
11/04/2005 23:53:21
 renee  ok,
 well i did what you told me but the pis i got off your sight like the ocean and  bird thing is still on there its only shoing haf evry time? i proble did some thing but i dont know what ?
11/04/2005 23:49:39
 renee  wow
kool for what place are you geting an inter veiw  im going to see what i can do with the information you gave me for the desk top ill be right back
11/04/2005 22:51:11
 renee  10 o clock ther
wow late are you both up?


11/04/2005 20:47:14
 Jim  We don’t have any problems right now.
Life is good! I've got an interview coming up, and severally really great prospects in mind.
The way i figer it, i kant doo any worsser than wat i jest dun.
11/04/2005 20:42:41
 Jim  Right click your desktop
Select Properties, Desktop, and click on something like Autumn. Thats a nice one. In position, select Stretch.

11/04/2005 20:33:23
 renee  k
dinner time ill be back!
11/04/2005 20:32:35
 renee  sorry
im haveing trouble i was looking at your pics and i chose one as desk top and then i dont know what happend? so i have no idea how to fix it theres three in one pic small and big  man but not as proble as big as your problem myn i just cant quit i have to try to fix it i dont know what to to paul even looked at it he dont know what to do ? would you?
11/04/2005 20:28:31
 renee  jim
wow thats crazy!
11/04/2005 20:19:51
 Jim it just me
Or am I the only person around that's ridden in a laundramat's clothes dryer (on fluff dry of course).
You can't do it on the cotton setting, that would be bad...
11/04/2005 20:18:03
 Jim  They were terrible Renee.
I apologized for just about everything I did there.
I'm sorry I came in early. I'm sorry I'm late on this assignment. I'm sorry I turned in my resignation in the afternoon and not in the morning,....on and on.
I bought these guys 2 large pizza's as my going away present to them.
I wanted to see if any of these people had manners enough to come by my cube and say thanks.
One manager thinks eating animal by-products (cheese) is wrong, another doesn't eat pizza, another said "hmmph".
One programmer can't have cheese because of IBS, Mikey is on a diet.
Three programmers came by my cube to say thankyou.
Another programmer called me on my cell phone, and we're doing lunch.
I told two of these people that I'd contact them if something good came up.
The whole time I was there, I met one manager, and we didn't get along.
She cost me $120 too with her complaining. I spent 12 hours on a project and got reprimanded. I didn't bill for the time she complained about. However, this other fellow and I spent more time on a very simular project, and we were told - great job. That was the proof I needed  I was being picked on. , maybe it was because I came in early the first day.
- All of the other managers would walk by me and look away. I noticed they did that to everybody.
I may never know why these people acted the way that they did.
All I know is, I'm glad I'm out of that place.
--- There I go, turning the page, and ending another chapter. We're on to the next chapter in our lives.  ---
11/04/2005 19:25:07
 renee  wow
what happen were they not thankful?
11/04/2005 19:17:25
 Jim  Hey, guys.... :)
You can change what you've typed in by clicking the Blue edit button...
But you have to register and sign in.

You don't have to register every time you come here. But you may have to logon.
Sailing Swans
I quit my job we may be hitting the road soon. If we move to Tampa, we're gonna live on a boat!!!

11/04/2005 14:55:59
 renee  k
same to you mom love ya
11/04/2005 14:11:39
 becky  Renee
We are doing fine. It's cloudy today. It was good
to see Dustin on here. Well sweetie I will wright
back later. I hope your letter get's here this time.

Love all you
11/04/2005 14:10:47
 renee  mom
are you on still
11/04/2005 14:08:59
 renee  mom
Jesus loves you!
11/04/2005 14:06:55
 renee  thank you
thank you mom  ill send it to you as soon as posible hoope i get to see

you soon

11/04/2005 14:05:41
 renee  hey
how are you and jim
11/04/2005 14:05:35
 becky  Apartment

11/04/2005 14:01:35
 renee  mom
wow alredy 2 there wow
11/04/2005 14:00:56
 renee  o
11/04/2005 14:00:18
 renee  kool
ill see what i can get some time

not now though oh mom whats your aprtment number? i need it we got the leter back  no apartment number


11/04/2005 14:00:01
 becky  Renee
I love you too.
11/04/2005 13:57:52
 renee  hey
love you mom


11/04/2005 13:52:36
 becky  LOL
Oops I put talk twice LOL.

