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<< 10/2004 < 09/2005 Calendar 11/2005 > 10/2006 >>Sign InView Other Logs
10/21/2005 11:50:43
 becky  I’m Back
What would you like for lunch?
10/21/2005 11:38:15
 becky  Yeah Babe
This is such a cool website. I'm going to take
2 trash bag's down to the dumpster. I will be
back before you come home for lunch.

 Love Ya
10/21/2005 11:20:49
 lvdude  We’re Rockin In The Free World Babe!!!
Ain't this kind of a BLAST!!!
Beats the crappola I'm doing here.

10/21/2005 10:48:22
 becky  Hi Babe
It felt good to saok in the bathtub. Thank's for your help.

         Love You Lot's Too

10/21/2005 10:20:42
 lvdude  I’ll be coming home for lunch sweetie!!!


10/21/2005 10:19:55
 lvdude get "Call Becky" to drop down under the
Click just before the C in  Call Becky (right next to the picture) and press SHIFT ENTER.
I can't change the way that part works.
10/21/2005 10:05:44
 becky  Hey Babe
Will you be coming home for lunch?


10/21/2005 10:01:47
 becky  Hi
Hey babe I just went down stair's to put
the mail in the mail box. I'm going to take
a bath now.

          Love Becky
10/21/2005 08:57:11
 Jim’s it going?
Are you there babe?
10/21/2005 08:03:15
 lvjim  Just to show how easy this site is to use.
I set up a make believe Flower Shop in 10 minutes.
Any flower shop could easily place ads on their site for commercial purposes.
Check out

10/21/2005 07:28:08
 lvjim  Right now, this site could be used for several app
With a few modifications, this site could be used for:
- Corporate news
- Personal Ads

- Commercial Sales
- Local Ads
- Auto Dealerships
- Even Florist Shops could use a site like this.
I believe, at no other place on the web, do you find the following:
- Link Sharing capabilities. (Try emailing your favorites list to somebody some time).
- The ability to enter an ad with one click.
- The ability to copy and paste into any ad.
- The ability to copy and paste into you blog.
Check it out...see if I'm making this up.

10/21/2005 07:19:55
 lvjim  I’m losing sight of what to do here.
I'm thinking the easiest way to make some money off of this site is to scale it down.
It could be easily tailored to any Car Dealership in less than a week.
The main thing was, to get all the kinks out of it before I started cloning this model.
What Mikey showed me the other day was a terrible thing. The Ad Headings not showing on the site.
After all, Ads are the whole point of this site.
If I could just sell one site, for $100 a month, to just one car dealership, this site would pay for itself.
If I could sell 100, we'd be rich.
But it won't happen unless I work hard at it.
What would be really really sad, would be if we never made $1 off of it.
10/20/2005 19:29:42
 becky  Hey There Babe
10/20/2005 08:14:14
 Jim  In 800x600 resolution, you can’t see all of the LV
if you have a folders or favorites displayed next with your explorer.
09/23/2005 08:18:34
 Guest  This is SAE
Jimmy - Call me
If you get into Orlando before 5:20 PM, call me at 407-551-1333 (my work number).
If not, call me on my cellulite phone.
I am so anxious to see you and Ms. R.
I want to get a workout in tonight, but will settle for a short stationary bike ride at the hotel next door to our Extended Stay, which closes at 11pm.

So, I can do that in the 10 o'clock hour.
But how about din-din first.

I have been wanting to try this one place, or we can go to one of many good places around the area (no, not 51).
Desk pickup..
Jimmy... You have any room in the back of your truck? For one of those upright computer hutches/desks?
I bought one from Freddy, and got to pick it up from his wife Saturday at noon.
Freddy is the Base 24 guy who left M2 last week and is back in his native Dweebland (Canada).
Otherwise, I either have to break down the desk at their place (they are moving out of an apartment, about 1/2 mile down the road from our Camden)
to fit into me trunk or rent a van for the day to store it in my storage unit.
You're kinda kooky...
Some of your obversations are so funny. But I love them. 

<< 10/2004 < 09/2005 Calendar 11/2005 > 10/2006 >>Sign InView Other Logs