11/04/2005 13:51:39
 becky  Work
He usaually get's home by 6pm. Yeah it's nice to talk to talk to you too.
11/04/2005 13:49:44
 becky  Animation
You go to www. It will have all
kind's of picture's you right click on the picture
then in the box you copy then go back to guest
logs then right click again then it will say paste.

Your Picture will come on.

11/04/2005 13:04:11
 renee  hi
hi mom  did you eat lunch yet


11/04/2005 12:35:04
 becky  Hi
Hi Dustin
Jim is at work. We got rain 2 day's ago.
it's 12:32 here. I love you & Jennifer very
much too. We miss you too. Florida is so
pretty it's all green.

Love ya Lot's

11/04/2005 12:26:25
 Guest  test test
are they realy mean there ?
11/04/2005 12:25:09
 Guest  love ya
jinnifer will right you when she gets back from school! well ill keep my my computer on this tell you right to me k i love you ill be on the cumputer alot to day! wating for you mabe we can get a full conversaion in some how lol
11/04/2005 12:22:48
 Guest  this is from dustin
hi mom hi jim ! how you doing to day? i  miss you both very much ! holloween was great! you should of seen how much candy i got! also my  birthday is coming up, and i was hopeing you could mail me a present;) ! if you cant you can just send me a letter ! remember God loves you! and you should love him to! for in God you can do any thing!love Dustin P.S hows it in florida? do you get alot of rain?i love you both very much! and i pray that you would be safe!  

11/04/2005 12:15:38
 Renee  mom or jim
are you on its about lunch time there does time fly there or what?


11/04/2005 12:13:41
 Renee  pizzia
Hey i want some pizza lol! thank you i like your site its cool!

11/04/2005 11:34:25
 becky  Pizza YUM

I Wish I could have some.
That's ok I was thinking of
walking to mose for lunch

Love Ya

11/04/2005 10:22:46
 Jim  Now this is a test...this is only a test...
I'm buying two large pizza's today for everyone here. I want to see if anyone has enough manners to say thank you.
11/04/2005 05:40:42
 Jim  If I get the job in St Petersburg, Becky and I mig
We talked about that tonight and it sounds like a great idea. They don't cost about as much as an apartment does.
11/04/2005 05:23:33
 Jim  For anyone who doesn’t know it yet
Today is my last day on this job.
I told them to Take This Job and Shove It (that's a joke).
No, seriously though, it just wasn't the right spot for me.

11/04/2005 03:23:20
 Jim  Renee.
I threw a pic of yours in your log and left you a note in your log.
Welcome To This Site !!!
11/04/2005 01:08:32
 renee  hey robert
hey robert well its so nice to see you agian how was work i will try to tell my friends about this site and there parents so it will get around good idea huh?
11/04/2005 01:06:31
 renee  im here
i realy like you web site you all are proble sleeping   lol  thank you so much for letting me know about this  jim and mom
11/04/2005 01:02:59
 renee  hello
hey i love those cute little pics i printed them out hehe im on are you lol
11/03/2005 19:44:25
 becky  Hey Renee
Just got back home. Went out to dinner at Macaronees.
Are you online? What do you think of Jim's website?
Tell Jennifer & Dustin that I love them.

11/03/2005 19:25:21
 renee  hello
ok well im here mom what are you doing?
11/03/2005 19:18:22
 Guest  mom
hey mom are you on



11/03/2005 17:42:39
 Guest  i love you both
renee loves jim and beky very much!
11/03/2005 17:41:14
 Guest  love you
its renee i found out kool when will you be on ill keep this on at all times so just right me this is kool thank you for telling me about this ! 
11/03/2005 17:39:24
 Guest  hello
hey mom are you there?


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